. ."gr -.C ES 9c* O FFp l r [ E R E I
Ani~rctic Explcrations, Lecture
Subject Given. to Graduate
Students, Faculty.
Lib'lary of Congress Classifying
hs Among Special Subjects
Contained in 'Session.
Much Second-YFear Work Listed,
11 cludmi Seminar in
The 1932 Sumumer Session in li-
~bra*' sdience will offer a variety
Sof courss Dr. W. W. Bishop, librar-
t an, said yesterday.
SMargaret Mann, associate profes-
sor of library science, will give the
Sfist-semecster elementary course in
Scataloging and classiication. Ad-
Svanced cataloging and Library of
&'ongrss classification will be giv-
en by R. FLI Gjesness, former as-
sistant University libarian, and
now chief of t:(oir)+ rations di-
i vision of the New ork Public Li-
To Teach Reference.
&~S W. McAllister, associate librar-
Sian, will teach the course in refer-
'ence work and bibliography, whil
Mrs. Vera S. Cooper, librarian o
DePauw University, will return tc
Srepeat this summer the work sh
Sgave last summer in book selectior
and yin library administration.
Edith Thomas, in charge of l-
''bra~y extension,- wll give th
course in care and use of ephemr-
ai mnxierial, ~nd Letitia McQuillan
librarian ofIKingswod s c h o o 1
Cranbrook, will repeat the coure
inw school library work for teacher-
librarians v, ich she has given far
thlast two semesters.
Second Year Corss.
In atdl'ion to advanced catalog-
ing n~dlibrary of Congress classi-
fiatio, the following second-yea
courses will be offered: -nationa.
and regional bibliography, semina
in 'special administrative and bibli-
ographical p r o b 1 e in s, and tw
courses, offered by C. B. Shaw, li-
brariani of Swarthmore College-a
iseminar in college library adminis-
tra len, and bibliogaphy of Englis
lhistor~ and literature.
¢Unriversit Transportation Club
Will Hear Economics
Prof essor\
"Transitionin #,Transportation"
w v;l be .the title of the address whic
Prof. Shorey Peterson of the Eco-
nompics department will deliver a
the Annual .Open Smoer of the
University Transportation Club tc
be held at 98 o'clock tonight, in
Roapm.1,215° of the E. Engineering
The main theme of the evening's
program will be progress in tas
trn-portation aiad Professor Peterson is
expected to discuss recent advance-
riets in railroads and also their
Iconditioxn during the present eco-
xomiYc crisis
i oreign transportation methods
specially will yeeive attention
where rails qxe considered, and
carryi~ng facilities throughout the
Vnited States will be brouht out
in the riscussion.
Hugh-' Hotchkiss, '32E, who is
chairman of tho program commit-
tee urged yesterday that all mm
me-bers in good standing attend this
opn smoker and a special invita\
'tibn was issued to all students in-=
', terested in any phase of transpor-
The Transportation Club is not
an engineering schlool organization.
Its memabers miiay be enrolled in any
school on campus. Refreshments
will be served. After the 'smoker a
sh'ort busines meeting of the club
will be held;
Professor Prescribes Them.
for College Students.
(Vii ' Ic, ,''z ., .'r'iC2
COLUMBIUS, Ohio, Jan. ] .-Col-
lege students should read fairy
tales, but theyr don't!
This is the opinion of Professor
Josephh R. Taylor of the depart-
ment of E.nglish. Ohio State Uni-
versity, who, believes that the stu-
dent reading diet could be better
balanced by such selections.
Student yeactions , to :fairy tales
are that tVZey are a lot of nonsense
and unreal happenings, and,, "when
such readtig ,-sulggestions are madeF
in class the ;tudnents chortle."
"A story such as Alice in Wont-
derilnd' does a student much more
Mild Local Weather
Produces Disc-_ussion
Fs!reakish ,weat'er conditions
with. the m1tidst; winter recred
in miode-rn timws have (excited
discu ssi'n and a, rumor thiatv
Prof. W-illin-U. Hobbs, Dircrtor
of the Geology Laboratory?, has
advanced scientific reaso nsfor
the current nieteorolog-i r *ca-
prices. Yesterday Prof. Hlobbs
said that the rumor is unto Tnd-
Explani An of th (existence of
the rum or ties in the:, fact~ that
Professor Hoebbs -,has recently
been interested In inestg~tions
ilii renlandE1=.wh'_ich mla y !ead to
mnethods foir predI,-cting weather
conditions far in Lie future.#
December of 1931 ill go on
rcerd as the wart-est December
(Picture of Mrs. Fortes que copyrighted by Harris an
The United States Senate lhas
ordc tred Attorney Genexal Mit i>
tions on the Island ofl av yp e se 3 : awiaheiinP -,i a d m
Joseph Khh ',Mrs :-an
v ilILI e Fortesqlue (upper N w Yr Wa h n t n lf)
eywvinadhrLieut. Thomas H.Msie(pr
right), United State. navalof-
cer, have b. en charged wit -I3 t-11
miurde.r, Kahahawai was oni; (of
have me c tried for an attack +
Mr4.ls. Thaia MS°;i", the lieut-
nlantswfin rs rteoo
daughter. % br)eak of a-4 a.e<t..
invoncinwt h fari
feared by, Honuucitize;sa k
it is "or th"is reason thatthe ioL
erment has wordda net
gationlby the rdepartment oe ,'--
Featuring.. critical literi articles °Sketch ' hr or yBr
i ..
,: j,,
#4_ rari. ate Ch.emical Engineering
! ,.udents and members of the fac-
t hld an._'oormal hncheor in
En neering bui' ding yester-
Y Piof\'William nH. Hobbs, direc-
i.of the geology laboratory, ad-I
, ' ' Fesed the group concerning Ant-
r, actic explorations.
I-refsor obb , discussed the ds
ccvedis- f the anrtarctic continent
,Q ; . aybyL. Charles Willes of the United
ttates Na vy in the year of 1840. By
(owcecea french exfleditionI
d i vvered the same continent orre!
nd Ewing-from ssciatCed Press) a n afltr
Tn the course o the past century
dispute has arisen as to whether an
E American or a Frenchman deserves
credit for this greatest discovery of
r2odern times. Professor Hobbs
poinflted out that in as much as
L"ieutenant Wilkies actually mapped
out part of the coastline and be-
_ cause he actually arrived ist that
$; ~all credit for the achievement'
4 ~sho ald rest with him.
lter the discovery had been an-,
r.,pu iced the continent was namedI
"Wilkeslanxd" and was recorded as}
s..~.s.*..s..suchx on many maps. however
S r . £rcn and British authorities were
y. reluctant to place the new land on
their maps under such nomenela-c
Professor Hobbs concluded with'
h1 belef that Wilkes will receive_
c' edit for his great work in time to
' ome b1'c _au rse recently reports have1
f r ~~been ma7-:de by British leaders which
Mnd ic confirmation of the gen-
- . Icralvfcw held regarding the true
A~sSOCt,~ ~s£,~t finder of the Antarctic continent.
T1he -lnncheons of the chemical
1, 1, T Q=F egineering graduate students with
r ~ the faculty members are held in an
L - 'ornral ianner upon the "pot-
II U 'principle. Yesterday more
60 were present.
LatonWill Give Third
Is Give:=nf.fer L Ii:vei: ity French L.ect ure Toda~
Aenon ado"L'Anglais dans la Litterature
in hidltry and at
uary is setting an
for mildness.
rewent Jan-
by both students an-d imen iand
women in the literary world, Pro-
cession, quarterly magazine edited
by Harold Courlander, Peter Ruth- I
yen. and Derek Fox will continue itsy
sale today in the lobby of Angell
hall and other points on caipipus.
The issue, the second in its his- I
tory. includes poetry, essays, art
and critical material by students as
well as by men and women of the
literary world.
A discussion on Ernest Heming-
way by Gorham B. Munson is one
of the critical essays contained in
the issue as is "Notes on W" (Viva)
by Walter Donnelly. The latter is
in the nature of a review. "Fer-
nand Leger: An Estimate" by John
Becker is another ar-ticle along
this line being a discussion on the
famous cubist epainter and some-
timhe photographer and ,draughts-
man. Photographs of two of Leg-
er's works are also printued.
An essay on' "Character and.
Composition" by William J. Gor-
man, music critic for the Daily and
Hopwood prize winner last year is
one of the two discussions on liter-
ature and. music. TIhe other,. a
treatment on "The Negro in Amer-
ican Music" by Carl G-ehring, com-
poser, completes the essays and cri-
tical comments.
barn Gibbs. is a~hrfaueo
are intersper--ed thr-ough;;ou?;tel:,
publication, thePy big"pi
H e nry Ramse.y, "In Paieof
Stones" by Me rle Elsworth, '.' h(
out, Death"by Mark TtvcbyJfifl,[?and
a"Youth" Z~by te am athrYvor-
lw, Summer" by- EuniChiKgav
and "Ascension" by L1o urt.
Besides the tww or 3by Lg
a phoc raph of «anI"Afrin Mp.
? is? incuedi.w
as Companies 0uarrel
ST. LOU,,IS, Jan.ll.-(9--h
large residential sections ,of EA.
Louais lost their stireet ligh-ts ter.
porarily duing a controversy be-.
twen old afid new holders 0.' main-
tenance contracts.
To: restore 5,000 lamps to service
after the previous holder oflthe
.contract had di smantled th-em, t ne
entire personnel of the department
of public utilities toiled throughi
the night installinnw mantles,
Legal action ws (commen('2 cd to
de'termine the rghsand;obigaL, -
tions of the parties t,, the dispunte.
Rough. Play and TMany'ie'ia iTalk
Mar 7 to 2 Victory of i
Firemen Cdsmb Local Buildings
as First Measure of Town
Prevention Week.
Sixty trained fire inspect'ors un-
der the direc tion of the M'ichigan
State Fire Prevention 1 ':ociation
will make an inspection tour of1
Ann Arbor churches, garages, hos-
pitals,'factories and business houses
this turning as the first itemr on
the fire prevention program being
sponsored by the board of fire comn-
sioners and the local fire depart-
At a luncheon in the Chamber of
Commerce building today noonj
Richard E. Vernor, manager of the
fire prevention department of the
Western Actuarial bureau, Chicago,
and actively engaged in fire preven-
tion work throuLghout the Middle
West, will speak> on methods of pro-
Mf. Vernor will also speak to
pupils of the Ann Arbor and Uni-
:versity high schools, while Harry K.
Rogers, known' as "Smoky" Rogers,
from the sane bureau as Mr. Ver-
nor, will present a clown act before,
the grade-school children of the
cit. The ~act is an exceptionally
entertaining one, calculated. to in-
press simple safety truths upon the
minds of the young audience.
The aim of the campaign is to
remove. every fire hazard in Ann
Arbor. A report of all, dangerous
conditions will be submitted to the
state fire department, which will
later send instructions' for the re-
mnoval of lthe hazardous condritins.
_ajesti 7:00-9:00
: .: i
I ;
W olverine Nix. ,rugra " ; Franca ise du .VIII siecle" is the I
1 ---- subject of a lecture to be delivered
WCo-ztiTvued fr-omPage 1) The Hsia school, which is in French by Prf.John W. Eaton,
ed the end,. Haley put on a terrific ; supporte- d by the King's Daughters,' head of the German department, ,
drive in an effort to score, sending Kiwanis_, 0al': Society, and pri- at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in
menbutthegoaie ownthevat dos t ; a he ubjct f Froom 103, Romance Language build-
ill, melu h oledw h aedntos a h ujc fing. The lecture will be the third
ice. Tompkins fought them off de- jya lk by 1rf.L. . Keeed; of the; of a series that is being sponsored
spite weak support at times, and" psychology t-,rtent, yesterday by Le Cercle, Francais, honorary
Michigan cashed in on his work by after noon over the University-of- I French organization.
~priniting down the ice to s cor e -irIe~ Professor Eaton shall devote his
three more gas. lecture largely to' illustration, with
During the third canto, when Em 'Ii sbOil si rofessor Kole examnples from eighteenth century
my Reid, s k a t in g exceptionally ler, "C w, ts mebership from French literature, his belief that
hard,,evaded the entire Haley te;am I thejveIle(I tiets undergoing! the Englishman has succeeded 're-
ioa score,' thle crowd, n rberig io'i l e~tei and ranges in markably in maintaining an imdi-
,mly about GM, provided, suc'h an l,, ,,n r , viduality and independence.
____ ____COMIG SA URDA -__ ____
uproar that the officials -to 1d VZ. ju1 1y II rUI 11.1I A) Il
'he game for more than two mm-hih choL
After the game players showed
praiseworthy reserve, although the
spectators were stopped in incipi-
ent brawls by the appearance. or
police. Officials, it was understood,
disapproved of the actions of thei
,roved during and after the game.
The most serious casualty of t hr
evening was e badly wrenched leg'
suffered by Abe Bigham, Haley ~en-
uer. Bigham played out the game,
:ut on his way to the dressing room
collap'sed on t~ie stairs. He was
restored and managed to limp from
the building. Coaches said a seri--
ous muscle injury had torn svlp-
porting tissues.#
.Reid and Crossm nntook tKc
honors on offense, although in the--
first period their stellar passingj
game was held in check by Meyers,1
Haley defense,. Later in the game,
as the Haley team went farther,
down the ice, Reid and Crossman
went down on individual dashes
that drew roars from the crowd.
Captain Tompkins continued 't
play the same brand of hockey that
has made cr'itics declare that he is
of International league caliber.
In the last period Michigan show-
ed its best scoring hockey. Reid.
with thr~ee minuf~s left to go, pu-tI
on a solo act, taking the puck in
front of h-is owvn goal. His defexs
men blocked a path for him, ,ften 1
purpose of the ,;a hoojl is toI
keep rp.1 i f rorri 'thinking too
muchabou thir ilnesesProf es-
sr I : e tistalda ndto make it
possibe forchilde iitocontinue
in I eteia~the hospital.
which e o he { p-ckpdcwn thel
ice alion, Heor,;,ated the last
defns ma, ndhook, ed the disk
hIntoanunretd corner of thel
net to scor e.
SuC ma V
Crp1 '1n had previ-
in tha.,t period with a
r &D .
a _. C
_ eyr
E. zBigh_:111
~Ti'liarh, -Iaggety,
Trmo, Ken}c-d. Refe ree, F o,, of
t ,n, is ere:Crsmr
ec on,-': o:A.dhm :4)
m~d oeiid GrSsmlan '7:55),
Reid ):) i.'.
cYna.t. : C.Uunln
oe Advetsn ay?,
Here i the Activitpj Schedule of a
Michi~qn Student.
He rises In the morning, washes with agodoafrde-
tisements sa.y that it is, puts -on a well advertised Suit, eats bi~ea.k-
fast ine a well advertised spot and undcrneath .an advertised coat
I, p and ora n-nc publicly proclaimed shoes he attends classes. Here
I he ;putahes an advertsed pen o reads an equally well broa-
aed ok After* the day full of uses cf elladvertised corn
I Irnocdities he gocs"Lo sleep on mattress pronounced as worthy 4t
h1,is rest.
I IIt is tvue that advertising pays. Students a1e always oil the~ r to
purchase only those articles which can and are f ariessly prc,-es_1. to the
{ 41 market. Merchants who have something meritorious to sell should watch
I ~the college student and see how he purchases that which is pulblicly
I ~proclainied. i
,a '
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a 3
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w pr..: '..
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