13, 1932
Dean Goodnight Says 'Badger'
Annual Not Overcharging
and Mismanaged.
(Secial to The Daily)'
MADISON, Wis., Jan. 12.-Charges
of graft and mismanagement in the
,. administraton of the Wisconsin
Badger, yearbook at the University
of Wisconsin, which appeared in an
editorial in the Wisconsin Engineer
entitled "Campus Rackets" are un-
warranted and ought to be given
a decent denial, according to a
statement made by Dean of Men
Scot H. Goodnight *t the request
of Gerhard Becker, '32, business
n'anager of the annual.
The offending editorial, which
read, "Perhaps there is a reason
why former editors.and mn-nagers
blossom forth in new clothes, ex-
tended tours, an improved trans-
portation after a year's service,"
wad attackling a charge of $40 per
page made by the Badger on stu-
dent activities which wish to
appear in what is supposed to be a
representative survey of the year
at the university. The production
of this page gosts about $20, esti-
mates the engTneer-
Denying the charge,s B e c k e r
wrote Goodnight and thl editor of
the Engineer. The dean, in his
comment, pointed out faculty wit-
nessing of appropriations for salary
and bonuses, and also tle possibili-
ty of no recompense this year be-
cause of business conditions.
Columbus Experiment Shows
That Many Humans Suffer
bTaste Blindness.'
(Big Ten News Service)
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Jan. 12-Using
the recently discovered fact that
some humans are "taste blind" just
as others are color blind, scientists
at the Ohio State 4Jniversity are
seeking to unravel part of the mys-
Jtery of heredity in man. If enough
simple factors m heredity can be
found the way will be open, they
believe, to predict when a child is
born what diseases it can have and
which ones-it will be apt to escape
in late life.
Some months ago, Dr. Arthur L.
Fo , , of the du Pont laboratories,
reprted finding that certain per-
sons were unable to taste a syn-
thetic: substance known as para-
ethoxy-phenylthio-urea. Exceed-
ngly bitte&r to the tongues of those
able to .taste it, Dr. Fox found that
about 40 persons in 100 were unable
to taste it at all.
Learning of the discovery, Dr.
Laurence H. Snyder of the depart-
ment of zoology and entomology
obtained some of the compound to
investigate the possible inheritance
of this taste deficiency. So far he
has tested about 400 families with
this compound and with its first
cousin di-ortho-tolyl-thio-urea. The
former substance occurs in white
crystals and looks like sugar, while
the later resembles povidered sugar.
Sociology 51, business administra-
tion 205-Sat. Jan. 30, P.M.; classes
meeting Monday at 11 o'clock---
Mon. Feb. 1, A'Y.; Tuesday 'at 1,'
English 1, 2, education 'B20.-Mon.
Feb. 1, P.M.; Monday at 9-Tues.,
Feb. 2, A.M.; economics 51, 52, busi-
ness administration 101, music B-
1j-Tues., Feb. 2, P.M. I
Monday at 8-Wed., Feb. 3, A.M.,
Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32, speech 21, 32-
Wed., Feb.3, P.ML; Tuesday at 9-
s Thurs., Feb. 4, A.M.; German 1, 2
31, 32, business administration 161, 1
education A-1-Thurs., Feb. 4, P.M.
Tuesday at 10-Fri., Feb. 5, A.IVL;
Tuesday at 11-Fri., Feb. 5, P.M.;
Tuesday at 8-Sat., Feb. 6, A,;
Menday at 1-Sat., Feb. 6, P.M;
Tuesday at 2-Mon., Feb. 8, A.;
geography 1, 2, education C-i-
Mon., Feb. 8, P. M.
'Monday at 10-Tues., Feb. 9, A.M.;
Monday at 3-Tues., Feb. 9, P.M.;
French 1, 2, 11, 31, 32, 41, '71 11,
112, 153, 154-Wed, Fib. 10, A.M.;
Monday at 2-Wed., Feb. 10, P.M.
Psychology 31, mathematics 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, '7-Thurs.,, Feb. 11, A.M.;
political science 1, 51, 17-Thurs.,
Feb. 11, P.M.
In four fields of endeavor, Jchn
13. Ksennedy. associate editor of Col-
lier's, whp is to speak in Hill audi-
turium on Jan. 27 on the lecture
ceries of t-he Oiatorical Association,
lias won more than ordinary rec-
ognition. .
As a reporter for leading daily
ncwspapers, he established him-
.sef as a brilliant writer with an
eye for the colorful things of ifV,
and a "nose for news" that won for
him the respect of his associates.
Ac' n. i irmin li t pe inlizinL' in
Associated Press Photo
Emperor Hirohito of Japan es-
caped unharmed when an assassin
threw, a bomb at his carriage in the
streets of Tokyo. The would-be as-
sassin was arrested.
Clancy Tells >Evils of Drinking
on Students in Meeting
at Washington.
(Continued from Page 1)
hibition problem. by a devocating
a sistem of government liquor con-
trol similar to that of Ontario. The
efforts, he said, should not be con-
fined to legalization of 4 per cent
Rep. Clancy said that while he
and other residents of Detroit were
in constant f e a r of gangsters,
across the Canadian-border, "there
are no spies, no informers, no pro-
hibition agents, and no gangsters.
I feel absolutely safe in my cottage
over there,"
He said the Cahadians took care
of their "ecclesiastical racketeers
mnore roughly 'than we de here.
They smack them down. They
won't allow a little sect to run
them. The Canadians don't under-
stand how we let Bishop Cannon
and F. Scott McBride dictate toour
legislatures and the President. They.
were particularly astound when Mc-
Bride said in Canada the Anti-
Saloon League was led by God."'
Bishop James Cannon, jr.,, at-
tending t h e committee sesions,
looked up from his notebook and
smiled wvherr Rep. Clancy referred !
to him.
Age and Ill Health Is Given as
Reason for Retirement
of Veteran Justice.
(Continued from Page 1) -
his fellow justices to take hi seat
and rise after the session was over.
It was noticeable Monday that
Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes
held a firm hand on the aged jus-
tice Holmes' arm as he took his
Although his speech has at times
been halting and a cough more pro-
nounced, Justice Holmes has deliv-
cred his share of opinions in the
brief period of this term. He deliv-
ered one only Monday-his last.
Holmes' letter, submitting his
resignation to the President, said:
"In accordance with the provi-
sion of the judicial code as amend-
ed section 260 -title 28 United
States code 375, I tender my resig-
nation as justice of the Supreme
Court of the United States_ of
"The condition of my health
makes it a duty to break off con-
nections that I cannot leave with-
out deep regret after the'affection-
ate relations of many years and the
absorbing interests that have filled
my life.
"But the time has come and 'I
bow to the inevitable.
"I have nothing but kindness to
remember from you and from my
"My last word should be one of
grateful thanks.
"With great respect,
"Your obedient servant,
In a letter addressed to the aged
justice today, the President said:
"I am in receipt of your letter
of Jan. 12 tendering your resigna-
tion from the Supreme Court of the
United States. I must, of course,
accept it.
Purdue Professor Is Studying
Effect of Ozone
on Fruits.
(liq Ta ^u ws Se nc
LAFAYETTE, Ind., Jan. 12.-Five
storage room-fuls. of bright apples
are the subjects of an experiment.
which Prof. C. E. Baker of the
Purdue Horticulture Department is
conducting with the uncommon gas.
ozone. The purpose of the experi-
ment, which is the only one of its
kind being carried on in the Unit-
ed States, is to determine the value
of ozone in the preservation and
storage of apples, and its super-
iority or inferiority to the common
cold storage method. This is the
third year that the study has been
in progress.
The experimenut is based upon
the property of the gas to affect
the respiration of the apples, and/
is being conducted in cooperation
with a manufacturer of ozone gen-
erating apparatus. The concentra-
tion of ozone is only about one
part in ten million parts of air,
and because such a small amount
is needed, ninety percent of the
ozone generated is discarded with-
out ever being used.
-,Robin Hood' Will Be Presented
by Combination, of Drama,
Music Societies.
v, _
New York Sheriff
Is Asked to
Answer Charges Made by
Seabury Group.
ALBANY, N. Y.. Jan. 12.-(P)-
Gov. Franklin D. Roosevelt today
requested Thomas M. Farley, sher-
iff of New York County. under the
scrutiny of the legislative commit-
tee investigating the Democratic
administration of New York City,
to answer to the governor the
ch"r, 1s brought
aga.inst hini by
Samuel Seabury,
{ counsel for the
i n v e s t i g a ting
Seabury, w r it-
f . ing to the gover- (Continued from rage 1)
nor, declared: "I school, besides members of the gen-
Athink I am con- eral- committee Will be in charge.
servative when I Tryouts are required to have a
say that but one continuous reading of twenty lines
conclusion arises or more for dramatic exercise, and
from a perstal of all who wish to take part in the
t h i s testimony singing should have a song pre-
(that given the pared for the conmittee, it was
fRAHK OSE T committee) a n d stated by the committee in charge
that conclusion is of tryouts. Both the reading and
that Thomas M. Farley, the pres- singing selections should be chosen
ent sheriff of the County o 'eW with an eye to showing the com-
York, is unfit to hold office of sher- mittee the tryout's voice to its best
iff and that ,to permit him longer advantage.
to do so would le a grave injustice Th% choral parts of the produc-
and affront to the citizenship of ,ticn wvhich comprise some of the
-h_____utry , most popular tunes of the late
nineteenth century will be sung by
A.NDI"G LECTURER, he glee clubs with professor Mat-
tern in charge of the boy's club and
D W AR RELiEF MAN the freshman club, and Miss Nora
C. Hunt., of the music school, in
and dcoration for distinguished charge of the women's club.
service by the goNecnments ci Not only does the general excel-
France and el.ium. lence of he music provide exten-
As a radio ainouneer nd speak- ive opportunities o the orchestra
er he has a very definite Jollowing jj glee club to xercie their tal-
thrcugh his connection with Col- ents, but the lines call for a great
ler's Hour and cther New York many straight acting parts both
programs. The New York Herald- male and female, it was said.
Tribune called his five-minute talks This all campus dramatic and
"The biggest little feature on the musical ef'ort is being sponsored
air." in the hope of providing a climac-
Perhaps Mr. Kennedy's success in tic finale to the University drama-
these four fields can be traced to tic season which will combine tl?
an Trish gnectrv enrI 9thrrmih het talen nvailnble in a rensnI<P.: