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January 13, 1932 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1932-01-13

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VOL. XLII. No. 78







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Cab Rates Are Cut as,

Taxi War is Res m dD IT REPRESET TELLS
rAonMPANrWo Use Collegen

W ol v erines Revenged
By Victory Cover
Detroit Six.
Desperate Haley Drive
Stopped by Wolves'1
G o al-Tender.
By John Thomas
Fists flew an dirders that
approximated a neral free-for-
all last night marked Michigan's
hockey victory over the Haley
Athletic club of Detroit, 7 to 2.
At least'one player was injured
so badly that he fainted after the
match, and may be out of the
game for some. time, lthough he
was able to limp out of the build-
ingafhter being revived.
T lie first period endd with one
goal for each team, atugh the
Haley 9ontingent displayed a de-
cidd superiority. In the econd
period Michigan forged up to a
3 to 2 lead, when the first outbreak
600urrd 4,Dcker, HZaly left de-
>f1 se, was apparently unintentially
~ttuk by thle stick of Keith Cross-
man, Mihigan ceentr. Decker,
leaping high the ice, came down
'4e ing, nd ring Crossnan about
thefe ae nd srmsTe two players
rolled on the ice, punching, wrestl-
ing and stru ggiig touching off a
general free for-all. In a second the
crowd was wild and 25 players,
spectators and coaches were all
milling on the ice.
Throughout t h e entire period,
the battle waged, but under cover
to ~some extent. Six times men were
sent to the penalty box. The crack
Detroit outft suffering most as
Michigan shot the puck in for an-
other tally. Twice Haley played
with only four men on the ice, as
'they were barred for roughness,
hipping, body checking into the
boards, and fighting. Bythe time
the game was over, eight penalties
were chalked up.
The third period was featured by
numerous scintillating s a v e s by
Michigan's goalie, Captain J a c k
Tompkins, who played another sen-
sational game. As the match near-
(Continued on Page 2)
Late Wire Flashes
Tuesday, January 12, 1932
(By Associated Press)'
WASHINGTON -Congress again
turned its power today to the job
of putting up upon the statute
books the President's program for
the irevival of business......
SAGINAW - With m a ny state
officials in attendance, f u n e r a 1
services were held today for Joseph
W Fordney, former representative
in Congress, who died Friday.
MUSKEGON-The Grand Trunk
Western railroad announced .today
that it would start car ferry serv-
ice between Muskegon and Milwau-
kee about Apr. 15. If the interstate
conmrce commission acts in time
on a petition for joint operation,
the Pennsylvaniarrailroad will join
them in operation of the service.

MARQUETTE -Bartelmox Far-
torie, 66, trmsty on, the 'Michigan
branch prison farm, was found to-
day by guards who had searched
for him since he disappeared Mon-
day. He said he became lost in a
swamp while snaring rabbits on
the farm and had not attempted to
escape. He is serving a life term.
WASHINGTON-Surrender of al
naval officer and two enlisted men


1* j. s
Z. ..


Associated Press Photo
During meetings of the Democratic National Committee in Wash-
ington, party leaders held many a conference on ways and ameans
preparing for the 1932 campaign. Here three of the party leaders ardc
shown together. Left to right: Alfred E. Smith, presidential nominee in
1928; John 'J. Raskob, chairman of. the national committee, and James
Cox, presidential candidates in 1920.

Serge JarEoffWill LeadRussian
Chorus in Sixth Choral
Union Concert.
The Don Cossacks Russian chorus,
under the leadershiof Serge Jar-
off, will give the sixth concert on
the Choral Union concert series at
8:15, o'clock tonight in Hill audi-
torium. The concert will be the
second one in Ann Arbor, the or-
ga'nization being called back after
a successful prenentation on last
year's series.
Oni the program, which was an-
nounced yesteraay, are included
numbers which established the rep-
utation of the chorus last year.
The program is as follows: "The
R e s p o n s o r y" by Gretchaninoff,
"Have Mercy On Us, 0 Lord" by
Lvovsky, "The Lord's Prayer," an
pd church melody, "God Preserve
Us" by Tchesnokoft, "Plea for the
Blind Beggar" by C. Shvedoff, "On
the Road to Petersburg," and ar-
rangement by Serge Jaroff, "Bp-
neath the Snow My Russia Lie?."
an old folk song, "Black Eyes"
(gypsy song) an arrangement by
C. Shvedoff, "The Typsy Peasant,"
another arrangement by Shvedoff,
"Home Longing," a military song,
"The Two Guitars" (gypsy song),
arranged by Shvedoff, "Those Eve-
ning Bells," arranged by Serge Jar-
off, and "Song of the Don Cossacks"
by Gretchaninoff.

Florefitine Leather 1dek Covers'
Announced as Favors for
Annual Junior ance.
Spmething entirely new in the
line of decorations was the outconie
of the J-Hop committee neeting
held yeste day. Getting away from
the modernistic designs used by the
last, four junior class, the commit-
tee decided to swing back to the
eighteenth century motif,,
Silhouettes done fort the most
part in lack and white will adorn
the walls of the Intramural gym-
nasium where the TIHop is being held
on the night of Friday, Feb. 12. A
large canopy, extending the entire
length of the rom, will serve as a
roof. This will be illuminated by
various colored lights which will
shine on the canopy -from above.
The contract for the decorations
was secured by the National Flag
and Decorations Company. of De-
Ticket sale for the dance will
continue throughout the week, the
sale be g restricted to juniors only.
Next wlk the sale will be open t9
all students. They may be obtained'
at the desk in the Unionilobby be-
tween the hours of 3 and 5 o'clock.
The price this year has been re-
duced to seven dollars. This is the
lowest price in the history of the

Action Taken as Move
Against Arcade.
Low Fares Will% Not
Be Continued
for Long. *
The taxi war is on again.
This morning every cab com-
pany in the city will be carrying
passengers at 25 cents a load with
no charge for extras, anywhere in
nn Arbor.
The decision was made last
night at an owners' meeting pre-
cipitated by the sudden rate-cut-
ting move of Frenchy LeBeau's
Arcade Cab Co. Working under
cover, Frenchy and his partners
circularized the fraternities, soror
ities and dormitories yesterday
afternoon, intending to introd.uce
the slash to 25 cents as a complete
Decide on "E ezeout."
The owners got wind of the move
almost at once, however, td after
giving the former wildcat a. chance
to rescind,, which--he -refused, de-
cided on a "freezeout"
-Th former rates, in effect fo
most of this semester, were 35 cents
for the first passenger, and 10 cents
each for extras, After they bring
Frenchy to subniission, the opera-
tors intend to return to a more rea-
sonable rate than before-35 cents
for one passenger, 50 for two to five,
and 10 centsfor extrass
At the "war" rate, all cabs will
be running at a loss, so there can
be no hope of prices staying that
low permanently, the owners ex-
plained last night.
Meters Favored.
The storm broke almost at an
mient's notice last'night, but timic
.was found at the meeting to discuss
a permanent basis of operation. A
majority was in favor of meters,
but until the rest can be brought
to unanimity, the question will rest.
Edward J. McCormick, student
-ouncil president, who attended the
meeting, was of the opinion that
meters are the only reliable perma-
nent system, if a reasonable charge
can be asured. They would assure
the owners of a fair revenue, elimi-
nate unreliable independents, and
prevent indiscriminately high rates
for students, he said.
The Ann Arbor Common council
is expected to consider the taxi or-
dinance, after long deliberation, at
its regular meeting next Monday
Robin Hood' Will Be Presented
by Combination of Drama,
Music Societies.
DeKoven's popular light opera,
"Robin Hood," has been chosen for
the operatic production being spon-
sored by the newly formed comn-
bination of campus dramatic and
musical societies. This show, based
on the story of the well known le-
gendary hero, besides containing
the best wit of the period, lends

itself easily to interesting staging
effects, it was brought out. ALso
the music of DeKoven's work con-
tains a number of infectious melo-
dies which are still in favor.
The organizations concurring in
the production which will be pre-
sented some time in March in-
cludes: the three campus glee clubs,

t aU[L anD ust! Inuuii~oiI, ulo

(Sv'e tory on Page 5)
Despite all the argumens gans
camrpus social activities as del;,teri-
on morally, mentally, and socialy
that could be presented by Adelphi -
debaters last night, they failed to
convince a large audience of the
correctness of their views*
The Adelphi men claimed a moralI
victory over their Athena oppo-
nents, however, because the dceci-1
sion went against them by only one N
vote, and there was a slight majori-
ty of women in the "voting section." -r
Both sides agreed, however, that!
woman's fiist purpose in attending
2ollege is to get a YAan, and thatc
social activities are the chief means.
to this end. The division of opinion '
;Fame on whether too much time is


being taken up by such events
"When men get to college it is powered moonshine, as gin and whiskey were freely drunk in open
about time they start to think of saloons when I attendeo Michigan."
marriage," one of the-speakers said.
"Men, this is leap. year so be on A wave of resentnient was-evi-
your guard." Dark corners of soror- dent on the campus last night
ities were called moral dangers by when student leaders lenered that
oAe of the Adelphi men,~ Rep. Clancy had given the Univer-
sity so much undesirable publicity.
President Alexander G .Ruthven
in a statement to the.press said:
O I R3L E-The liquor prolem amrong Univer-
sity of Michigan students is unim-
portant now 'compared wilth the
R I SO T Ndays before we had prohibition.
There is no comparison."
SGeorge Tilley, ex-editorial direc-
tor of The Daily and recently elect-
IN SU-ed Rhodes scholar from the Uni-
versity, said: ."Clon ' picture of
~g an Il HelthIs ive asti boy islyaggring studen~t-
4e andat1 c~~ sG~e szbd sa overstatement. It is my
Reason fo!, Retirement s> & observation -that those stude~nts
of Vtern Jstie.s who use alcohol have earnied, per-
haps from long practice, tocarry it-
THANKED BY HOOVER * gracefully. an
~"The genecral sentinient of the
campus may be correetly described,
President Accepts Letter From beliee, as et>andbythe re
91 Year Od, Son ofmajority driknis looked on as
Ftp Robert H. Clancy I an honorable and pleasant pastim,
Famous Auathr' "There is little beer available,
presumably because of the difficulty
H.of bootlegging such bulk stuff. I
Oliver Wendell Holmes has resigned believe the students would prefer
as justice of the United States Su- . beer, if plentiful and cheap, but
preme Court.with the1liquor1 mare t whatit i
Presden Hovertody '2Ctpt d ~LL L L\I~lhlL they are forced. to drink somuewhat
PresidentIHoovertodayaC nauseou potions builp from raw
the r sig7 nai'ion). a--t-~alcol a s a hose. Morally, intellerct-
The justice, ia l1tter to the Misunderstandings of the Rules ually, and gastronomically, this
President dated tpday, said the con- Qt Be Ironed Out :in lraci:e is deleterious, to state it
Council Meetig. Edward J. McCormick, president
of the student council, said: ' "Mr.
1 os rsdnsadhaso Clancy seemrs to have appointed
rushimg committees will m eet at himseIf spokesman for the Univer-
7:30 tonight in the Union for the ty in regard to the matter of
January Int rfraternity C o u n c i l i ining conditons. A such le
regular meeting at which time the shows a regrettable 1ack of knowl-
rules apd regulations of preferen- edge of the factg. Drinking exists
Li-1 p1 dging will be explained, en the canmpu., t t ic, but not
There have been several viola- on a male t( warr t, the accusa-
1ion-, of the deferred rus'hing'rles tion th 'conditions r horrible,'
to date because of misunderstand- s h
ng of the bi-laws. For this reason,
it is imperative that each house WASHINGTON, Jam, 12.-(1)--
have two delegates at the meeting, Rep. Robert H. Clancy today corn-
according to Howard Gould, '32, pared'conditions at the University
Plans for ian Interfraternity Ball, dian universitics-to the detriment
which will be held with the co- of Michigan.
joperation of the Union, will be dis- Urging the Metcalf sub-commit-
Associated Press Photo cussed at the meeting and a motion tee considering proposed legislation
will be in order that the Wednes- j for prohibition modification to help
dition of his health made hisre-) day night dinner of Jan.20 termi-' legalize beer of low alcoholic con-
tirement necessary, nate at 7:45 so that freshmen may tent,, he described recent visits to
Holmes told the President "the attend a smoker, sponsored by the Canada.
lime has corrc when I must bow to S udent Council, which will be held Undergraduates in Canadian uni-
the inevitable," at 8 o'clock in the Union. versities, he said couldobtain"good
Annouhneing receipt of the resig- c ale whil t Ann Arbo,
nation, the President*said, "I must, A iacs sffering frof M "hit-n weredc
of course. accept it." g,'in and moonshine whiskey." He


Officials, ampus Leaders Rebel
st Unwelcome* Publicity as
Result of Attack,

;1ep. Robert H. Clancy in i speech before a legislative grop at
Washington Tuesday afternoon aired the University of Michigan's
liquor problem. He stated:
"Michigan students are suffering from the use of hard liquor and
rmoonshine whiskey while collegians in tolerant Cartada have a mpild
bee& and wine legally . U. of M. conditions are horrible! Students
are drinking raw gin of the Worst kind. Some of it is enough t l
drive anyone crazy. Athletes are drinking it, everyone. It is found
in the fraternity houses. Even a number of students are earninj
their way through college by peddling it.
"I sot overwhelmin, evidence as to the evils of drinkimr hioh-



. "
1. a,

A new system of tryouts will be
used in connection with the edi-
torial staff of The Daily, it was
announced yesterday by David M.
Nichol, '32, news editor, who is in
charge of this work. The plan seeks
to provide the first-year me4i with
more actual reportorial work than
has been the practice in previous
No attempt will be made to divide
the freshmen into groups as has
been the practice, Nichol said, and
to put them through an extended
course in newspaper training. Only
three general meetings will be held.
They will cover the essentials of
newspaper style, of reporting, and
of the mechanical details in con-
nection with proof-reading and
similar work.
The first call for freshmen try-
outs will be issued for Tuesday,

nite work in connection ith the
night staffs once a week, and will
begin their actual experience im-
mediately after reporting for try-
At the end of one seiQester they;
will be appointed as reporters on
the staff. They will be the first
reporters in the new University
Press building which is rapidly
nearing completion and which will
be occupied for the first time by
The Summer Daily, during the next
Night editors are appointed front'
the sophomore reporters on a com-
petitive basis at the end of the
second year and from them are
chosen the four senior editors for
the following year. ,
Definite tryout dates have not yet
been announced for the business
staff of The Daily and for the edi-

The veteran justice will bc 1 On
March 8. ,

1 lI3 1 l, 1 R V . 1l UU1
flRY TDFRTRr t!RDnip


Strength Hias Failed. j U , 'I i LI II I L U IIU 0 i I
The strength of Just-ice -lmcs ---
has been lessening in recent nonths. Ar introspective treatment of the
His step has become some What dcpre sing disintegration of spiritl-
enfeebled at times, and he has be- seen in a group of Russians who
come stooped. He frequently, re- chance to meet in a lower class
quired the help of court pages or of boarding house is the theme of-
(Continued on Page 3) Maxiit Gorki's "The Lower Depths"
to be presented at 8:30 o'clock Fri-
Gom berg Tells Work day nights in the laboratory thea-
of Forign Reporter dPlay production and the English
_r _d_ epartment are eo ne u r r i n g in
bringing the drama here from De-,
Telling of his experiences during (troit where' it has been given sev-
two years in Paris as a reporter and eral times in the past by a reper-
as a foreign correspondent, E. R. tory group.
Gomberg, '32L, Detroit Times Ann f"The Lower Depths" has long

mentioned specifically students in
Toronto qnd Kingston, Ont.
.He urged the sub-commrri tte" to
work tvard a so ltion of ie pro-
(Com'inued on Page 3)
Auto Ban Not to Be
Raised During Exams
No temporary revision of tf.
automobile regulation willi be in
effcct during the period between
semesters, according to Walter
B. Rta, assistant to the dean of
students, who declared that, the
exception of the week-end of the
J-Hop, Friday, Feb. 12 on Mon-
day morning, Feb. 15, the ban

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