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November 18, 1931 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-11-18

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Word Is Given by Ambassador
Dawes That America Will
Not Assist.

Scientist Announces
News of Sure Cure
for Bald Headedness
Bald-headed men need no longer
be the butt of a lot of humor. In
fact bald-headed men need no
longer be. The curse of a shiny
head is well on the way to becom-


Cache of Dynamite
in Subway Lock


Italian Foreign Minister
Path of Preliminary


Government Relaxing Stand or
Japanese Evacuation in-
By P. L Lipsey, Jr.
PARIS, Nov. 17.-IP)-Portents of
changes in the attitudes of the
United States and Russia today
threw fresh anxiety over the Leagu
of Nations council which is facing
the test of its dozen years existence
in an effort to restore peace in
Reliable indications appeared
overnight that the United States
was relaxing its firm stand for Jap-
anese evacuation of the disputed
area and that Russia is beginning
to bestir herself against Japanese
military activities close to the Si-
berian frontier.'
The members of the council,
without the Chinese and Japanese
representatives, met privately at
the Quai d'Orsay shortly before
noon. The meeting followed private
individual conversations of Ambas-
sador Charles Dawes and Chairman
Briand with the Chinese and Japa-
nese spokesmen, Dr. Sze and Am-
bassador Yoshizawa.
Dawes May Not Aid.
The impression gained ground
that Ambassador Dawes and the
United States government are not
inclined to co-operate closely with
the league in its efforts to settle
the controversy, and a report was
received from a high authority that
Maxim Litvinoff, Soviet commissar
for foreign affairs, has filed a pro-
test at Tokio regarding Japanese
army movements in the region of
the Chinese Eastern railway, which
~in the Russian sphere of influ-
ece in Manchuria.
This news led to the belief that
Russia would not keep her hands
off the situation indefinitely if the
league and the United States failed
to halt the Japanese advance.
Gen. Dawes denied himself to
qgestioners but the impression was
gained at his headquarters that the
United States government now re-
grets having worked with league
Waders so intimately at the last
session of the council and believes
the more prudent course now is to
forg t the request to Japan to
ithdraw her troops by a fixed
The French press had adopted
an attitude frankly favorable to
the Japanese and expressed the be-
lief that the great powers, except
Germany, are beginning to regard
Japan'as the defender of the valid-
ity of existing treaties and a pro-
tection of the status quo.
Ma churian Rumor.
Intiiations from Manchuria that
Russia is showing concern over
Japanese moves there reawakened
talk of Soviet intervention "to save
China from the invader."]
Dr. Sze, Chinese spokesman, has
given notice that he expects action
from the council and will noilonger
be satisfied with promises. Chinese
sympathizers now suggest that if
the Nanking government can't get
help from the league and the
United States, its next move will be
to accept Soviet assistance to de-
fend its territorial integrity. 1
Compromise Discussed,
In certain quarters it was said
that. a so-called compromise plan
discussed Monday night amounts1
to an effort by the great powers to1
rebind China to the old treaties
under which the great nations en-
joyed special privileges of extra-
territoriality in Chinese territory.
The Chinese position is that
treaties were concluded under pres-I
sure and are invalid and that so
far as the Sino-Japanese "treaty"
of 1915 is concerned the position
has received United States support.
The Chinese are determined reso-,
lutely to maintain this position but
have said they are willing to arbi-
trate the question of the validity
of the disputed treaties.
This issue touches the question

of the validity of the World war
peace trbaties and has aroused ap-
and Return
Good in Coaches Only
Going Fridays and Saturdays
Returning from Chicago not
later than midnight Monday

ing obsolete.
Dr. Norman Bengston, a young
doctor who has experimented in
the laboratories of, the University
of Illinois recently, has discovered
a means to replenish nature's sup-
ply of hair.
Treating 16 patients, ranging in
age from 19 to 60, Dr. Gengston has
restored hair to all of them, and
a result of these successes, has
been mobbed by hundreds of bald
students, men and women, who
want to have the 'miracle" worked
on them.
The recreation is done by inject-
ing pituitary extract, derived from
the posterior lobes of the pituitary
glands of sheep, into the scalp.


To Commence His Discussions
With Hoover After White
House Dinner.

Discovered in Time
NEW YORK, N o v. 17.-(P)-
Enough dynamite "to blow up half
the town"-cached for a time in a
coin-in-the slot locker of a busy
downtown subway station-h a s
been found by police in time to
thwart what they charge was a
plot to blow up barges on the Man-
hattan waterfront.
Five men are under arrest. Po-'
lice, said the dynamite had been
stolen, carted through the busy
city streets and cached against the
hour when it was to have been
used to destroy barges in a war-
fare between rival factions among
harbor workers.
19 CPTiu i"'j i:-

though "On, Wisconsin," w e 11l-
known football song of the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin, has paid to its
Milwaukee publishers more than
$50,000, its composer, William T.
Purdy, whose children are attend-
ing the university this year, and its
author, Carl Beck, '10, never re-
ceived more than $15 in royalties
on the song, it was disclosed in a
recent interview with Beck.
The two men who, according to
Beck, at a time when they were so
hard pressed that they used post-
age stamps to pay for a meal,
scraped together $50 in credit back
in September, 1909, used the credit
to finance the first edition. Beck
designed the cover himself and
wrote'most of the words, Purdy do-
ing the music.
The inspiration had been a $100
prize offered by a Saint Paul music
house for a new University of Min-
nesota song, but when Beck heard
the first strains of the new music,
his loyalty to the Badger institu-
tion, which he was attending,
prompted him to convince Purdy to
use it for Wisconsin.
The first copies were printed and
taken by Purdy to Madison on the
Will Publish Leaflet
on Debate Principles

eve of the Minnesota game in Octo-
ber, 1909, when it was presented do
the students at a mass meeting by
Jack Wilce, fellow Deke of Beck
and Purdy. The song immediately
took hold, and students sang it
over and over.
Publication was arranged for with
the Milwaukee house on a royalty
basis. Later, along about the begin-
ning of the war, the publisher, hav-
ing been approached by phono-
graph and player-piano companies,
induced Purdy, who was hard
pressed at the time, to part with
the copyright for $100.
"The publishers of an all-Amer-
ican college song book," said Beck,
"have tried. for years to include
'On, Wisconsin,' which John Phillip
Sousa is said to have called the
finest of college march songs. Wis-
consin's representation as a univer-
'sity is not for a moment considered
by the publishers, who are reported
to have demanded a cash payment
of $500, five times the amount for
which the. ownership was sold 17
years ago."
"I believe that the students and
alumni should hurl a challenge on
the ppblisher. The song has be-
come more than a piece of prop-
arty. I dedicated it to the univer-
sity and the state. The moral re-
sponsibilities are no less than the
property rights. Has the new legal
owner the right to deny Wisconsin

Straw Vote to Determine Ba
for Social Function
of Class.
Committee appointments for
sophomore literary class and
date for the Sophomore Prom w
announced last night by Herr
Everhardus, president.
The Prom will be held Decem
11, at the Union. Charles R. B
gess, '34E, is chairman.
The following committees h
been appointed.
Ticket committee; Philip B
simmer, '34, Wallace Graham,
distribution, and Lester Harri
'34, William Giefel, '34, William I
Roy, '34E, sales.
Advertising committee; Jar
Doty, '34E, Robert Moreland,
John Boden, '34E, Bernard S(
nacke, '34.
Floor committee: Robert Ho
'34, and Render Morgan, '34. Fa
committee: Jane Cissel, '34, Mar
Gidings, '34, and Harry McGavi
Invitation committee: Mar
Littleton, '34; and Decorations co
mittee: Georgia Geisman, '34.
During this week a straw v
will be taken in the sophom
ciryss to determine upon the oreh

American Agriculture All
for Comeback, Report


By J. F. Cox
EAST LANSING, Nov. 17.-()-
The essential soundness of American
agriculture is demonstrated by its
strong resistance to the demoral-
izing effect of low prices and low
yields ove widespreadeareas due
to drought. In spite of heavy drafts
on the reserves of capital, fertil-
ity, and equipment of individual
farms, and the sapping effect of
long continued low prices and in-
crease in credit restriction, agri-
culture is in a position to make a
rapid comeback in keeping with
improvement that may develop in
industry and business. -
Higher wheat prices have had a
widespread effectinchanging the
viewpoint of the farmer. Apparent-
ly the bottom has been plumbed
and instead of the pessimism ac-
companying a downward price
trend, farmers'and others who de-
pend on farm profits are thinking
in terms based on our improved
price. They are hopeful that beans,
potatoes, meat and milk will be af-
fected favorably, by the rise in
wheat and that these products also
have reached the lowest possible.
price and will experience an up-.
ward-trend during the winter and
The determination and confi-
dence of Michigan farmers to
maintain those agencies that ac-
company an effective farm and
community program are shown by
the fact that 61 out of 65 Michigan
counties have continued to support
their county agent, home economics
and 4-H club work. Strong gains
have been made in the co-operative
movements affiliated with the Farm
prehension among the French, Pol-
ish and little entente diplomats.
TOKIO, Nov. 17.--(P)-Gen. Mah
Chan-Shan, the Chinese command-
er in Manchuria, his submitted a
set of counter-proposals to the
Japanese general, Honjo, dispatches
from Mukden said today, but is
standing his ground south of An-
ganchi with no indication that he
intends to withdraw.
Dispatches from Harbin earlier
in the day indicated that Gen. Mah
had accepted the Japanese demand
that he withdraw, but the Mukden
report of the counter-proposals
said he would fall back only if the
Japanese evacuate the Nonni river
sector and give guarantees that
Gen. Chang Hai-Peng shall not be
permitted to use the Taonan-An-
ganchi railway.

WASHINGTON, Nov. 17.-(P)_
Received with warmth and splen-
dor, Italy's foreign minister, Dino
Grandi set today upon a path of
preliminary ceremonies before for-
mally offering President Hoover
his country's "contribution to the
common work for the common
So the statesman described the
purpose of his 'visit in a first ut-
terance upon Washington soil. For
tingly, his earliest rendezvous this
morning was at the marble shroud
of the Unrnown Soldier. Chief
thought in Grandi's visit is the
preservation of the peace for which
the warrior gave his life.
Late in reaching the capital Mon-
day night, the 36-year-old minister
and Signora Grandi were welcomed
with the full honors due foreign
guests of the nation. A few min-
utes later they were presented to
President and Mrs. Hoover at the
White House. Informal greetings
were exchanged in English and the
couple hurried off to Secretary'
Stimson's home for dinner and a
night's rest.
Signor Grandi will not discuss
world problems with the president
until after a formal dinner at the
White House Wednesday night.
Meanwhile he has defined the gen-
eral purpose of his visit in a state-
ment to the press and in informal
chats by, the fireside at "Woodley,"
the Stimson home in fashionable
northwest 1Washington.
He ta1ked after dinner with Sen-
ator Borah, and unlike Premier La-
val of France, his immediate pre-
decessor in that scene, Grandi
found himself in fairly close ac-
cord with the outspoken chairman
of the senate foreign relations com-
mittee. The other guests afford-
ed them 25 minutes of undisturbed
conversation. The Versailles treaty
gave them common ground, for
both want it revised.

National Committee Advocates
Standardizating Requirements
in State Systems,
After nearly two years of re-
search, a Federal department of
education has been advised by the
National Advisory Committee on
Education, whose number includes
Dean J. B. Edmonson of the Uni-
versity School of Education.
Although Dean Edmonson, Frank
Cody, superintendent of Detroit
public schools, and other members
of the advisory board voted against
the recommendation, it was car-
ried, 38-11. Cody and Dean Edmon-
son, the only Michigan members of
the board, are two of the state's
outstanding educational authori-
The, department of education, as
recommended by the committee,
would be headed, by a full-time
cabinet member. Tendencies to-
ward over-centralization of the de-
partment, however, were advised
against, and it was stipulated that
the department would have no leg-
al or financial power "by which
it might control the social purposes{
and specific processes of education."
Questioned about the difficulty of
adjusting school credits in the case
of indilriduals that transfer from
state to state, Dean Edmonson said
that there. was similar difficulty,
in some cases, when the individual
changed schools within the state of

Sigma Rho Tau, forensic society fair representation, where gain tra which will be engaged to p
of the engineering school is pub- should not be a factor?" at the Prom.
lishing a series of leaflets which Ji iJIilliiIililIIIIII[IT111111111111111111III111111!1 IiII1111111111111llht IiI 'IMa4ign~
will be bound together in looseleaf TEACH THEM TO SAVE
containers to be used in training
of debaters,
The series of papers will be writ-
ten by various debate coaches in
the university and will discuss= t
principles of debating and ways
of training the speaker. Prof. R. D.
Brackett, director of Sigma Rhor
Tau is editing the publication.
The first of the papers for the
booklet will be distributed to the
stump speakers society at its regu-
#lar meeting Wednesday night.
Alpha Na Gives Names
of Accepted Try-outs . . . And Here's How-
Alpha Nu held, an open forum ENROLL them as members of the Christmas Savings Club,
discussion last night in the chapter w
loom in Angell Hall, upon Michi- a with iinstructions to save a small sum from their allow-
r-n's post-season charity football ance each week. They'll be delighted at the substantial
game. amount they find at the end of th e year to buy their 1932
Memerr :tp into the society has Cey
been extended to the following: Christms gifts.
Eric W. Hall, '35, Robert S. Ward,=
'35,' Lawerence G. Clayton, '35,
Charles Bronson, '35, Donald E.
LwsDeyo, '35, 'Wr'5heaton L. Strom, '35, F raI rs nu 4,'
Lewis Kearns, '35, Walter Morrison, Fecs
De 35, Wdadhet nL o, '35, 2
SGoddard Leight, 135, James B. Huron at Main Street 330 South State Street
Em-,an, '35, Joseph L. Whaitmnan, '35,
Nick Anikeof, '34, Doalad Elankety, Me erFd alR s veS tm
'34, Bernard E. Konopka, '34, Stuart Member Federal Reserve System
G. Bowers, '34, Fred A. Braman, '33, i
Gilbert Groehn, '33, Fremont C. ----
Voss, '32, and James H. Curtis, '32.

NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. 17.- pressed, generally untidy, had to
(A-)-The story of a man aroused in be coaxed to eat and was fearful
four minutes from eight months but could give no excuse for tear.
stupor by a new insanity treatment He was given sodium amytal and
w i t h in three minutes showed
was told to the National Academy slight restless movements, in four
of Sciences at Yale university to- minutes he was talking distinctly
day. E and responded promptly to com-
The new insanity treatment is mands, was active and alert. Later
the first practical application of a he became drowsy, slept normally'
recent Cornell university discovery and awoke refreshed.
that mental trouble is due partly His improvement lasted only dur-
to certain elements of 'the brain, ing the effects of the drug. But
the colloids, becoming either too the treatment revealed that alco-
watery or too much like over-thick holism was not his real trouble.
syrup. For the watery state sodium He had a dual personality case.
amytal is given, and for the coagu- One other alcoholic was treated,
lation sodium rhodanate. receiving sodium rhodanate, and
Warning was given that the new showed definite improvement. Aj
treatment is not a cure-all, al- few of the insane recovered suf-
though a real addition to previous ficiently to be paroled home. Oth-
methods of treating insanity. ers improved in lesser degress and
Results of this new method upon some were scarcely affected.
46 persons in Willard State hospi- Dementia praecos, said Dr. Lang,
tal were reported by H. Beckett is improved by sodium amytal;
Lang, M.D., and John A. Paterson, and maniac depressive insanity
M.D. They tested the discovery an- "definitely improved" by sodium I
nounced last spring by Dr. Wilder rhodanate. Split personality cases
D. Bancroft of the Cornell chemis- prove to be due to an overwatery
try department, who worked the condition.
idea out theoretically with aid of A new slant on birth control was
a Heckscher foundation grant. furnished by J. S. Nicholas, who
The man who "came back" was reported successful experiments in
listed as an alcoholic. Dr. Lang said growing rats outsde their normal
he had been in stupor, was de- places in the mother's body.
ETIYLENM. DICKENS and Designing with
Individual Features.
Hemstitching and Alterations.4
Dial 2-1129 for Appointments 620 East Liberty

Dr. Blakeman Lectures
Before Student Group
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, Uni-
versity' pastor of the. Methodist
church met a group of methodist
and presbyterian students at Lane
hall yesterday and spoke on "The
Outlook for American Protestan-
A class is to be formed to meet at
Lane Hall every Tuesday afternoon,
with the goal of "Toward Under-
standing in Religion." The mem-
bers vill become directly acquaint-
sd with all the -various sects in Re-
ligion. r
These classes will be conducted
by University pastors.

_ ,
---- /i (Y


d All programs are given in Hill
Auditorium u n I e s s otherwise
noted. The afternoon concerts
Vare g i v e n without admission



om * t s

Telephone 7112

I .9'

Books FrChildren
You know that this is
National Children's Book Week
We shall be happy indeed to have you inspect our two large stocks of

Nov. 22, 4:15.
THE REVELERS, James Melton,
ist tenor, Phil Dewey, baritone,
Lewis James, 2nd tenor, Wil-
d Glenn,dbass, Frank Black,
Director and Pianist, Dec. 3,
prano, December 6, 4:15.
THE "MESSIAH" by Handel,I
University Choral Union, Uni-
versity Symphony Orchestra.
Soloists, Earl V. Moore, Con-
doctor, December 13, 4:15.
CHESTRA, Ossip Gabrilow-
itsch, Conductor, Dec. 15, 8:15.
CHORUS, Serge Jaroff, Con-
ductor, Jan. 13, 8:15.
CHESTRA, Dr. Rudolf Siegel,
Guest Conductor, Jan. 25, C



Another shipment just. received.
Previous lots sold completely..

Tinker and Company
South State Street at William Street

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