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November 18, 1931 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-11-18

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iaTnistration Works on Plan
for Increased Revenues;
Orders Economy.
agar Rates on Large Incomes
and Greater Inheritance
Taxes Probable.
A$HINGTON, Nov. 17.-()-It
uw a practical certainty that
individual taxpayer must dig
er next year for his contribu-
to the upkeep of government.
Lst which section of the popula-z
shall bear the brnt of the
ease in what form it shall be
ed and how much it will total
o become the commanding qus-
s of Capitol hill.
he administration is going to
congress to raise more revenue.
ictantly the Republican Ilead-
on the hill have re -,pned them-
es to the unpleasant task o
ting levies on the eve of a
dential campaign. The Demo-
1' uncommitted as yet, are ex-
ed to sanction some form of
Vfellon Finished Plan.
ith another billion dollars of
o to balance of, Secretary
ton has nearly finished drafting
plan President Hoover will send
ongress in isannualebudget
sg.New taxes will be orn
d in this program with plans
further borrowing and an i~-
ence on drastic government
igher rates on the big-money
imes and on the large inhert-
es appear certain.
crnsderable favor is evident in
gress also for the imposition
some excise levies, applying on
uries. The treasury has been
siding this recommendation-in
ffrm of a selective sales taxes.
re is no ch'ance for a general
r tax.
lMore to Be Included.
>me consideration is being given
dropping down the exemptions
neti d more income earners.
ii'ause the gigantic pubhic debt
1,0 ;,00,000 has been reduced
:E than the original program
ed fo.
' pinbl can finance leaders in
ebss, including Representative
ley, Republican chairman last
ion of the ways and means
mittee, Chairman Smoot of the
ate finance committee, Senator
;son of Indiana, Republican
, Senator Reed of Pennsyl-
a and Representative Bacha-
l of New Jersey, ranking Re-
lican of the ways and means
tiittee, will be called in for
frences this week on the prep-
ion of the final draft of the
iinistration's plan.

Disarmament Expert

Turks and Arabs Vie for Ancient they started Mohammed VI on the
Religious See; Echoes of downward path. Mustapha Kemal
. and his Turkish nationalists finish-
War n Cotrovrsy.ed the jobĀ° in 1920 when the repub-

I (Continued from Page 4)
doubtedly his outstanding charac-
O TL teristic. He never likes to have his
accomplishments publicized, b u t

Associated Press Photo
Theodo Marriner of Portland,
Me., app ,hinted by President Hoover
as the principal advisor to the
;United States delegation to the
comihrg disiament conference at
Gencva Switzerland.
1- _7
nvestigator Believes They Are
Members of Gang Operating
Throughout Illinois.

JERUSALEM, Nov. 17-(IP)-Mos-
1em eyes will be turned upon this
religious capital next month when
rul:rs of Mohammedan states from
4frica and Asia are to assemble l
and consider re-establishment of
the Ottoman caliphate.
Followers of the prophet to the
number of 225,000,000 will either
pray for or look askance upon this
Many of the suspicious glances
are likely to come from below the
southeastern horizon of Palestine.
There dwell the desert fighters who
acknowledge tlie sway, as king of
the Hejaz and Sultan of the Nejd,
of Ibn Saud, ruler of modern Ara-
World War Echoes.
In his territory are the sacred,
cities of Mecca and Medina and
chief among his supporters are the
Wahibis, puritanical Moslems who
never did like the idea of being
under the spiritual or temporal rule
of thie Ottoman Turks.
Their suspicions of the December
conference rest upon the fact that,
Abdul Medjid, cousin of the last
sultan of Turkey, is the nominal
When the tribes of Arabia, Syria,
Mesopotamia and Palestine heededa
"Lawrence of Arabia" and fought'
with the allies in the World war,I

lie of Turkey was proclaimed.
At that time Abdul Medjid was
named Caliph, his cousin Moham-
med having been exiled by Kemal.
But the caliphate was a languish-
i"( nni i Tct ~tii lithl t th

ing afnair in Istan ui wi nout tre
temporal power of the Turkish em-
pire to back it up.
Caliph Loses Treasures.
.The new republic separated
church from state, reduced the
privileges of the Mohammedan
priests, banished the dervishes and
finally, in 1924, requested Abdul
Medjid to move on.
He went toFrance and into re-
tirement, dependent upon the char-
ity of pious Mohammedan rulers.
The treasures of the caliphate,
hoarded for centuries in Turkey's
capital, became the property of the
new republic.

CHICAGO, Nov. 17.-(P)-Three
men, suspected of having a part in
the kidnaping of John J. Lynch, m
millionaire turfman,at Lake Gen-
eva, Wis., were arrested MondayEX LAN
niP'it. s
They are Michael Trant and
MVichael and Frank Sullivan. President Chas
The trio was believed by Pat for Unlim
,oche, investigator for the state's of 9
attQrney, to .be part of a gang of URBANA, Ill.
kidnapers which operated in Rock- Woodburn Chasi
ford, Peoria and other Illinois of Illinois expl
cities. Police intimated they might cance of that scl
also have had a hand in the kid- in establishing
napings of Ralph J. "Fuzzy" tendance to 1,00
??earce, Rockford gambler, a n d nual Dads' Day
Alexander Berg, St. Louis furrier. urday, November
Witnesses to the Lynch kidnap-! The former
ing were to attempt to identify the provided that a
trio today, Roche said. ped from the cc
Lynch was held a prisoner a sences aggregat
week after he was seized by the the total numbe
kidnapers. His release was made "There igrew
J~idnpers Hissaid President Ci
Aug. 27 after a reported ransom of the student was
$50,000 was paid. He had been than 1u per cent
overpowered by threemen as he ha 1 rg
was driving from his Lake Geneva fore had a rig]
ome to Chicago. without question
oped a system o
"After months
One Killed, Two Hurt versity came toj
When Trains Collide it was trying to
lation about so
CHICAGO, Nov. 17.-(IP)-O n e too complex to b
man was crushed to death and two fashion. It felt1
bthers were seriously scalded early requiring attend
today in the collision of two freight to insure that a
trains at an intersection of the In- satisfactorily an
liana Harbor Belt Line and the ticular course it
Baltimore & Ohio railroad tracks. who knew best.

Prominent Professors to Give ,
Lectures Before Detroit I
Adult Meetings.


se Gives


ited System
--- PresidentA IHarry
e of the Univricy
ained the siguifi-
[hool's recent action
optional class at~
10 dads at the an-
reception on Sat-
r 7.
absence regulation
student was drop-
ourse when his ab-
red 10 per cent of
sr of class meetings.
up the attitude,"
hase, "that because
not allowed more
absence, he there-
ht to 10 per cent
i. There also devel-
f excused absences.
s of study the Uni-
the conclusion that
make a mass regu-
mething that was
be regulated in that
that the reason for
dance at class was
student do his work
d that in any par-
was the individual

Dean Dana to Confer
With National Board'
Dean S. T. Dana of the forestry
school left Sunday night for Wash-
ington to attend a meeting of the'
advisory committee of President
Hoover's timber conservation board.
Dean Dana will return Wednes-
day, and attend the first land util-
ities conference called on a nation-
al basis. The conference, which
was called by Secretary of Agricul-
ture Arthur T. Hyde, and the as-
sociation of land colleges will be
h( ld at Chicago Nov. 19 and 20.
Dean Dana has been requested to
speak on "The Possibilities of Pri-
vate Reftore station."
Airy Indicts Dreiser
dn Syndicalism Count
MIDDLESBORO, Ky., Nov. 16.-
(/ '-Theodore Dreiser and John
Dos Passos, New York authors,
Maric ,Pergain and seven others
were indicted by a Bell County
girand jury here today on charges
of criminal syndica'lism.
All of tbose ind'ted were with
Dreiser's National Committee for
the Defense of Political Prisoners.
during an investigation of coal field
labor conditions in Harlan and Bell
counties last week.
Bradstreets Indicate
Business Is Improving
Indications that business is on
the incline were released by Brad-
street this week. These indications
are based on a- dcrease in failures
of 21 per cent, a food index increase
of 1.4 per cent, and bank clearings
increased 4.1 per cent over the pre-
vious week.

Ten prominent members of the
University faculty are to give twelvei
lectures during the 1930-1931 sea-r
son,of the Detroit Institute of Adultt
Education, it has been announced
by Wilfred B. Shaw, director of the
Bureau of Alumni Relations, and
member of the advisory *board ofI
the Institute.
The faculty men will give a seriest
of lectures designed to give an ade-
quate background for evaluation ofl
contemporary world p rob1e ms.'
Among them will be Prof. Roderick
D. McKenzie,who will speak on the
sociological approach, and Prof.
Preston W. Slosson, talking on the
problems of modern Europe.
Other series of lectures and dis-
cussions will be given by the insti-
tute, dealing with many subjects of
topical interest. The courses will
cover a field including song making
and industrial management, home
management and interpretation of
modern medical literature.
Membership in the institute is
open to all who desire to, promote
the growth of informal adult edu-
cation in Detroit. All lectures and
classes are open to the public on
payment of fees and single admis-
sion tickets are obtainable at the
The next lecture on the series
being given by the Un y fac-
ulty will be Nov. 17, w hen Prof.
Charles F. Remer will talk on the
economic approach to world prob-
lems, The institute is situa ted at
1397 E. Jefferson avenue in Detroit.
Police Arrest Local
Chain Store Robbers
Two men, both from D troit and
giving their names as John Jones
and Norries Hoffman, were arrest-
ed early yesterday morning by of-
ulcersrWier and Enhermann of the
city police as they were about to
break into a Kroger grocery store
on Broadway.
Examination of the men at the
police office revealed that they
had committed nine robberies of
Detroit chain stores in the past six
months. Cigarettes appeared to be
the chief object of theft, for they
confessed to having taken 40 car-
tons from a chain store on Oak-
man boulevard, 30 cartons from an-
other on Grand River, and 50 car-
tons from a third on Michigan ave-
nue, as well as change from them
cash registers in each store.
The men were to be turned over
to Detroit authorities for investi-
gation concerning the offenses.

prefers that isolation from the pub-
lic gaze which is becoming in a
man engaged in the pursuit of
He has, of course, very definite
independent viewpoints on many.
matters, both within and outside
the realm of science, but he never
assumes to speak with authority
and would therefore give the im-
pression that he has no opinions.
This is more than counteracted by
the fact that he is full of human
interest. His eyes fairly twinkle, as
he tells of that admirable quality
of all American boys Who love to
tinker with mechanical contrivan-
ces and discover "what makes
things go."
He has the quick step, the kind-
ly smile, and the clean-cut featuresl
of a young man who has yet to faceI
the problems of the world. He con-
verses with the air of one who
"really doesn't know, but would
like very much to find out." And
yet this "young man" of 65 years
has been recognized by all the
world as having reached the top in
the field of organic chemistry.
Doctor Gomberg has never mar-
ried, and his purely sentimental
liking for young ladies has been the
occasion for much good-natured
jesting on the part of his closer
friends. He lives with his sister
Sonia, in a charming though simple
co>ttage, in a setting w hich exem-
pils the simple tastes of both the
Doctor and Miss Gomberg. Friends
remark concerning the gayety and
lack of formality which graces their.
everyday lives, as compared with
the public demureness for which
Doctor Gomberg is famous.
The Chemist ha an exceptional-
ly high idealism of science and
scholarship. The most remarkable
aspect of his career is probably th
fact that he has accomplished such
wonders in the field of research
while at the same time 'inspiring
numerous students to develop their
! scientific abilities.
His name is on a roster of men
who have contributed to the pro-
gress of chemistry in America dur-
ing the past century that has been
submitted to the National Research
Council for use in planning an his-
torical exhibit at the 1933 Chicag
World's Fair. It is to be expected
that when the plans for the roster
are executed the famous Chemis
will probably deny all knowledge o
just why he should be so honored
and his friends will wonder again

Two Teams Picked for Opening
Debate There Tonight;
U. of D. Next.
Michigan will open its intercol-
legiate debating season today when
the teams chosen yesterday by
JamesR H. McBurney. coach, meet
Albion College in a dual debate at
Albion. The Varsity negative team
will debate Albion's affirmative
team in the afternoon, the affirm-
ative team will.meet Albion's neg.-
tive at 8 o'clock in the evening.
On the two teams are four men
who have represented the Univer-
sity before in debating, and twi
new as far as Michigan forensics
are concerned. The old men are
Howard Simon, '32L, Victor Rabino-
wtz, '34L, Nathan Levy, '34L, and
Wilbert L. Hindm'an, '33. Jacob
Wiessman, '34, and Samuel L. Tra-
vis, '34, represent Michigan for the
first time.
t The teams will debate on the
question chosen by the Western
Conference Debating League, re-
solved: That the United States
should adopt a compulsory nation-
wide plan for control of production
and distribution in major basic in-
The same affirmative team, Mr.
McBurney announced, will debate
the negative team of the University
of Detroit at 8 o'clock next Friday
in Detroit.
King George V Makes
Philip Snowden Peer
LONDON, Nov. 16.-(IP)-Philip
Snowden, 'a poor man's son whom
1misfortune fashioned as a cham-
pion of the people, was created a
viscount by King George V today
- and elevated to the House of Lords.
i A quarter of a century in the
e House of Commons and two terms
as watchdog of the people's purse
as chancellor of the exchequer were
1 climaxed by t h e announcement
that he had been made a peer so
he might hold the office of Lord
r Privy Seal in the national govern-
- A pan'dynamometer is an appar-
atus to determine power transmit-
a ted by measuring elastic distortion
as the twisting of a shaft.
a just when the Doctor is going to
d leave his laboratory for at least a
r few months rest after an entire
t lifetime of service. For, like all truly
I great individuals, Doctor Gomberg
, has unceasingly devoted his life to
n the study of his chosen profession.



dinner Lightner.

Among the
Snacks and Jelly-Rolls!

November 23

torical Associa

Noveniber 23

Opening Attraction
November 23
Rafael Sabatini


r ,,

AND ALLEN Billy House

4_- -- ------ - ...._ __ __. ..,

Author of

Cooen s r

E ese n E

"Captain Blood"
"The Snare"

Lecture Subject
"Fiction In History
History In Fiction"



"Sea Hawk"

the efficiency expert in a
doughnut factory; lost
in the girls' gymnasium
hounded by women and
thugs who are out to get
_the dough'

There are a number of conventions
taking place in Ann Arbor in the
next few months. These present a
housing need. Advertise your rooms
in the columns of THE DAILY so
that notice of them reaches interested


November 23

Winston Spencer Churchill
Famous British Statesman
George W. Wickersham
Chairnran, Wickersham Committee
Martin and Osa Johnson
America's best-know African explorers
Bertrand Russell

November 23

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