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November 18, 1931 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-11-18

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1890 4
Member of Parliament 0fel 1oted1 UnivrsityThrills1
Wto Game*to An Arborl LNF0HANI _IMuzzling of FUniaersity Newspapers ANotene-nt rt" l



White, Wood, Slosson, Hayden
Will Speak at Opening
Session Thursday.
Ruthven Will Give Main Address
at Thursday Evening

ne of the largest gatherings of
aigan editors in the history of
University Press club will con-
e here Thursday, Friday, and
irday, with estimates on at-
lance exceeding 250.
iversity specialists, speaking on
ent problems, will address the
ors following the presidential
oh of Lee A. White, of the De-
News. The crime problem will
rought to the attention of the
gates by Prof. A. E. Wood, of
sociology department, w h i1 e
. Preston Slosson, of the his-
department, will speak on
me at Home a nd Abroad."
'hlights on the Eastern Ques-
' will be discussed by Prof. J.
[ayden, of the political science
Ruthven to Talk.
the University dinner to be
n Thursday night, President
Zven will speak on "The Super-
'ersity," and Vice-President C.
oakum, in charge of educa-
a investigations, on "Intelli-
e and Education." Greetings
. Governor Brucker will be pre-



ical A
uary 2

Sophomore Class Elects John F.
Spoden To Lead Warriors
in Fall Contests.
Freshmen Will Gather Tonight
S."To Elect Leaders for Fray
Against Sophomores.
Preparations for the annual fall
homecoming advanced another step
last night when the members of the
sophomore class met in the Union
and elected John F. Spoden, an en-
gineer, captain of 'the fall games,
i_ to be held on Saturday morning
before the Minnesota game.
MEMBER Freshmen will meet at'! 8:30
Hon. Winston Churchill, fa- I-o'clock tonight to elect the captain
British statesman, who is"of their class. They will be ad-
led to appear on the Orator- dressed by Prof. A. D. Moore, of the
.ssociation lecture series, Jan-
7, according to an announce- engineering school, and the presi-
of Henry Moser of the speech dents of the freshman classes of
ament. .the various colleges.
i Cup Planned.
Plans were also announced for
the awarding of a cup to the fra-
ternity having the best decorations
for homecoming. Judges in the con-
test will be Prof. James K. Pollock,
of the political science department, '
Prof. Walter Gores, of the archi-
on Churchill Will Appear tectural school, and Ross Bittinger,'
)n Oratorical Program a decorative design expert.
Jan. 27. At the meeting of the sophomores'
talks were given' by Nathan Levi,
Rt. Hon. Winston Churchill, president of the Oratorical associa-
' tion, Herman Everhard us, presi-
dent of the sophomo.e literary
er of Parliament, will lecture class, Fred Johnson, president of
an. 27, it was definitely stated the sophomore engineering class,
day by Henry Moser, man- Joseph Zias, '33, student council-
f the Oratorical association. man, and Stanley Todd, '34L. '
placing of Mr. Churchill on Route of Parade.
date, however, necessitated Freshmen and sophomores will
nement of the lecture of parade down to East Ferry field.{
B. Kennedy-assaiate-editor- The -sophomoreswill form on thet
ier's, scheduled to speak here east side while the freshmen form
same date, on the west.
ponement of Mr. Kennedy's The first event on the game pro-t
3s leaves two' dates still to gram is a pillow fight which will bel
ided. George W. Wickersham, staged between five pairs of firstl
ian of President Hoover's and second year men, the object
ttee on law enforcement, is being to knock an opponent off a
e here some time after the horse on which a pair are strad-
f the year.; dlqI.
rance that Mr. Churchill The second event is the cane
come to the United States spree. There will be nine men
etes the lecture series. The picked from each class and these
nan at first postponed his will battle in pairs for five minutes
f this country because of the attempting to force the opponents
al crisis in England, but with to drop the cane.
,ation of the new national
ment has decided to give 50 Qestion of Which
s in America.Qu tino Wh h
1931-32 series, which had Mr. Jug is Which, Raised
hill as the opening speake
en next Monday night in Hill y innesota Press
rium 'with Rafael Sabaitini.

Attacked at M
Michigan Daily Delegates Find
Conditions Very Serious
at Three Schools.
(Special 4o The Daily)
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Nov. 17.-
Muzzling of the collegiate press
throughout the country is foremost
in the minds of 140 delegates to
the national convention of Sigma
Delta Chi, honorary Journalistic
fraternity, which is in session here.
Although the program has been
given over mostly to Alumni speak-
ers, the college editors have ex-
pressed themselves dissatisfied with
"Censorship on the part of certain
university officials and journalism
Ohio State University was cited'
by the Columbus delegate, M. Phil-
lip Chapman, as 'an institution
where the dean of Journalism
teaches the theory of freedom of
the press and at the same time re-
fuses student editors the right to
exercise editorial opinion on vital

inneapolis Meeting
problems. Chapman said that al-
though newspapers throughout the
country commented on the recent
dismissal of a prominent faculty

y, "Shifting Populations
Upsets" will be discussed
D. McKenzie, of the so-
partment; "What's the
th City Government?"
wered by Prof. Thomas
nd James K. Watkins,
lice commissioner, willj
oblems of the Police De-

-. .Scientife Delegate.
At the afternoon session, experts
from the General Electric Co. lab-
oratories will discuss and demon-
strate the latest scientific marvels.
Paul Hutchinson, managing editor
of the Christian Mercury, will dis-
cuss foreign news presentation at
the dinner; Anne Campbell will
read poems; and Fielding H. Yost,
director of athletics, will speak on
"Time and Tide."
Herman Roe, field secretary of
the N.E. A., will talk on "The News-
paper and the Man Behind It." A
discussion and business meeting
will follow Roe's address.
Union Doorman Tired
Preventing Co-Eds
From Crashing Gate
George Johnson is one man who
has trouble keeping the co-eds from
bothering him.
George is the doorman at the Un-
ion and to him women are just a
nuisance. They always try to get
past him and sneak in the front
door. Johnson wouldn't mind this
so much himself but, orders are
A good many of the co-eds have
tried various methods to get into
the Union by the front entrance.
One of them, to win a bet, climbed
over side of the steps and hid un-
til she thought the doorman wasn't
looking and then made a dash for
Johnson was on the job though,
grabbed her, and sent her out
State Bulletins
(By Associated Press)
Tuesday, November 17, 1931
LANSING-Satisfied after an.,in-
vestigation by a personal represent-
ative that the defendant will have
a fair trial, Governor Brucker to-
day ordered Dove Ballard, Negro,
returned to Alabama to face a
charge of murdering a deputy sher-
LANSING - A proposed inquiry
into evasion of state taxes on gaso-
line was dropped today at the re-
quest of a committee of dealer's
,.,1 _rr -rr ..r] v .lr l a inni,,r

here JK
ager o
of Coll
on the
be deci
to com
first of
tour of
will op+

Congressional Leaders Discuss
Distribution of Burden
for Larger Levies.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 17.--(P)-
Congressional leaders t o d a y set
about' the disagreeable business of
determining who shall pay the in-
creased taxation necessary to wipe
out anothe billion dollars treas-
ury deficit this year.
Democratic chieftans joined the
Republican pilots in peering into
the financial status' of the Ameri-
can pocketbook, for it became cer-
tain that President Hoover is go-
ing to follow a recommendation by
Secretary Mellon for new revenue.
While Mr. Mellon guarded his
program, capitol hill leaders focus-
ed on incomes from '$20,000 upward
as the first ob IectWe tof d~dtto1T
money. Increased rates for the
large inheritances also appeared
certain. .Restoration of the gift tax
looked like the third point in the
Will Register by Acclamation;
Yearling Dental Class
to Hold Election.
Freshmen elections for the engi-
neering school will be held at"11
o'clock today in room 348 West En-
gineering building, during the reg-
ular assembly. The vote will be by
Junior Dental election results are
as follows: president, George Kil-
ley; vice-president, D. C. Kelly;
secretary, James Karalash; treasur-
er, N. P.-Sorensen; J-Hop commit-
teeman, Raymond Hils. All officers
were elected unanimously.
The senior business administra-
tion class elected the following off-
cers yesterday: -Richard Clare, pres-
ident; Lawrence Hobart, vice-presi-
dent; -Russell Moore, secretary;
Frederick Asmus, treasurer.
The sophomore architecture class
elected the following officers: Don-
ald C. Anderson, president; George
Burdorf, vice-president; Gordon A.
Belson, secretary; Warren L. Wheel-
wright, treasurer.
The freshman dental class will
hold its election at 5:15 o'clock' in
the lecture room of the Dental
The sophomore medical elections
have been postponed on account of
examinations until 5 o'clock Mon-
day. They will be held in the north
lecture room of the East Medical
Fear World Effects
of Far East Fighting
Three factors put a brake yes-
terday on the attempts by the
League of Nations to make peace
between China and Japan.
Fear was expressed in Paris that
if the League fails to uphold Jap-
an's demands that China recognize
the validity of existing treaties,
the precedent might affect agita-
tion against the Treaty of Versail-
Tn addition hpr mwrp irin.

noted British author, discussing
"Fiction in History and History in
The remaining lectures will be
Bertrand Russell, philosopher, Dec.
2; Martin and Osa Johnson, Afri-
can explorers, Dec. 14; Winston
Churchill, Jan. 27; John B. Ken-
nedy, date indefinite, and George
W. Wickersham, date indefinite.
French Professor to
Give Three Lectures
Dr. Etienne Gilson, professor of
Mediaeval philosophy at the Uni-
versity of Paris, the chair once oc-
cupied by St. Thomas Aquinas will
give a series of three lectures at
Lydia Mendelssohn theater begin-
ning today and continuing through
Thursday and Friday each day at
4:15. His subjects will be "The
Christian God," "The Christian
World," and "The Christian God."

(Special to The Daily)
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Nov. 17.-
Editors of the University of Min-
nesota Daily are mysterious about
the Little Brown Jug.
They hint that perhaps the or-
iginal jug was taken from; Michi-
gan back in 1927, and that since
then a substitute has been in use
as 'the original. Also, they hint
that the original may be in an at-
tic not more than two blocks from
the campus here, and that for the
first time in some years the "real"
jug will journey back to Ann ArborE
Oscar Munson, who first captured
the jug and who is now equipment
custodian at the university here,
has promised the Minnesota Daily
a "big story" the Tuesday follow-
ing the game Saturday, and stu-
dents here think that a long story
will be told concerning . the miss-
ing jug.



Merely Closely Related, States
The present day ape is only a
close relative of, and not the father
of man, said Byron O. Hughes, in-
structor of anthropology, in a radio
talk yesterday afternoon over radio
station WJR.
"Evolution does not refer speci-
fically to the descent of man from
the ape," Hughes said. "To put it
more broadly, evolution implies
that life forms in the past were not
the same as they are now, nor will
+1-an h a n-i a +n - a*,,fnra "

t _ _ I

the horse is more like a donkey
than it is like a cow. In this same
way," said Hughes, "does the scien-
tist compare man withi the ape."
Cro-magnon, who lived 50,000
years ago, was superior to present
day man, acording to Hughes. "He
was large and finely proportioned,
and if one is to consider size of
brain, erectness of carriage and
muscular development as signs of
superiority, modern man has a long
way to go before he will be the
equal of Cro-magnon man.
"Since the time of Qro-magnon


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