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November 13, 1931 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-11-13

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__ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ THE MICHIGAN DATCY~
3 I


Madame Gandhi Is an
Active Leader Among
The Women of India
"Madame Gandhi has earned her
leadership," said Mrs. Frederick B.
Fisher in an interview yesterday,
"not only because of her illustri-
ous husband but through her tre-
mendous sacrifices to the cause of
Indian freedom." Mrs. Fisher had
spoken about Madame Gandhi be-
fore the Colony Club of Detroit on
"She was a Brahman woman
which is the highest caste in In-
dia," Mrs. Fisher continued, "but
she and her husband took up a
life in which they lived on a peas-
ant's wage which is about eleven
cents a day." Mrs. Fisher explain-
ed what a difficult matter it was
for a woman of Madame Gandhi's
standing to grant her husband's
request when he asled her to adopt
an outcast girl. She finally did it
because she has such an intense
belief in Indian democracy, and
today the girl is a member of
Gandhi's family.
Mrs. Fisher told of the Gandhi
family in South Africa where Ma-
dame Gandhi was an active leader
among the Indian women. She was
one of the 3,000 persons who
marched from Natal to Transvaal
in an effort to free the indentured
Indian slaves in Africa. At that
time they were living at Phoenix
in a cooperative community.
Today Madame Gandhi lives
with her husband in a small group
of about one hundred and fifty
families which are drawn together
because of spiritual and political

the Prime Minister of England, is tess to political and social London.
described by Marjorie Tiltman in , It was no secret that the Queen
the Delineator magazine as the bestowed her approval on the Prime
typical "nut-brown maid" of the Minister's daughter and consider-
Gaelic song. ed her a "thoroughly nice girl."
She is the hostess of Downing She is still single, her time being
Street and Chequers, as well as absorbed in her f mily of four bro-
partner extraordinary of her busy thers and sisters, as well as in her
father, Ramsay MacDonald. His work. In regards to marriage, she
greatest praise of Ishbel was to say, believes in biding one's time until
"She is like her mother." one is perfectly sure.
From a girl's school at Hamp- "Ishbel has imprinted herself on
stead, Ishbel passed on to a large the public imagination more than
public school in North London, for her interesting sisters and brothers.
a short time, andthence to King's Is it the glamor of the position she
College to study household and so- has held, or is it an unconscious
cial science. Thus at the age of acceptance of a remarkable per-
twenty was she self-prepared to sonality? Still she will never
carry on the duties of playing hos- change," concludes the article.





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year. To mother it is a day of poignant, precious mem-

ones of you.

You were the tiny child she held in her

To you just the passing of another

arms. You were the hopes and lears, the joy and
tears, the enduring pride of all the glorious years of her




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