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November 13, 1931 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-11-13

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lication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members
he University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to
President until 3:30; 11:30 a. m. Saturday.




To the Members of the University Senate: There will be- a meeti
he University Senate on Monday, Nov. 30, at 4:15 p. m., in Room "C
v building. The Senate consists of the Professors, Associate Prof
, Assistant Professors and others specially designated by the Regen
Louis A. Hopkins, Secretary.
Non-resident Students of ,the University may draw books from t
versity Libraries provided: '
1. That they register at the Circulation Desk in the General Li
y, filing their telephone numbers.
2. That they pledge themselves to return within twenty-four hou
book needed at the Library, upon receipt of a telephoned request.
W.,W. Bishop, Librarian.
Prospective Teachers: This is the last day for free registration wi
University Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Informati
er today, a late registration fee will be charged. Early registrati
dvisabple as many positions will have been opened and closed befc
records of late registrants are complete.,
All students who have positions for next year should register
time as a matter of record.
Latin 103, 155: There will be no meeting in these courses today.
James E. Dunlap.

I Commission in Finland
Favors Wine and Beer
HELSINGFORS, Finland, N o v.
12.-(A)-A report declaring Fin-
land's prohibition law to be insup-
portable and recommending that
beer and wine be legalized will be
submitted soon by the government
commission appointed last winter
to study the problem.
The majority report, it was learn-
ed on the highest authority today,
ng illdeclare a change if needed in
C', the interest of real temperance. It.
will offer three, proposals:
es-1. To permit the manufacture,
ts. transportation, storage and impor-
tation of wines of not more'than
12 per cent alcoholic content by
he volume, of beer of 3.2 per cent and
liquors of 12 per cent.
,b- 2. To amend the present laws to
imake that proposal possible, and
to establish a system of local op-
urs tion by which a n y community
might forbid the manufacture and
sale of alcoholic beverages, but not
the importation by individuals for
ith personal consumption in t h e i r
on. homes.
on 3. To establish a company to su-
re perviseedistribution of legal alco-
orhlic beerages.

, .
Speakers Attacked Propaganda,'
SDeanEdmonson Says in
Stress on Economics and Civics
Is Praised by Business
Men Present.
"Monday's conference at Lansing
brought 'out the fact that business
men know very little about the
work that is being done in public
schools in relation to instruction
in thrift," according, to Dean J. B.
Edmonson of the education school,
in an interview on the conference.
dealing with the question of the
extent to which schools could co-
operate in obviating business crises
through instruction.
Business men and educators were
both represented at the conference,
which totalled about 30 delegates.
Dean Edmonson was the only rep-.
resentative from the University.
One matter stressed at the meet-
ing was the growing opposition of'
educators and public toward bring-
ing into instruction educational
materials tinged with propaganda.
Discussing a news item which
mentioned a proposition to intfo-
duce instruction encouraging school
children to buy life insurance after
leaving school, Dean Edmonson'
said, "I took the position that
schools gave more instruction in
thrift and business matters than
bu4iness men realized.
"There was considerable favor-
able comment on the part of the
men in business," stated the Dean,
"on ecducation's attempt to intro-
duce more forces dealing with eco-
nomics, civics, and business."


By Lawson BeckerI
The art exhibit which opened
Sunday in Alumni Memorial hall
is one- of te most professional ap-
pearing shows of the Ann Arbor
Art Association's annual exhibits.
Among the exhibitors is Profes-
sor Myron Chapin whose w a t e r
colors retain the depth he display-
ed last year with added color. Mrs.
Chapin has one very large canvas,
a family portrait, that is quite the
strongest thing she .has yet done.
In still lifes Mrs. Crane has done
even better work than last year.
The portrait of her son unusually
combines a fine color scheme with
t clear cut, restrained treatment of
the subject. The painting exempli-
fies the modern trend in portrai-
Professor Slusser, in addition to
a lovely still life, shows four strik-
ing opaque water colors. Another
contributor of water colors, Profes-
sor Valerio, shows that he has mas-
tered this medium as quickly and
as surely as his great technical
skill would promise.
Professor Barnes is represented
by four of his beautiful impression
istic landscapes. They take the ob-
server back to the quie'tness of an-
other time. James Stanley joins
Professor Barnes in the delightful
mood of the passing era with very
fine water colors.
Some of the most outstanding
works of thelexhibit are the four
portraits, including ones of Pro-

fessor Reeves and Professor Wood,
done by Leon Makielski.
In sculpture, Professor Fairbanksf
has to his credit a large cast of the
lomanticist style and two of his
well known babies' heads. Other
sculpture of note is by Elaine
Brockman, and John Allshouse,
'32A, in addition to sculpture work,
shows an amazing all around abil-
ity in oils, batik, and block point.
In other lines, Professor Aldrich
has some beautiful pastels, Douglas
Hall some wood cuts in which he
has quite out-done himself, and
Alexis Lapteff a striking pigeon
done in pottery. In pencil work
Jonathan Taylor has several out-
standing contributions.
Many of the exhibitors are stu-
dents, particularly fine work being
done by them in water colors.

I Gomberg Back in City
After Western Tour
Dr. Moses Gomberg, head of the
chemistry department, returned
Wednesday from a lecture tour cov-
l ering 17 districts of the American
Chemical Association throughout
the western part of the country,
and lasting an entire month.
As president of the association,
Dr. Gomberg selected the western
section because other members of
the society were cqvering the other
districts. Dr. Gomberg spoke on a
nimbe of topics; in each case, he '
said, his addresses began with sub-
jects relating to the association it-
elf, and ended with a purely sci-
entific discussion.
Dr. Gomberg said that he had
encountered everywhere graduates
of the University.

The MIc igan League


reek.101: There will be no meeting in this course today.
James E. Dunlap.
n Exhibition of the work of local artists is now being held on the
d floor, of Alumni Memorial hall, to be open through Nov. 26, under
uspices of the Ann Arbor Art Association.'
cology 31: Bluebook today, A-M inclusive will meet in Room 25
N-Z in Room 2082 N. S.
conomics 121-Labor (Max Handman): Whole class is to meet in
101 Economics building for lecture.
nglish 1, Sections with Mr. Helm: Classes will not meet today. The
ng session today will be in Room 2225 A. H., from 7 to 10.
raduate Students in Chemistry: Qualifying and preliminary exam-
ns in organic chemistry for graduate students working toward the
r's degree in Chemistry willbe held at 1 p. m., in Room 151 Chem-
niversity Women of Unitarian Church preference are invited to
a talk by Miss Alit Lloyd at 4 o'clock today, at the home of Mrs.
Vood Sellars, 1044 Ferdon Road. Dean Lloyd's topic is "What a
Ll Church Can Do for the University Woman." Following the talk,
John Effinger will pour tea, assisted by Mrs. John R. Shepard and
J. G. Rickert.,

ered by the lectures on bibliography
on Saturday, Nov. 14, at 9 o'clock,
in 2225 A. H. W. G. Rice.
Senior Business Administration
Students: Election of officers will
be held Tuesday, Nov. 17, at 4:15,
in Room 206 Tappan hall. All can-
didates for office 4 must present
eligibility slips. Bring identification
Directed Teaching Class in Intra-
murals: This class will meet each
Thursday at 2 p. in., in the Intra-
mural Sports building. This is only
for men students in physical edu-
cation who are regularly enrolled in
this course.
Faculty Women's Club: Monday
Evening Drama Section members
will be the guests of Mrs. H. H.
Willard, 1841 Cambridge Road, at
7:45 Monday evening, Nov. 16.
Michigan Chapter of University
Dames will meet at 8 p. in., Tues-
day, Nov. 17, in the Grand Rapids
Room of the Michigan League. Mrs.
Frederick Bohn Fisher will'talk on
"Ancient and Modern Dames of the


Excellent Meals

Etchings by

Whistler I
as, Obscene

Moderate Prices

WASHINGTON, Nov. 12.-(/P)-A
group of etchings by James McNeil
Whitler and Anders Zorn were
barred from importation as obscene
today by the Customs Bureau.
In upholding the action of An-
thony Czarnecki, Collector of Cus-
toms at Chicago, the Burea4 did
not go into the artistic value of
the sketches imported by Franklin
J. Maine, a Chicago art dealer, but
it held that the prints could not be
imported for commercial purposes.
There are 192 Smiths registered
in the Ann Arbor City directory.

DINNER . . .. .. 45 CENTS
Tables Reserved for Parties
Telphone 23251

Th~e. .1c iga .League

sian: Upper Editorial
at 3 p. m. All junior
men and women, re-

I d

Toni ght ft 8:30-

Play Production Offers

, M w

Hellenic Society meeting at Mich-
an Union at 8 p. m. All students
Hellenic descenit are invited.
Wesley Players announce the first
six public performances at 8:15
m., in the Little Theatre at Wes-
yr hall. Three one-act plays are
Tered, "The Marriage Proposal"
rTchekov,' "The Man on the Xerb"
Sutro, '"iimbo, the Pirate" by
Sophomore Cabaret: The Tango
roup meets at 3 p. m., the Em-
ess Eugenie Group at 4 p. m., the
Tess Group 1 at 4:30, the Moderns
d the Michigan Band at 5 p. m.,
Barbour gymnasium. . The Uke
iorus meets at the League at 4
Newcomer's Section of the Facul-
Women's Club will have a bridge
arty, at 2:30, in the Michigan
ague. All members are cordially
vited to attend.
Candidates for the Master's De-
ee in English: There will be an
amination on the materials cov-
& Company, inc.


liked Gesterfld
-rig'ht'f/rom the start"
0, I don't know a blessed thing
about how Cigarettes are made. But,
of course, I would want the tobacco to
be PURE. And then I've heard that the
blending is very important. I'd want that
to be done just right.
"Then the paper. I don't like paper
that you can taste-or smell when it's
burning. I'd warft that pure too.
"Another thing. I want to smoke when-
ever I feel like it-without worrying about
smoking too many. So I want my ciga-
rettes MILD.


All Seats Fifty Cents

Iox Office 4121 (Ext. 789)

Now s The Time

r^ J


the main thing, of course,




TASTE. I don't care for over-sweet-
ened cigarettes. I much prefer those that
are just sweet enough.
"Chesterfield seems to satisfy in every
one of these ways. That is why I'd rather
have a Chesterfield."

Orders executed on a lx-
changes. Accounts tarried
-wAn~"Is nr. A


121 East Washington


on aas*rv**

iTIVO ma g m.

relephone 23271
1.t FL 1OOR'





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CULBERTSON-Blue Book .. ...............................-.
CULBERTSON-Contract Summary ....................... . ........ ..-.
BOYDEN AND WARREN-Pocket Contract Bridge.......................
LIGGITT-Contract Bridge (Official Summary)............................
WHITEHEAQ--Contract at a Glance................... . . . ...... . ... .....
WHITEHEAD-Contract Bridge-What to do and Why..................,
WORK-Contract Bridge for all.......................................
FTTZSIMMONS-Contract Bridge....................................

...,. . 1.00

" '


SMOKERS tire of too much sweetness
in a cigarette, and they don't like rawness.
For a steady diet, they want a cigarette
like CHESTERFIELD - a mild and mel-
low smoke, free from any over-sweetness
or any harshness or bitterness. That's




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