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November 13, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-11-13

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Published every morning except Monday during the UnIversit year
the Board in Control of Student Publications.
Mlember of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
The Assocated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
lication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
dited in this paper and the local news published herein.
Entered at the Post Ofice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
s matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
tma ster General
tubscription by carrier, $5.00; by mail, $4.50
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
bigan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.-
Telephone 4925
torial Director .......................Beach Conger, Jr.
y Editor....................................Carl Forsythe
Ns Edtor ......... ....... ..David M. Nichol
rts Edltor.......... .................Sheldon C. Fullerton
men's Editor ........................Margaret M. Thompson
istant News Editor ...... .................Robert L. Pierce
nk B. Gilbreth J. (Xlhlen Kennetly James Inglis-
and Goodman Jerry B. RQsenithal
Karl Seiffert george A. Stauter
Sports Assistants
Iber J. Myers John W. Thomas John S. Townsend
an Joneb . Charles A. Sanford

Stanley W, Aruheim
Lawson . .Becker
Thomas. Connellan
Samuel G. Ellis
Sanniel L. Finkle
Louis B. Gascoigne
Dorothy Brockman
)firi'am Carver
Beatrice Collins
Louise Uraidal
Elsie Feldman
Prudence Foster

Frcdi A. JFauber
Norman Kraft
Roland Martin
Htenry Meyer
Marion A. Ailezewski
Albert H. Newman
L. Jerome Pettit
Georg-ia Geisinan-
Aliee Gilbert
Martha Littleton_
Eiizabeth Long
Frances M anchester
Elizabeth^ Mann

John W.Pritchard
Joseph Renihan
C. Hart Schaaf
Brackley ,Shaw
Parker R. Snyder
G. B.. Winteas
S RMargaret O'Brien
Iillary Rarden
Dhorothy Rundell
Elma Wadsworth
Josephine Woodhams

Telephone 2214
RLES TI'. KLTNE.,..... ..... .\..........Business Manager
RIS P. JOHNSON ........... ...Assistant Manager
/Department Managers
tising ......................................Vernon Bishop
tising Contracts ..... .. ...............Robert Callalhin
tising Service................ . ..Byron C. VedderI
ations........................William T. Brown
lations.........................Harryy R. Begley
nts ....... ...........Richard Stratemeir
n's ]Business Manager........................Ann W. Verner

ion, must retire to the back of the stage while the
public high schools and grade schools come to the
front to claim their share of attention..
However, the purpose of such an observance as
began yesterday morning is not to sit back in an
easy chair and gloat with false pride at the sensa-
tional progress that, within the last hundred years,
has brought the public school system from an estab-
lishment scoffed at, ridiculed-in fact practically
non-existent-to one of its present status. By the
assumption of this attitude of self satisfaction and
self-content, the very purpose of the observance is
Observations last only a dy, or a week, or a
month, as custom so rules, but they are instigated so
that their constructive effects will be felt throughout
the year. The big thing to recognize in this particu-
lar week of recognition is the fact that our public
school system has far from reached its Utopia, and
that it possesses many and varied faults which are
open for correction.
In view of this constructive purpose, those influ-
ential in formulating the national program have ad-
vanced one leading fault for correction. It is the
present lack of cooperation between teachers and
There are three environments under which a child
may be raised: 1. In which the full responsibility
rests with the home. 2. In which the state assumes
complete responsibility. 3. Where the obligation of
raising the child is divided between the state and
the home. For the origin of the first two we go back
to the days of ancient Rome and Sparta, and dis-
cover that the responsibility of Roman parents for
their children attained a degree of highness that has
never been exceeded, and that the Spartan father
and mother had absolutely no control over their off-
spring. In these two radica'lly different systems,
there were many good points, but in both they were
overshadowed by their faults.
It remained for the third environment, that of
sharing the obligation, to combine the original two
for the addition of their advantages and the subtrac-
tion of their faults. For -the beginning of this sys-
tem, one needs only to turn back the hands of time
to the origin of the public school, a comparatively
recent event.
This is the method under which the parents of the
United States claim their children are reared. Tech-
nically they are correct, but practically they are
sadly in error, for with the present lack of coopera-
tion between the sharers of the obligation, any com-
parison of the present method and the system as it
should be carried out would be absurd.
To correct this "cross-firing" of home and school,
many institutions have established parent-teacher
organizations. The results have been favorable, but
the extent has not been wide. /If this week's program
does nothing more than promote the beginning of
aprogressive move in this direction, it will have done
more than its share toward the bettermentof na-
tional education. J. C. W.
Every rise of one per cent per bushel to the wheat
and corn prices adds more than $10,090,000 to the
value of these grains in farmers' hands, an Asso-
ciated Press dispatch states. That's fine, as long as
the farmers can keep their hands up.
Letters published in this column should not
be constr.ued as expressing the editorial opinion
of The Daily. Anonymous communications will
be disregarded. The names of communicants will,
however, be regarded as. confidential upon re-
quest. Contributors are asked to be brief, con-
finig themselves to less than 300 words if

e-----amus inthe Unteda-tes,
In view of the. fact that Mlichi-
ed capusin the United States,
the Rolls Public Welfare Commis-
sion has resolved to institute a
Campus Information Bureau. The
purpose of this department will be
to tell anybody anything they want
to know about things in general
about the Campus and 'its environs.
Environs offer practically limitless
possibilities for juicy bits of scan
,dal. Our first letter comes from a
freshman who, apparently, hasn '
yet lost that overwhelming desire
to know about life. His query fol-
* * *
Dear Oscar:
Since I came to this Uni-
versity, I have been looking at
that great big building with all
the columns on it right there
on State Street across from
Betsy Barbour and Helen New-
berry dorms. It is a big white
building and people are always'
going g and out of it, and I
wondered if it would be all
right if I went in sometime and
found. out what they do there.
Are there any hours which
would be better than others for
me to do this?
George George, '35
Dear George-or Mr. George, as
good form will have it:
The building to which you refer
is Angell Hall. It is a fine building

Johnny Ja kson
Bill Greer and His Music
Phone 9228 Huron and Fourth
All piograms are given in Hill
Auditorium uinlIe s s;otherwise
noted. The afternoon concerts
are g i ve n without admission


Phone 22553

436 Third Street


We have the newest in 1oors
- and patterns for men, women,
and children.
Quality merchandise at
economical prices.

Tonight, Saturday and
Follow the crowd to


This Week's Tempting Feature: 25c a Pint
Pineapple Bits
Lemon Sherbet
Roasted Almond Toffee-
For "THANKSGIVING SEASON" we have some clever
new ice-cream moulds.




)n Jahn Keyse
.trsley Arthur F. Kohn
lares Lowe
e1rnard E. Schnacke
cr Anne Iarsha
Cissel Katharine Jackson
eld Dorothy Layin
hgrund Virginia McComnb
pr Carolin Mosher
an Ie sien Olsen
helen Schmleede

Grafton W. Sharp
Donald Johnson
D)on Lyon
Bernard H. Good
May Seefried
Minnie Seng
atlIryn Stork
Care Unger '
Mary Elizabeth Watts

where people go to--
1...Pick up dates.
2. ..Carry on romances
tables in the library at
of the hall.
3. . .Sleep.
The soundest advice I

over the
the end
can give


13, 1931

irad uates
end Politics

A plai -to bring more college graduates into
active affiliation with the major political par-c
ties and thus raise the standards of government
within the next decade has been proposed by Dr.
William E. Mosher, managing director of the
School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syra-
cuse University. The plan in its entirety would
not be confined to the' alumni of Syracuse, nor
would there be an attempt to influence young men
-andl women toward adhering to any one patty. The
scheme in abstract is this:
1. The selection of some two or three prom-
inent members of a community identified wits a
lobal alumni association who may be interested in
securing the list of recent graduates and to lay-
before them at an informal meeting the proposalr
that they identify themselves as party workers in
the party of their preference.
2. The representative of the alumni associa-
tion, having learned with which party the newt
graduate wishes to become associated, would maket
it his responsibility to give such men and women
a letter of introduction to the party committeemen1
or chairmen.
The plan is simple enough, but it is something
else to attempt to inject new life into a problemt
that has been allowed to remain latent for years.
The absence of students in politics is everywhere
evident in this country. It has been said before
that the student reveals an insight of a remarkable
kind in the political life of his time; yet the neces-
sity for earning a living following graduation hast
turned him from a political career to one of busi-
ness. To attempt a right-about-face even within
the next ten years is a stiff 'assignment, and onei
that will have many obstacles to overcome.
There are in the plan, however, certain funda-
mentals worthy of consideration. In the first place,
if the college-trained graduate became sufficiently
interested in- politics in the community, it is more:
than likely that, as the functions of government
expand and taxation increases, more efficient ad-
ministration and sound government policies would
result. Indeed, in a space of ten years, the influ-
ence of the graduate in party nominations along
local, state, or national lines, would doubtless be
profound. The plan of Dr. Mosher is one that
should meet with favor not only among alumni of
Syracuse but among other universities and col-
leges as well.
(The Purdue Exponent)
Yesterday, the United States began the observance
of a week annually set aside in recognition of na-
tional education, a thing that in comparatively recent

you about it is stay away. It is
full to overflowing of professors
who wear funny-looking hats, hats
with funny-looking coeds wearing
them, and all manner of other peo-
ple whom it is best to leave strictly
alone. The last time I went there,
a professor advised me not to take
a course because it was hard and
required real study. If you would
keep your ideals and desire for
knowledge I should advise that you
either stay at home or go to the
movies. Angell Hall is not for the
educated or the seeker after learn-
ing-unless, of course, coeds are
what you want to know about. If
this is the case, come arid ask us
and save a lot of wear and tear on
the seat of your trousers. Their
benches are the worst on campus.

To The Editor: The following is a letter I sent this
morning to the Editor of the Detroit Free Press:
Referring to your editorial "The Major is Right,"
I beg to submit with all due respect for your-opinion
that it is perfectly right and correct at all times and
under all circumstances to speak and write in faiior
of peace and disarmament against the greatest of all
horrors, war. More especially is this true at a time
of rejoicing over peace and the just glorification of
the dead who made the supreme sacrifice for the
sake of-peace. M. LEVI, Professor Emeritus.
To Those Responsible for the Armistice Day Program:
I congratulate you on your program. In the light
of the recent controversy which was erroneously put
in my name, I should like to make the following
statement. The tone of the meeting and the note
the speakers struck was the note our Disarmament
group should have tried to introduce in the speaker
we chose. The note of friendliness between nations,
the need to work for peace, the possibility of a
united states of Europe, the coming first World Dis-
armament Conference, and the thought of inviting
in the future representatives of our former enemies,
the Central Powers, to honor with us those who made
the supreme sacrifice for what they felt was of su-
preine importance-for these attitudes on the part
of the speakers and for the note of reverence and
feeling for the sacrifices made, I was very thankful.
We would not be misunderstood, however. As a
group we feel that handsome uniforms and brass
bands do not present a true picture of war and that
this practice of sugar coating the actual facts creates
in the minds of the general public, if not of- the
Reserve Corps itself, a leniency toward military
methods which is definitely detrimental to one of
understanding and sympathy for other nations and
other races.
We recognize that the military groups and peace
groups are both working for peace, but while the
former groups believe that preparedness for war is
the best method to insure peace, I am convinced that
the preparation must be for peaceful settlement of
all disputes, if our efforts are to be constructive and
our goal attained. Some of the group take the ex-
treme pacifist stand, but most of us do not go so!

* ,* *
This would seem to be an ex-
cellent time: to remind contri-
butors that brevity is the spice
cf life and that the fewer the
lines to the individual contri-
bution, the more contributions
we can squeeze into a column.
We are fairly swamped by let-
ters from people who think
they can do better than we do
at this business, and, on the
whole, we should say that they
were right. Give them a chance,
to appear in print.
Our scurrilous contemporary The
Gargoyle has asked that we print
an appeal for writers of good clean
and other sorts of fun in this col-
umn. It seems that they are hard
pressed for witters-far be it from
us to suggest tht it is a self-evi-
dent fact-and would appreciate
any assistance they can get in fill-
ing their magazine.
Lovingly Ever Thine

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