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October 23, 1931 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-23

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First League Party Will Be Held From 4 to 6 o'Clock
IT RProceeds of Affair to Be Used Mosher Jordan Gives Names Alpha Chi Omega. glis, Mrs. Kreg, Mrs. Bunting, Mrs. Outd
PBJAlpha Chi Omega had a tea last Underdown. Of the Detroit alum-
,for a Student Loan Fund of Committee Heads and Saturday in honor of their alum- nae, the following women were row
League Orchestra to Play for and League Expenses. Other Positions.,:Miss Ruth Timberly, Miss
___ nae, and visitors from Albion, and presentMss uhTibryMss
Dancing for Tea in, Main In order to accomplish a two-fold House organization of Mosher Ohio State chapters. Mrs. Church, Helen Maynard, Miss Mary Roach, Culr
Ballroom.>purpose, of aiding the League and Jordan halls was practically com- their new chaperon, from Kansas H Mai FddingtontMiamps
thy HroomMisofFrwasspiaccorn-Mrnew
Michigan students, the homes of pleted Wednesday evening when City, Missouri, will be honored to- held a
'TO BE INFORMAL PARTYA>iv Virginia Snyder, Mrs. Irene Dun-
Tmay prominent Ann Arbor alumni the House Committee of Jordan morrow by a tea. V agroup
will be thrown open for a commun- appointed the chairmen of the six Alpha Epsilon Phi, M rs. e pine Androice Field .
ity card party, Wednesday, Nov. 4, standing committees. The chair- Alpha Epsilon Phi wishes to an- are in
Group With One Hundred to be sponsored by the Michigan men of these committees in Mosh- nounce the pledging of Miss Estelle Grace Manbeck of Cleveland' Any
Percent Attendance. Women of Ann Arbor. er were appointed a week ago. Aarons, '33, of Cleveland, Ohio, and Saturday evening a buffet supper active
"We are hoping to see every Proceeds from the affair will be In Jordan hall the chairmen of Miss Edna Canner, '35, of Boston, was given for the mothers and has n
re on t s ee turned over to help defraying the the standing committees are Cath- Massachusetts. friends, Mrs. Wilkinson, Lakeside, points
freshman.woman at the first Lagueurnd eerine Bennett, grad., scholarship Tuesday afternoon, the chapter Mrs. Gray, of Romeo, Mrs. Mitchell, trail,
party this afternoon, stated Cath- expenses of the central office of the committee; Jane Mitchell, '32, so- sponsored a tea for the Hillel Foun- 'f Cleveland, Mrs. Welsh, of Port lar.
erine Heeson, '33, social chairman League, a certain percentage will cial committee; Margaret Hahn, dation, at which Mrs. Mahrer Huron, and Mrs. Bond, of Grand The
of the League, who is in charge ,of be turned over to Miss Alice C. '33 , health committee; Dorothy poured. They will honor their Rapids. tensiv
Lloyd, dean of women, to bew used Rundell, '34, library committee; pledges at a tea on Thursday Tuesday night a rushing party for t
elusivrlyrarmnts h ma aff, as a loan fund for assisting stu- Harriett Schiele,33, music com Alpha Gamma Delta. was given for six guests. The deco- large
exclusively a f r~e shim a n affair, .mittee; Dorothy Davidson, '34, ath- rations were yellow and white, and be et
though, and every woman on cam- dents who need a little financial letics committee. Alpha Gamma Delta had a rush- were carried out by the use of yel- Besid
pus is invited to attend." aid.Mrs. Sink HaCh Thelma Meyer, '32, was appointed ing dinner Monday night for five low tapers, and yellow and white will b
'To Be In League. Mrs. Charles Sink, chairman of the recording secretary of Jordan, guests. Yellow crysanthemums and 'mums. three
Jane Colby the corresponding sec- tapers were used. Alpha Phi. abeth
The party will be held from 4 to - the organization, is in charge of ar- retary, and Betty Osgood, the The chapter wishes to announce Alpha Phi is honoring the Ann Ramb
6 o'clock this afternoon in the main Catherine Heeson, '33, Social rangements for the affair, and treasurer. the pledging of Virginia Davidson, Arbor mothers and the patronness-. worth
ballroom of the League, and will be Chairman of the League who has twenty-one (women are acting ; It was decided that council meet- '34, of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday. es of the chapter at a tea today. club.
informal. Freshmen will attend in charge of the first of the series of hostesses, each having one or more ings will be held in Mosher on the Four members will attend the out- Alpha Xi Delta. The
Friday afternoon teas. assists, first and third Wednesdays of the Alpha Xi Delta had a tea in hon-.-hours
the groups into which they were _ _21 To Be Hostesses, month and in Jordan on the - of-town game this week-end. Ap Xi lt te n hom urs
divided during Orientation week, The hostesses include Mrs. James and and fourth Wednesdays. Alpha Omicron Pi. Tuesday. Their national advisor, postp
and faculty avisors and student AC Breaky, assisted by Mrs. Nathan Alpha Omicron Pi had a tea last t nca se e
andCH faut disr n tuetL .I B reay ssisteb r hss.Nthaed_______ lh mco P a e atMrs. Artz from Cincinnati, is ex- IGlend
assistants will also attend. A prize Potte Mrs. H r e assidSunda in honor of their Detroit
has been offered to the freshman by Mrs. A. C. Furstenberg; Mrs. alumnae and patronnesses. The will be given in her honor Satur- cal e
Max Winkler, assisted by MrsHuge President patronnesses present were: Mrs. In- day night. plans
group with one hundred per cent l i 1A W0 WiklrasisedCyirseHghMiller auma adparonessrTePilregienishrhooretu-cat
attendance. , IIIIL Ii Keelerand, Miss Ellen Stevenson;_______________
Orchestra to Play. Mrs. Theophile Raphael, assisted by Cile Miller was elected president,
Music for dancing will be fur- JMrs. Albert Peck; Mrs. Shirley to replace Jean Levy who had re- - FLOW ERS
nished by the League orchestra, Katherine Ferrin, '32, Appoints Smith, assisted by Mrs. William signed that office, at a meeting of
and there will be card tables for Assistants for Annual Brown, Jr., Mrs. Charles Fisher, as- Thet Sigma Phi which which was FOR A n ronnce
a who wish to lay bridgfrmeoclck, Affair, Dec. 4, 5. ers Ear Cres, assisted by Mrs. L. hd 8:15 o'clock, October 20, in the REMEMBRANCE
and Mrs. A. G. Ruthven, Miss Alice A. Tappe; Mrs. Theophile Kling- League building. As Miss Miller wasJune Grey, formerly o
C. Lloyd, Miss.Elisabeth Lawrie, and Members of the central commit- man, assisted by Mrs. Charles Sink formally keeper of the archives it The last token to show
Miss Mararet Mann have been tee for the League Carnival, which and Mrs. Allen Sherzer; Mrs. Jo- will be necessary to elect a member your love and friend- been engaged by the millinery de
asked to pour. ' M will replace the annual League Ba- seph Bursley, assisted by Mrs. A. C. to that office at the next meeting to the head.
Members of the League board of zaar, were appointed yesterday, ac- Furstenberg, Mrs. Robert Angell, on November 3. Arrangements of out She will be delighted to ass
representatives and of the social cording to an announcement by and Mrs. George Patterson; Mrs. -Arrangements _________________-
committee of the League will act as Katherine Ferrin, '32, general chair- John Brumm, assisted by Miss An- standing beauty. her work betokens the last word
hostesses. Members of the social man. na Steele and Miss Lona Tinkham;
committee, who have been assisting The committee heads include: Miss Alfred White, assisted by Miss M e h H sUniversity Flower $5.00 to $D
Miss Heeson with the arrangements, Margaret O'Brien, '33, assistant Sophie Gomberg; Mrs. W. D. Hen- M eshose -
include Parrish Riker, '33, Elizabeth .chairman, Ruth Duhme, '34, chair- derson, assisted by Mrs. Walter Shop, Inc.
Eaglesfield, '33, Margaret Ferrin, man of finance, Vinselle Bartlett, Walz; Mrs. W. A. Paton, assisted by Are just the thing for
'33, Eleanor Walkinshaw, '32, Mar- '33, chairman of entertainment, Miss Dorothy Paton; Mrs. Finley 606 East Liberty
garet O'Brien, '33, and Josephine -Helen DeWitt, '33, chairman of dec- Riggs, at the home of Mrs. J. J. crisp autumn days.So _JA C O BS(
Woodhams, '34. orations -and Ruth Robinson, '34. Walzer, her assistant, and Mrs. trim-so different-so
While there will be no regular cof- Ward Peterson; Mrs. L. W. Oli- individual. A great --
fee shop as in former years, Colle- phant, assisted by Mrs. Walker--
W .A.A. Plans Supper giate Sorosis will be in charge of Walzand, Mrs. W. P. Wood, and number of styles to
Ride for Next Sunday the food arrangements, and a chair- Mrs. Edward L. Adams, assisted, by choose from in all
man will be named at a later date. Mrs. John Worley. . sizes.
A supper ride to Delhi will be Miss Ferrin has called a meeting Others to Entertain.
held at 4 o'clock Sunday afternoon, of the committee at 4:30 o'clock The homes of Mrs. Brumm, Mrs.
'he ,Women's Athletic, Association this afternoon, in order that work Paton, and Mrs. Henderson will be TIHE L AUR A H ~
is' sponsoring a number of these on the carnival can get underway open in the evening only, while BELLE- SHOP
outings for women who are inter- as soon as possible. Mrs. Klingman will open her home
ested in riding. All who care to go both afternoon and evening. All
should call Mr. Guy Mullison, 7418, others listed will be .open in the State at Liberty
to arrange for horses. The group NOTICE afternoon, playing beginning at W =_
will meet at 4 o'clock. ..Members of the Women's Ath- 2:20 o'clock. _-_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Since the beginner's class at 8:30 letic Association who have earn- Women wishing to attend are
o'clock Saturday morning is over- ed their five points and have not askedk to call the assistants of the *
crowded arrangements have been paid their dues may do so from houses where they wish to play,
made for another class from 9:30 2 to 6 o'clock today in the W.A.A. and should not wait to be invited. fo HWu1P
o 10:30 o'clock. Call Elizabeth office which is in the front of Reservations may also be secured PHOTCOGRAPHSn n
Cooper, '34, for further informa- the undergraduate office. from Mrs. W. D. Henderson, 2-3251, PoAHSl2 8
tion. Ior Mi-s. Hugh Keeler, 2-1286. i UI tl

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Sheer chiffon hose in neutral shades for wear with o NeSwtLwriices
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