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istic, seems to be carrying to an extreme the policy
of joint co-operation for the. better functioning of
the band.
All extra-curricular activities are based on vol-
untary contributions of time and effort on the part
of the students engaging herein. At the request
of University officials, the R. 0. T. C. took over
the drilling of the band in order to make it a better
marching outfit. Mr. Falcone was appointed to
take care of the musical perfection. And both de-
partments have done their work well. We can
honestly and proudly say that in the last two years
we have not seen a better functioning band in the
Michigan stadium. May it continue to maintain
the excellent standard it has set itself during this
Hunting is becoming more and more dangerous
in spite of annual campaigns for more caution on the
part of hunters. A Chelsea man was looking for
squirrels in a tree the other day when he stumbled
and fell, suffering severe injuries.
Frank B. Gilbreth J.
Roland Goodman
Earl Seiffert
. Cullen Kenne
edy James Inglis
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Sports Assistants
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Helen Schmeede
In Defense of Our
'Fighting Varsity Band'
N DEFENSE of the present administration of
the band, we should like to present some facts
at this time in order to clear away the misunder-
standings which have resulted from attacks on the
band, attacks not based on facts.
Two years ago, the student body admitted that
there was much to be desired in the method in
which the band drilled. "Uncle Bob" Campbell
then concluded an agreement with the head of the
R. 0. T. C. department by which an officer of the
department was to drill the band. Students who
were scholastically ineligible to play in the band
might elect R. O. T. C. for band purposes only.
They received no academic credit, but in this way-
Criteria in art are variable. One does not enjoy
Mr. McCormack's rendering of ."Kitty My Love" for
the same reasons that make one thrill at Martin-
elli's singing of "Celeste Aida." Both are enjoyable,
and yet.Verdi's famous aria and the Irish folk melody
cannot be compared on the same ground. Both are
unquestionably universal in appeal, and yet each
comprises qualities which are peculiar to the expres-
sion of its native genius. The incongruity would be
more marked should the Irish tenor assay a heavy
operatic role or should Martinelli attempt Irish folk
song. (Although McCormack has sung grand opera
in years past, his forte lies in concert work, and
particularly, light concert work.) Each would not be
able to do himself justice in an alien field of the
art. The question as to which form of expression is
a higher type of art is a matter entirely irrelevant.
An appraisal of last Wednesday night's concert,
therefore, must be a purelyarbitrary one, and largely
a subjective one.
Mr. McCormack opened the current series of Chor-
al Union concerts with "Minnelied," an old German
love song, a simple and tender melody, which lent
itself well to the undulating quality of the singer's
voice. Handel's "Guardian Angels" and "Sentirsi il
petto accendere" (From Arteserse) by Vinci com-
pleted the first group. The Handel number, as well
as Brahms' "In Stiller Nacht" of the following group,
was just a bit too sugary and sentimental. McCor-
mack has a tendency to carry notes over from a pre-
ceeding phrase to the phrase following. This pro-
duces an effect of smoothness, but is entirely incon-
gruous with the cadenced phrasing of the classic
composers. Choice of German, English, and Italian
songs made for pleasant variety in the first group.
"Memnon," by Arthur Foote, was an excellent
vehicle for McCormack's voice. Tonal power and
finessed contrasts of dynamic shading created an
aura'of charm and virility.
The second part of the concert consisted entirely
of Irish folk songs. Outstanding, perhaps, was "Son }
of the Ghost.' Here McCormack caught the Gaelic
spirit beautifully. One felt that here indeed was a
banshee singing, wailing and keening mournfully in
the wind, forerunner of certain death. McCormack
was excellent here. "The Spanish Lady," sung by
Mr. McCormack for the first time, was good ribald,
rollicking Irish fun.
Mr. McCormack's choice of encores was exceed-
ingly felicitous. Popular songs such as "Rose of
Tralee," "The Garden Where the Pretties Grow," and
"Fairy Tale by the Fireside' were typical McCormack
numbers, and were sung delightfully.
People that remember the McCormack of years
ago say that he isn't as fine an artist now as he was
then. One thing, however is certain. McCormack
sung with consummate finesse last Wednesday night.
His diction was faultless, his breathing well man-
aged, his dynamic shading quite in excellent taste,,
and to good effect. Tone quality was mellow and
To ie sure, McCormack is by no means the truly,
inspired artist in the superlative sense of the word;
it still remains that he does contribute his little bit
toward the art of descriptive and romantic music.
G. R.-R.
* ~* * * * * *--
Screen Reflections
While the four Marxes monkey
on at the Michigan all week, the
junior Fairbanks goes after the
old man's laurels in an adventure
epic with a South American locale.
Sad to say, Donglas isn't given half
a chance to show off the family
agility nor personality-due main-
ly to poor direction and continuity.
The plot concerns a timid youth
inspired by a palm reading to do
great deeds in a warmer crmate.
F~llowing which he sows his oats
and Packards in Central America,
meeting the one and only in the
person of Loretta Young--saving
-her f r om the
clutches of a
wealthy English-
Both Fairbanks
and Miss Young
do as best they
c a n with their
oles and man-
age to i n j e c t
w h a t entertain-
ment there is in
t h e comedy. "I
S AAKJLike Your Nerve"
-1 possessed the ba-
sic elements of excellent film fare,'
but the direction and all-round
poduction certainly sp o i1e d its
chances. In spite of its handicaps,
however, the picture is sufficiently
entertaining and likeable to rate
a C. It closes tonight at the Majes-
Prominent among today's open-
ings .in Detroit is Bill Boyd's "The
Big Gamble" at the Fox wherein
that star and a supporting cast
which includes Jimmy Gleason and
Dorothy Sebastian enact a strong
melodrama about a sudden mar-
riage (without the benefit of a
shotgun.) Fanchon and. Marco
come across with a "Circus Days"
Idea as the stage attraction.
Then there's none other than
Ronald of the Colmans in a new
"two-fisted adventure reckless ro-
mance" (no less) titled "The Un-
holy Garden." Fay Wray, Tully
Marshall, and Estelle Taylor are
also featured in this United Artists
At the Michigan (Bagley Avenue)
it's Paul Lukas and Dorothy Jor-
dan in "The Beloved Bachelor"
with a Publix stage show, while
the glamorous Garbo and Clark
Gable remai 'for a third week at
the Paramount in Susan Lenox-
Her Fall and Rise.'
were allowed to play in the band. Furthermore,
the freshmen, under this scheme, were eligible to
play in the band and did not have to take the
required gymnasium work, drills being substituted
for classes. This was the position of the R.O.T.C.-
Band relations until this fall.
At the request of University officials, who be-
lieved that students should be scholastically eligi-
ble to take part in extra-curricular activities, a
ruling was passed to the effect that students, in-
eligible for such work, could take R. O. T. C. for
full credit. In place of infantry drills, they could
substitute band drills, hour for hour. Any other
students, however, who are scholastically eligible,
may play in the band without taking R. O. T. C.
In summary, then, students are not being forced
to take R. O. T. C. in order to play in the band.
The band constitutes an' extra-curricular activity,
and may be participated in by students eligible to
do so, just as in any other activity. However, the
department of military science and tactics has
generously agreed to permit students to substitute
band drill for infantry drill if they wish to do so.
Two other points have been made as argu-
ments against the "Varsity"' band, namely that
the word R. O. T. C. appears too prominently on
the drum, and hat the R. O. T. C. has forced the
band to adopt."militaristic" uniforms. The agree-
ment between band and R. 0. T. C. called for a
"Varsity and R. O. T. C. Band." Mr. Campbell, in
designing the wording on the drum, found that it
was artistically impossible to put both "Varsity"
and "R. O. T. C." on the drum, and therefore, since.
the University was already mentioned in the cir-
cular lettering, decided to omit the "Varsity." He
also approved the design of the uniforms. Anyone
knowing that the R. O. T. C. has no financial con-
trol over the band could see that "forcing" thel
adoption of such uniforms was impossible. As for
the capes - members of the band state that they
are in such bad shape that they were ashamed to'
wear them, and that there are also not enough to
outfit the entire band.
These reasons against the R. O. T. C. and band
co-operation appear to us to be childishly ridicu-
lous. To assume that the band is not the good old
"fighting Varsity band" merely because of new
uniforms and lettering on the drum is imputing a
By Kirke Simpson
WASHII GTON--Fate conspired
to make this a very memorable sea-
son for that philosopher of the
American diplomatic service, Nel-
'son Johnson, minister to China.
For during the period he sur-
rendered bachelorhood after more
than 40 years, and now he sees
Sino-Japanese relations stretched
to the breaking point.
Johnson, with fuis knowledge of
Chinese ways, history and langu-
age, gained by a quarter century
of service in that country, is a vital
cog in the machinery through
which Washington hopes to keep
the peace of the orient.
Guy Maier is leaving this week for a recor
month's concert tour of 20 recitals in the States o
Pennsylvania, Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Missouir
Kansas, Alabama, Louisiana and Oklahoma. He wi
appear in his well-known concerts for young people
and also in his new "Musical Journeys." So great i
the demand for these "Journeys" that he is, appear
ing in four such recitals in New York City durin
the week of December 28 to January 2. Of his con
certs for Young People, the Boston Post recently said
"The audience of children sat enthralled for an hou
and a half," and the New York World added tha
"the adults in the audience were as obviously en
thralled as the children."
Next Sunday in Hill Auditorium, Professor Maier'
student, Stanley Fletcher, will play the Beethover
Concerto in G Major with the University Symphony
The School of Music Symphony Orchestra of the
University of Michigan will make its initial debut fo:
the season at the opening concert in the series of
Sunday afternoon recitals given complimentary tc
the public in Hill Auditorium, Sunday afternoon.
October 25, at 4:15 o'clock. Professor David Mattern
conductor of the orchestra will offer the following
program, to which the general public is invited tc
listen. Guests are requested for obvious reasons tc
refrain from bringing small children and to be seated
on time as the doors will be closed during numbers
Overture to "The Force of Destiny"......Verdi
Concerto for Piano No. 1........Tschaikowsky
Allegro non troppo e molto maestoso
Elsa Eppstein
Kol Nidrei .........................Bruch
Concerto for Piano No. IV........Beethoven
Allegro Moderato
- h The minister's honeymoon, after
his wedding in the consulate at
Tien-tsin, was spent sitting on the
s lid of the Sino-Japanese volcano.
n But for the flare-up in Man-
y churia, Nelson Johnson probably
would have had many strange, old
things to show his bride.
e He has been so much in China,
r pored over the works of the anci-
f ent Chinese philosophers so long,
o that his own sunny temperament
, is touched with something of their
gentle outlook on life, combined
with an exceedingly practical un-
o derstanding of the things of today.
a To back up his handling of the
Chinese end of the whirl of events
in which he plays so important a
part, Johnson has memories of
long consular service in Manchuria,
seat of the trouble.
That first hand understanding of
all the complex national and inter-
national forces that are at play in
the Sino-Japanese clash may be of