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October 23, 1931 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-23

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Who Knew Eight University alumni. Of these lists, 150 have been I
Presidents Interviewed in pub]ished in book form. "V W IL I II L III


1200 Delegates Expected Here
During Thanksgiving
Visitors to Be Guests of Ann
Arbor Citizens at Their
Plans for the Older Boys' confer-
ence which is to be held during
Thanksgiving vacation in Ann Ar-
bor have been completed.
Boys from all over the lower pen-
isula of Michigan will meet for
their first session in Hill auditor-
ium to discuss "the Modern Boy
and a Christian World."
Speakers forrthet' occasion in-
clude Dr. Edward Steiner, of Gri-
nell, Iowa, speaker and writer; Dr.
Frederick B. Fisher, pactor of the
Methodist church and former bis-
hop in Indiana; Dr. Aleander Grant
Ruthven, president of the Univer-
sity; Dr. Harry White, Chicago,
Foreign Division of the National
council Y.M.C.A.; Mr. George W.
Campbell, St. Louis, in charge of
the conference music.
Will Register..
In addition there will be a staff
of other men to lead discussions
and forum groups. Foreign stu-
dents will present their national
viewpoint on the theme of the con-
Registration will include boys be-
tween the ages of 16 to 20 years
of a g e representing churches,
schools, Y. M. C. A. groups, Hi-Y
groups, Young People's organiza-
tions, and other similar groups.
The confereo'ice is limited to 1,200
visiting boys, not including Ann
Arbor delegates and leaders.
Delegates will be guests of the'
AnnaArbor citizens, receiving lodg-
ing and meals at their homes.
Y. M. C. A. In Charge.
The Michigan Older Boys' Con-
ference is being held under the
auspices of the Young Men's
Christian Associations of Michigan,
cooperating with the State Council
of Religious Education, and repre-
sentatives of Church groups. Any
information may be received or
secured from Ray Johns, State
Y. M. C. A., 423 Y..M. C. A. build-
ing, Detroit, Mich.

Current Issue.
The story of a man who has
known eight Michigan presidents,
the report of the first Regents meet-
ing of the year, and a review of the
accomplishments of the Bureau of
Alumni Relations during its two
years of existence are the features
of this week's Michigan Alumnus.
George J. Lutz, Sr., painter-fore-
man of the Buildings and Grounds
department was hired by President
James $. Angell in 1888. At first
Lutz had so little painting todo
that he was often used for janitor
service, but in the summer of 1931
he had a crew of 39 men working
under him t top speed all the time.
Among the accomplishments' of
the Bureau of Alumni Relations ac-
cording to the review of the report
of Director Wilfred B. Shaw just
submitted to the President is the
distributing of a series of bulletins
to all of the alumni of the Univer-
sity, more than 70,000. Another is
the success of the Alumni university
the second session of which was,
held last June, with an attendance
of 92 an increase of 20 over the
enrollment of the previous year.
Another accomplishment of the
Bureau is the development of the
reading list service in conjunction
with the Library Extension service.
Lists have already been prepared
in 250 fields and more than 10,500,
lists have been distributed to 1,500
Chicago Physicians Ask:
Protection f o r Calls
CHICAGO, Oct. 22. -- (P) - The
Chicago Medical society Wednesday
night asked police protection for its
members while on night sick calls.
"Conditions have assumed such
proportions," wrote Dr. Charles M.
Phifer to Police Commissioner All-
man, "that many physicians are
afraid to make night calls because
of robberies perpetrated upon phy-
sicians while they are ministering
to the sick. One' of our members
has been held up six times in the
last few weeks."
Premier Has Twelve
Planes for Election
LONDON, Oct. 22.-(A)-Ramsay
MacDonald has a fleet of 12 air-
planes at his disposal during the
campaign. The machines are kept
in readiness night and day at Hes-
ton Air Park, ready to fly to any
part of the country with speakers
and literature. Si are intended to
carry printed matter and the other
important speakers.
lowe'en Sat., Oct. 31st
We have

The development of the series of
alumni lecture courses in Detroit
is also the work of the bureau. Last
year five courses were .given to
different organizations in Detroit,
41 lectures in all by different mem-
bers of the faculty. The report also
points to the radio lectures spon-
sored by the bureau. Last winter's
talks by Prof. Howard Mumford
Jones, and the talks by Prof. Pres-
ton Slosson and others which the
bureau is sponsoring this winter.t'
A feature of the bureau is the
University news dissemination serv-
ice which sends' news of University
activities to newspapers all over the
Hitler Hard Man to
Interview; Prefers
to Remain Standing
MUNICH, Ger many-(JP)--Adolf
Hitler does not like to sit down for
an interview..
At times, however, he can be per-
suaded to receive a foreign corres-
pondent for a brief "audience" and
introduction. It is a matter of but
a few ininutes, during which the
called must do quick thinking to
elicit a few quotable ideas from
the chief of the brown shirts.
As one enters the room Hitler
rises from behind his large desk,
advances toward the visitor and,
in a rather rough, hoarse voice
introduces himself: "Hitler."
His secretary-adjutant stands re-
spectfully behind him throughout
the meeting and sees to it that
the chat shall be limited to a few
The same mannerisms that are
characteristic of Hitler in action
on the plaforim crop up as he
speaks privately to one-in fact,
his platform manner has become a*
part of him. Now he folds his arms
in Napoleonic fashion, now he em-
phasizes his points by short, ner-
vous gestures.
Asked about his immediate poli-
cies, Hitler said:
"Our whole purpose is to put so-
cial democracy in the hole. When
the vote on the vest pocket cruiser
came up we stayed away, although
we are, of course, for a military
strong Germany.
"We did it because we wanted
to embrace the socialists and
make them either unseat the
Bruening government or v o t e,
against their previous protesta-
tions, for the cruiser. This put
them in bad with a large section
of their membership.
Telephone 7112

To Be Second Concert on Choral
Union Series; Conductor's
First Appearance Here.
Conducted by Serge Koussevitsky
the Boston Symphony orchestra
will give the second concert on the
Choral Union series Tuesday, Octo-
ber 27. This will be the first time
in over a decade that the orches-
tra has appeared here and marks
the premier performance of Kous-
sevitsky in Ann Arbor.
Since its inception 51 years ago,
the Boston orchestra has had nine
different conductors at its head.
Sir George Henschel was the first
conductor, leading the orgapiza-
tion from 1881 to 1884. Wilhelml
Gericke followed him and served
the next five years and also from
1898 to 1996.
Arthur Nikisch was the conduc-
tor from 1889 to 1893; while from
1893 to 1898, Emil Paur wielded the
baton. Dr. Karl Muck was at the
head of the orchestra from 1906 to
1908 and from 1912 to 1918. In the
interim of Dr. Muck's absence, Max
Feidler led the orchestra. Henri
Rabaud, the organization's first
French conductor presided in 1918
and 1919.
Another Frenchman, Pierre Mon-
teux, led the orchestra from 1919
to 1924 and since 1924, Serge Kous-
sevitsky has been at the head.
The Boston Symphony is regard--j
ed by many as one of the leading
musical organizations of the world
today and Koussevitsky has receiv-
ed acclaim from all parts as a tal-
ented and ingenius conductor. Be-
sides the concert it will give in Ann
Arbor, an appearance will also be
made in Detroit the following

Weak Law Enforcemen
Poor Example
Opportunities for the
of gangsters and the rec
gang wars is brought
nothing other than the
public officials to enforc
Prof. Thomas H. Reed o:
tical science department
tional authority on muni
ernment, said yesterday.
"When all branches of
local government lie d(
confronted by a man li
pone, any serious-mind
can not help trembling f
ture of our republic,"
Reed stated.
"We are living in a
civic depression now an
ability of our cities to cop
P,1 a I P B GI

t Provides ganized crime is a disgrace which
for threatens the bases of our civiliza-
tion. If our laws were enforced to
the degree which we can reasona-
activities bly expect, the gangsters, instead
urrence of of riding around the streets in
about by high-powered cars, would be be-
failure of hind the bars."
e the law, "It is, of course, impossible to ex-
f the poli- pect a 100 percent enforcement,
but even an honest attempt on the
, and na- part of those who are responsible,
icipal gov- would result in a much different
state of affairs than now exists.
state and "I don't advocate anything like
n whend the vigilante movement in San
lwn when Francisco in 1850; our better busi-
ke Al Ca- ness men would probably not be
ed citizen capable of it. But I do think that
or the fu- we have a great need for reform
Professor movements which might provide
enough 'snipers' on bad public offi-
period of cials, to have these officials 'killed'
d the in- with ballots instead of bullets. This
e with or- woulc1 end gang activities more
substantially than fighting it out
aI with guns."

German Scientist Wil
Continue Indian Study
Dr. R. Woltereck, the noted Ger-
man scientist who spoke here last
week under the auspices of the Uni-
versity zoology department is plan-
ning a research expedition to the
Philippine Islands immediately after
the conclusion of his American tour,
it was learned yesterday.
He will continue his study of en-
dem.ic types of fishes as the Philip-
pine lakes are especially suited to
this kind of work. Dr. Woltereck,
according to his present plans will
have completely circumnavigated
the globe before his return to Ger-
Reversed Addresses
Are Urged by Soviet
MOSCOW, Oct. 22.-(P)-Soviet
Russia is seeking to educate th!
people to reverse the form of ad-
dressing mail.
The new plan places the name of
the addressee last and the city
first. They claim it speeds sorting
and delivery.

L-utrr5Ir [ ".U ..P:Z6
at Ann Arbor Church
Dr. Albert W.. Palmer, president
of the Chicago Theological semin-
ary which is associated with the
University of Chicago, will be the
guest speaker at the Congrega-
tional church, Sunday. He will
speak both at the morning and
evening sermons on "Building a
Friendly World," and "The Inevi-
table God and the God We Choose,"
Palmer is widely known as a
leader in his denomination and has
been a lecturer at many colleges
throughout the country. His activ-
ity in religious worlk has taken him
twice to the Orient, four times to
Europe and recently to Greece,
Egypt and Palestine.
He has also spent seven years in
Hawaii and served in the A.E.F. in
Siberia during the World war.


Saddle Horses

Mullison Saddle Stables

326 East Ann and Fair Grounds

Saturday Night Supper Ride
Start at 4:30, a 2 hour ride and
fireplace supper.
PHONE 74:8

The problem of where to eat vitally concerns every one
who is not living at home. At Freeman's you will find
served only the most wholesome foods-a trial will con-
vince you.
Lunch and Dinner (per week). .$5.50
Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
(per week)................$7.00
809 East Washington

~ t ) II



Good will is the echo f

pleasure received.

It is satisfaction's overflow,, no satisfe
client ever yet withheld Good Will.
Ann Arbor Florists




Special Boxes of Betsy Ross
Johnston's and Gilbert Candy
Novelties for Your Party
13-15 Nickels Arcade
We Deliver Dial 5931

Phone 6215

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"We Telegraph Flowers"


For 15 Days Only-Starting Today

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It Really Is
Orange Pineapple
Try this Special: Lemon Sherbet
Tuitti Fruitti
I Hallowe'en Individual Moulds anid Pumpkin Pies






"Ann Arbor's Best ice Cream"

Soo Prs.


Phone 22553

436 Third Street


Swifts' Drug Store
340 South State Street

must Go At Drastic Reductio s-Every -Pair
We are greatly overstocked on Fall Footwear Fall buying has been very s1ow, so we are forced to slash
prices until one-half of our stock is turned into cash. A timely sale just when you need Fall Footwear

Phone 3534

We Deliver


Michigan Seal Sta- 1 lb., Blue Boar To-
tionery, 24 She e t s bacco.....$2.25
and 24 Envelopes 1 T o b a c c o -umi-
dor .......$7.00


100 Prs. New $10.00 Shoes, cut- to .......... $7.90
3 Lots of $10.00 Shoes, cut to .............. $7.45
150 Prs. New Fall $9.00 Shoes.... $7.45 and $6.90
7 Lots New Fall $8.50 Shoes .....$6.90 and $6.45
100 Prs. $6.00, $7.00 & $8.00 Shoes $4.90 and $5.90

125 Prs. of Fine New $10.00 Pumps or Oxfords $7.85
200 Prs. New $8.50, $9.00 Pumps and Oxfords $7.45
150 Prs. of $8.00 Pumps and Oxfords,.now. .$6,45
100 Prs. of $7.50 Pumps and Oxfords, now.. .$5.85


200 Pairs of $6.00, $7.00 and
$8.00 Pumps and Oxfords


Both for $5.00

50c Prophylactic
Tooth Brush


Life Buoy



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