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October 11, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-11

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Published every morning except Monday during the University year
he Board in Control of Student Publications.
Member of the Western Conference Editorial Association.
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-
lication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise
ited in this paper and the local news published herein.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second
s matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant
tmaster General
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; br mail, $4.50
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard Street, Ann Arbor,
higan. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
vs Editor.... ..................... .....David M. Nichol
torial Director.... ......................Beach Conger, Jr.
Editor .....................................Carl Forsythe
'rts Editor ......,.......................Sheldon C. Fullerton
men's Editor ..........................Margaret M. Thompson
"en Reflections ....... .................. .ertram J. Askwith
istant News Editor.... ................ ....Robert L. Pierce

B. GlIbreth
Karl Seiffert

J. Cullen Kennedy James Inglis
Denton C. Kunze Jerry E. Rosenthal
George A. Stauter

ilber J. Myers
an Jones
cley Arnhelm
a Bagley
Yvson E. Becker
omas Connelian
ph R. Cooper
ter M. Harrison
rton Helper-
eph Hoffman
ephine Woodhams
ette Cummings
othy Brockman
aa Wadsworth
rjorie Thomson
rgia Geismnan

Sports Assistants
John W. Thomas
James Krotozyner
Robert Merritt
henry Meyer
Marion Milezewski
Albert Newman
Jerome Pettit
John Pritchard
Joseph Renihan
Beatricee ollins
Ethel Arehart
Barbara fHall
Susan Maochester
Margaret O'Brien
Louise Crandall

John S. Townsend
Charles A. bauford
Alred Stresen-Reuter
William Thal
G. R. Winters
Charles Woolner
Brackley Straw
Ford Spikerman
Parker Snyder

Cile Miller
Elsie Feldman
Eileen Blurit
Eleanor Rairdon
Martha Littleton
Prudence Poster

with a capital of $500,000,000, the embodiment of
which would be a nation-wide "pooling" of bank-
ing resources, with the business of rediscounting
assets of sound banks which find themselves in
embarrassing and difficult positions.
The expedition of this plan to curtail to some
extent runs on banks in widely separated sections
is believed by bankers to be the most direct ap-
proach to solving a situation punctuated with evils.'
When a run is made on a bank, that bank is forced
to throw on the market investments for whatever
they will bring. We have viewed the result: banks
reduced credits, embarrassed clients, and finally
caused not only their own failure but the insol-
vency of other business ventures as well. "Frozen"
assets are by no means dangerous to banking insti-
tutios. They are in most instances the very best
securities owned by them. They are in large part
first mortgages on real estate, considered fine
banking paper. But the money is loaned on terms
of from three to five years or even longer and can-
not be converted into ready cash if needed to pay
depositors. Neither can such assets be used as
collateral with the Federal Reserve for additional
borrowing. These, of course, are details with which
bankers are familiar.
Mr. Hoover's plan is reassuring. The confi-
dence which the government has instilled in its
people has been noticeably perceptible. The people
of this country have faith in their government. In
the,.final analysis when the government acts, the
fears of the greater part of the people are dispelled,
for then the nation has taken up the burden. To
thousands of business men it is their belief that the
depression has been to a great extent a mental
condition and that it has gone from one stage to
another until a wave of hysteria had engulfed the
Since the President has spoken and proposed a
plan to lift again business to a higher level, it is a
duty of citizens of Ann Arbor to aid in the stabili-
zation of the situation. First, there should be an
endeavor to maintain confidence in local banking
institutions. Where a city, such as Ann Arbor,
has the confidence of business interests, there is
no need for alarm. Banking in Ann Arbor has
grown to large proportions; it has financed many
businesses. There has not been a single blemish
on its record. That history has had everything to
do with creating confidence in local banks. What
we can say about the banks of Ann Arbor can also
be said about the banks of many other cities in
this state and elsewhere. In this light, it becomes
the duty of every person allied with business or
having the intelligence to discuss such a subject,
to reasure those who have less experience on the
soundness of conditions.
It. 100 CANF3 GDPllNl1N'

Telephone 21214
ALES T. KLNE......... ...........Business Manager
KRIS P. JujHNSON+.......... ................ Assis9tant Manager
Department Managers
ertising ....................................Vernon Bishop
rertising .... .... ...................Robert B. Callahan
Frtising .... .......................... William W. Davis
vie .......... ......... .............IByron C.w edder
licationo ........... ....... ...........William . Brown
mulation.................. ... ...........Harry It. Begley
counts..... ..... ...../... ... .........Richard Stratenier
men's Business Manager..... .................Ann .W. Verner
il Aronsen WillardFreehling Thomas Roberts
ert E. Bursloy Herbert Greenstone R. A. Saltzstein
lard A. Combs John Keyser Bernard E. (4(hnacke
n Olark Arthur F. Kohn Grafton W. Sharp
tave Dalberg Bernard H. Good Cecil E. Welch
ert E. Finn James Lowe
,ryn Baylese Ann Gallrneyer Helen Olsen
na Becker Ann Harsha Marjorie hough
evieve Field Kathryn Jackson Mary E. Watts
ine Fscbgrund Dorothy Laylin


iChigan 's
Debating Fame
HE HEAD of one of the leading departments
of one of the leading colleges of this Univer-
ty, recently addressed a certain group of students
garding the pursuit of certain intellectual inter-
ts outside the classroom. In the course of his
scussion he told of the time when the big event
the year on a certain midwestern campus was
ct a homecoming game, nor a J-Hop, nor even
raduation; but rather, it was that time when two
utstanding campus societies had their annual de-
Such a remark as this could not pass unnoticed
' any one of those few persons who happened to
:tend any one of the intercollegiate debates held
n this campus within the past few years. Aside
om the few students who attend because a class
Osignment requires it; a few mothers and fathers
ho are prompted by parental pride; and judges
ho are there because they appreciate the fees;
iose who attend the Michigan contests could be
>unted as evidence of indifference rather than
roof of concern. This is obvious, since some 4,500
eople attended the state high school contest in
abating, as compared with the meager handful
hich supports a Michigan forensic platform.
The charge that debating is an extra-curricular
:tivity promoting intellectual interest and mental
ertion, whereas athletics is so far departed from
>ook-work" that it is diverting, must be answered
perfectly proper. And yet, is it the purpose of
any pretenders to a college degree, to absorb
eir knowledge by the spoonfuls, taking so many
Ases each day, nkless and no more, and dropping
e spoon like a laborer's spade when the day's
ork is done? If so, then they are attempting to
t something out of a college which they never
n and never will acquire. If a college education
nnot awaken a small amount of interest in things
tellectual, as well as a very keen interest in grid-
:n activities, then it has fallen short of its pur-
>se before it begins.
There are nine midwe tern universities in the
'estern Debating League, of which Michigan is a
ember. These nine schools are the same ones
hich comprise the Big Ten Athletic Conference,
ith the exception of Chicago. Last year Michigan,
ded the season with the highest standing in the
vague. Is there any reason why Michigan men:
d women should not support their so-calledj
ampionship debaters as well as they support
eir tied-for-championship football team?1
lersus Public Opinion'
'OR NEARLY TWO YEARS the word depres-
sion has enjoyed a prominence heretofore un-c
own. Its import came with the stock marketY
ish in October, 1929; and to those who beforei
: little occasion to became familiar with itsr
nificance, it became a word with which to play.r
t like all words and material things, its contin-
d use soon ran its course, until today it is viewed
h disfavor and one begins to look around fort
rds and phrases of a more optimistic light. Andc

To the Editor:


Here we are, sitting here till all
hours of the night, just mulling and
moping, and trying to get this
column written, but our heart isn't
in it. Something's wrong with our
inspiration, and we can't seem to
get anywhere with this. Nowhere
at all. Yes, of course we went to
the football game this afternoon-
no we should have said yesterday
afternoon, I always get mixed up.
I mean, we always get mixed up.
We're getting kind of confused
about this editorial we and the edi-
torial time of day-oh well, what
of it? And about that foot-
ball game too. Such an assinine
idea this "Yeah team, fight, fight,
fight." And then "Yeah Kipke,
fight, fight, fight." We suppose that
if President Hoover came to the
game everyone would cheer "Yeah
Hoover, fight, fight, fight"-and
President Hoover a Quaker and all
that, but what of it? Who cares.
This isn't getting the column writ-
ten and we've been sitting in this
chair so long now that the editor's
are shouting at us to hurry up.
Well, what if the paper does have
to go to press? Who cares about
that?- Come on, lets get going!
We can't sit here all night. What
would people like to hear about to-
day (or is it tomorrow?) How
should we know? Tastes differ
from individual to individual. They
also differ in the individual from
day to day. All right then, you
can't blame us for that.-Sure we
always did, but we realize how silly
it was even to try to meet tastes.
And we went to the Art Exhibit,
too. It was on a Sunday after-
noon, and after we had looked at
the paintings we ate supper and
went to a show-an awful show-
and then we sat down and wrote
about the art exhibit, and perhaps
about our supper, we don't remem-
ber, but not about the show.-Oh
dear no! Probably lots of people
liked the show very much, and
would resent our comments. But
then should we spread our troubles
all over page four? What would a
gentleman do? Sure, we thought
not. And just as we were going to
well, what of it? And those
letters we got front people who
read what we said every morning
-we liked those and we still have
them.-And all those interviews
with people.-A person has to be
pretty low to take advantage of
freshmen and innocent women-
statistics for, the Daily! Ha! And
all those people probably thought
we were making fun of them, like
sticking their names in the funny
paper-pretty low, we guess-well,
what of it? And Virginia Kimball
-we wonder how she feels about
having her name dragged all over
the campus and made fun of-we
ought to be shot-but then people
aren't amused unless - at the ex-
pense of other people. And we are
still sitting here trying to fill a
whole column without a single idea
in our head. Its getting later and
people are demanding results. Well,
let them holler. After tonight we
won't be doing this. (But then we
weren't going to say anything
more about that.) The Sports Staff

is shouting about football scores
and answering.t el1e ph o ne calls
about football scores. They have a
purpose.-Onshere comes Rail-
road Jack. He wants a few copies
of yesterday's paper so he can clip
the feature story that was printed
about him. Maybe we can get some
more dope out of him. We are ask-
ing how he got the name "Rail-
road Jack." He is sitting in a chair
beside us, dictating as we type-
write. "In the year 1889 while mak-
ing my home with a railroad engi-
neer named James B. Charters, I
noticed about five children in the
family of Mr. and Mrs. Charters.
On inquiry Mr. Charters told me
that when he was of school age his
parents were unable to give him
very many school privileges. Al-
right, said I, Mr. Charters, I am
going to have a new name for my-
self. I will be Harry Cooper no
more. Part of my new name will
be Railroad, and because you are
a railroad man I think the first
part of my new name will be very
appropriate. What is the name of
your oldest son?" "His name is
John, but we always call him Jack
for short." "Now my new name
will be Railroad Jack and I will
write an article for the Press bing-
ing out the idea that because you
are doing so much to give your
children the best of educational

To ,Mr. Page, who thinks that the insurance of
"the moral and scholastic uprightness of the student
body" is not to be considered an important enough
reason for legislation by the University, but should
be classified as an "idealistic whim," I wish to present
the other side of a condition that is indeed placing
the majority of the fraternities on the campus in a
menacing financial situation. 4
You tended to develop into an outright defense
of the existence of fraternities altogether in sequence
to your criticism of the recently effective deferred
rushing, as though the houses were in actual danger
of continuing. Do you think that the postponing of
the income derived from frosh eating at the house
will serve to force the clubs to go under? If so, there
is only a need for financial readjustment of the
houses over this long period of no initiates and their
respective fees. I don't think that there is anything
very serious confronting the houses after this regula-
tion. If you did not intend to convey that impression,
then there is no need of defense of fraternal organi-
zations and their accomplishments.
Although I am tempted to doubt your statement
about there being no greater influence in the char-
acter building of a young man than four years in a
fraternity, and also the one about the contacts with
the "B.M.O.C." type as being stimulating, 'still the
fraternities serve a worthy purpose, but that is not
the question. It is the freshman's mental attitude
of bewilderment that those who support deferred
rushing take into consideration. And his natural
wonder and confoundment at college men and life
which he knows but superficially perhaps through
"College Humor," is what the system is attempting to
let subside before he chooses his collegiate com-
panions, who are really quite clever at making them-
selves attractive and act as his "pals."
As to promoting scholarship among the freshmen,
I wonder whether the mentioned "supervised study"
and the appropriate action taken if grades are low,
helps the man at all. Does his going to the house
every night for more or less "public" studying away
from his working materials, serve to benefit more
than private study in his own room? If he visits the
stated places of "sin," it will show in his work. If he
does not come around he will not have to spend his
second semester in Ann Arbor. Thus waiting for that
time to pledge members, fraternities will have no
withdrawals for failures at the end of the first semes-
ter. They will know what kind of work a student is
going to do here.
The over-enthusiastic period of football season,
with its pompous and pretentious alumni mobbing
the houses they support, gives the freshman an idea;
of coclginess that he should assume to be one of the
gang when he is a Sophomore. Very often, a pledge
is chased with the notion that he should now start
drinking. It.is thrust on him immediately after getting
here away from home. He can cultivate a little moral
independence away from such an atmosphere. He can:
make up his mind after being away in sober sur-
After your very platitudinous remark in closing, I
wonder where you think the persons responsible for
the ruling have been for the many years before you
came here. I don't think anyone would like to be

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