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October 11, 1931 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-10-11

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Outcome Depends Upon Result
of Elections Now Pending
for Seats Newly Vacated.

Japanese Mobilize for Clash in Manchuria

Independent Republicans P
Be Thorn in Flesh of
By Cecil B. Dickson.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 10. -(A
Party leaders are perplexedc
the unique situation that will e
in the house of representa
when the seventy-second cong
convenes December 7.
Not until a speaker is sele
by a majority vote will Presi
Hoover know whether or not
will have a friendly republi
controlled house in the last ses
before the 1932 presidential c
Although the republicansg
democrats now have 214 each
the farmer-labor one seat,
vacancies are to be filled in
coming weeks by special election
The democrats claim to hav
chance to win the Ohio seat
vacar t by the death of Nich
Longworth, for six years speake
Kvale in Power.
Should they be successful e
party probably would hold 217 se
and Representative Kvale, farn
labor, Minnesota, by his single vy
perhaps would decide whether
republicans or democrats w
take control.
Should the republicans lose h
control the democrats would con
not only patronage, but also c
miittee asignments, which are m
Both parties plan to caucus w
in ten days of the opening of c
gress to name nominees for
speakership and to select their
spective leaders.
Snell, Tilson Outstanding.
At a caucus last February
republicans renominated Longwc
and named Representative Johr
Tilson of Connecticut their lea
for the fourth term.
Since the Ohioan's death, h'
ever, Tilson, the party's floor le
er, and Representative :Bertr
Snell of New York, for years ch
man of the powerful rules cmn
tee, have loomed as outs and
candidates for the Republi
speakership nomination.
As thetime approaches for
caucus partisans seem to feel t
both Tilson and Snell will have
find a midwestern or vestern r
ning mate for the leadership bef
either can logically claitn a maj
Deadlock One Prospect.
A third candidate, should one
velop, might force a deadlock t
might result in a compromise sl
so that the Republicans could mi
the Democrats undivided when
roll is called.
By bolting the Republican cau
last February, when the Republi
party's leadership slate was a
proved, more than a dozen in
pendents served notice on the re
lars that they would not be bo
by the action.
An independent R e p u b I i c
spokesman said unless the n
caucus selected men acceptable
his group an independent candid
might be proposed.
' ~Garner Demnocratic Hfope.
Representative Garner of Te
beginning his fourteenth term,
practically the unanimous -Der
cratic approval as the nominee
After the roll call following c
vening of the house the first M
day in December each partyv
select ballotr tellers and nominati
for the speakership will be in or
If only two candidates are offe
one will be selected on the f
roll call provided there is not a

Associated Press Photo
This picture is one of the first to reach the United States from the scene of hostilities between thil
Chinese and Japanese in Manchuria. Hundreds of Japanese troops are shown as they mobilized at Chan-
chun preparatory to entraining for Kirin where a Chinese garrison was disarmed.

r. ~

European Soldiers Move on Yorktown

Town in

of Colonists' Allies to Occupy
Cornwallis Surrender Fete.

e a

Dr. Waltereck, Leipzig, Expert, By Heyw
Will.Speak Under Auspices YORKTOWN, Va., Oct. 10.-(P)-
of Biology Department. But now the outcome is certain.
ber 19, the sesquicentennial annivei
Three lectures will be given here to George Washington and his allied
this week by Dr. R. Waltereck, pro- To the battlefield will come Pr
fessor of zoology at the Universityf to talk of the occasion's significance
of Leipzig, Germany, under the 1 An army of "occupation" now is
auspices of the University biology paring for the advance of visitors t
department. Dr. Waltereck is one for the four-day observance.
of te mot rominetrEurpean High officials of the American,
French, Polish and German gov-
biologists, according to Dr. Paul S. ernments are on a program de-
Welch, of the department. signed to recall the 13 original
The first lecture, "Genetics and°' colonies in revolution, early days of
the Biology of Lakes and Islands," religious freedom and the Yorktown
will be given at 4:15 o'clock Thurs- surrender.
President Hoover, who is to speak
day afternoon in Natural Science on the final day of the observance,
auditorium. The lecture is open to will be accompanied by General
the public and is intended for a John J. Pershing, and his secre-
general University audience. taries of war, navy and interior.
The other two lectures, although The French government is to be
open to the public, will be of a cifficially represented by Marshal
morentech icliature. 'l s cf aPetain, the Polish government by
metechial nature.Thesdyeond Count Pulaski, and the German
ing at 8 o'clock on "The Present government by Baron and Baroness
ningat o'clockn ond "ThFresetr Von Steuben.
State of Marine ".and Fresh Water The rattle of musketry, the tramp
Biology in Europe,"in room 211, of marching feet, and the notes of
Natural Science building,.the fife and the drum once more
The third lecture, on "Stratifica- will echo across the waters of the
tion, Movement, and Shape of Pel- historic York river in which war-
agic Cladocera," will be given at ships of two nations will be anchor-
4:15 Friday afternoon in room ed around the old frigate "Consti-
2116, Natural Science building. tution."
Dr. Waltereck, in addition to his Fifteen thousand American and
position at the University of Leip- French troops and sailors will-par-
zig, is also director of - the Fresh ticipate in a gigantic parade, along
Water biological station, located in with historic military organizations.
the lake country on the north slope Outstanding among the pageants
of the Alps and editor of one of will be a masque allegorically relat-
the most prominent European'lim- ing the surrender and subsequent1
nological journals. He and his stu- events. This will be staged by regu-
dents are conducting much im- lar army troops. ,
portant research in regard to the There will be formal programs
fresh waters of Europe. each day with addresses by General
i a one Pershing, Secretary Hurley of the
Dr. Waltereck is making a n-war department, .Secretary Adams
year tour of American universities I of the navy, Secretary Wilbur of the
and research institutions. He ar- interior department, Bishop James
rived in this country, late last sum- E. Freeman of Washington, and
mer. He comes here from the Uni-E.FemnoWahgtad
versit omIndiana h nd wil lheaU Senators Bingham of Connecticut
versity of Indiana and will leave and Swanson of Virginia. On the
for the University of Toronto. programs, too, will be picturesque
pageants, colonial fairs, parades,
Charges Wife Fed Him naval maneuvers, military displays
Po .o f Fi. Yersand aerial demonstrations led by
Poison for Five 'ears

Agriculture Department's Reply
to Hyde's Inquiry May
Yield No Results.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 10--(P)-The
department of agriculture's answer,
if any, to Secretary Hyde's inquiry
as to the possible effect of legalized
beer on farm crops may be hypo-
thetical and incomplete.
There are no comprehensive data
on the use of grain in the manu-
facture of liquor prior to prohibi-
Only one official document, the
department's year book of 1918,
makes any reference to the subject
and that is a bare inch of involved
Conclusions Qualified.
Experts upon whom the secre-
tary's request falls frankly say they
can venture no authoritative esti-
mate without basic figures, and that
even if they had them they could
draw only qualified conclusions in
view of the 12 intervening years of
changing farm methods and mar-
It appears that the most malt
used for fermented liquors in any
one year before prohibition was
2,770,964,606 pounds; rice, 167,750,-
177 pounds; corn and corn products,
666,401,619; hops, 41,958,753 and
other grains, 204,089,800.
In the manufacture of distilled
spirits, 4,480,588 bushels set the
high mark in any one year for
malt; 32,197 bushels for wheat;
9,874 for barley; 5,873,226 for rye;
33,973,268 for corn; 33,775 for oats
and 268,044,822 gallons for molasses.
The same set of figures indicate
that while the century's highest
production of distilled spirits, al-
most 300,000,000 gallons, occurred in
1917, there were more than 200,-
000,000 gallons produced in 1926and
again in 1929, and that production
was slightly above 195,000,000 gal-
lons in 1930. 1
Million-Gallon Prescriptions.
Of the latter, more than 1,000,000
gallons was reported by permit
holders as having been sold on
physicians' prescriptions.
Federal revenue collected in 1930
was reported at $11,695,267.67 com-
pared with $365,211,252.26 in 1919
on distilled spirits and on ferment-
ed liquor at $100 in 1929 compared
with $117,839,602.21 in 1917. No re-
port of revenue on fermented liquor
was shown for 1930.
It is estimated that 547,664,198
pounds of corn were used in the
manufacture of alcohol in 1930;
763,699 pounds of rye; 19,686,467
pounds of malt and 234,502,783.30
pounds of molasses.
In the manufacture of whisky
186,619 bushels of corn were used;.
194,573 bushels of rye and- 3,651
bushels of wheat.
Almost 1,300,000 gallons of mo-
lasses were used in the manufacture
of rum.

Victor Over Naval
Rebellion in Chile
Taboos Hero Role
SANTIAGO, Chile, Oct. 10.-(A)-
None of this hero stuff for General
Carlos Vergara, who as emergency
minister of national defense led the
successful campaign against the
navy in the recent civil war.
The general has asked the nation
to avoid references to living men as
heroes of the fighting, saying that
only thosetwho died in defense of
the nation rightfully belong in that
Especially has he squelched ef-
forts to praise him. He has pro-
hibited photographers from taking
his picture. w
General Vergara learned about
discipline in Germany.aHe believes
that a soldier should live up to the
very letter of his oath, and has no
use for officers who play politics.
The general is a brother of Colo-
nel Ramon Vergara, chief of avia-
tion, who led the army planes in
the attack on the fleet at Coquimbo
harbor. They are cousins of Juan E.
Montero, vice president ondleave,
-who is a candidate for president.
Chinese Plum Blossoms
Suggested as Memorial
NANKING, Oct. 10.-(P)-Presen-
tation of 10,000 Chinese plum trees
to the United States irn connection
with next year's bi-centenary of
George Washington has been sug-
gested by the Chinese legation at
The plum blossom was recently
adopted as China's national flower
because its five petals symbolize the
five groups-Chinese, M a n c h u s,
Mongolians, Mohammedans and Ti-
betans --of which the republic is
The flower also represents the
five-power constitution devised by
Sun Yat-Sen.
Mrs. Cosgrove Freed
in Death Investigation
CARO, Oct. 10.-(P)-Mrs. Minnie
Cosgrove was released from custody
Friday in the investigation of the!
death of her three sons by a former
marriage. George Cosgrove, her
husband, st1l is held as authorities
attempt to 'determine whether the
boys, who died several years apart,
were poisoned.
Americans Visit Berlin
in Greatest Numbers
BERLIN, Oct. 10.-()-American
and English visitors to this city
during August accounted for al-
most two-thirds of the total num-
ber of foreigners. Of the 25,224
visitors 5,784 were Americans and
2,608 were English.

Legislature Adopts Resol
Calling for Modificatio
of Volstead Act.
TRENTON, N. J., Oct. 10.-
The New Jersey legislature
adopted a joint resolution c
upon congress to modify the
stead act to legalize manufo
and sale of light wines and be
It was the legislature's first
for prohibition reform sine(
eighteenth amendment becamr
Passage of the resolution
made possible by a coalition o
publican and Democratc men
Republican leaders of both
es caucused many times befor
resolution was moved. It w
construing the senate rule to
that a majority was not inec
on concurrent resolutions that
sage was made possible.
The vote in the house was
7, the latter Republican. The s
vote was 9 to 5. Four Repub
and one Democrat passed the
tive senate vote. A majority <
senate is eleven votes.
Rev. James K. Shields, sur
tendent of the New Jersey
Saloon league, who sought to
the resolution, asserted it woul
down to Washington to hel
dead letter archives."
The resolution set forth tha
"There is widespread sent
throughout the nation tows
change in the Volstead act so
legalize the manufacture an(
of light wines and beers," an
cried that,
"A change in. the Volstea
legalizing the manufacture an(
of light wines and beer will
the effect of saving millions o
lars to the federal ,governmen
states in enforcing the prohi
laws, and all millions of dollh
revenue to the- government i
have been lost since the passe
the prohibition amendment,
would prevent racketeering
general disregard of law."
Famous English Fi1
Grounded by Physi(
LONDSON, Oct. 10. -(IP) -
Commander Charles K i n g s
Smith, who failed last week to
the flight record between Aus
and England, was groundeduF
by his doctors for three or
months because he is suffering
nervous strain.
He abondoned his plans to
the record for the return jo
and will go back to Austral
steamer, leaving his airplane
until next March when he will
another try.

vood Bell.
-Yorktown again is besieged!
It has been well planned for Octo-
rsary of Lord Cornwallis' surrender
d American and French forces.
resident Hoover and other notables
encamped on "surrender field" pre-
o this historic village, October 16-19
the airship Los Angeles.
"Colonial Day," presided over by
Governor Pollard of Virginia and
the 12 governors of the other origi-
nal states will open the program.
Then will follow "Revolutionary
Day," "God and the Nation Day,"
and "National Day."
Largest Sailing Vessel of Type
on Pacific Being Loaded for
Trip After Long Lay-up.
S E A T T L E, Oct. 10.-(P)-The
biggest sailing schooner on the
Pacific ocean, the Vigilant, is an
object of curiosity in Seattle's har-
bor today as it is being loaded to
go to sea again after a long layup.
The V i g il a n t, a five-masted
schooner of 1,603 gross tons,though
built and registered in the United
States, is owned by a Chinese busi-
ness man of Honolulu.
On October 10, when it is towed
to the ocean from here to sail for
Honolulu, it \will be earning a sub-
stantial return on a contract with
the United States navy.
The Vigilant is loading 1,800,000
feet of lumber ana railroad ties
for the United States naval base at
Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.
In the overseas route to Hawaii
only ships under the American flag
can serve. C. K. Ai, owner of the
Vigilant, keeps the only Chinese
owned vessel in the route.

CHICAGO, Oct. 10.-( )-Dr. Ar-
nold H. Kegel. former city health
commissioner, has filed suit for di-
vorce, charging that his wife, Mrs.
Marie Sahiin Kegel, administered
poison to him over the period of
five years.
The alleged instances of poison-
ing began in 1926, 'he said. On
many later occasions, the bill as-
serts, she poured a powerful sleep-
iftg potion in drinks which she gave
him. He 'did not learn of the acts,
he said, until Sept. 19 of this year.


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Sunday is the
day to take din-
ner at the Parrot.
Our Chef has pre-
pared menus that
are only equaled
by home-cooking.
Special dinners
have been pre-
pared to meet
your demands f or
varied foods and
varied price.
Sunday Dinner
50c, 75c, $1.00
The Parrot is
the logical place
to dine before
your Sunday
afternoon w a 1 k,
the movies, or an
afternoon in the

is the result of a plant fully equip-
ped in every detail with modern ma-
chinery, plus a spirit based on the
sound policy that a -regard and care
for the wishes of our patrons will be
Have a truck call, or take advan-
tage of our cash and carry 15% dis-



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One Minute to Go
THE quarterback shakes off a tack.
let.. slashes'around the end.. .
slides over the line for the deciding
score. What a chance for a thrilling
Stop at our store today for a Kodak
to take to the game. You'll enjoy for
years the pictures you get. And don't
worry about the weather-with Kodak
Verichrome Film you don't need bright


offers this painstaking

effort in laundry methods at a cost no
greater to you.


T A I T1%Tr""L?


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