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October 07, 1930 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-10-07

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SOME ........ ,....N

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Chi -Omega, to Present Contralto
as First Artist Under
New Plan.
Theatre Is to be Devoted More
to Interests of Women
on Campus.
In an effort to devote the League
theatre to women's interests, an
opportunity will be given to all wo-1
men's groups on the campus to use
the theatre ,this year. A sorority
or dormitory may present any feat-
ure they wish and will have entire'
chavge of the program and use of
the box office for ticket sales.
Chi Omega sorority is the first
group to take advantage of the.
new policy. They will present Miss
Edna Thomas, contralto, in a con-'
cert next Tuesday, October 14. The
concert will be given for the bene-
fit of the Chi Omega service fund
for which sociology scholarships
are given each year.
The theatre will be available for,
other groups after next week's con-
cert. Arrangements for using the
theatre should be made with Miss
Amy Loomis, director of the thea-
The use of the theatre by wo-
men will be increasingly encourag-I
ed, by the League, according to;
Miss Loomis. She said in regard
to this project; "We have felt that
for a women's theatre the Lydia
Mendelssohn has not been used
enough by women. In order to
bring women into closer contact
with it we have presented this plan
of community use of the theatre."1
An organization may, through
the medium of the theatre, bring
here any artist, lecturer, play, or
any type of entertainment they?
wish to present. The only restric-
tion is a requirement that the pro-
ceeds be used as some kind of a
benefit fund.1
Plans are being made for the
construction of a Memorial Union!
building here, the funds for which'
will be raised from voluntary gifts<
from the students.]

Work of Advising,
Housing Are Under
Direction of Dean
Organization of the office of the
Dean of Women is much as it has
been for the past four years. The
work is divided among the mem-
bers of the staff as formerly, ex-
cept that Miss Alice Lloyd, as Dean,
is at the head.
Miss Lloyd is responsible for
housing and is special advisor for
the Judiciary Council, Pan Hellen-
ic, and the Junior Girls' Play. Mrs.
Byrl Bacher has charge of student
employment, and is special advisor
for women in the School of Music.
Miss Jeannette Perry has taken,
over the student loans, and will ad-
vise sophomores, juniors, and sen-
iors who are in financial difficulty.
She will also take charge of eligi-
Miss Ethel McCormick has come
to the office as social director. Her
office has been organized for the
purpose of extending the social op-
portunities to women students.
Miss Ellen Stevenson will continue
to assist in the inspection of
League houses, and in all problems
connected with the general hous-
ing situation. She will also assist
any freshmen who wish advice in
regard to their work.
'Non-fiction Is Widely,
Read, Says Librarian'
"Non-fiction is as popular or
more popular than fiction," said
Miss Frances Hannum in the Cir-
culation Department of the Public
Library. "Psychology, biography,
and travel are the non-fiction
types most in demand."
"Plays running in New York or
Detroit create a demand for the
same play at the Public Library,"
Miss Hannum continued. 'Green
Pastures' has been one of the most
popular books on the reserve list."
Travel books such as "Growing
up in New Guinea" and "Coming
of Age in Samoa" by Margaret Mead
are in great demand. Also "Little
Known England" by Oberlin, and
"Humanity Uprooted" by Hindus.
"Awakening College" by Dr. Lit-
tle has been on the reserve list
since last March and is still signed
ahead. "How to Live Twenty-four
Hours a Day" by Arnold Bennet
has enjoyed wide popularity since
its publication. These are a few
of the most widely read books Miss
Hannum mentioned.

Junior Class Women Appointed
to Head Committee
Six members have been added to
the central committee of the Jun-
ior Girls Play, instead of three, as
was originally planned by the
members who were elected last
spring. Elizabeth Louden will be
chairman of ushers; Phylis Reyn-
olds will take charge of costumes;
and Helen Kitzmiller will be res-
ponsible for make-up.
The additional members are to
be three chairmen of the dance
committee. They are Winifred
Root, who will act as critic and
take attendance, Lois Sandler, who
will take charge of all tap-dancing,
and Lynne Adams, who will be res-
ponsible for the ballet work. The
change was made so that the
members of the junior class could
take part in the actual work of
training the choruses this year..
The first work of the entire com-
mittee, of which Emily Bates is
general chairman, Jane Inch, as-
sistant chairman, Dorothy Bird-
zell, business manager, Ivalita Glas-
cock, properties chairman, Kather-
ine Koch, chairman of program,
Katherine Sitton, music chairman,
and Jean Levy, publicity chairman,
will be to choose - the committees
which will start work on the play
as soon as it is selected.
Manuscripts will be read by the
central committee, the director,
and Dean Alice Lloyd, who will se-
lect the best and most workable
play for presentation in March.
After the selection of committee
members, the finance committee
will start work immediately, col-
lecting one dollar from every jun-
ior woman. The system used will
be the same that the class used in
collecting money for the 'Freshman
Pageant, and the Sophomore Cab-
aret. Each member of the Com-
mittee will have alist of junior wo-
mittee will have a list of junior wo-
sible. Every junior who pays will
receive a receipt which she will
have to present before being allow-
ed to tryout for the play.

Women students wishing to at-
tend out-of-town games are re-
quested this year, as always, to
register at the office of the Dean
of Women. Since this office does
not wish to assume responsibility,
for any woman's absence from'
Ann Arbor, every one is asked to
file a letter of permission from her
Those planning to go to Colum-
bus for the Ohio State game are
to register not later than Thurs-
day, October 16. A fee of fifty
cents is required for all planning
to go by rail, as a chaperon will be
provided for the women's coaches
of both special trains. If students
travel by any other mode than
train, the letters from their par-
ents must include this permission.
New Method of Ticket
Sale Proves Success
The new system inaugurated this
year by thr Women's League for the
sale of dance tickets has worked
out with considerable more success
than last year's method, according
to the house committee of the
All men who purchased tickets
were formerly required to show
Union cards, but many students do
not have Union memberships and
others failed to bring their cards.
At present each man must in some
way identify himself as a student
or be presented by a member of the
Women's League.
The "K" book, "Freshmen Bible"
put out by the University of Kan-
sas, is in its forty-first year of
publication. The opening article
of a 1905 edition is entitled "How
to Go Through the Mill," which
seems to indicate that the agony
of registration and enrollment was
no easier then than it is now!
All entering women students at
the University of Hawaii are re-
quired to pass a rigid swimming
test similar to the Junior Life Sav-
ing tests. Those who fail must
join a swimming class.

New Sport Gives Training Both ercise are given every opportunity
in Mind and Muscle. in hockey to develop all muscles.

[ntramural Managerss eMeting
Will be Held Monday
in Field House.
Intramural hockey season opens
Wednesday, October 15. With thel
conclusion of rushing on Sunday,
October 12, the sororities can turn
their attention to athletic compe-
tition and begin forming hockey
teams to compete for first places
in the intramural tournaments.
Josephine Fisher, '32, is general
manager of intramural hockey this
year. She has announced a meet-1
ing of the intramural managers of
all sororities for next Monday,I
October 13, at 4 o'clock at the
Women's Field House.
The games are to be played every
Monday and Wednesday at 4
o'clock and at 5 o'clock on Palmer
Field. A schedule of the games and
competing sororities will be an-
nounced later. Miss Ruth Hassinger,
instructor of physical education,
will conduct the intramural tourna-
ment with the assistance of two
Interclass hockey practice was
started last week, five teams ap-
pearing on the field for play
Nation' Runs Articles
on College Students
"How many college students be-
long in college?" is the question
that D. T. Howard, director of per-
sonnel at Northwestern University
asks in a series of articles appear-I
ing in "The Nation." "Anybody
ought to go to college who really
wants to," he says, "but I do be-
lieve that colleges should be strip-
ped of the false glamour, the social
prestige that attends them today.
"The individuals who should go
to college and who are most likely
to achieve distinction through its
training are those who have shown
by mental tests and high school
records to have ability and inter-
est. I do not think that only the
most brilliant should attend col-
lege, but I do think there should
be much higher entrance require-

"Field hockey is the sport that
is calling forth the enthusiasm of
all college women at the present
time," said Dr. Margaret Bell.
"There is, of course, due reason for
this enthusiasm, because in the
last twenty years hockey in this
country has advanced from an al-
most obscure sport to one of the
leading activities for women.
"Women who are keenly inter-
ested in sport and in strenuous ex-

This sport also gives the players
wonderful training in teamwork
which compels the brain to work
rapidly. If one learns coordina-
tion in hockey she will find that it
is also helpful in every day life.
"The University of Michigan has
offered hockey as a major sport
to its women for about twenty
years and in that time an ever in-
creasing interest has been shown
in the game."

in the game.~~


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witching color combina-
tions in smart patterns
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25c up
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The flattering things they
do for you, you just can't

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.h your shoes when
ing a bag-in leather
ossible, in color al-
says Paris.
$3.50 up



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When the old outline gets a little bit blurred
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get into one of these rosebud affairs,
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Scanties are made to iron out the rough spots.
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