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October 07, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-10-07

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Y, OCTOBER 7, 1930

Published every morning except Monday
diuring the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associrted Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
inrthie paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
., Chairman Editorial Board
City Editor
Frank E. Cooper
News Editor ...............Gurney Williams
Editorial Director ...........Walter W. Wilds
Sports Editor...............Joseph A. Russell
Women's Editorr....... . Mary L. Behymer.
Telegraph Editor ..........Harold 0. Warren
Music and Drama .........William J. Gorman
Assistant News Editor... Charles R. Sprowl
S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel
Carl S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin
David M. Nichol Harold O. Warren
Sports Assistants
Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy.
Robert Townsend
Walter S..Baer, Jr. Powers Moulton
Irving J. Blumberg Wilbur J. Myers
Donald 0. Boudeman Robert L. Pierce
Charles M. Brown Slher M. Quraisi
+George T. Callison C. Richard Racine
Thomas M. Cooley Jerry E. Rosenthal
George Fisk George Rubenstein
Yjernard W. Freund David Sachs
Morton Frank Charles A. Sanford
Saul Friedberg Karl Seiffert
Frank B. Gilbreth Robert F. Shaw
Karl E. Goeliner Edwin M. Smith
Jack Goldsmith G;eorge A. Stauter
Roland Goodman Alfred R. Tapert
William H. Harris John S. Townsend
James H. Inglis Robert D. Townsend
EmilJ. Konopinski Max H. Weinberg
Denton C. Kunze Joseph F. Zias

past Interfraternity councils. The
University has been forced to deal
with a passive and impotent rep-
resentation of fraternity interests.
In fairness it must be admitted
that such actions on the part of
the administration as have been
considered by the houses untoward
or unduly interfering have largely
the result of a lack of real frater- 1
nity opinion or proper presenta-
tion of their side in the matter.
If the measures of the dean's of-
fice have seemed encroaching or
ill-timed, the Interfraternity coun-
cil can supply some mitigation and
certainly more amity. What the
situation clearly calls for is a con-
certed, well-considered representa-
tion of fraternity interests, and an
effective speaking voice of power
with a direct means of appeal. It
should be clear that we hold no
especial brief for the Interfrater-
nity council above the efficacy of
any other campus organization.
But what we do urge is that that
body has a real issue which must
be met with clear-headed and ener-
getic concern, in contrast to its
former scamperings and pawing of
the air.


WE SELL adios

Tel. 2-2812

615 E. William



Editorial CommentI


Lynne Adams
Betty Clark
Elsie Feldman
Elizabeth Gribble
Emily G. Grimes
Elsie M. Hoffmeye
j ean Levy
Dorothy Magee
Mary McCall

Margaret O'Brien
Eleanor Rairdon
Jean Rosenthal
Cecilia Shriver
Frances Stewart
er Anne Margaret Tobin
Margaret Thompson
Claire Trussell
Barbara Wright

Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising.................Charles T. Kline
Advertising................Thomas M. Davis
Advertising'............ William W. Warboys
Service.s................w.Norris J. Johnson
Publication............ Robert W. Williamson
Circulation.............Marvin S.. Kobacker
Accounts ...................Thomas S. Muir
Business Secretary . ..Mary J. Ienan

Thomas E. Hastings
Harry R. Begley
William Brown
Richard H. Hiller
Vernon Bishop
William W. Davis
[f. Fred Schaefer
Joseph Gardner
Ann Verner
Dorthea Waterman
Alice McCully
Dorothy Bloomgard4
Dorothy Layli t
Josephine Convisser
Bernice 'Glaser
Hortense Gooding

Byron V. Vedder
Erle Kightlinger
Richard Stratemeier
Abe Kirshenbaum
Noel D. Turner
Aubrey L. Swinton
Wesley C. Geisler
Alfred S. Remsen
Laura Codling
Ethel Constas
Anna Goldberg
en Virginia McComb
Joan Wiese
Mary Watts
Marian Atran
Sylvia Miller

Night Editor: CARL S. FORSYTHE


At the opening of each new col-
lege year, the various campus or-
ganizations and honor societies are
in a flurry to map out their pro-
grams for the coming months.
Each seeks to hew out a sphere of
activities for itself or justify its
existence in divers ' ways, some
quite painful. In recent years, a
paucity of legitimate interests has
induced some to manufacture a
cause celebre out of thin air, others
to resurrect old, half-dead customs,
while still others are comforted by
their traditional routine duties.
The upshot of this is what might
be expected-a batch of frantic
maneuvers at first, and finally a
pusillanimous ennui, with down-
right little in the way of signifi-
cant leadership or accomplish-
In this hey-day of sorrowful ges-
tures, the Interfraternity council is
quite fortunate. When it meets
this afternoon, it will find no oc-
casion for bickering or padding its
agenda. As never before, its res-
ponsibilities and duties are set out
in unmistakable signs; its excuse
for existence has never been less
dubious. This year the fraterni-
ties are not only on the defensive,
they are confronted by a series of
problems and aggravations, the so-
lution and result of which cannot
fail to either smooth out or wrap
the course of their future on the
Quite obviously, deferred rush-
ing is the most imminent concern
that begs attention. The Interfra-
ternity council can by its attitude
toward the project and its ideas
for putting the plan in operation
give real assistance in preventing.
a cumbersome monstrosity from
being saddled on the houses.
Through cooperation and intelli-
gent criticism it can mitigate any
disastrous effects the plan may
Further, if the council shows an

As The College Open
(From the New York Evening Post)
In sober survey it may be a-
greed that the colleges and the
universities of America are in read-
iness for an unusual year of
achievement. There is a sense of
stability in higher education today,
the reward for a decade or more
of disturbing development. Two
major problems have been worked
out to an approximate solution.
One is the question of enrollments;
the other a parallel problem of en-
After the war the influx of stu-
dents into the major institutions
of learning threatened at times to
upset traditions and policies which
had seemed safe beyond challenge.
All sorts of new demands were
made on the colleges, some of them
reasonable and others inspired on-
ly by restlessness and the radical-
ism which followed the war. It is
altogether to the credit of higher
education in this country that
every effort was made to assimilate
the unprecedented crowds of stu-
dents, to meet their needs by revi-
sion of the curriculum and to re-
consider the traditions and princi-.
ples of pedagogy which were estab-
lished in more leisurely times. The
effort to do these things resulted
in a period of experiments, some
of which went too far and fast and
left pedagogy in disrepute. Others
were ridden like hobbyhorses until
they came close to absurdity. A
few proved their worth and won
their way into the theory of edu-
After ten years of trial and error,
higher education is better for its
battle with the problem of big en-
rollments. Meanwhile the occasion
for the problem has largely disap-
peared, partly by the operation of
economic factors and partly be-
cause the colleges themselves have
discovered that mere numbers do
not make a great institution and
have regulated entrance and rais-
ed the requirements for gradua-
tion. Today the universities are
not so greatly embarrassed by the
number and variety of students
who seek four years of semiadult
schooling as . an afterthought to
high school or as a pleasant inter-
lude before the serious business of
life. Most of those who make this
year's enrollment's are seriously
intentioned. And for these the
college of today offers wider and
richer opportunities than ever be-
fore in academic history.
This is in part because the uni-
versities have endured and over-
come the temptations of too much
apparent prosperity. It must also
be credited to the fact that recent
years have given the schools an op-
portunity to restore and increase
their endowments. The prosperity
of the post-war period paid its
tithe to education. It paid for new
buildings and equipment, n e w
courses and fellowships, new op-
portunities for students competent
to use them. This year's host of
hopeful youngsters will enjoy all
the advantages of a period of ma-
jor expansion in university facili-
The serious business of educa-
tion should return now to its prop-
er place of importance. It is al-
ready doing so, by evidence of the
increasing emphasis on scholastic
attainment, the triumph of the
sense of proportion in academic af-

As I was saying, Shame! And
I'm saying it to you, all you Men
of old Michigan. Chivalry is dead
among you.,If you don't believe it,
just be honest with yourself and
think how many times in the last
few years you have aided a damsel1
in distress. How many of your
cloaks bear mud-splotches glor-
iously earned by spanning a puddle
to save the dainty foot of some
fragile Miss? Not one, I venture
to state, and yet you can walk
along in the sight of all with head
held high in spurious self-esteem!
Alas, I say, that such things should
be and go unreproved! And once
again I say SHAME!
* * *
As an attempt to awaks the cam-
pus from present deplorable state
of complacent unchivalrousness,
the Rolls Artist has suggested that
diplomas be issued for chivalrous
deeds performed by Rolls readers.
In compliance with his request he
was set to work making out the
diplomas which are to be of three
grades, namely:-
1 "Esquire," to be awarded for
minor deeds such as buying food
for blind date after the dance.
2. "Knight," to be awarded for
deeds of greater nobility, such as
rescue from mice, beetles, and
similar menaces.
3. "Crusader," to be given only
once each semester for deeds of
extraordinary heroism and moral
courage such as speaking to the
blind date the next day when walk-
ing with fraternity brothers to
whom you have described her
* * *
Write in your deeds to the Editor
of Toasted Rolls clo The Michigan
Daily. If they are deemed of suffi-
cient merit, they will be printed
and the awards in accordance with
the above classification. Come on,
fellows, the diplomas are worth it
even if the project isn't.
And while we're on the sub-
ject of awards and prizes, none
of you want to pass up the
ooportunity to win the Rolls
Memorial Medal offered to the
first man to eat a meal in
Martha Cook Dormitory dis-
guised as a woman. The medal
is struck from solid silver and
will be given upon the testi-
mony of three competent wit-
nesses. A lesser offer (namely
one special diploma and a Rolls
Reporter badge) is offered to
the man who can start outside
of U. Hall, and, within five min-
utes, find his way up into the
Dome thereof. Previous investi-
gation is barred.
Here is a contributed game that
requires two players, one playee,
and, if possible, one scorekeeper.
Without the preliminary hooey
usual in describing such sports, I
shall proceed straightway to the
actual method. The players walk
side by side down the street at a
slow rate of speed on any some-
what dark and drizzly night (in
Ann Arbor, on any night) and wait
until someone walks up from be-
hind and endeavors to pass them.
Their cue is then to separate in
such a manner as to cause the
would-be passer to walk between
them in the meantime accelerating
their own progress to equal his. An
observer can be of great assistance
in the scoring which goes as fol-

Playee slows down suddenly 1 pt
Playee stops to light cigarette
........................ 2 pts
Playee speeds up enough to
slip and break leg .......3 pts
Playee crosses street ..... 4 pts
Playee gives up after several
changes of pace and either
breaks down and cries or pastes
nlavers in nose ........ 10 pts
I see that the old add about the
"room for rent" between hospital
and campus is running again. This
causes me to wonder which one of
the two finally got the last man
that lived there. Give me the hos-
pital any time.
* * *

A Review by William J. Gorman
A very curious and, on the whole,
worthwhile experience is afforded
by the picture Old and New which
opened at the Mendelssohn last
night and is to run for a week
Curious because of the circum-
stances of its creation. Eisenstein,
the famous director, made it under
contract to the Soviet government.
That is, an astute, sophisticated
mind, marvellously aware of the
compelling powers of the cinematic
technique, was asked to convince
naive primitive peasants of certain
fundamental Soviet ideas. The re-
sult a priori would be a very per-
verse art form (except by Tolstoy's
Indeed it is perverse. But the
measure of the perversity is almost
the measure of the American's
pleasure. The picture aims to
glorify the mechanization of agri-
culture (a problem about which the
American can be completely de-
tached, since it is dated by at least
a hundred and fifty years) and
incidentally to break down the
peasant's stubborn subservience to
the will of God. Hence Eisenstein
gives a black and white contrast.
There are striking shots of . an;
elaborate religious procession turn-
ed out during a drought to beseech
God for rain. The peasants are
shown fervently (and rythmically)
dropping their heads into the
sands in prayer. And yet No Rain
says the subtitle in mammoth let-
The camera immediately shifts
to a barn where a new cream sepa-
rator is being unveiled. Will it
work? Will it THICKEN? The
camera finds tense states of anx-
ious, skeptical expectancy on many,
many faces in the barn. Will it
thicken? Ah, there it comes. It
does thicken. The camera finds
many, many peasants grinning in
anticipation of future personal
The logic is like that throughout
the picture. Prayer for rain fails.
But the cream separator works.
Therefore:over with God, the old.
And in with the cream separators
and tractors, the NEW! This spur-
iousness in the material forces
Eisenstein's technique to become
apparent. And it is fascinating to
note his magnification of a cream
separator and a tractor into tense
affairs to shout about.
There are several shots of very
amusing, very convincing symbol-
ism. A rich farmer refuses the
heroine a horse. To symbolize
n i g g a rd 1 y affluence, Eisenstein
pudgy skin on the several chins
and underjaw of the wealthy
farmer. Contrasted with that shot
is a previous one of a poor farmer
sleeping, in the mud with cucura-
chas crawling over his strong,
honest, tight skin.
Eisenstein's is a dexterous camera.
This bad job done magnificently
gives an opportunity for technical
study and malicious pleasure. Cur-
ious but worthwhile.

Men's Half Soles
This is Special Reduction. Our
fine workmanship and A-I Ma-
terials remain the same.
117 South Main Street
In the Heart of the Business
We recommend our rapid while
your waiting service.


Send today for samples-letter-
heads and envelopes--also frater-
nity or sorority--highest quality
ripple finish-boxed-choice of
three colors. 200 envelopes, 200
letterheads, only $4.75. Money
making agency open to live stu-
dent in each college. Write for
particulars. Address Dept. 030,
Merchants Industries, Inc., Third
& Wayne Avenues, Dayton, Ohio.

Shoe Repairing




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Black kid, or Brown kid
with reptile trim featur-
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Ladies' Half


For those who are not yet aware
of its existence or of its attractive
importance in Ann Arbor musical
life, it should be explained that the
Chamber Music Society is a group
of faculty wives organized for the
specific purpose of patching an in-
evitable hole in the Choral Union
series. The contrast between Hill
Auditorium's vast stretches and the
intimate quality most desired of
Chamber performances has made
impossible the frequent inclusion
of Chamber music in the Choral
Union Series.
So the Chamber Music Society
each year sponsors a series of four
concerts, made available to resi-
dents and faculty members at $5
for the series, or $1.50 each concert.
A very generous acknowledgement
is made to the student body, stud-
ent series tickets being available
at $1.50 for the series. To repeat,
students are offered four concerts
of excellent quality for $1.50.
The organizations engaged for
this year's series include the Gor-
don String Quartet, of Chicago, the
Musical Art Quartet of New York,
a French trio making its first
American tour, and the Detroit
String Quartet.
The Gordon Quartet which opens
the series is led by Jacques Gordon,
formerly the popular concertmaster
of the Chicago Symphony, and was
endowed last spring in order that
the members might devote their

By the way, have any of you
fellows noticed the sign on the
Majestic Theatre this week?
You have? Well, I'm certainly
surprised at you! '
* * *
Two By Four writes in at a loss
for "Rah Rah" tricks and pranks




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