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November 15, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-11-15

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J VA i Y 1 1 1 \..i L 7

Pubflished e'ver morning except Monday
tuin ie nive rsity year l~i the IBoard in
,trol .of Sttrednt Publicatione
Mj ebr o Western Conference Editorial
The A ,c Press is exclusively entitled
tht e rpublication of all news dis
ciirchcs crefiteda to it or not otherwise crediret'
n thi;. o per and thn local news published
Entered tpthe postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Viehian, coa lss matter Special rate
f postag granted by Third Assistant Post-
rnastet General.
Subs'ription by arrier $4.oo b y mail,
Pho5nes dtdtM5Bsns 4
In I~1t- . -
To-ph one 25
'& , n Etitorial Boards
City Editor
Frank E. Cooper
'news Editor . .. . .Gurney Williams
Editorial Director ...,.....Walter W. Wilds
Sports Editor...............Joseph A. Russell
Women's Editor. ........mMary"L. Behymer
Music, IDi ama. Pooks........ Win. J. Gormain
Assistant City Editor ......Darold O. Warren
Assistant News Editor ...Charles R Sprowl
Telegraph Editoi........G orge A Stauter
S. Beach Conger John D. Reindet
Carl S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin
David M. Nichol Harold 0. Warren
Sports Assistants
Sheldon C Fullerton . ullen Kennedy
Robert Townsend
Walter S. Baer, Jr. l'arker Terryberry
[rving J. Blumberg Robert L. Pierce
rhomas M. Cooley wrl. F. Pyper
George Fisk Sher M. Quraishi
Morton Frank Jerry E. Rosenthai
Saul Friedberg George R ubenstein
FrankF $.Gilbretb (harles A. Sanford
Jack Goldsmith Karl Seiffert
Roland Goodman Robert F. Shaw
James 11. Inglis Edwin M. Smith
Denton C. Kuze George A. Stauter
Powers Moulton Alfred R. Tapert
Wilbur J Myers ohn S. Townsend
Robert D. Townsend


his release. He published articles -;-
and editorials concerning the utter
putridity of the Muncie official 9 C AND DR
bodies. Finally, he took a stand as 1 4i
democratic candidate for mayor in BLACK FRIDAY
the elections of 1928 the slogan of CHANGES
N'.1 IG 1 ': The iast p ~rfori a.nce'
his campaign being "Give DALE a COLOR TOPaGpT:utiostofC rmance
Chane!"He romsedno ffiesby Play Productien of Claire Kum-
Chance!" He promised no offices, e LACK FRIDAY- iner's entertaining farce, "Rollo's
he made no personal contacts, he PROTAGONISTS' VERSI~LN Wild Oat": in the Mendelssohn
used only his editorial column and An angry, snarling mob of under- TL.2: at$:15.
the radio for his campaign. And he
won by the greatest majority irn classmen, passions loosed, discre- -
won by the greatest majority in F! TE D~f<h N t~ *nrrrrxr

..I M C ICA L -aTTu A 7tii~lV nR''T' 1ful..* .3+ '1VYL~J4VlpJ.~Ji, .L J .1

the history of Muncie in a districi
wiich has been solidly republicar
ol, dc cades !
Tltii day he told the visiting
editors of his life. He told it simply,
readiz a the address from a huge
ameuru~pt which he had written
the night before in a local hotel
room. He saturated the address
with humor - sparkling, timely
humor which was reminiscent of
Will Rogers. Before he had finished
he was the immediate and personal
friend of every man and woman in
the audience.
What is the significance 01
DALE'S warfare in Muncie? Ar
answer is hardly needed,' for sc
obvious has been his contribution
to journalism and the principles of
American liberty that his name will
be remembered long after his little
paper has printed its last issue.
But the single fact-that he did it
HIMSELF, ALONE!--that, if noth-
ing else, stamps GEORGE DALE as
a figure whose head and shoulders
can be seen above the average


tion thrown to the winds, primitive I DON C ~As5IW1K CHRUS
instincts given veryt, raised to a The Don Cossack Russian Male
th < by the inspir-t on of Chorus, which will make its d: but
"A generations of fr shmen and 1 iHill auditorium, Thursday eve-
sophomores before them, met on Ing of next week in the Choral
the campus last night in the most Union Series played to three capa-
furious, merciless, relentless inter- city audiences in Carnegie Flall,
class free-for-all, knock-down-and New York, within six days. This
drag-out battle in the history of strange musical organization with~
the University. A conservative esti-
mate of casualties listed 38 fresh- a colorful career of political prom-
men killed or missing, 96 maimed inence and then exile, proved one
or seriously injured, probably fat- of the sensations of New York's
ally, and 108 sustaining broken musical season. The 36 Cossacks,
bones of varying degrees of minor all former officers of the Russian
seriousness. Sophomores reported
losses of 69 with 194 wounded ac- Imperial Army, march on the stage
counted for. in military fashion, garbed in black
The blood-smeared environs of blouses, navy blue trousers with a
the campus in the dull-gray early red stripe and cavalry boot. All the
morning light was a ghastly testi-- critics comented on the contrast to
mony to the maw of war that the lofty stature of the Chorus


"' I
',, I

Lynne Adamrs Margaret O'Brien I A ONE-MAN HOUSE.
Betty Clark Eleanor Rairdon f
Elsie Feldman Jean Rosentb-
Elizabeth Gribb Cecilia Shriver on the basis of the most accu-
Elsie M. Hoffmeyer Anne Mrgaret Tobin rate count which can be made be-
jean Levy Mlargaret Thbompson
Dorothy Magee Claire Trussell fore the actual meeting of the Con-
Mary McCall - Barbara Wright gress in December of next year,
BUSINESS STAFF the House of Representatives seems
Telephone 21214
BUSINESS MANAGER to have attained that extreme rar-
T. HOLLISTER MABLEY ity, an exact numerical tie. If, by
Assistant Manager any remote possibility, this tie
Department Managers should remain unbroken until the
Advertising.......... Charlea T. Kline meeting of the Congress, then upon
Advertisi,:...............Thomas M. Davis.
Advertising........William W. Warboys ione man, PAUL JOHN KVALE, 34
Service................ .. Norris J. Johnson
Publication..........,.kobert XW. Williamson year old Farmer-Labor Represen-
Circulation........ ......Marvin S. Kobacker
Accounts....................Thomas S. Muir tative from Benson, Minn., would
Business Secretary ............Mary J. Kenan fall the tremendous responsibilit
Harry R. Beglev w.on W.Ly of determining the ascendancy of


t 7

td T: tt:.. AR _...... ._

Veron hilojX ill V ra
William Brown IL Fred Schaefer either of the parties.
Robert Callahan Richard Strateneier There is but a very small chance
William W,. PaVis 'Noel D). Turner
Richard H. 1-iller Byron C. Vedder that such a condition will prevail
Erle Kightlinger for more than a year. However, if
Marian At-an Mildred Postal the representatives in the House
oepen visser aro reur should feel themselves particular-
Dnroth Tvlin Mary E. Watts ly bound to the standards of their
Syl a Mr Jhana Viese party, then some of the most im-
portant decisions will rest upon the
shoulders of one man.
SATURDAY, NOIEMBER 15, 1930 Chief among the problems which
Night dior - IAROTD WARRI Representative KVALE must solve
Night Er-A L WARR_ will be the choice of the House
speaker. Representative LONG-
When GEORGE R. DALE, editor I er, is in the unpleasant position of
Damocles upon whom the sword
of the Muncie, Id., Post-Democrat, of KVALE's single vote may fall
was elected to the mayorality of w i t h disastrous results. Even

clamped its gnashing jaws in glut-
tonous ecstasy last night. Hardly
had the bugles of either party
sounded the welcome notes of re-
treat when a special corps of doc-
tors and nurses from the health
service arrived and ministered what
aid and comfort was possible to
battered and fallen warriors. The
bugle bleats of peace were echoed
ironically by the groans and
- screams issuing from the torn and
maimed bodies of the fallen heroes.
The battle began approximately
at 8:32 p. m. The second year horde,
swarming down from the hinter-
land in perfect squad formation
descried the waiting columns of
yearlings entrenched on the former
site of Clippy Stadium. With a
scream of rage which issued as if
from a single throat and rever-
berated with the ominous note of
a death - knell presaging the
slaughter to come, both battalions
charged and met with terrific im-
pact in a milling, bestial, brobdig-
nagian onslaught.
The rest is history.
Old Michigan graduates, mellow
with years and good brandy, must
have breathed a reminiscent sigh
for the old days when Black Friday
really meant putting the fresh-
men on the spot when sophomores
sallied forth on the eve of the fall
games. As they lined the curbs of
the streets adjoining the campus
to watch this year's renewal of the
old tradition, they saw what re-
sembled a kindergarten drill. All
.that was needed was a band to
play "Good Evening, Dear Teach-
As the representatives of botli
classes, garbed ferociously in sweat
shirts and red and green paint,
spied each other, they sprinted
with a mighty charge-until they
were within a reassuring 10 feet;
then came dead halt. The leaders,
conscious of the audience, felt that
something should be done. They
stepped into no-man's land and
made a few furtive passes at each'
other, meticulously cautious not to
(a) step on the grass, (b) to beat
down shrubbery, or, most of all, (c)'
to beat up each other.
Exhaustion brought mediation.
Mediation brought conference. Con--
ference gave birth to an idea:
Forces united in eternal brother-1
hood (ah, the insidious influencet
of reformers, leagues of nations,
naval treaties, Washington Confer-
ences, et al., on our youth!), they
whooped it up over to the Michi-
gan and stormed to the door. Theref
they were met by a nattily-uni-c
formed usher who politely inform-P
ed them that if they wished toF
gain admittance they would have1
to pay the regular admission price.c
He was sorry, but that was a rule
of the theater over which he hade
no control.
And the fighting cohorts of 19331
and 1934 meekly about-faced anda

the Hoosier city, the nation's press
took off their hats and cheered one
of the gamest, most courageous
exhibitions of perseverance ever
displayed in American journalism.
Here's what DALE went through.
When he was quite young he
decided to start work on a news-
paper, and, after trying several un-
satisfactory posts, found one in
Muncie, Ind., a town where "there
were more things to kick about
than any town in the country."
That's what he told the state's
press, assembled in Ann Arbor this
week, at an afternoon session on
Thursday. DALE saw the corrup-
tion in the mayor's chair, he saw
it sticking out all over the city
council, the police force; in fact
there wasn't a single public office
which DALE didn't discover was I
being run by one of the most'
closely knit political machines inI
Indiana's history.
So DALE went after the politi-
cians and started to clean up the
city of Muncie, a populous of some
50,000, with his pen and his little
weekly paper. At first he made
little or no impression, but con-
stant pounding at the city and its
master minds began to get under'
the skins of several in the great

should he be renamed, his position
will be insecure and uneviable.
On the other hand, should Dem-
ocratic leader GARNER be named
speaker of the House, LONG-
WORTH can makeuconsiderable
trouble for him. This fact is fully
recognized by both men.
With true political astuteness,
Representative KVALE refused to
make any definite statement and
said, "Changes will inevitably take
place in the personnel of the House
but I see no immediate need for
making a decision."

presented by its diminutive and
magnetic conductor, Serge Jaroff.
Pitts Sanborn's comment was
typical of the notices: "The Don
Cossack Chorus, thirty-six sturdy
horsemen out of Muscovy, after
having toured prodigiously in Eur-
i ope and the Antipodes, last night
swept the American field clear in
a thunderously successful program.
It is probably the most amazing
organization of male singers that
ever visited this city. Led by Serge
Jaroff, a perky and energetic little
musical hetman, these three dozen
visitors from the land of Taras
?ulba intoned sacred and secular
songs in a manner that thrilled the
audience almost to a stage of hys-
teria. The variety of tone displayed
by these singers seems to be the
special property of Russians. From
a fathomless bass to an ethereal
falsetto, the chorus was at perfect
The combined excellences of the
New York Theatre Guild's three
ventures into the field of the revue
make up the new Fall edition of
the "Garrick Gaieties" w;h i c h
comes to the Wilson Theatre, De-
troit, for a week's engagement be-
ginning Monday, Nov. 17. This edi-
tion of the Gaieties is using the
best tunes, sketches, and dance
routines from all three "Gaieties"
edithons as well as new material
with relevance to Detroit.
Albert Carrol, inimitable player
of the sedulous ape, will do his
famous imitations of Ethel Barry-
more, her equally well-known
brother John, Mrs. Minnie Mad-
dern Fiske, Lynn Fontanne and
others. Ruth Tester is returning to
the show and will be heard in the
song hit "Sing Something Simple."
Philip Loeb is giving his now fam-
ous lawyer-at-home sketch. Then
there is the magnificent burlesque
of the trite musical comedies one
sees, called "Rose of Arizona."
The "Gaities" is characteristical-
ly striving to avoid the glaring
absurdities of the American Lee
Schubert Tradition in musical
comedy for the more intimate, less
pretentious, less elegant English
revue. It aims to poke intelligent
fun at topics rather than to ex-
ploit the universal, and universally
loved and despised, sentiments. The
prize for a Detroit sketch offered
by the Guild has been given to Don
Lockbiller, of the staff of the De-
troit News. His sketch is called
"The Old Gray Mayors."
The gracicus Ethel, actress of
fine gowns and mistress of high
comedy. now plays the role of Si
Maye, Negress heroine of Julia
Peterkin's novel "Scarlet Sister
Mary" which in Daniel Reed's
dramatization comes to the Cass
Theatre Monday night for a week's
engament, Miss Barrymore's exten-
sion of her notably varied list of
parts to that of a Negress has cre-
ated comment in all worlds and
levels. Certain criticisms from the
press inspired her periodic display
of temper and curl of the lip at
critics in general. The play, how-
ever, which is also the occasion for
the debut of the ninth-generation
daughter Ethel Barrymore Colt, is
playing all over the Middle West to
capacity houses; and has, as yet,
refused to go to New York.
Mrs. Peterkin's novel, of course,
won the Pulitzer Prize in 1923. She
writes only about the Gullah ne-

groes who lived on her husband's
plantation in South Carolina,-
n o-nc- ifvr - Afvsnvicfnl -;f



University of Michigan
England's Supreme
Literary Geiu
"A pronounced optimist against the relentless flow of
everything that is pessimistic and depressing or makes
us regret life. His messages of good cheer and inspira-
tion have done much to hearten the world."
o e9I

ditorium- - 8.
$1.00, $1.50, $2.00
Tickets for Remaining Five Lectures On the
- . --rA..o * 1 T - -

Campus Opinion
Contributors ai asked to hebrief,
confining theniseh es to less than 300
words if possible. Anonymous com-
aunications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
(I opinion of The Daily.


=11 I

To the Editor:
I note that the bright
green placards announcing Mr. G.
K. Chesterson's lecture of Novem-
ber 15 bear this legend beneath
the speaker's name: "England's
Supreme Literary Genius." Without
questioning the high character and
marked versatility of Mr. Chester-

political machine and within half a ton's literary work-as essayist,
year he had one of the most fam- biographer, poet, critic, writer of
ous contcmpts suits in history on detective fiction, and the like-
his hands. He wias fcind guilty on still the query may well be put:
seuera1 libelous charges, sentenced England's supreme literary genius?
to the Indiana state penal farm, Can the genius of Mr. Chesterson
and had served for several weeks be said to surpass, let us say, these
when pressure from other sources five contemporary English men of
caused his case to be reviewed by letters: Kipling, Masefield, Barrie,
supreme courts, wiich resulted in Galsworthy, Shaw?
his liberation. Why, then, this dubious claim for
DALE'S little, single-handed war- our distinguished visiting lecturer?
fare attract"ed national attention. This slogan of the placard suggests
Witi n a month after his case had the extravagant advance "copy"
starte its appeal to the higher sometimes supplied by enterprising
couts the New York World and American lecture bureaus. Or is it
na - r large rlitorisl bhdlosinhAr thecreantiom of the IneqnuhlnnAty.o

Prominent on the literary calen-
dar for November, is a posthumous
edition of D. H. Lawrence's "The
Virgin and the Gipsy," to be pub-
lished by Alfred Knopf and com-
pany. Alfred Knopf, who have been
Lawrence's publishers for the past
few years, have recently received
a cable from the Lawrence estate
to the effect that the expurgated
oria nv i of 11 .r 1 + - ITo.,- irn"-1

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