PAGE FOUR 'r-11-1E MICHIGAN DATEY SATURDAY- NC}VR 1VtR Fi'R t 5 "I A J VA i Y 1 1 1 \..i L 7 Pubflished e'ver morning except Monday tuin ie nive rsity year l~i the IBoard in ,trol .of Sttrednt Publicatione Mj ebr o Western Conference Editorial The A ,c Press is exclusively entitled tht e rpublication of all news dis ciirchcs crefiteda to it or not otherwise crediret' n thi;. o per and thn local news published Entered tpthe postoffice at Ann Arbor, Viehian, coa lss matter Special rate f postag granted by Third Assistant Post- rnastet General. Subs'ription by arrier $4.oo b y mail, liii Pho5nes dtdtM5Bsns 4 In I~1t- . - EDIT~ORIAL STAF To-ph one 25 MANAGING EDITOR '& , n Etitorial Boards HENRY MERRY City Editor Frank E. Cooper 'news Editor . .. . .Gurney Williams Editorial Director ...,.....Walter W. Wilds Sports Editor...............Joseph A. Russell Women's Editor. ........mMary"L. Behymer Music, IDi ama. Pooks........ Win. J. Gormain Assistant City Editor ......Darold O. Warren Assistant News Editor ...Charles R Sprowl Telegraph Editoi........G orge A Stauter NIGJTT El)ITORS S. Beach Conger John D. Reindet Carl S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin David M. Nichol Harold 0. Warren Sports Assistants Sheldon C Fullerton . ullen Kennedy Robert Townsend Reporters Walter S. Baer, Jr. l'arker Terryberry [rving J. Blumberg Robert L. Pierce rhomas M. Cooley wrl. F. Pyper George Fisk Sher M. Quraishi Morton Frank Jerry E. Rosenthai Saul Friedberg George R ubenstein FrankF $.Gilbretb (harles A. Sanford Jack Goldsmith Karl Seiffert Roland Goodman Robert F. Shaw James 11. Inglis Edwin M. Smith Denton C. Kuze George A. Stauter Powers Moulton Alfred R. Tapert Wilbur J Myers ohn S. Townsend Robert D. Townsend I his release. He published articles -;- and editorials concerning the utter putridity of the Muncie official 9 C AND DR bodies. Finally, he took a stand as 1 4i democratic candidate for mayor in BLACK FRIDAY the elections of 1928 the slogan of CHANGES N'.1 IG 1 ': The iast p ~rfori a.nce' his campaign being "Give DALE a COLOR TOPaGpT:utiostofC rmance Chane!"He romsedno ffiesby Play Productien of Claire Kum- Chance!" He promised no offices, e LACK FRIDAY- iner's entertaining farce, "Rollo's he made no personal contacts, he PROTAGONISTS' VERSI~LN Wild Oat": in the Mendelssohn used only his editorial column and An angry, snarling mob of under- TL.2: at$:15. the radio for his campaign. And he won by the greatest majority irn classmen, passions loosed, discre- - won by the greatest majority in F! TE D~f