r. .
__ _ _ ---
_. -- - I
Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
AMember of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis.
patches credited to it or not otherwiseecredited
in thie paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Mlichigan,.as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
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Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May.
hard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 224.
. °.r'
, }
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Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Board
City Editor
Frank E. Cooper
News Editor k.............Gurney Williams
Editorial Director....... .Walter W. Wilds
Sports Editor........ ....... Joseph A. Russell
Women's Editor ..........Mary L. Behymer
Music and Drama.......William J. Gorman
Assistant News Editor...Charles R. Sprowl
Telegraph Editor .........George A. Stauter
S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel
Carl S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin
David M. Nichol Harold 0. Warren
Sports Assistants
Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy.
Robert Townsend
Walter S. Baer, Jr. Wilbur J. Myers
Irving J. Blumberg Robert L. Pierce
Donald O. Boudeman Sher M. Quraishi
George T. Callison C. Richard Racine
Yhomas M. Cooley Jerry E. Rosenthai
George Fisk George Rubenstein
11ernard W. Freund Charles A. Sanford
Morton Frank Karl Seiffert
Saul Friedberg Robert F. Shaw
Frank B. Gilbreth Edwin M. Smith
Jack' Goldsmith George A. Stauter
RolandGoodman Alfred R. Tapert
William H. Harris Tohn S. Townsend
James H. Inglis )tobert D. Townsend
DentonC. Kunze Max . Weinberg
Powers Moulton Joseph F. Zias
>ution is complicated and makes
nfallable allocation of tickets
nost difficult. Furthermore, the
ercentage of tickets pro-rated a-
nong the various groups favored
y seats on the sides of the stadium
s as favorable to the student body
is to any other of the groups.
While we agree with the protesting
students that on the surface manye
cases of injustice seem to arise,I
they are chiefly due to delayed ap-
plications for seats or to demandsy
for the full number of tickets onea
may buy for a single game. Thesek
two factors often supercede thej
number of years the applicant has
been in residence at the University
previously in determining the lo-
cation of the seats assigned.
Britain gains a point in South
America with the fall of the Bra-
zilian government, for, while our
state department 'laid an embargo
on arms to the insurgents, the
British foreign office scrupulously
made no distinction between the
waring factions.
And so, with the sudden triumph
of the rebels, Brazilian bonds on
the London stock exchange soar,
and American business, with inter-
ests in Brazil, are dubious of the
future (though Wall Street also
felt a rise in Brazilian securities.
An economic mQtive in our high
tariff and a political grudge in the
embargo combin to antagonize
the new regime towards the United
However, Washington only fol-
lowed its customary policy of pro-
tecting a friendly government from
injury by the citizens of this coun-
try, and of looking askance at the
frequent turbulent uprisings that
occur in Latin American republics.
United States Ambassador Mor-
gan's absence from his post at a
time like this is hard to explain,
but his presence, and hence more
accurate knowledge of the rebel's
strength, should not have too ma-
terially affected our stand.
The only fair criticism is that
our state department was caught
napping. International law would
require our government to act as
it did, and morally we owed our
sympathies to the ex-president,
Washington Luis, an admirer of
American institutions ; for he fell
in attempting what our government
has successfully been doing since
the ratification of our constitution
namely, the strengthening of the
central government over its fed-
eral units.
0 _
Editorial Comment
y1 u U0L Ab
'W, RAT !Novels an
I don't like the weather: I don't Mansfield
like Mr. Tillotson; I don't like Co- Knopf, $3
eds. In short, I prophesy that this Wahr's B(
is going to be a very funny column
indeed.-Run along now Buster, if This lal
you untie Uncle Daniel's shoe-lace
again he will give you a nice big volume o
kick in the teeth.-Boy! This is work is a
just one of those happy days. critical li
. . ... that-it i
Speaking of how I don't like the smal
coeds, I just got a letter from bear this
one of the financial backers of who cher
the League for Kicking Coeds is h
Off Campus. lie says thathe is, who
only reason he has money to slender f
contribute to our enterprise is Dove's N
that he took lessons in how to her Journ
look like a hair-lip before lie by John
came to school. He says, fur- her death
thermore, that one day he went be necess
out into the street in a bath- here is
robe with his disguise on and work: To
got elected Michigan's most know her
beautiful woman. There isn't introduct
any law about believing that, the begin
but I can readily see how it is difficu
might happen. critical
t Mr Tllot i involved
About M. Tloson, now, my, my, always, ii
it's a real pleasure to start in on for me t
this. I'm doing my talking about it. I cai
him by proxy today. Good old seems to
Frank has turned out to help me. purer ki
A friend in need saves nine. temporar
Dear Dan: 1 eous, m,
That was a fine football game more be
Saturday . . . . so they tell me field resp
I came to see a football life than
game . . . . and what do I get and the
.. ..a seat on the outskirts of plete res
Detroit . . . colorful crowds, eh? Novels
maybe . . . a program boy tion. "Co
mushing home with the pro- pression-
ceeds of the Purdue programs fully fer
.. ..blurred forms in the dist- she rea
ance ... creeping shadows ... into the
I voted for hloover in '29, but imaginat
here I am ... behind the goal that qui
posts again . . . seats are as- Kathe
signed according to the num- tive to h
ber of years on campus ... and immense
I'm Marie of Rumania ... even She wa
if they were ... I could never beauty,
work up to the 30-yard line ... tense, p
I don't live right . . . 40 or 50 for truth
years more is all I can hope for ness. He
... one of my ancestors was in tical ab
there watching for the old false n
whites at Bunker Hill . . . my she kne
grandfather got blood on his handles
weskit when Sullivancut up well; sh
Kilrain . . . Dempsey smashed ice. But
the governor's Corona i n t o and full
small pieces when Firpo landed cold-blo
with a right cross .. . and as for me
Michigan fights its way to a primaril
Conference title . .. where am ality an
I? . . . behind the goal posts Critici
and a bow shot in the air ... but thi
thanks to Vesuvius Tillotson exceptio
.. and may he suffer from is typica
eruptions. plot ist
Extremely Provoked, painfull
Frank. from it
)out Books
A Novelists: by Katherine
published by Arthur A.
.50. Review copy courtesy
ook Store.
A Review.
test--and probably last
f Katherine Mansfield sl
valuable contribution to
terature. But more than
s a precious addition to
I number of books that
author's Itame. To those l
ish and re-read her stor-
linger wistfully over the
ragments published in A
I .
:,.,. ..
Lynne Adams
Betty Clark
Elsie Feldman
Elizabeth Gribble
P-mily G. Grimes
Elsie M. Hoffmey
Jean Levy
Toroth Magee
Mary McCall
Margaret O'Brien
Eleanor Rairdon
Jean Rosenthal
Cecilia Shriver
Frances Stewart
er Anne Margaret Tobin
Margaret Thompson
Claire Trussell
Barbara Wright
Telephone 21214
r Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising .................Charles T. Kline
Advertising ...............Thomas M. Davis
Advertising ............William W. Warboys
Service................ Norris J. Johnson
Publication ............Robert W. Williamson
Circulation ........ Marvin S. Kobacker
Accounts.......Thomas S. Muir
Business Secretary............Mary J. Eenan
Harry R. Begley Donald V. Lyons
Vernon Bishop William Morgan
William Brown H. Fred Schaefer
Robert Callahan Richard Strate eier
William W. Davis Noel D. Turner
Richard H. Hiller Byron C. Vedder
Erle Kightlinger
Marian Atran Mildred Postal
Helen Bailey Marjorie Rough
Josephine Convisser Ann W. Verner
Dorothy Laylin Mary E. Watts
Sylvia Miller Johanna Wiese
Night Editor - HAROLD WARREN
In' the wake of last week's furore
of controversy and campus agita-
tion regarding the Athletic admin-
istration's method of distributing
football tickets to students, it may
be well to set forth the data gar-
nered by The Daily after an inves-
tigation precipitated by the above
The seating capacity of the Mich-
igan stadium is 85,753 seats. 10,048
of these are temporary seats, leav-
ing a total of 75,705 seats in the
permanent portion of the stadium.
There are in all 44 sections in the
stadium, of which only 14 are be-
tween the goal lines-seven on each
side. These sections, consisting of
numbers 20-26 on the west side,
with 1836 seats in each section, and
1-4 and 42-44 on the east side, with
1536 seats in section number one
and 1783 in the others, have a to-
tal seating capacity of 25,086 per-
sons. By far the majority of seats,
as can be seen by the above fig-
ures, are in the "V" sections on the
curve, and behind the goal posts.
Perhaps more important to the
students is the distribution of these
25,000 seats. In section one, 6,117
are allotted to supporters of the
visiting team. There are 3,000
bondholders, who helped make the
stadium possible, and, being allow-
ed two tickets each, 6,000 more are
set aside for their use. Then for
guests of the University 409 tickets
are reserved.
The "M" club, an organization
composed of men who have won a
major letter award in the past, re-
ceives 1,650 tickets between the 30
yard and goal lines. The students
receive 4,872 as near the center of
the field as possible, the faculty are
allotted 1,350 tickets; members of
good standing in alumni clubs re-
ceive 2,322 tickets, and the remain-
ing 2366 tickets are sold to the
est, who know and love
.al and Letters, also edited
Middleton Murray after
i-to those readers it will
fry only to announce that
another volume of her
the others, who do not
Mr. Murray gives a good
ion in his comments at
ing of her Journal. "It
lt for me to attempt a
valuation of Katherine
l's work. All my life I was
in it. . . . And now, and
t is and will be impossible
be wholly detached from
a only say that her work
me to be of a finer and
ad than that of her con-
ies. It is more spontan-
re vivid, more delicate, and'
autiful, Katherine Mans-
)onded more completely to
any writer I have known
effect of that more com-
ponse is in her work."
and Novelists is no excep-
mplete response"-the ex-
of reactions on a wonder-
tile, vivid mind. The book
Is is like a pebble flung
sparkling stream of her
ion-we watch the circles
ckly widen out.
rine Mansfield was sensi-
er finger-tips; she had an
capacity for joy and pain.
s passionately eager for
but more, she had an in-
ersistent, searching desire
and sincerity and humble-
nce, her extraordinary cri-
ility. She could detect a
ate immediately, because
w so much of life. She
her n els and novelists
"d6es m complete just-
she was too keen and eager
of. poetry to be merely a
oded, prosaic reviewer. And,
at least, this book presents
y the charm of her person-
d exquisite expression.
sm is not ordinarily poetic,
s book is one of the rare
ans. Thee following passage
i1 of many: "But his simple
only- the stem pushing up
y into the forbidden light;
there grow many dark,
e branches and ashy fruits;
f-blind little girl, Abelia,
o it, smothering and pale,
ematis, and always wander-
r there is the old native
Conapanny, with her hid-
Gcelet of black hair."
is mockery, sometimes, and
i these reviews, but her ad-
riticism is never heavy-
abuse or explosiveness-al-
is delicate and vivacious.
rnment on one ridiculous
ds in this little paragraph,
)me, let us slip away. The
s still going on. The party
on forever; but so, thank
e the sky and the moving
I I'I.
il, l
4 ;I;
i' .
iIli i
', h
i ,
I 1
. r :.
=- _ --
Single Tickets-
y$1,$1.50, $2, $2.50
Season Tickets-
$6, M$8, $10, $12
at School of Music
Distinguished Belgian Soprano in
Choral jUnion Concert Series
Other Choral Union
Nov. 7 Alexander
Nov. 24
Dec. 12
Jan. 12
Nov. 20
Cossack Russian M a I e
Serge Jaroff, Conductor.
Consisting of 36 expatriated offi-
cers from the Imperial Army in
a program of Russian Church
music, folk songs and soldier
Detroit Symphony Orchestra
Ossip Gabrilowitsch, Conductor.
Jose Iturbi, Spanish Pianist.
Detroit Symphony Orchestra.
Bernadino Molinaria, Guest
Albert Spalding, American
Paul Robeson, Negro Baritone.
Sergei Rachmaninoff, Pianist.
Jan. 27
Feb. 2
Feb. 10
(From the Yale Daily News)
It is rather an appalling thought
that in all the Senior Class there
is probably not one man who, on
his graduation, will enter politics.
The country cannot expect to re-
cruit, from the ranks of any of
the colleges like our own, men who
are planning to dedicate their lives
to statesmanship. Partly as the
result of the form of our govern-
ment, partly no doubt because of
an attitude which has grown up,
and partly because of the unsavory
atmosphere which pervades the
field of political service. We make
no move whatever to secure a share
of the responsibility attached to
public offices.
England as is well known is con-
stantly educating young members
of her upper classes to the task of
piloting her government. We have
been reminded of this by the recent
arrival to our shores of Randolph
Churchill who, although not yet
twenty-one, is on an extensive
lecture tour, speaking on the affairs
of the British Empire. As son of
Winston Churchill, and descender
from a long line of men distin-
guished in the political life of hisl
country, he takes his place natur-'
ally as a man of bright promise
for future Parliaments.
The corruption and incompe-
tency which pervade our politics
call for men of wholesome ideals
and careful training to do the
purging which is so necessary.'
There are always men with suffi-
cient of the filthy wherewithal to'
allow them to serve as representa-
tive of the people, and there is no
charity which needs the aid of
Gee, Frank old man, it certainly,
is nice of you to help out Daniel
like this. Could you favor us with
a word on the coed situation soon?
I'm sure the fellows are all atwit
over the prospect, aren't you now
fellows? . . . . Ah, I was positive
of it!
Another thing, just while fault
is lying around here just asking to
be found,--I have 'it on the best
of authority (namely my own eye-
sight) that there isn't a lousier
looking dump than the Newberry
Aud., between here and old Joe
Whelk's hog-wallow in Ortville, S.
D. Come on now, Mr. B & G what's
the idea of leaving its walls all
caked and crumbling while you
squander quantities of lovely paint
on the A. H. radiators where it
just smells up the whole building
as soon as anyone turns them on?
It would save a lot of paint if you
decorated the Newberry Aud. with
it instead because the radiators
won't be turned on over there until
it reaches ninety in the shade next
* * *
The Rolls Airpheto Service
is back on the job with a pic-
ture of the cheering squad in
action at the last game. Here
it is, see if you can pick out
that guy next to you who was
eating the apple in your ear
and holding up the wrong card
all the game.
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--- °1
The Proper
Treatment -
of the fine fabrics of your clothes is a problem
that has been solved only through years of
experience. The Varsity has specialized in the
field of modern laundering for 26 YEARS and
for this reason we are prepared to serve you -in
the most satisfactory way.
We employ the
u' ,-!.
:' k
t i
., ti,
Not every one knows this-or
remembersyit,nand that is why
Katherine Mansfield was a great
woman and a great writer-because
she realized that despite the boring
parties the sky and the moving sea
are. going on forever.
I3. L.
One of the outstanding books on
the fall list of Longmans Green is
Sheldon Cheney's New World Archi-
tecture to be published next month.
Mr. Cheney is beginning with the
architecture that evolved out of
machine age methods and mater-
ials, tracing its development in the
last decade from the American sky-
'scraper under Louis Sullivan to the
work of the Vienna Secessionists.,
The work will contain 389 illustra-
Scribner and Sons has just pub-
lished Life in College by Christian
Gauss, Dean of students at Prince-
ton University. His book is not
addressed to professional educators
but rather confines itself to those
human relationships and adjust-
ments which are made in the ap-
most modern type of laundering methods and
furthermore use IVORY SOAP exclusively.
Phon 42I
UNDRty o"
I have. another complaint here
! 1 U:f+t, ^+ T ,"**+TT it