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October 28, 1930 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-10-28

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-)~SAY, OC-IOPaER 2"; 1-0




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[ .F I F
Offers i=an to Protect Working
Ciasses From Possibility I
of Unemployment.
Speaker Advocates American
Education for Acceptance
ef Idea.
Everything that is being done to-
day to relieve the unemployment
.ituation is diametrically opposed
to the principles of social insurAnce,
according to a stayement. by Abra-
ham Epstein, expert on social leg-
islation, whe spokp:,yesterday after-
noon in Alumni Memorial hail at'
an all-campus forum on the sub-
ject of "Social Insurance vs. Private
Epstein believes that it is unfair
to foist the entire burden of unem-
ployment, sickness, or widowhood
upon the weakest members of the
working class, as he says it is done
at the present time in this country.,
NtWould Ask Ai o f ic.soal
Wol s k 'Notas a plan of instlitutig s1ia
insurance but rather to show how
easily the project might be financed,
Epstein stated that if every million-
ai're in the country were to conLri
bute 10 per cent of his income to
the insurance iund, the workgin
class of the entire .fation could be l
protected from unemployment, sick-
ness, old age, widowhood or orhan-I
In refuting the argument that
most workers in the United Statest
today were covered by insurancel
policies, the speaker referred to the1
recent statement of former Presi-I

7 ! FF > I} p

A I ST cn Cand;dates Pl n
FIM Ralies in Ann Arbor



Associated Preas :oto
T1he arrest in Do t n of M:s. Clementine Briggs Loran, antique dealer
of Holyoke, Mlac., ;- as b Iieved to have revealed a $500,0CO swindle in
spluicus antioe chiawQre. She was charged with conspiracy in the;
defrauing Ao a Bstonr collector of antiques of $51,226 through' false
Lowcstoft ehina. She is shown in court with her attorney, Frajk lHurley.

ichig' n C ubs of Los Angeles,
Pasade::a Givc Dinner.
C.SjtitT f i l ' t' )rtr11e
LOS AN GELlS, Oct. 27--President
Alexander G. Ruthven, of the Uni-
versity of Michigan, and Mrs. Ruth-
ven were entertained at a dinner in
the Biltmore hotel tonight by the
University of Michigan clubs of thi's
city and Pasadena. Albert Pearce,
well-known alumnus of Michigan,,
acted as toastmaster.
President Ruthven and Mrs. Ruth-
ven have been in California the last
week visiti'ng various alumnus or-
ganizations of the University in thisj
vicinity. They were present at the
inauguration of Pres dent Sproul at,
the University of California.
- -
Whitney, Soi-nan
And lioair,

Parental Grouch.
to be Discussed
in National Meet
(By Associatcd /rss) .
WASHINGTON, Oct. 27.-Father's
m o r n i n g grouch and mother's
bridge-tea headache are soon to be
objects of a national study to de-
termine how they affect the school
grades of their children.
After focusing on the American
child at the president's White House
conference on child health and pro-
tection, the national searchlight of
investigation will swing to the par-
Morning parental grouches and
their effect on offspring are among
many subjects to be discussed by
representatives from five big or-
ganizations meeting here Nov. 24
immediately after the White House
conference. As a result of this meet-
ing it is hoped to distribute to par-
ents over all the country, by radio
and inexpensive booklets expert ad-

Speaks on Eighth Anniversary
of Fascist March to Rome
Before Directors.
Mortal Hatred for Italy Manifest
Throughout Continent;
Duce Prepared.
(PDAstci Peae)
ROME, Oct. 27. -Premier Musso-
lini, ion the eve of the eighth an-
niversary of the Fascist march on
Rome, today told t1he federal direc-
tors of Italy that incirect war-
p eparation for miita.y war--was
constantly beinnrmad in the king-
Referring to hi1 widely ppblicized
seeches on the TCuscany tour last
May, the Duce slid:
"With those speeches I intended
to take off the mask from this hyp-
ocritical Eurobe which talks about
peace at Geneva and is prepared for
war nevertheless.
Accuses Calumniators.
"To kill Fascists, is not this an
act of hostility? To defame the
regime and damage it in credit, is
not this an act of war? Calumnies
and infamies, are they not launched
in the entire world against the Fas-
cist regime?
What, happ,.Med afteri the execu-
tions at Triest? Ts not that proof
that war against the Fascist regime
is a factmoral war now but prepar-
atory of military war?"
(This refers to the execution of a
group of alleged Jugoslav terrorists
Demonstrations against Fascist
Italy followed in Jugo-Slavia).
Charges False Rumors.
The Duce then charged that many
false rumors were being circulated
about the Fascist Xegime.
"All this stirs increasing hatred
toward Fascist Italy-hatred prac-
ticed by millions and millions of in-
dividuals; hatred by anti-revolu-
tionaries; hatred from reactionaries
and conservatives, all of which hon-
ors and exalts us.
"We are fighting against a world
on the decline but still powerful
because it represents an enormous
crystallization of interests.
"Thus a 'moral' state of war ex-
ists, and it is fatal that it should
so exist and that it should be so

Speeches by both the Republican
and Democratic gubernatorial can-'
didates will be given in Ann Arbor
this week as part of pre-election
rallies, chairman of the two comn-
mittees announced yesterday.
William A. Comstock, the Demo-
crati~ nominee, will speak at a
meeting of Washtenaw county
Democrats at 8 o'clock Wednesday
night in the Whitney theatre. On
Ithe same program will be Edward
Frensdorf of Hudson, congressional
candidate, and James Schermer-
horn, of Detroit.
Wilber M. Brucker, attorney-
general, and the Republican nom-
inee for the governorship, will
make a tour of the county on
Thursday, concluding his visit with
an address, at a rally at 8 o'clock
Thursday night in the Whitney
I theatre. Earl Michener, seeking re-
election to congress, and Repub-
lican county candidates, will also
A rally at Platt last night, Re-
publican committee members said,
will be followed with a meeting to-
night at Whitemore lake, and an-
other rally Wednesday at Lodi.
Thursday and Friday will be given
over to a tour of Superior township.
George J. Burke, Ann Arbor at-
torney, will preside at the Deio-
cratic meeting Wednesday night in
the Whitney theatre, and will in-
troduce Comstock and county can-
didates. The gubernatorial candi-
date, Burke said, is also scheduled
to speak late that afternoon in
Fund Drive Launched
First reports of team leaders and
workers in the Community Fund',
drive for $62,000 will be made at
a luncheon of the campaign com-
mittee at noon ioday in the Cham-
ber of Commerce building.
The fund campaign was launched
Sunday morning, and will continue
throughout the week. Officials yes-
terday expressed the hope that by
noon today $30,000 would be raised
or pledged.

Rev. Brannan Named
Rev. Patrick K. Brannan, chap-
lain at St. Joseph's Mercy hospital.
has been named assistant at st
I Peter and Paul parish at onia, it
was announced yesterday. e wil
assume his new duties Nov. 5.
Father Braninan will also aid in
work at the state reformatory at
Fr.IBrannan, who was appointed
chaplain at St. Joseph's last Jan-
uary. will be succeeded as chaplain
by Rev. J. J. Sheridan.
Arrested for Hit-Run
Arraigned at 10 o'clock yesterday
morning on a charge of leaving the
scene of an accident, Emil E. Satt-
ler, 1115 Granger avenue, plead
guilty but was unable to pay a fine
of $50 and court costs of $5. Sattler
is being held.
Loses Pifty Dollars
More than $50 in cash, a fountain
pen, and a deposit slip for $10 were
contained in a black leather purse
lost by Evelyn ]Bosch, 108 North
Fifthbavenue, Sunday, she reported
to police.
Week End Arrests
Arrests on liquor and traffic
charges continued to be reported at
police headquarters during Sunday
and Monday following the unusual
number o such cases on the county
court docket Friday and Saturday.
Dave Ragen, 221 West Washing-
ton street, and Constantine Pappas,
312 Pauline boulevard, are being
held on charges of violation okthe
orohibition laws. Police raided
Pappas' home and discovered two
bottles of liquor, they reported. A
subsequent raid on his store at 119
East Ann street resulted in the
confiscation of several gallons of
liquor, 50 gallons of mash, and a
still, police said. Ragen had ,a pint
of liquor on his person at the time
of his arrest, according to the

Engineering Professor Speaks
on New Devoopments in
Engineering Work.
"It is safe to say that without
mathematics we would noL have had
,all the improvements in radio which
have been made in the last ten
years," stated Prof. Joseph H. Can-
non, of the electrical engineering
department, during his radio talk
yesterday afternoon on "Why I
Must Know Mathematics to be An
"It is astounding when we con-
sider the developments made in
this field alone, in the microphone,
in the telephonic transmission from
the originating station to the broad-
casting station, in the broadcasting
station, and in the receiving set,"
he said.
Professor Cannon pointed out that
the engineer must not only have the
ability to recognize the elements
which enter into his problems, but
he must use good judgment as to
the reliability or accuracy of the
data involved and to recognilze the
limitations imposed by any assump-
tions he must make in order to
state the problem in appropiate
mathematical form.
.Following the mathematical so-
lution," according to Professor Can-
non, "he must be able to interpret
the result and to realize its physical
significance, to note the bearing of
the various data upon the fmal re-
sult and to determine what changes
in the original conditions may
change a bad result into one whicl
is practical and efficient."
"The engineer must know mathe-
matics thoroughly, but in engineer-
ing as in other pursuits of life,
nothing can supplant experience
and judgment," he concluded.
Corner Monroe and Oakland
Your Neighborhood Restaurant
Dinner 40e and 50c

dent Coolidge that there were in
the United States and Canada at
the present 95,000,000 insurance pol-
icies extant.
Worker Not Protected.
The truth of this fact is, said ED-
stein, that 75,000,000 of these poli-,
cies are industrial and give no pro-
tection whatsoever to the individual
worker. Continuing on this line, he
declared that the amount of the
policies that were held was so in-
significant that after the average
worker's funeral had been paid for
the dependants would receive a
scant $2,000.
In arguing the principle of social
insurance the speaker said that be-
fore the system can be adapted in
America we must learn to accept
the fundamental theory that the
plan must be compulsory and that
legislation is sound that provides
taxation for the public welfare.
Reception Will Precede Opening1
of Eighth Annual Exhibit.
The eighth annual exhibit of the
Ann Arbor Art association will open
Thursday night with a reception
given by the members and their.
friends for the exhibiting artists at
Alumni Memorial hall, where, on
the following days, the exhibit will
take place, Mrs. John B. Waite,
president of the Association an-
nounced yesterday.
This exhibit which is given for
the furtherance of local art is closed
to all who live outside of Washte-
naw county excepting students of
Ypsilanti Normal college or the Uni-
versity of Michigan. In the past
this exhibit has proved a great suc-
cess, and this year's ought to be
no exception, Mrs. Waite said.
Russian Tea Roo
Used by Society
Each Wednesday afternoon, the
members of Mortarboard, senior
honorary society, take over the
Russian Tea Room of the League
building in exchange for the pro-
ceeds of the afternoon. The women
act as waitresses in shifts, from 1
to 5:30 o'clock. This project was
started last year, soon after the
tea-room was opened to the public.


vice on how to solve problems relat-
ieso o rP:U1 Oflc ing to their children.
-IThe organizations represented
(1 Asso>cd ]'r',r)jwill be the American Library asso-
NEW YORK, Oct. 27. -- - a r r y ciation, National University Exten--
Payn V/itne sprtsmn ad nsion association, National Parent-
Payne Whitney, sportsman and pos-i Teachers association, and others.
sessor of one of the greatest for- - ----- - ----
tunes in America, ied unexpecte . -'
ly of pneumonia at his Fi h Ave
home Sunday night. Kie was /-
years old. - - -
His secretary made the following;
"On Tuesday last at his residence 4
in New York, Mr. Whitney was tak-
en ill with a slight cold with fever
from whien pneumonia developed,
which sparently was not severe
until Saturday morning when there- -
was a rapid extension and he died
Sunday evening at 9:35 o'clock.
His wife, the formerGortrudm
Vanderbilt, adm3iingushed seulptor,
L'a d their t) 'C:e children were with
flihn Wi'1On le dicd.
Ht was the son of William C..
Whitrney, seeretary of the navy i n
the cabinet of President Cleveland, V
frai 0 hom he iniherited a huge
for ne mased by malgamationg
i NCu2r ( surface traction lines.
Payne Whitney, brother of Harry
Whitney. a ,r e eears ago. lar-
y Payne Whitney inheritance, -
lieh v'..i esimatcd at $24,UO0,CG, /
w as i: el e se;d i- approximately
$260,00,000 through his operations
in mning, banking and real estate.
Payne Whitney, like Larry a finan-
cier and a turfinan, left $171,893,000.





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Annual Bluebook Sale
Sponsored by Wyvern
Wyvern, junior honor society, is
offering bluebooks for sale at the
candy booth in University hall. This
is an activity annually sponsored by
the society for the benefit of the
Women's League.

Ta ing Electrcal Convenience
r HE total capacity of waterwheel generators
uibLut by Genfral Electric in the last ten years is

Y oU don't have to be an ath-
lete to get "Athlete's Foot."
Men who do their daily dozen in
the library giving the old bean a
big workout; and the lwys who
do a mental uarathon in class
but never try for the track-s
well as those who really do give
their muscles to Alma Mater-
any and all are just so much good
red meat to the tiny germ which
has spread this ringworm infc-
tion everywhere. Tin trico.
phyton is its name and it's the
cause of "Athlete's Foot."
In universities from Pennsyl-
vania to Ctidfornia, it has been
found that 5(x;0 of the men have
it. The U. S. Health Service has
reported that "at least half of
all adults sniffr fromit at son
time." Co-eds are not immune
from this trouble, either.
It lurks in the very places
where we all go for cleanliness
and health - on the edges of
swimming pools and showers-
in gymnasiums-on locker- and

( 're.ling-reom floor.A. In site of
Modern sanitataon (you hav cto
boil socks 15 minutes to kill it)
this fungus paraiLe infects and
'rc-infrct~s bare feet ahnoet any
ti e they come in contact with
damp floors.
rAsrbine Jr, kills the
germ of
Tests. in a fa!ner N: w York
"lab" have revealed that Abso -
bine Jr. penetrates flesh-like
'tissues iieAylndithat wher--1
ever it penetrates, it KILLS the.
rin gworm germ.
It ightmnotbe a bad idea to
examine your act tonight. At
'the first sign of redness between
toes, itchi: , peelhv or blisters,
douse on Absorine Jr., and
keep a bottle h_:dy in your
locker as a preventive. Use it
after evry exposure of bare
fee en dap 1002. At all
druggists -1.2. W. . Young,
Inc., Springfield, M~ass.

That old Bogeyman Winter is just a phantom to those


Join us in the General iictric
lprogra-m, broa,,st eVC;52'; )
evening on a nation-widr N\ .1 c)
F!Tz Ci\TC

more than enough to supply light and power for
twenty cities of one million population.
Instal'cd in power houses along the waterways,
these machines transform the strength of mighty
rivers into useful electric energy for homes, for
industry, and for transportation.
The vision and skill of college-trained men are
lare° responsible for the continuing±leadership

s o r bl, ItAli-



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