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October 16, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-10-16

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associeted Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in thie paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones:Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Board
City Editor
Frank E. Cooper
News Editor. >............Gurney Williams
Editorial Director...........'Walter W. Wilds
Sports Editor..............Joseph A. Russell
Women's Editor...........,. Mary L. Behymer
Music and Drama........William J. Gorman
Assistant News Editor......Charles R. Sprowl
Telegraph Editor..........George A. Stauter
S. Beach Conger John 1). Reindel
Carl S.Forsythe Richard L. Tobin
David M. Nichol Harold O. Warren
Sports Assistants
Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy.
Robert Townsend
Walter S. Baer, Jr. Wilbur J. Myers
Irving J. Blumberg Robert L. Pierce
Donald 0. Boudemnan Sher M. Quraishi
George T. Callison C. Richard Racine
rhomas M. Cooley Jerry E. Rosentha
George Fisk George Rubenstein
7 ternard W. Freund Charles A. Sanford
Morton Frank Karl Seiffert
Saul Friedberg Robert F. Shaw
Frank B. Gilbreth Edwin M. Smith
Jack Goldsmith George A. Stauter
Roland Goodman Alfred R. Tapert
William If. Harris Tohn S. Townsend
James H. Inglis hobert D. Townsend
Denton C. Kunze Max IT. Weinb'erg
Powers Moulton Joseph F. Zias

Lynne Adams
Betty Clark
Elsie Feldman
Elizabeth Gribble
Emily G. Grimes
Elsie M. Hoff mey
rtcan Levy
Dorothy Magee
Mary McCall

Margaret O'Brien
Eleanor Rairdon
Jean Rosenthal
Cecilia Shriver
Frances Stewart
r Anne Margaret Tobin
Margaret ighoipson
Claire Trrussell
Barbara Wright

Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising.................Charles T. Kline
Advertising ..........hom~as M. Davis
Advertising..'..........William W. Warboys
Service................Norris J.Johnson
Publication.......Robert W. Williamson
Circulation.............. Marvin S. Kobacker
Accunts...............Thomas S. Muir
Business Secretary .......Mary 3. Yenan
Thomas E. Hastings Byron V. Vedder
Harry R. Begley Erie Kightlinger
William Brown Richard Stratemeier
Richard H. Hiller Abe Kirshenbaum
Vernon Bishop Noel 1). Turner
William W. Davis Aubrey L. Swinton
H. Fred Schaefer Wesley C. (xeisler
Joseph Gardner Alfred S. Reinsen

Ann Verner
Dorthea Waterman
Alice McCully
Dorothy Bloomgarden
Dorothy Laylin
J osephine Convisser
ernice Glaser
Hortense Gooding

Laura Codling
Ethel Constas
Anna Goldberg
Virginia McComb
Joan Wiese
Mary Watts
Marian Atran
Sylvia Miller

gram and similar projects will be
the factors which will determine
whether Michigan is to be a "good
university" or a "great university."
There is a part the alumni must
take in the growth of the institu-
tion and there is a part the state
must support; and with the co-
operation of these two powerful
organizations, which is more evi-
dent and encouraging now than
ever before, the Michigan of the
future will retain its place as a
leader in education and alumni
Editorial Comment
(From the Princetonian)
In every age the cult of individ-
ualism has its champions. Its motto
is "Live and Let Live." Its protest
is "I am not my brother's keeper."
It rebukes conventional morality
and claims for itself the virtue of
Of late, individualism has con-
sidered the phenomenon of mass-
production in college athletics and
found it wanting. It has scored the
tacit, regimental assumption that
every able-bodied undergraduate
must go out and die for old Siwash.
We quote the following words from
an address made this fall to the
Harvard Freshmen by W. J. Bing-
ham, director of Cambridge ath-
During the year we shall engage
in 375 intercollegiate games. The
prestige of the college does not de-
pend on any of these contests. No
one will accuse you of having "poor
spirit" if you prefer to spend your
Saturday afternoons in the library.
No coach will urge you to play "for1
the glory of dear old Harvard."
Individualism says frankly to the
undergraduate: "There is no one
good life. There is no absolute
standard to which the good life
shall conform. Because each of you
is confronted by the duty of choos-
ing his own means of self-realiza-
tion, you shall not be criticized for
the results of your choice. You may
be athlete or aesthete. You are free
as the winds of heaven." Clearly
there is appeal in the doctrine of
self-determination. It presupposes
maturity and flatters the ego.
In Mr. Bingham's statement,
moreover, we see the development
of a saner perspective toward ath-
letics and an antidote to our heri-
tage of the Golden Nineties. In-
dividualism so applied undermines
uncritical acquiescence in worn-out
conceptions. Just as economic
laissez-faire was needed to break
the fetters of a static feudalism,
so intellectual laissez-faire can
help to counteract the herd-in-
stinct. But neither can provide the
framework of a complete philo-
One of the implications of Mr.
Bingham's declaration is disturb-
ing. If "poor spirit" can be legislated
out of existence, it is difficult to
assign a positive meaning to its
opposite. If there is no special rea-
son for contributing to the life of
a university (apart from meeting
its scholastic requirements) there
can be no especial merit in the
effort to contribute.
Yet in general men have agreed
that team play and personal sacri-
fice-whether on the athletic field
or elsewhere - develop character
and the fundamentals of good
citizenship. In general men have
been convinced that to sink one's

pettiness in a common endeavor-
for a college or a country-is to
scale heights. Perhaps we wrongly
diagnose the motives of the men
who wear the Orange and Black of
Old Nassau or the Crimson of John
Harvard. But after the tumult and
the shouting die away, after the
worst of the Golden Nineties is
discarded, after the false glamor of
hero-worship is dispelled, there
remains a core of something fairly
fine in the impulse to athletic com-
petition or the urge to non-ath-
letic team play.
We are not intimately acquainted
with conditions at Harvard. We
cannot even guess the relation of
the House Plan to social and sport-
ing laissez-faire. At Princeton, be-
cause of its relatively small enroll-
ment, its residential character, and
its traditional unity, through-going
individualism presents a threaten-
ing challenge.
The bureau of prohibition is tak-
ing a straw vote to determine the
attitude of newspapers on the dry
question. Poetic justice or not, we
hope it's the last straw.
The federal government will aid
rnsir Ahifiini, oin nrlpAt r fnThlipvTp

In pursuance of our policy of
keeping at least a portion of our
promises, the Rolls staff takes
great pleasure in announcing the
bi-weekly chivalry award of one
class 1 diploma (esquire) to the
freshman observed in the act of
giving his seat in the health-service
to a co-ed. If he will call around at
the Michigan Daily office any after-
noon, he will be rewarded in the
promised fashion in addition to
being put wise to some of the facts
of life.
* * *
The thanks for the above
award are due to Perry Scope,
who was the observer, of the
deed, and we should be glad if
he could shed some light on
the name of the frosh in ques-
* * *
Wearing Apparel
DRESSES-Two evenings dresses
and two furnished heated. Low rent
to one who will care for the furn-
Dear Dan:
The above was clipped from
the Classified Column of the
City's leading evening paper.
What, if anything, do you make
.of it? Any information will be
appreciated by
Just a Freshman.
* * *
Dear Eva:
My old pal, Dan, showed me your
letter and I am hastening to answer
your questions.
No. 1: Yes, and maybe I'm not
sore in spots.
No. 2: Yes. Thanks for the com-
plimentary remarks anent the suit.
No. 3: Yes; but what do you mean
by "poor material?" Buy this week's
copy-15 cents (Advt.)
No. 4: I've given that up, so no
Sincerely yours,
Joe Tinker.
* * *
Joe's masterly answer to your
communication, Eva old Girl,
leaves me only the task of say-
ing yes to the last question, and
no to the first but only, I hasten
to add, because I don't know
where your house is. D. B.
* * *
Answer to Grandma Whoofle:
I only answer such queries in
private. Come around sometime.
* *
In Private.
* * *
Answer to Regusted Frosh:
I don't answer people who are
* * *
Dear Dan:
If you will look closely at the
figurehead on the William Herbert
Hobbs bookplate now being dis-
played in an Arcade shop window,
you will be vastly edified. I was.
Feelingly yours,

Dear Godfrey,
I see what you mean, but
what's queer about that? Merely
an excellent likeness, I thought.
Maybe I missed something.
D. B.
* * *
Dear Dan:
There is a sign over at the Ritz
every noon that says 50c luncheon,
now 50c. What is Rolls going to do
about that sort of thing?
Pro Bono Publico.
Dear Pro.
Rolls isn't going to do any-
thing about it at all. Wait until
the last number gets to say 60c
and I will start a campaign.
* *
Dear Dan:
New game! Dash hurriedly up to
the stupidest thing in sight wear-
ing one of those grey monstrosities,
camera in hand, and say, "Haven't
I scened you some place before?
Hastily, or hostilely I couldn't
tell which,
Dear Wooly:
One of these days I should
like to have you explain just
who, if anyone is wearing the
trrv hi"Q x a a h

The Gordon String Quartet, which
opens the Chamber Music Society
series here next week, has had an
interesting history: tied up largely
with the personal history of Jacques
Gordon, its leader.
Gordon came to this country, im-
mature, yet having won considera-
ble recognition as a soloist. He con-
tinued his studies in this country'
under Franz Kneisel, the great pat-
ron of chamber music in America.
Kneisel at that time had just re-
signed his post as concert-master of
the Boston Symphony Orchestra for
a more humble beginning-over-
again as leader of the Kneisel Quar-
tet. For over a quarter of a century,
this organization was revered here
and on the continent as a brilliant,
studious ensemble. Quite alone the
Kneisels stimulated the American
interest in Chamber-Music: which
crystallised in Mrs. E. S. Coolidge's
chamber Festivals at the Music
Temple in Pittsfield, Mass., and re-
cently in the Library of Congress,
recognized over the world as the!
greatest musical events.
Interestingly enough, Gordon's
musical career has paralleled that
of his teacher. His early-won emi-
nence as a soloist won him the con-
certmaster's chair in the Chicago
Symphony Orchestra. During his
years in this position he made
slight, almost unnoticed, efforts to
establish a chamber ensemble.
The year 1927 saw the Gordon
Quartet touring the large cities,
playing, in connection with the Bee-
thoven centennial, all sixteen Bee-
thoven Quartets. That considerable
feat, together with a well-received
appearance at one of the Chamber
Festivals in Pittsfield, meant the
establishment of a reputation.
As a consequence, at last year's
local May Festival the announce-
ment was made of Mr. Gordon's re-
tirement as concertmaster of the
Chicago Symphony. The Gordon
Quartet is now an ensemble on its
own rights: with a small communi-
ty of its own at Canaan, Connecti-
cut, in which to rehearse for its an-
nual tours. The organization means
to try to attain kneise eminence.
Katharine Cornell returns to De-
troit next week at the Cass Theatre
in a play called "Dishonored Lady"
by Margaret Barnes who turned out
Jane Cowl's "Jenny." Miss Cornell
has never been very fastidious about
her voles, being quite content to
play the worst fiddle-faddle on a
tragic'plane. Iris in The Green Hat,
Leslie in "The Letter," and last year
the Countess Olenska in "The Age
of Innocence," have been her suc-
cessive roles.
So that wayward ladies seem to
be quite in her line. The recent
play seems to carry on that tradi-
tion. "Dishonored Lady" is some-
thing about the wages of sin. An
ugly heredity turns out very dis-
tressingly in the beautiful heroine.
She finds herself compelled to tor-
rid rendezvous with Jose Moreno,
South American bounder and cab-
aret singer. This in spite of the
fact that she is very much in love
with the young English Lord Farns-

borough. Her desires alternate be-
tween the voluptuous apartment of
Jose and the aristocratic fireplace
Farnsy promises her. She finds a
solution in a crime; which means
a court scene, etc.
Yet one shouldn't worry too much
about this pash and poison. The
thing that will make the show very
much worthwhile is Miss Cornell's
acting. Being one of the three or
four most talented actresses on the
contemporary stage, she can en-
kindle the most tawdry climaxes.
She is glamorous. She desires a1
part; colors it very subtly. Hers is a }
rare magnetic art: a contemporary
echo of the Duse-Bernhardt appeal
possibly. She always very neatly
thrills an audience: even to the
scornful playgoer who is simultane-
ously sneering at the play. She can-
not do this very many more years.
But at present her appeal and in-
terest is undeniable.
Horace Liverright entered the
producing field last season in New
York with an extremely competent
stage version of Brain Stoker's novel
of shudders, "Dracula." The pro-
duction is being brought intact to
the Shubert-Lafayette next week

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to the Class of 1931
Arrange now for your Senior Picture







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their smartly corceived details truly prove

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ight Editor -- HAROLD WARREN
With the announcement in The
Daily yesterday of the $10,000 gift
to the University loan and endow-
ment fund by the University of
Mihia club of Battle Creek,;
those in charge of the ten-year
plan have realized another step in
the program of one of the most
successful campaigns in the history
of American colleges and univers-
ities. Since the campaign, which
has brought $1,800,000 to the Uni-
versity in the past three years, will
continue until 1937 it is impossible
as yet to estimate what will be
realized from the generosity of the
alumni organizations of the Uni-
The whole conception behind the
ten-year program is to do for the
University what the state can not
do. "The funds available from the
state legislature are adequate for
a good university, but not for a
great university" said T. Hawley
Tapping, director of alumni rela-
tions, yesterday in speaking of the
program. The money available
from the state is sufficient for the
necessities, but when Mr. Tapping
speaks of a "great university" he
refers to the opportunities afforded
by such buildings as the Clements
library, the Law club, and the vari-
ous women's dormitories. These
buildings, he pointed out, were all
made possible by alumni capital,
and are proj ects that the state is
not able to finance.
Not only is the ten-year plan
concerned with the building pro-
gram, but it is doing its part
towards retaining faculty members
who would leave the University for
more lucrative positions were it not
for such funds as the $250,000
faculty salary endowment fund.
This fund, which was created by
the University of Michigan club of
New York, has made it possible
this year for the University to
retain two of the most valuable
professors in the University.
One of the most noteworthy

Chic F


Fashions so new and clever in

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First you make the thrilling choice of coat and frock. Then your hat must equal
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envelope and envelope - pouch
styles, some with concealed zip.


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