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October 11, 1930 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-10-11

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SA1TURIDA y, O(71'QI31 L11,}1;F9.




. .......... . ............... . ......... . ..... . . . ............... . .

Canididacy of Gifford Piichot
Causes Opposition Among
Phiadlphia Leaders.
Republican Poitkzd NWVoa'ers
Or~ga~niing in F avor of
1 )cmou'ratic f iber al
(Ir; .!,, ito,? P Jro-:s
PILADiELPsHIA, Oct. ,-'l'ire
breach in the Repubica party of
Pennsylvania is growing.
Starting with the revolt of pow-
erful Philadelphia leaders against
the candidacy of Gifford Pinhot,
Republican nominee for governor,
leading Republicans in other hart
of that state have declared for John,
M. lfemn)-hil, emocati - Librall
opponen t of Pinhot.
Atterbury Resins
What is considered in political
ercles as one of the most i-
ipoltant recent developments. in a
campaign that is daily growing
more bitter was the resignation of
Gen. W. W. Atterbury, pi esident
of the Pennsylvania railroad, as
Republican national committeeman.
from Pennsylvania.
While dw ard ?Martin, chairmn4
of the Republican state committee
wias announcing at Harrisburg theJ
resignation of Atterbury, bankers
anid industrial leaders, many of1
themi prominent in Republican -pol-
itics, were organizing in Pittsburgh
to aid Irerphill. Tfhy formed a
ways and means cominttee for the
liberal committee for the liberal
party simliar to the one launched'
ley Philadelphia busincss mchau so"-,
oral days ago.
Letter Not Made Public
Martin declined to mnae public
Gen. Atterbury's letter of resigna-
tion, but stated that he had relin-
quished the post because he was
unable to support all the candi-
dates of the state ticket.
Pinchot, himself, recognized At-
terbury's resignation as directed atl
himi and characterized him xasa l
LtdIt r.'to
IIradstreet's Note
Increased Building
as turn lfor Btter
What appea~rs to bea slight turn a
for the better in the building in-
diustry is indicated in the prelimin-
ary returns to Bradstreet's of build-
inig permitted for the month of
Briefly stated what is shown is a
gain over August in the volume of
building permitted for, this gain
by the way not being- contributed
to by New York City but being fur-
nished by other cities in the middle
Atlantic, the central west, the
northwest and the Pacific and
mountain states.
An additional point noted is that
thre decrease as a whole from. Sp-
termber a year ago is the smallest
in percentage noted in any month
since October last year, but this
lessened decline may be attributed
"as much to the subsideuz;e of build-

ing last year duce to the high Tates
and the scarcity of money as to
any o therreason, because SeIptem -
her b uiling permrit values in 1929
e cxceede.:d only slightly those of
January, February and D~ecember
in value of projected operations.
Whatever the causes, however, it
rcnmains a fact that the gain in
Septemb ier over August this year,
lit as it is, is the first increase
shown in September over August
of Conservation Mien
Attended by Faculty
Dean S. T. Dana, Prof. S. W. Al-
len and Prof. W. F. Ramisdell, of
the School of Foresry and Con-
servation, are attending a conser-
vation conference sponsored by
the Upper Peninsula Development
bureau at Marquette.
A survey of the conservation sit-
uation inupr Michigan in par-
tic ular and the lakes states region
in general will be the purpose of
the conference 'which is to be wide-
ly attended by the foremost men
in the field of private as well as
public conservation from Wiscon -
sin, Minnesota, and Michigan.
In connection with this general
conference, the annual meeting of
the advisory committee of the Uni-
ted States Forest Service Lakes
States Experimental station, of

i 9t "l er's. Fascist Majority Stirs German Women;
He nt New StatEe 'Ott to be GovernedbyTalk'

I~~~ W hat's--- --



Adolf Ifir e c i0 iu ~
vot u r buse"111. yV 11 '~\0Oif
This -ya.A ai c*wta
flair for rtr!aAc e tto
~or braveryi ~ o ci.'a c
p c al eIij d}_a .. o n a'ii t : h
any of l8rv<
(4 o tit -J i I'xe;~.141 AIL
p~at3 )I i:1 t 1 .1
siasm u;a . ;am aulk
"Wel'$ it s ceranl r ,ivyt
see the wo (lei 81 Il u ,no
women a I ae;T is a Il '
jobwolhavetahea. "
gat. je OA.:1 0>Y lr ).1t~,
ty ncrfJunat( ?Cd O_ y" °_i vrl a gilt
womnen's vote mpPi on lil
its Reichstag ebru b ;i~
fold--he-t est ci )f~'.o i eta
in Ger'man pltclliti
nothng ess hande~ureioci t it,
"Tryhe methol ds ve, are p~ert:ittedl
sairci, "e d6Li; tad b 7(/~~ti
tior; but the1;tP~~l an
dictate uirai"
Hitler welcomes the increal(e of
fascist reeel> i i in in th e cieh -
stag from L12- men lto :0i, but Only
because the 107 votes are "nte
weapon we can useinl ou ti,;u to ablih3e
stoe te hriyO wants to establish a_ :m,;vvstate ai:




And the bachelor leader of this
suddenly powerful organ~iization o
brown-shirts- brown is thefscs ~
color in Germany--mhthv oiu Pti.
made a name for hmefa;a
architect but for the Wo(Ja. Ldi edlsh -Esnti'
Born in Austria, 11hncm l n e, :5oeok
Munich in 1912 to Sturthr h ch- i 'asie- Mobby IDi(.! wit
tectural ambitions. Ait teotra onBryo
of war in 1914, feeling mreGert M ian'rgtLioghts" with
man than Austrian, fhe vojlune.edD.ohyMc1ai
with the Bavarian reserve infantry
Twic woudedconmcn~d fu \\uerth - "Midnight Mystery"
bravery, he(eam nofiv, a ith Betty Coinpson; "Personality"
decorated, ser"ved afte r LtheC ,;erman w vit ii Julimuy Arthur.

breakdown in a rifee fregient, and
finally re-entered cMivilinlien
1920, but with weakencd:A ey(,,igh ~t
from a gas attack.
Shortly before his dischargeL he (
had become interested in the ,na-
tional-socialist party. HeI soon rose
to a~ r nnition ofiinfiiirnceu.-nx 3 jj

Pi Lamlbda Theta-All officers to
meet at 11 o'clock this morning in
illy ma:in lobby of League building.
l ippon club -- First meeting of
year ,l. 8 o'clock tonight in Lane

C -r u July, 1921, became its chairman.
:Y sM1By the end of the year he was a
r ~power with whom parties and poli-
ticians had to reckon, and he joinec
forces with General Ludeiidotf,
! ~then living in Munich.!
I .Late in 1923 Hitler made his first
- - -. flsensational venture against the re-
- public. With a force of arme id rmen,!
he suddenly entered a bt er hal!
-where Gustav von Kahn, thl av . -
! rian dictator, was ;'peaking.
- He announced the Berlin govern-
wment "overthrown" and a new na-
tional government estabolished. The
I first stage of a fascist "m~arch toI
- -- JBerlin" was halted the next da.,y by
von Kahr's police. Ludenri )- 'w as!
~ ...Jinj ured, and Hitler, captured la ter,
was sentenced to five years ini
V1'use pohitica± prog'ram opposes Before Christmas, 1924, however,
r: ra"E burg, Chancellor Heinrich he had been released, but niot until
_isf~e,.1927 and 1928, respectively, did the
Bavarian and Prussian goveirn_-
(,Is~ge to work for besides taxes ments lift their bans on his public
soo reparations payments. speaking.
(I~s Hnord by Cekn tf iw


Union--Dancing fi-om 9 o'clock
to midnight.
League-=Dancing from 9 o'clock
to midnight.
ESchool of Education-Party from
J:3. o'clock until midnight in
Wo iif uues Athletic building.
Leaueof Nations
I-kcdes to Adopt
Oath of Allegianice
Something new in the way of
loyailties was instituted at Geneva
i Switzerland last week, accord-
ing to a special cable to the New
York Times---an oath of allegiance
to the League of Nations.
Discussing thei reorganization of
the Secretariat, t hi e Assembly's
fourth commission approved a mo-
tion providing that all League of-
iAls shall be required, whenac
cptc appointment, to swear to,
j ouse,:rve loyally their obligations to

N ew Cijratoi; I-Has Made Stud~ies
of I e in All Parts
of( Country.
Prof J. pee Rogusof thle tini-
vers-ity of Vloiidfl,a, hs beenap-
pointed sisatcura:tor- of insects
in the mtn.,'eui au of z)ooloy, accord-
i, to an 1(i announcei' nt made by
Dr. Frederick ,1. Gigdirector of
the museum.
Professor Rogecrs is a leading au-
thority oni the Aimeriz:an tipulidae,
or :'rneflles, having given particu-
lar atteioniw to their biology. H4is
studies in sever'al regions of North
America have(,cariried him. from
Michigan to lria.Ini 1915 hbl
was 'a memnber of the Michigan Bi-
ological Sutrvey partly to the north-
ern peninsula of Micigoan, and in
1920 lie conitinu edlthe iinvestg-
tions in co-operation withl the Mur-
scum of Zoolog~y in the western
part of the. peninsula. Othler stud-
ies have b-een made on expeditions
over much of Southeasteir.i Unit6
States, were the1-,fauna ,was ittlf
known anid whee he acc'urniatec
a large amount,~il of new biologcal
data) ,:pas wel( l a iscovering l il
ber' of new Spc iEe ic ar inade
intensive studies, over the state of
Florida for eight years.
During, the; 15 years of Isis ,work-1,
Professor Rogers has accumrulatd
one of the m ost impor-tanit crane
fly colecion 'o this country. Y
is espec (ially richl in spiecei s
which have bee n reared in his
labomatory under natural condi-
tions, so that all the stages of their
life history .are recorded, as a con-
siderable amo ,un)t of this material
represents the previously unknown
life hi. toriles o(f Lthe species involved.
His collectionis also formn th~e basis
for hiis pub1ications; on Tioulidae.
Socoloy Lb Dire4
6ta.,n Absence Le-6'66
Mrs. Alice W. Remer, who- last
year supe~cr-vised the field lab~or;E4 ry
work conducted by the socioloy
departme-cnt is not carrying on -he'
work here this year, since> she i
travelincr with her husband, Pf.
Charles F. Remer of the economics
department, who is engaged in
work inChn where lie has a r~e-
search f.:low;shi p. ,
'r~ho w orkorerly carried can
Mrs. Rerwill11 this year be in
charge of Miss Mildred Valeirie,
who holds a master's degree from~
the Univer-sity.

Adolf Hitler, Gce-man fascist 1f Lc
lie republic under President von
rI P 21iu and Dr. Julius Criafc
hi('h is not "governed by talk," t;
i.-d wvhieh will give Gernmans sum(tae- ,


L 47~OI of Educationi

Election as T rog"I'bleG

Michigan i l1,!: tW-foo . -lc a will be the key, time left to l}= iy, ! ,, : ' iits enrolled in the
IsI.>nrand atentctr. and the down. rholOfeducation, and all grad-
This scoreboard, designed bya-1 lstdet in education, are ex-
Michganh i ghschool ~studdrant
Two new electrically operated whlose name was not re Vea ";d, JO '0 otnda informal party
scoreboards, evidence s (of who(I be atne ol ecnl 'n 0 Ive by the faculty of the
been atentd onl rc'icof of u a' ion in honor of the
have puzzled Michigan fa ns at the 1 the University is the first school t.,, ~ior: and junior classes.
last two gatines, wfere com~pieted' install one. With these new score- Th se party, which is to be from
yesterday and w;11 beO plaeborsloaed in use nd o 1l(, ) to 12 o'clock, at the Women's
afe-field, the University will lhx- te, mce nlding , will include danc-
atth oobllgmetIi';abu-rno. t tup to date and omplt II:1 (/O0 and other forms of en-
Ino.scoreboardc outfit ini the 0ii1f -
The mew scom eoards stand~ a- IlTin, two boatrds will becoo;cAl-
z ou4t 28 feect Yli?,1 anid ater 30 feet crl )by a ingle r~lit lO(:5I(0i i i lue John a;,elifeld, poet lau,_rcate of
- --,---- ~- ~ i-ssbo. lie ffiris her:Vc'nd who used to be a New

Elections come and elections g;o, ;the international institution. The
but when here it means ;just that pi-esenit staff will not be required
much more work for employees in Ito take this oath.


the county clerk's office.1
The work is in the form of ad-
dressing and mailing proof ballots
to candidates in the November con-
test, a precaution takers by all
counties in the state to guar-d a-
gainst errors in the ballots.
Daily Kansan, student newspaper,
recently atti-ibut, d tho ihigher
scholastic average whIti ch1the
women students niaintain dlue to
the fact that most of the instruc-
torn are men.

IPaul do Hevesy of Hungary, sup-
porting the motion, urged that
whereas national officials were
fr-equently under oath to tell no-
body anything, The Hague's offi-
cials ought to swear to tell every-
body anything.
The oath i-cads: "I solemnly un-
dertake to exercise, in conforma-
tioni with Article I of the regula-
tions, in all loyalty, discretion and
conscience the functions which
have been entrusted to me as an
official of the Secretariat of the
League of Nations."

wideC. Ol them L tfC (5i.O ii
score, runner, yardstog, enl
ty for which a sys tm of nm'uS'

ti iu ughzont

ar-Ic the !numibes wiii yr- artenider, and whose poetry
xlighted u by elcrct---] uily sings the praiises of .
wn'7e} is a teetotalor.


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