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October 11, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-10-11

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JRDAY, OCT'Yt31iR:1I19, 303


Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in thie paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post.
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones:tEditorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Board
City Editor
Frank E. Cooper
News Editor. ..........Gurney Williams
Editorial Director........... Walter W. Wilds
Sports Editor..............Joseph A. Russell
Women's Editor...........Mary L. Behymer
Music and Drama........ William J. Gorman
Assistant News Editor......Charles R. Sprowi
Telegraph Editor ..... George A. Stauter
S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel
Carl S. Forsythe Richard L. Tobin
David M. Nichol Harold O. Warren
Sports Assistants
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George T. Callison C. Richard Racine
T'homas M. Cooley Jerry E. Rosenthai
George Fisk George Rubenstein
Yjernard WV. Freund David Sachs
Morton FrankC harles A. Sanford
Saul Friedberg Karl Seiffert
Frank B. Gilbreth Robert F. Shaw
K~arl E. Goellner Edwin M. Smith
Jack Goldsmith George A. Stauter
Roland Goodman Alfred R. Tapert
Williamn H. Harris Tohn S. Townsend.
James H. Inglisz Yobert D. Townsend
Denton C. Kunze Max H. Weinberg
Powers Moulton Joseph F. Zias

Lynne Adams
Betty Clark
Elsie Feldman
Elizabeth Gribble
Emily G. Grimes
Elsie M. Hoffmey
Jean Levy
Mary McCall

Margaret O'Brien
Eleanor Rairdon
Jean Rosenthal
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er Anne Margaret "Tobin
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Claire Trussell
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Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising " ...... ........ .Charles T. Kline
Advertising... .Thomas M. Davis
Advertising.............William W. Warboys
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Circulation.............Marvin S. Kobacker
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. Assistants

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Hortense Gooding

S Byron V. Vedder
Erle Kightlinger
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Abe Kirshenbaum
Noel D. Turner
Aubrey L. Swinton
Wesley C. Geisler
Alfred S. Remsen
Laura Codling
Ethel Constas
Anna Goldberg
en Virginia McComb
Joan Wiese
Mary Watts
Marian Atran
Sylvia Miller

relative importance or place the
liquor problem should have in its
investigation, this decision of the
commission is heartily to be wel-
! The nature of the present agita-
tion over the Eighteenth Amend-
ment is such as would make im-
perative the present plan of hold-
ing secret session while the subject
is under investigation. Neither
political party at present could risk
open testimony by any of their
leaders. To some, who, we are in-
clined to believe, have dry senti-
ments, the current hat-waving
about Prohibition is anathema, and
without any real basis in the de-
sires of the people or real political
issues of the parties. This latter is
somewhat true; each political in-
terest dare not stand alone on
either side of the question. Witness
the present machinations of the
New York political primaries and
gubernatorial campaign. B o t h
Roosevelt and Tuttle are nullifying
any stand the other may take by
adopting similar attitudes. Thus
the issue is largely swept out as a
campaign concern. But this does
not imply that the liquor situation
is dead; the problem is merely
being mooted with circumspection.
Meanwhile, the traffic progresses
and is surreptitiously condoned.
The real function of the Wicker-
sham commission would ideally be
to go to the heart of the entire
problem from a factual point of
view. With both sides, represented
by Judge William S. Kenyon and
Kenneth MacKintosh, insisting
that there be no "pussyfooting," the
forthcoming report cannot fail to
contribute constructively toward
an intelligent diagnosis of the prob-
lem. So great have been this com-
mission travails, however, that
theirs is a Herculean job to produce
a civilized and impartial prescrip-
ton for the country's prohibi-
tion act.
It would seem that Cannons are
still backfiring at the Methodists.I
* * *
No matter what the Wickersham
committee reports next week, we
doubt whether or not the corner
saloon will ever return, what with
the gas stations, peewee golf courses
and'barbecue stands everywhere in
the city. They might as well stay
out beyond the twelve mile limit, so
we will all have the same sense of
insecurity as before.
* * *
And now, all other excuses fail-
ing, Senator Gerald (Snoopy) Nye
will probably try to keep Ruth Han-
na McCormick out of the Senate on
the charge that she knows how to
operate a dial telephone.
o 0
Editorial Comment
(From the Yale Daily News)
In his article published in the
News yesterday, Allan V. Heely,
1919, acquaints us with the spirit
of educational "laissez faire" preva-
lent at Oxford. He has an interest-
ing point to make regarding the
charm and efficacy of this attitude
of the English don, which should be
carefully preserved with whatever
of the tutorial system Yale intends
to borrow. He argues against the
American policy of making stud-
ents work, and writes: "Somehow
we must develop American dons,
tell them to forget what 60 per cent
means, and give them a free reign."
This refrain is a familiar one.

For many years the sound of it has
wrought before our eyes a vision of
the millennium, when we shall in-
deed be learning under such a sys-
tem. We advocate repeatedly, leni-
ency in the matter of routine, hon-
or lists, scope and freedom. And we
hope we see a trend in that direc-
It is on the subject of forced work
that we feel the greatest error of,
our colleges exists. It is the rebel-
lion, constant, chronic and so even-
tually pernicious, against the both-
ersome restrictions which produce
in our midst the men in "scholastic
difficulty." Consider the man who
fails in his ten minute papers, and
you will generally see one who
simply fights a daily problem of
routine boredom and loses every
time. See the same man before ex-
aminations and you will find him
studying deeply for a week, the very
picture of industry.
The point then which we make is
that good students lose interest be-
cause of too much nagging, who un-
der certain spells of industry be-
come real drinkers of the wells of
knowledge. To see kinetic energy
of examination week, and to realize
that it is all potential throughout
the term, is to point out the error
of our ways. A man willingly rises
to crises at fair intervals, who ob-
jects to maintainingr a required

Tomorrow and tomorrow and to-
morrow . . . every little heart pal-
pitating furiously in its patent pal-
pitation with hope and fear of what
the new day may bring! All loyal
and true Michigan Men going to
pep-meetings the night before and
yelling themselves so hoarse that
they are unable to attend the game.
Peanut stands practicing up their
whistles at the music school. All is
in readiness for the great day. But
up in a dark room, three flights up
from an alley all is still. Seven ex-
perts sit about with corrugated
brows, thinking---thinking- think-
ing. And for all I care they can sit
there until they rot. I'm not even
going to ask them what they're
thinking about or make them take
off their corrugating and reveal
themselves. And that, as the Egyp-
tians are wont to say in moments
of stress, is that.
* * *
A real contribution, and its worth
printing, too! Such things don't
often come the way of the righteous.
And I practically never get them.
Dear Dan:
In my capacity of 1. f. -lousy
frosh, if you insist -- I find that the
sober (?) faculty is just a bunch of
big playboys at heart. Their game
of Alphabetical A r r a n g e m e n t,
though fundamentally simple, is
the source of much good vile sport.
The game needs no explanation,
but the scoring may not be so well
known. The prof. conducting the
game receives all points. Anyone
gaining 50 in one class wins a
parchment certificate permitting
him to conduct no classes on
Thanksgiving Day.
For each student (huh) in pos-
session of an aisle seat in last two
Each one seated between two
good-looking co-eds - Game breaks
up due to arrival of millennium.
Seated between to ordinary co-
eds, one with halitosis and buck
teeth, other using large quantity of
Eau de Kresge --25.
Seated between a fat guy overlap-
ping on you, and a left-handed
writer with a sharp elbow, chewing
and snapping gum -15.
Seated next to someone who gets
honors and has a custom-built
shoulder to look over - 25.
Of course, this merely scratches
the surface. Still, 'scratch the sur-
face and you scratch all.'
The playee's only defense is a
false beard and an alias. Since this
will but recall the horrors of the
Pit (familiarly know as Registra-
tion), a faint moan swiftly followed
by complete unconsciousness seems
the only thing left.
Very dully yours,
Reply to "Three Co-eds"
Sunday afternoon, 2:45, S. U. at
Tom, Dick, and Barry.
. *
Galahad writes in to say that he
is off of chivalry for life: He held
the Library door open for a sweet
young co-ed only to have her sweep
by him and step on the Library
* * * h
And that isn't all. Theobaich,

one of my most promisig chiv-
alrousers, tells me that he too is
all through with such stuff. Ile
says he didn't mind when the
first two women to whom he
doffed his hat knocked it out of
his hand, but when the third
dropped her gum into it, he re-
belled. He wouldn't have mind-
ed so much, he says, but the
cheapskate had chewed every
vestige of flavor out of it be-
fore she dropped it in.
* * *
Fellows, let's not forget about this
chivalry hooie. How long is it since
you have clinked glasses with a few
boon companions and cried with
sparkling eyes, "Here's to the ladies,
...... ...... 'em !"
* * *
The weather looked pretty
good yesterday, but remember;
it's always brightest just before
the storm, absynthe makes the
world go 'rounder, and an emp-
ty barrell gathers no moss.

About Books
A. I ansen he hero
of Tundra, the saa of the KMon-
dike gold Northern Alaskaan which
will be published late this month
by Century, is now on his way to
New York accompanied by an 80-
pound Alaskan husky. hausen has
wired his publishers that he is
anxious to be present in New York
this month "to celebr ate the birth
of Tundra."
The Edingtons, authors of Tun-
dra, have based the book entirely
on the personal reniniseences of
Bert Hansen, who went t) Alaska
before the Klondike gold rush and
eventually became United States
Deputy Marshal. With his cham-
pion dog teams he "muriished" more
than sixty thousand miles of Alas-
kan territory, once even crossing
the frozen tundra to the Arctic
Ocean in the path of duty.

Hansen has named
husky Tundra in honor
ingtons' book. He statc
dog is one of the few
specimens of the type
that belonged to the
teams of the gold rush

his prize
of the Ed-
s that the
re mainiiiig
of hiski_'s
c(rack (tog




Night Editor-BEACH CONGER, Jr.


President Ruthven's speech last
night before the students of the
Graduate school contained a piece
of very pertinent advice to those
who are in preparation for higher
academic d e g r e e s, particularly
those entailing some amount of
extended research work. His chief
aim was to urge these future doc-
tors of philosophy to eschew the
pitfall of extreme specialization
which is to fail in evolving a usable
basis of interrelated knowledge in
a broader sense. Too often grad-
uate students, in their pursuit of
erudition in a narrow field of
specilization "fail miserably to
enjoy and succeed in life through
a lack of knowledge of the nature
of man and the way of the world."
It would be hardly necessary to
reintroduce at this point the old
controversy about matters of re-
search, the reductio ad absurdum
of which is "to find out more and
more about less and less." Obvious-
ly, under the continual raillery of
prominent educational experts dur-
ing the past decade, such graduate
pursuits as counting the commas
of "Endymion" or comparing the
use of the perephrastic in Homer
and Aristophanes have fallen by
the boards. But the pressure of the
academic world is a paradox: it
possesses a more practical and im-
mediate need for an "impractical"
To all those now engaged in the
research activities of the Univer-
sity, Dr. Ruthven's advice must
represent the dictates of round
common-sense, when he urges that
they "not only assert their indi-
viduality in the choice and pursuit
of a profession, but also determine
to satisfy the native urge of every
intelligent human being to learn
what he wants to know and should
know, and to interrelate t h i s
knowledge into a working concep-
tion and philosophy of life." Allah
must pity the poor student who,
having found that he knows more
ahout the entellus than any other


Rebecca West.
The London letter which appear-,
ed monthly in the Bookman, and
indeed furnished the only readable
matter in the journal, will appear
no more, according to _Rebecca
West, the scribe who contributed
the feature. Wearily recognizing
the crass sterility of the 'magazine
in its stodgy support of the neo-
humanist movement, Miss West
has severed her connections with
the periodical, and she brilliantly
defends her viewp int in her final
contribution in the August issue of
the publication. Her decision is
significant not only for the deri-
sion her keen, well-trained, and
brilliant mind throws upon this
senile father of American critical
journals but for the sounding of
the death-knell of the entire Amer-
ican Humanist Moveneit.
Cyrus Hall MeCormnick, inventor
of the reaper, is the subject of a
biography by William T. Ifutchin-
son of the University of Chicago,
which will appear coincidently with
the celebration of the hundredth
anniversary of the invention of the
reaper. Professor Williamf F. aDodd
has coit ributed a foreword to the
volume, according to thlie pubhishers,
The CenTury Co.
The Century ( . announces one
of the strongest juvenle lists in itsj
history for the plleaen season. In-
cuded among the authors are such
old fvorite as F B. and A. A.
Knipe, Rupert Sargent Holland,
Edith lal inger Price, Ellen C. Bab-
bitt, Flora Wnrren leymour and
Holen Coale Crew, while the le-
brated artists, Ehnar and Berta
Hiader, are represented on the Cen-
tury list for he irs time. Among
the books for b y aid girls to be
issued before the first o Noveinber
are The Treastue Hisuse hy thel
Knipes; T he Daunt;less Coinpany
by Holland; The Fork in the Road
by Miss Price; Singing Seamen by
Mrs. Crew; The Animals' Own Story
Book by Miss Babbitt: A Good Lit-
tle Dog by the H,-ders; The Sky I
Girl by Dorothy Verrill; and French
Heels to Spurs, by Loraine Horna-
day Fielding, a story of Western
dude-r nehing with an introduc-
tion by Will James.

Cor. S. State and E. Washington Sts.
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, Minister
10:30 A. M.-Morning Worship.
(Reception of members)
7:30 P .M.-Evening Wor-ship.
Dr. Fisher will preach at both
E. Huron, below State
R. Edward Sayles, Minister
Howard R. Chapman, Minister of
9:45 A. M.-Church School. Mr.
Wallace Watt, Superintendent.
10:45 A. M.-Worship and Sermon
by Mr. Sayles: Subject:
12:00 N.-University Student's Bible
Class at Guild House.
5:30 P. M.-Students: Friendship
6:30 P. M.-Devotional Hour.
Leader, Mr. Arthur Bernhart,
(Students' Headquarters,, Guild
House, 503 E. Huron).
(Evangelical Synod of N. A.)
Fourth Ave. between Packard and
Rev. Theodore R. Schmale
9:00 A. M.-Bible School.
10:00 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon topic: "Why go to
11:00 A. M.-German Service.
7:00 P. M. - Young People's

The Methodist Student Center
Cor. State and East Huron
Ralph Johnson, Director
12:00 N.-Class in "Comparative Re-
ligions." Leader: Mrs. F. B.
6:00 P. M.-Devotional Meeting.
Speaker: Mrs. F. B. Fisher. Sub-
ject: "A Modern Servant of Jesus."



. Huron and Division Sts,
Merle H. Anderson, Minister
Alfred Lee Klaer, University Pastor
Mrs. Nellie B. Cadwell, Counsellor of
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon: "Saying Goodbye to God."
12:00 Noon-Student Classes in
Religious Values. Prof. R. Hoekstra
Ethical Issue in Current Events
...............Prof. Andrews
Ancient Tradition in Light of
New Knowledge. G. P. Brewington
Introduction to the Bible ......
.. Rev. A. L. Klaer
5:30 P. M.-Social Hour for Young
6:30 P. M.-Young People's meet-
ing. Leader: Prof. Raymond
Allison Ray Heaps, Minister
Sunday, October 5, 1930
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon topic: "What Place Has
Faith in an Age of Science?"
9:30 A. M.-Church School. Mr.
Joseph Akau with his steel guitar
on "Religious Music of Hawaii."
5:30-6 P. M.-Student Fellowship.
Social half hour.
6-6:30 P. M.--Fellowship Supper.
6:30 P. M.-Luther J. Purdom,
Ph.D., speaker: "Opportunities for
Personal Adjustment."
Division and Catherine Streets
Reverend Henry Lewis, Rector
Reverend Duncan E. Mann, Assistant
8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion.
9:30 A. M.-Holy Communion.
(Student Chapel in Harris Hall).
9:30 A. M.-Church School. (Kin-
dergarten at 11 o'clcok).
11:00 A. M.-Morning Prayer: Ser-
mon by Mr. Mann.
6:00 P. M.-Student Supper ini
Harris Hall. Discussion Group
led by Mr. Lewis.
(Missouri Synod)
Third and West Liberty Sts,
C. A. Brauer, Pastor
9:00 A. M.-German Service.




* * *
I don't wish to lead anyone astray
ut I have it on very good authority

Washington St. at Fifth Ave.
E. C. Stellihorn, Pastor
10:30 A. M.-Regular Morning Serv.
ice. S e r m o n topic: "Church

409 S. Division St.
10:30 A. M.-Regular Morning
Service. Sermon topic: "ARE

hat the front page of Ann Arbor's -- - -
ading morning sheet for Friday ANOTHEIt
worth reading carefully particu- IPRIZE NUMERP.
rly in the lower left-center sec- The Antiumn number of The Yale
on. Review, in which the announce-

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