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May 16, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-16

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SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1931



hed every morning except Monday dur-
University year by the Board in Control
at Publications.
er of Western Conference Editorial Asso-
ssociated Press is exclusively entitled to
for. republication of all news dispatches
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Phones: Editorial, 492.5; Business, 21214.
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Chairman Editorial Board
FRANK E. COOPER, City Editor
ditor ..............Gurney Williams
I irector.. .......... alter W. Wilds
t City Editor........ Harold 0. Warren
Editor..............Joseph A. Russell
's Editor. .~.......Mo ry L. Bohrnyer
D)rama, Books...........in. J. (Gorman
Refleetions.......... Bcrtrarn J. Askwith
-i News Editor.......harlesIt. Sprowi
ph Editor............George A. Stauter
ditor .................wnm. E. .l'yper
h Conger Charles R. Sprowil
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J. Mieyers

women, who had nothing more in
mind than to spend an easy four
years before starting work. The
present rules prevent this to some
degree, but not adequately. Any
relaxation of the present barriers
would prove fatal to the academic
life of the university.

Music and Drama



Yale has only recently announced
that Latin and Greek had been
dropped as entrance and gradua-
tion requirements, and that the
former degree of Bachelor of Philo-
sophy would not be given any
longer. To Michigan students, who
have entered and graduated under
these conditions for many years,
this step seems rather late.
Latin and Greek were consideredj
all-important in the days whenJ
sources had to be studied in these+
lauguages, and when they were held'
in awe because they had tradition-
ally been regarded as indispensable.
The abolishment of these require-
ments marks the passing of tradi-
tion in educational methods, and
the adaption of such methods to the
conditions of the present day.
Latin and 'Greek have always
been stressed, moreover, for the
training they are supposed to give
the mind. Evidently, however, other
subjects have been found which
prove as stimulating to mental pro-
cesses as these did formerly, and
are of greater practical value. Old-
timers will view this passing of
respect for dead languages as a
sign of deterioration of the younger
generation. It is, however, merely a
process of discarding antiquated
methods for newer and better ones.
Editorial Comment
(Daily Trojan)


Mary McCall
(;l Miler
Margaret O'Brien
Eleanor Rairdon
Anne Margaret Tobin
Margaret Thompson
Claire Trussek

Telephone 21214
LLISTER MABLEY, Business Manager
R H. IIALVERSON, Assistant Manager
Department Managers
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ng ... . homas . Davis
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SATURDAY, MAY 16, 1931.
Night Editor-BEACH CONGER, Jr.
A recent decision in Ohio, made
by a judge in the court of common
pleas, to the effect that a state-
supported University may not expel'
students for scholastic deficiencies,1
but may only compel them to take
courses over again, appears rather
startling to those who have advo-
cated that a University should be
judge of the qualifications of its
students to remain in school.
If affirmed by the Supreme Court
of the State of Ohio, a condition
which is rather unlikely, this deci-
sion would be a severe blow to all
state-supported Universities. As a
result, they would be flooded with
young men and women who had
aothing better to do for five or six'
years than to loaf through college.
Institutions of learning would be-:
come little better than second-rate
country clubs, a condition in which:
dot atfew find themselves today.
And the only method with which
o combat this measure would be to
aise the entrance requirements to1
uch a standard as to make it im-
>ossible for those applicants to:
enter who had not proved that they3
ould pursue their courses with1
,rades of C or better.-
On the probable basis of this de-
ision, however, evenftually even,
hat right would be taken away.r
However, the theory once held that
n institution supported by public
unds should be open to each and
very citizen of the state, irregard-t
ess of his qualifications, has been
loomed to oblivion. A college ort
university is obviously intended fort
uch students who have shown suchI
nastery of secondary school sub-s
ects as will permit them to con-t
inue their studies in a more ad-t
anced manner. Hence, entrance re-
For the above reason, if the caser
s carried to the State supremes
ourt, the decision will undoubtedly'
e reversed, as it should be. A groupe
f legislators are qualified to deal
a law with fundamental principles.
s far as educational institutionsg
re concerned. But that they shoulde
rescribe conditions under whichg
tudents can be admitted or expell-A
d is a preposterous assumption."
'or the same reason, it is beyond;
ae powers of a court to determine

The Daily Californian last weekj
commented sadly on dying univer-
sity traditions with particular refer-
ence to its own. Enthusiam, the
Californian maintains, "cannot bel
instilled by organized methods.
Furthermore, traditions having been
sponsored by such enthusiasm do
not call for rules to enforce them
... Obviously half-hearted rooting
and enforced 'traditions' by means
of vigilance committees defeat their
own purpose since it is human
nature to try to succeed in breaking
as many rules as possible. If left
to our own resources to support our
J university and maintain our tradi-
tions we could make a better show-
The Californian attributes a lack
of spirit on its own campus to
"would-be sophistication" growing
out of the university's proximity to
a large metropolitan district. "Ob-
viously," it says, "such sophistica-
tion is merely adolescent . . . That
traditions are still carried on by a
few students is not because they
are forced to do so but because they
have an advanced understanding of'
the meaning of real collegiate
There seems to be some freedom
in the Californian's use of the word
sophistication, but we doubt that
the so-called sophisticated attitude
has less to commend it than the
so-called collegiate attitude. The
former can be somewhat of a sham
and the latter can be farcial, de-
pending on the outlook. There is
ample reason for eith-er, but in uni-
versities surrounded by metropoli-
tan districts there is much virtue in
interests apart from those denotedr
by shouting rah, rah.

Polonaise ........................LisztS
Second Synphony............Beethovent
A Minor Conerto............Paderewski
Piano Solos:
Nocturne 1) Flat major ...... ...(hopi
Mazurka h' sharp minor. .......Copin1
Etude A Minor............... Chopini
Scherzo 1B lat Minor... ,.....Chopin
Huongariajn ]Dnce ..............hrahs
Huongaria Dance ..............Jramns
Noturne .....................Chopin
'traveller's Song...........P'aderewski
Ii npromnptuia.................Sc hbe ir
A Review
The atmosphere last night was
filled with the glamour which the
passing years have added to one
of the most glamorous personali-
ties of a by-gone age. And cer-
tainly this was right. Whatever the
argument that may be produced
against Mr. Paderewski's concep-
tion of life, art, and the piano,
there is no doubt that a whole Fes-
tival audience was profoundly stir-
red by an old man, vigorously and
proudly the romanticist to the end.
Paderewski h a s preserved his
strength and his sensitivity to the
keyboard through' a magnificent
turbulent life that has included
more than a pianistic career. At
the age of seventy-one, still lordly,
still superbly eloquent, he is able
to remind us of the perennial vi-
tality of romanticism, to give a
white-heat representation of all
that he has meant to music. He i
still plays greatly, with unique vi-1
sion and emotional power. One has
only reverence for the deep, fiery
majesty and profound tenderness
which this man can impart to us
at the close of his life.
Yet it is difficult to be explicit
about the exact meaning which
lIPaderewski the pianist-considered
more or less apart from the circum-
stances of last evening-has for ai
age which' (it may be fairly as-
sumed) no longer feels, thinks, nor
plays the piano the way he does.
Though Paderewski is (or was) in
several senses a superb technician,
he is not primarily interested in
the piano in the way modern pian-
ists are. 'He doesn't seem to know
or care about knowing the limita-
tions of the piano. He doesn't usef
discretion in treating .it. He is not
careful to confine his feeling-self
to feelings that the piano can real-
ly translate. When his imagination
actually vaults the piano, he is not
averse to making the 'piano roll
with an unpleasant thunder-a re-
iterated fury which should really
signify nothing but actually seems
to carry conviction that Paderew- j
ski is ,having magnificent emotions,,
He is not at all averse to making
leonine assaults on the keyboard
which far transcend mere accur-
acy. All these things appeared in
the Concerto, I think. This was
pretty specious, third-rate, roman-
tic, music. Yet it proved a suitable
frame. Paderewski's passionate de-
sire to give his heroic will flesh as-!
serted itself primarily through his
manner of attacking this music;
and the Concerto gave a genuine.
experience. Several places in the
first and third movement Paderew-
ski was "riding the storm"~ making
thunder. But even when this thun-
der became very disagreable, ill-!
proportioned sound, it somehow re- j
verberated in us with a certain stir-i
ring, grandiose .quality.
Similarly, the Winter-wind Etude
~was impressive in the experience
Ithough it might very easily be
pointed out that he played it very
badly indeed. Paderewski, it may
very properly be said, plays the
piano badly. But one has to im-

mediately add that while playing
the piano badly he manages to say
stirring things convincingly. As a
romanticist, he is more interested
in self-expression than in -either
the music or the piano. The admis-
sion that he expresses himself eith-
er through or in spite of piano and
music, is tantamount to saying that
he completely realizes his inten-
Through peculiarities of tempo
and touch he got a certain quality
into the two Chopin Nocturnes, a
quality of regret and anguished
memory, that made them vivid ex-
periences. In the last of his encores,
a Schubert Impromptu (or Moment
Musical) besides an aetherial witch-
ery which his delicate touch gave
the music there was a deep tender-
ness in the silences, in the tremu-
lously slow tempo.

Chicago Symphony Orchestra play-
ing the Gold mark Overture "In
Springtime" and the Bruckner
Ninth Symphony, and Ruth Breton,
playing the Glazounow violin Con-
certo in A minor.
A Review
Brought here under the auspices
of the Ann Arbor Art association,
the exhibit. of the Royal Society of
British .Artists is one of outstand-
ing distinction. Although the show
is marked by. a British individual-
ism of reserve, and is divorced from
any of the current characteristics
of other schools, there are many
daing innovations in watercolor
technique which create effects that
are very unusual in this medium.
Watercolors that are not water-
colors, that have the finish and the
depth of oils, or the fineness of line
I which is characteristic of pen and
ink work, or that peculiar mass-
building which is characteristic of
wood blocks, all these things ap-
pear in the show. And in color
these British' dare to create whole
pictures in which there is a mono-
tone of dullness, unrelieved. Or
again they wash their paper in
complimentaries with utterly no
accent of contrast. They contradict
the usual lightness of watercolor
sketches and develope opaqueness
which strangely is not heavy, in
fact it is even brilliant.
To speak generally, once more of
the exhibit, the tendency is to veer
away from the modelling which has
become a complex in so many of
the moderns; there is utterly noth-
ing sculpturesque about the pic-
tures, and comparatively speaking
they are rather flat; but they
counteract this difficulty by work-
ing in distance and continuous flat
Or again one finds instances in
the show of an architectural in-
fluence in some few of the land-
scapes done by Littlejohn. By this
,I mean that the composition was
arranged in formalized patterns
4ased on architectural forms; the
trees were reduced to very definite
arch forms. In one case the show
presents pure impressionism in the
work of Haslehurst: A Grey Day in
which he capitalizes sun reflection
in the true Monet spirit and The
Water Gate of St. John's Hospital,
Bruges, where he works with sun-
light in relation to the shadows of
a brick building. His coloring is
delicately translucent and he
catches the laziness of warm sun.
Outstanding in the collection is
the work of David Wilson whose
landscapes have almost unlimited
depth to them. He also works on a
peculiarly rough paper which seems
to help to give form to his rolling
hills that intersect in many planes.
And his coloring seems to be that
of a dull day; his drabness is so
realistic that he seems to have
dipped his brush into a light fog
j and used it on his palette.
Among the most charming of the
contributions was a small painting
of Dowe's, a scene at the shore
where a small sailing craft is
drawn up on the beach. The most
appealing quality of this piece is
its extreme simplicity. And through
this same simplicity, we feel the
broad sweep of the enormous hori-
zon which hangs low over the sea.

The coloring too is simple, confined
to few colors of varying tones:
blues, whites, greys, and occasional
Nor must we pass by the Black-
smith Shop by Adrian Hill in. which
we have a most interesting amalga-
mation of varying highlights in the
difficult task of distinguishing sur-
face textures of different metals.
Out of the low light of the dingy
shop and with the shiny darkness
of iron and steel, Hill has made an
exceptionally brilliant picture.
Mary Sampson's Port Isaac, a
village street scene shot with patch-
es of sunlight has a piquant rusti-
city about it; and R. F. Millard's
Country Lane in Yorkshire is de-
lightfully surprising in that he uses
great globbish bulks for his trees
dashed all through with sunlight,
and then adds the individual touch
of outlining them with a heavy
black line.
Throughout the whole show one
will notice that many of the men
have no very definite style which
marks them as this or that. One of

and wide variety of
fine budding plants.
Prompt Service
Michigan Flower
Growers, Inc.
Open evenings until 9:00
Phone 21715

WE SELL ,- .
WE RENT R adios
Tel. 2-2812 615 E. Williams




1021 Maiden Lane

Tonight and Sunday


Huge Savings
On Fine
Fraternity Jewelry
603 Church Street

ranger's BaUroom


Under direction of






Dancing 9-1







Cor. S. State and E. Washington Sts.
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, Minister

Cor. State and East Huron
12:00 Noon-Mrs. Fisher's class will
meet at Wesley Hail.
6:00 P. M.-Kappa Phi will have
charge of the meeting and they
are planning a surprise. All stu-
dents are cordially invited to at-
tend promptly at 6 o'clock.

10:30 A. M.-Morning
Dr 'Fisher.

. 1 1ON Si. ANN AKII


There will be no evening worship.

7:00 P. M.-Social Hour.

E. Huron, below State
R. Edward' Sayles, Minister
Howard R. Chapman, Minister of
9:30 A. M--The Church School.
Wallace Watt, Superintendent.
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Mr. Sayles will preach on "PAY-
12:00 N.-University Students at
Guild House. "Reasons for Belief
in God." Mr. Chapman will lead
the discussion..
5:30 P. M.-The social hour with
refreshments. Come early.
6:30 P. M.-The topic, "Science
and God," will be presented by
Miss Davidson, Mr. Vander Kam,
Mr. Bell, Miss Davis, Mr. Innes.
Arthur &rnhart will be in charge.
615 East University
Rabbi Bernard Heller
11:15 A. M. - Doctor Raymond
Hoekstra of the Philosophy De-
partment will speak on "The Ideal
and the Real in Religion."
7:30 P. M.-Mr. Milton Alexander
of Detroit will address the open
student forum.

Allison Ray Heaps, Minister
Sunday, May 17, 1931
9:30 A. M.-Church School.




10:45 A. M.-Morning
Sermon by Rev. Heaps.
"Empty Houses."


Division and Catherine Streets
Reverend Henry Lewis, Rector
Reverend Duncan E. Mann, Assistant
8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion.
9:30 A. M.-Church School (Kin-
dergarten at 11 o'clock).
11:00 A. M.-Morning Prayer, ser-
mon by the Rev. Henry Lewis,
"A Pathway in Religion."
6:00 P. M.-Student Supper,
speaker Mr. Frank Olmstead, "Ad-
venturous Religion."

No Student Fellowship for remainder
of year.

Professor Laski makes the inter-
esting, and largely justifiable, com-
ment that American colleges and
universities place too much em-
phasis on lectures and examina-
tions. The result is a confused mass
of largely unrelated facts being
mastered by the student, with little
conception of their deeper signifi-
cance. In other words, the Amer-
ican system makes for shallow edu-
If there be any truth in this ini-
tial premise it would be well for
the faculty and students of the Uni-
versity of North Carolina to con-
sider the merits of the quarter sys-
tem, and whether we should return
to the semester system.
Under the quarter system there
is a rush to complete the subject
matter of the course- high pres-
sure is the order of the day. Uni-
versity life is one mid-term, one
examination after another. There
is some monotony about this busi-
ness of attending lectures on a
given course five successive days in
every week. Too much of the work
given here and in every other
American university is the so-called
"spoon-fed" variety. The quarter
system accentuates this tendency.
It is true that the quarter system

Huron and Division Sts.
Merle H. Anderson, Minister
Alfred Lee Klaer, Associate Pastor.
Mrs. Nellie B. Cadwell, Counsellor of
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon: "Music."
12:00 Noon-Student Classes.
5:30 P. M.--Social Hour for Young
6:30 P. M.-Young People's Meet-
ing. Speaker: Dr. R. O. Egeberg
on "Personal Experiences in the
Hospitals of Russia."
Washington St. at Fifth Ave.
E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor
9:00 A. M.-Sunday School.

409 S. Division St.


10:30 A. M.-Regular
ice. Sermon topic:

Morning Serv-
"Mortals and

11 :45 A. M.-Sunday School follow-
ing the morning service.

(Evangelical Synod of N. A.)
Fourth Ave. between Packard and
Rev. Theodore R. Schmale
9:00 A. M.-Bible School.
10:00 A. M.-Morring Worship.
Sermon topic: "Our Lord's Parting
11:00 A. M.--erman Service.
7:00 P. M.-Young People's League.

7:30 P. M.-Wednesday
testimonial meeting.


The Reading Room, 10 and 11
State Savings Bank Building, is open
daily from 12 to 5 o'clock, except
Sundays and legal holidays.
Third and West Liberty Sts.
C. A. Brauer, Pastor

Above all, there was the marvel-
ous phenomenon of his strength.
Never during the evening was there
merely mechanical motion-where
a tired mind wanders and leaves
nervous habit to rule the hands.
This man was feeling with his

State and Huron Streets

Sunday, May 17, 1931

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