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May 16, 1931 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-16

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P90R TI T009Soloist at May Festival Praises certs often and no other place could
Work of Choral Union at please me more than Hill Auditor-
Both Concerts. ium," Mr. Eddy emphasized.
.N BA LROO._E _rComedy parts are my favorite
SE. .. ( roles although the majority of my


Judges Award Prizes for Ability
in Academic Work and


Opportunities in Geography Are
Open to Prof esionals as Well
as Amateurs.
"Geography has not only a pro-
fessional field for women but an
amateur one as well," stated Prof.F

Del Delbridge to Play at Dance
to Benefit Undergraduate
Campaign Fund.
Jeannie Roberts, '32, Will Act
as General Chairman for
The Affair'.
Completing a series of parties
which have been sponsored by the
League this year, a dance will be
held from 4 to 6 o'clock this after-
noon in the main ballroom of the
building. DeDelelbridge and his
orchestra, who have just finished
a season's run in the Blue Room
of the Book Cadillac hotel in De-
troit, will furnish the music.
the dance is the first of these
eventsh to be open to men. The other
affrairs. have been arran-ged by the
various houses and organizations
on campus, and were held every
month on Friday afternoons.
Three Groups in Charge.
Jeannie Roberts, '32, social chair-
man, is general chairman, and she
is being assisted by members of the
new and old social committees, and
members of the Undegraduate Cam-
paign fund committee.
"We need the aid of every Mich-
igan woman in order to make this
affair a success," stated Miss Rob-
erts. "The proceeds will go to the
Undegraduate Campaign fund, in
which there is a deficit this year,
so it is essential that the dance be
a success. This work is an integral
part of the activities of the League,
and undergraduate support is abso-
lutely necessary."
Dorothy McGuffie, '31, is chair-
man of the Undergraduate Cam-
paign fund committee, and Helen
Cheever, '31, Helen DeWitt, '33,
Helen Kitzmiller, '32, Jean Botsford,
'33, and Edwina Jenny, '32, are
Tickets Still on Sale.
Besides Miss Roberts, members of
the social committee include Elea-
nore Walkinshaw, '32, Ruth Babbitt,
'32Ed., Pauine Richards, '32Ed.,
Elizabeth Eaglesfield, '33, and Mar-
garet O'Brien, '33. On the new social
committee for next year, Catherine
Heeson, '33, will have the position
of chairman, while in addition to
last year's members, Margaret Fer-
rin, '33, will serve.
Patroness Entertains Honorary
Speech-Arts Sorority.
Along with the many entertain-
ments which are being given in
-honor of the various seniors at this
time of year, Mrs. Raymond Spokes,
patroness of Zeta Phi Eta, honorry
ispeech-arts sorority, is giving a
bridge luncheon this afternoon at
the Huron Hills country club for
all of the members of the local
chapter who are graduating this
Among the honor guests are the
following seniors; Hannah Lennon,
the retiring president, Jane Robin-
son, Phyllis Biehl, Marjorie Lincoln,
Frances Summers, Winona Gerhart,
and Anne Moll. Mrs. John Selden
Tennant II, one of the most active
of the local alumnae, has also been
invited to attend the luncheon.
Miss Lennon and Mrs. Tennant
have both been selected as "Zeta
Girl," which is the honor given to
the woman who has done the most
for the organization during the
year, and who has best lived up to
the ideals of the group.

"I have never enjoyed singing in
any production as much as the two
May Festival concerts, "St. Francis"
and "Boris Godunof," said Nelson
Eddy, baritone, in a recent inter-
view. "Mr. Moore is a wonderful
conductor and the chorus is ideal,
one of the finest in my experience."
"The group of !artists are all in-
teresting and pleasant to be with
and I have had marvelous treat-
ment in Ann Arbor. I should cer-
tainly like to sing in oratorio con-
Sororities Sponsor
Many Social Events
for This Week-End
This week-end brings forth nu-
merous social events in the sorori-
ties, including formal dances, facul-
ty teas, mid-night spreads, and
rushing parties.
Kappa Alpha Theta is giving a
Mother's House-party this week-
end consisting of a number of en-
tertainments for the guests. This
aoon there will be a special lunch-
eon at the League, and. this after-
noon, Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven
and the Ann Arbor alumnae of
Kappa Alpha' Theta, are giving a'
.tea in honor of the Mothers at Mrs.
Ruthven's home. Tonight at- the
zhapter house they will. be enter-
tained at a cabaret dinner, featured
by tap-dances and. other: specialty
numbers. They will attend the May
Festival concert this evenfing, and
return for a midnight supper and
serenade. A special dinner tomor-
row noon will be the closing affair
of the house-party. The mothers
will be presented with corsages and
favors at this dinner.
Alpha Delta Pi will be hostesses
at a tea to be given tomorrow after-
noon for approximately two hun-
ired members of the faculty, and
several May Festival artists. Mrs.
Carl Coe, Mrs. Preston James, Mrs.
Kaleb Smith, and Mrs. John Shep-
erd will pour.
The members of .~l pha Phi are
giving an informal 0 upper-dance
this evening. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer
Pettyjohn, of Ann Arbor, and Mr.
and Mrs. James Luther, of Detroit
will act as chaperons. Miss Thelma
Woodruff, of Kalamazoo, and Miss
Virginia Gies, of Detroit are guests
at the Alpha Phi house this week-
Alpha Omicron Pi gave a rushing
dinner for eight guests last Thurs-
day night. Tonight they are giving
a formal dance for which Mrs.
Louis K. Bowen, and Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Lundquist are to be chaper-
Zeta Tau Alpha gave a rushing
dinner last Wednesday night, for
which spring flowers and pale pink
tapers made effective decorations.
The chapter gave a special dinner
for the senior members on Thurs-
day night, and each senior was pre-
sented with a corsage. Tonight
there is to be a supper-party for
the seniors and the pledges.
Alpha Xi Delta are giving a tea
tomorrow afternoon for some of the
members of the faculty. The guests
will be: Prof. Robert Hall and Mrs.
Hall, Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson and
Mrs. Nelson, Prof. Tharen S. Lang-
ford and Mrs. Ladngford, r. W. W.
Newcomb and Mrs. Newcomb, and
Prof. N. H. Williams and Mrs. Wil-
Alpha Chi Omega gave a pot-luck
dinner last Monday night for their
patronessesand alumnae, the active
members of the chapter and the
pledges. Mrs. A. J. Donnelly was the
guest of honor.


engagements have been for a villian
or priest. Such is the case with
many natural comedians; they al-
ways want to play 'Hamlet,'" he
continued. It is interesting to note
that Mr. Eddy's greatest successes
have been in the heavy roles of
Wofrom in "Tannhauser" and in
"Die Gotterdaemerung."
"Singing just a few lines here
and there is very tantalizing and
a great nervous strain. It would be
marvelous to sing the whole four
acts of an opera and much easier
to do than to wait anxiously for a
part, then come in for a short while
only," he said.
Camp-fire Breakfast to Follow
Hare and Hounds Chase;
Drill Squad Invited.
Pegasus riding club is sponsoring
a treasure hunt and breakfast to-
morrow morning for its members
and also for those riding in the
drill squad. The riders are to meet
at Mullison's Fairground Stables so
that they can leave there at 9
o'clock. There will be a fox and
hounds chase, the group leaving at
9 following the trail left by the
hounds. The women participating
will cook breakfast at the end of
the trail when the treasure has
been reached. Anyone planning to
go must call Corrine. Krentler,
'33Ed, at 5938 before noon today.
At the next meeting Pegasus will
elect its dfficers for next year from
the following nominations: for
president, Corrine Krentler, '32Ed,
Charlotte Hughson, '32, and Eliza-
beth Cooper, '34Ed; for secretary-
treasurer, Eleanor Rairdon, '33,
Phyllis Swift, '34, and Charlotte
Hughson, '32; for riding manager,
Phyllis Swift, '34, and Jean Perrin,
The drill squad which is to give
an exhibition on Friday, May 29,
will meet for practice today at 1:15
in the League. Additional practices
will take place on Wednesday, May
20, at 8:45, Saturday, My 23, and
Wednesday, May 27.
Couzens Hall Elects
Next Year's Officers
In its elections for the student
government officers for next year,
C o u z e n s Hall selected Thelma
Scratch, '32, for president, Vera Ag-
nes Scheffel, '32, vice-president,
and Mary Haley, '33, for secretary-
treasurer. The other members of
the council are elected by the in-
dividual classes.
The editor-in-chief and the busi-
ness manager of the "Scalpel," the
yearbook of the School of Nursing,
were also elected and will be, re-
spectively, Martha English, '32, and
Gertrude Eckhout, '32. The board
consists of twelvedmembers chosen
by the two elected officers in con-
ference with the Social Director.

After the successful results of the i..amsotegorpy
Preston E. James of the geograph
Aftr te sccesfu reult ofthedepartment in an interview recent-
scholarship project which was in- lyp
stigated last year at Helen New- "One of thermost outstanding ex-
berry, the board of directors and amples of great achievement by
Mrs. Florence W. Towsey, director women in this line is the case of
of the house, are choosing again Ellen C. Semple. She has written
this year the five students who will two noteworthy books: "Geogra-
be awarded the $100 scholarships phical Interpretations of American
which the dormitory has seen fit History," and "The Influence of
to offer. Those who have been chos- Geographic Environment." In the
en this year are as follows: Esther latter book she presents Ratzel's
Kirby, '32, Detroit; Elizabeth Gar- theory of geographic conditions.
diner, '32, Riverside, Ill.; Annette She was the first one to put it into
Rudolphi, '33, Detroit,; Pauline English for it was written in Ger-
Picchiottinno, '32, Laurina; and man originally. At present she is
Mary Elizabeth Windt, '33, Grand writing a book on "The Geography
! Rapids. of the Ancient Mediterranean." Her
Winners Show Great Ability. travel has been world-wide, and
The scholarships are awarded at she did extensive work in Japan
the discretion of the judges, not and Java," he continued.
only for scholastic achievements, Many Women are Editors.
but also for degree of interest in "It is interesting to note that so
outside activities, and for citizen- many of the editors of geographic
ship within the house. All of the publications are women. Gladys
girls chosen this year have shown Wrigley is the editor of the Geo-
exceptional ability in academic graphical Review, which is one of
work, and several of them have the best magazines of its kind in
been associated with distinguished the country. Also, important posi-
groups on campus. Esther Kit by i$ tions are being held by women who
a member of Mortar Board and have had extensive study in this
Wyvern; she also was elected to the subject.Dr. Helen Strong, who is
presidency of the dormitory for this a graduate of the University of
coming year. Elizabeth Gardiner Chicago, has a high position in the
has been elected to Pi Lambda Department of Commerce at Wash-
Theta and also been chosen as the ington, D. C.," Professor James said.
chairman of the point system com- ".
mittee for the coming year. Pauline "Women graduates from the Uni-
Picchiotinno is a member of Eta versity of Michigan have been
Sigma Phi, the honorary classical placed as teachers in normals and
The scholarship awards are open
to all of the student residents ex- Record-Breaking
cept those of the freshman class,'Values
so that the competition among the Ofl
classes is keen. The inclusion of the I Distinctive New
sophomore class in the openings
for trial for the awards adds aF
greater incentive, for very often it I
is exclusively the upper classes who I
may compete for such awards.Jelr
Plan Proves Successful.
Helen Newberry is unique in this BURR
system of awards in the dormitory g ~
groups on the campus with the e PATTERSON'S
ception of Adelia Cheever; the lat- *
ter has initiated a somewheat simi- Spring Sale
lar scheme within"the past few 20'% to 50 %'
years. So far the plan has proved *
very successful, both as an encour-
agement to better things in aca- 603 Church Street
demic efforts within the house. C
Complete Line of Everything Musical

high schools, and in the eastern col-
leges, but in the western universi-
ties men seem to be preferred.
However, I believe this is all due
to tradition. Women have not had
important positions in this field so
they do not seem to be offered to
them, but the positions are really
there if they want them. There are
not as many positions open and
they do not pay as well as those of
the men, but the reason for this is
that women marry and then quit
their positions. As soon as a woman
is really trained this always seems
bound to happen. So naturally the
best opportunities are not usually
offered to women," he stated.
Geography May be Amateur.
"However, there is, besides the
professional aspect, the amateur
one. This is the creation of a hobby.
It can be in any kind of work, and
geography offers splendid oppor-
tunity for it. After women have
reared their families they are left
without anything to do except
bridge and clubs. But if they had
developed a hobby during college
then is the time for them to con-
tinue it. Indeed one of the things
that your college education should
result in is the creation of a hobby.
British Women Artists
Exhibit Water Colors
An exhibit of water colors, the
work of the members of the Royal
Society of British Artists, is beingr
held this week in the third floor
gallery of the Architectural build-
ing. Most of the work was done
by men, but there are the paint-
ings of about 12 women included.

Officers who will act during the
coming year have been announced
by Kappa Beta Pi, the national le-
gal sorority. They are: Charlotte
Dunnebeck, '32L, who was elected
dean; Ruth White, spec., the regis-
trar; Helen Willett, '33L, the chan-
cellor, and Gail Saunders, '33L, whc
was chosen to fill the newly creat-
ed position of Social Chairman.

Four Women Chosen to Act a
Executive Board.



Hill Auditorium, May 13, 14, 15,
Violinist; Chicago Symphony Or-
chestra, Frederick'Stock, Conduc-
tor, Saturday afternoon.
dunof" in English by Mussorgsky.
Cyrena Van Gordon, Contralto;
Walter Widdop, Tenor; Nelson
Eddy, Baritone; Chase Baromeo,
Baritone; Fred Patton, Bass; Chi-
cago Symphony Orchestra; The
University Choral Union, Earl V.
Moore, Conductor, Saturday Eve.

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