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February 24, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-02-24

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Mdicigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
anter General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.5o.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard
Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Board
F1Arx E. COOPER, City Editor
News Editor ...............Gurney Williams
Editorial Director...........Walter W. Wilds
Sports Editor .............JToseph A. Russell
Women's Editor.......... Mary L. Behymer
Music, Drama, Books.......Wi. . Gorman
Assistant City Editor.......Harold 0. Warren
Assistant News Editor......Charles R. Sprowl
Telegraph Editor ..........GeorgeA. Stautet
Copy Editor..................Wm.F. rype,

material, for in the Press building
can be found men -and women
whose afternoons and evenings are
literally tied down on business and
editorial enterprises. The three
major publications vary as to type
of work, length of hours, and dis-
tribution of prestige, but within
the triad an enterprising under-
classman can find just what he or
she is looking for in a journalistic
There is, however, a word of cau-
tion which should be taken to heart
by every freshman trying out for
a Michigan publication. Work at
the Press building takes time and
effort. One cannot do publications
work-thoroughly-and engage in
any other major activity than
scholastic. It has been tried again
and again, but has never worked.
Occasionally, a brilliant student can
engage in two other extra-curricu-
lar activities and remain on his
proper level scholastically, but one
of these cannot beca publication.
With such a caution, however,
the reward is proportionately great-
er for the successful publications
man. No'field is so highly esteemed
and so bitterly contested as that
which lies within the walls of the
Press building. No activity is so in-
triguing, offers such thorough,
training, brings with it such a gal-
axy of laurels to the winner.
a field of unlimited opportunity to
him who is willing to work and- try.

S. Beach Conger
arl S. Forsythe
avid M. Nichol

John D. Reindel
Charles R. Sprowl
Richard L. Tobin
Harold O. Warren

Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy
Robert Townsend

. E. Bush
Thomas M. Cooley
Morton Frank
Saul Friedberg
Frank B. Gilbreth
Jack Goldsmith
Roland Goodman
Morton Helper
Saxtes Inglis
ames J hson
ryan Jones
Denton C. Kunze

Powers Moulton
Wilbur]. Meyers
Brainard W. Nies
Robert L. Pierce
Richard Racine
Jerry E. Rosenthal
Charles A. Sanford
Karl Seiffert
George A. Stauter
Tohn W. Thomas
j onn S. Townsend

Eileen Blunt
Nanette Dembiti
Elsie Feldman
Ruth Gallmeyer
Emily G. Grimes
Jan Lev
Susan anceer

Mary McCall
Cile Miller
Margaret O'Brien
Eleanor Rairdon
Anne Margaret Tobin
Margaret Thompson
Claire Trussell

Telephone 21214
T. HOLLISTER MABLEY, Business Manager
KAsrz Rf. HALVERSON, Assistant Manager
Advertising ..............Charles T. Kline
Advertising ............. Thomas M. Davis
Advertising.............William W. Warboys
Service ..........Norris J.Johnson
Publication.............Robert W. Will ianson
Circulation............. Marvin S. Kobacker
Accounts............. homas S. Muir
Business Secretary............Mary J. Kenan

Htarry R Begley
Vernon Bishop
William Brown
Robert Callahan
William W. Davis
Richard H. Hiller
Miles Hoisington
Ann W. Verner
Marian Atran
Helen Bailey
Josephine Convssei
Maxine Fishgrund
Dorothy LeMire
Dorothy Laylin

Erle Kignriinger
Don W. Lyon
-William Morgan
Richard Stratemeier
Keith TyTer
Noel D. Turner
Byron C. Vedder
Sylvia Miller
Helen Olsen
Mildred Postal
Marjorie Rough
Mary E. Watts
Johanna Wiese

President Walter Dill Scott of
Northwestern university has been
making an investigation during the
last month of grades given by
members of the faculty, and has
found that, in the main, it is the
weakest instructors who give the
lowest grades and eliminate the
largest number of students.
President Scott has pointed out
that the poorest instructors do less.
to awaken the intellectual inter-
est of the students, but they give
more low grades than do the best
instructors. Faculty men whose
grades were investigated were those
who have been recommended for
increases in salaries (best instruc-1
tors), and those who will not be re-
employed (poor instructors). The
investigation further revealed that
the group of poorest instructors
gave seven times as many low
grades last semester as the group
of best instructors.
It appears from this investiga-
tion that the least efficient faculty
members at Northwestern, and
probably in most educational in-
stitutions in the country, place
more emphasis on grade books than
on development of intellectual in-
Michigan is not exempt from in-
structors, even professors, who con-
tinually hold the whip over the
students threatening E's and D's,
while altogether too little time andE
energy is given to teaching.
Tomorrow afternoon, Michigan's
newest freshman class will get its
first chance to display extra-curri-
cular talents on publications. Other
fields of non-scholastic activity
have been opened to the class of
1934 - athletics, dramatics, and
politics-but this is the first chance
which has been available to year-'
lings inclined toward journalistic
To say that publications at Mich-
igan are "extra-curicular" is but a1
small portion of the story. No fresh-1
man should try out for any publi-
cation with the idea of using his
work as a mere recreation, a side-F

Campus Opinion
Contributors ae asked to be brief,
confining themsehes to less that. 300
words if possible. Anonymous com-
miunications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidntial, upon re
quest. Letters published shouldnot be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.
February 21, 1931.
Editor of the Daily:
On March 4 the
present session of Congress will
have come to a close, in all prob-
ability without having acted upon
a matter which to forward-looking
people exceeds in importance the
matters on which the Senate has
been expending its time. I refer
to the ratification of the protocols
necessary to effect the entrance of
the United States into the World
There is a legimate question in
the United States as to the advisa-
bility of joining the League of Na-
tions, but the arguments which ap-
ply to such a political organization
as the League, do not apply to a
permanent court of justice acting
among nations. The League is pri-
marily concerned with Europe; the
World Court, although connected
with the League through its organ-
ization, is in no sense dependent
upon it, and in its adjudication
entirely free from the motives
which may actuate the Council in
its settlements of disputes.
The primary task of our world is
to remove the causes of war. Only
when that is done, can construc-
tive work for a world community
come to a culmination. The World
Court, or rather, the conception of
the way in which disputes ought
to be settled for which the Court
stands, is an inevitable necessary
in a warless world. Even a mom-
ents reflection will show the ana-
logy between a world court, and
the municipal courts which are
such necessary adjustants to an or-
derly state.
Because of its conception of the
peculiar position of the United
States, the Senate refused to ratify
the original World Court protocols
unless five reservations, designed to
protect the interests of the United
States, were agreed to by the other
members of the Court. The only
reservation which caused any diffi-
culty was the last half of the fifth
one, which has now been met in
what is called the Root Protocol.
With all of its conditions met,
the Senate can effect the entrance
of the United States into the Court
with no fear of prejudice to her in-
terests. The supporters of the
Court believe that there is the nec-
essary majority for ratification. The
only impediment to action is that
the matter has been consistently
In 1932 another disarmament
conference will be held, and if at
that time the United States is not
a member of the Court, her position
will be decidedly awkward. The
next regular session of Congress is
too near a presidential election to
allow an unbiased vote, and if the
World Court issue comes up then,
it will perforce become a political
issue, and that is the most unfor-
tunate thing which could happen
to it.
The time remaining for the pres-
ent session is far too short for ac-

I just felt that it might be in
order to mention this fact, especial-
ly as the week seems to have come
at a highly ap-
propriate time. To
anyone walking
Sdown State street
last week it was
ainfully appar-
' :ent that it was
t i me something
ilike that was put
into effect, what
;w i t h padlocked
fraternity houses,
i :w i d e - bottomed
-, ipants, and s i1k
BAXTER stockings c o n-
fronting the eye at every turn and
even in the middle of the block-
not to mention the flagrant adver-
tisements of a Passion Play of all
things right out in plain sight in
all the windows. Heavens!
The Michigan Daily.
I've always wanted to hear
somebody emit one of those fine
noises I am always reading
about in Sunday papers (thati
is, every Sunday I do.).
I suppose that the fact that it
is a president emitting the sound
will make it something rather spe-
cial to which only the ears of edu-
cational committees are fit to lis-
My personal opinion remains!
unchanged, however, I still con-
sider, being a good democrat at
heart, that a president GLUB
or GOOLP is no better than
anyone else's, no matter what
the Educational Committee may
think-the big snobs.
r * *
Newberry hall, boys-gaze upon it
What a subject for a sonnet!
Someday in a heap 'twill fall
It's a fine world after all!
I heard something that delight-
ed my perverted soul beyond mea-
sure the other day. It may be that
some of you remember the nice
innocent cover that graced the Gar-
goyle month before last. "Hmff" I
seem to hear you say, "that's a long
time ago." True it is, but it takes
professors a long time to think, and
you'll see the connection in a mo-
ment-of if you don't, I'm wasting
an awful lot of good time and
space. Anyway, the Pherret over-
heard two faculty members talking
together and one of them remarked
that he had discovered the dirty
meaning to that Gargoyle cover
with the flower on it.
* * *
Just to save you a lot of
trouble, I might as well tell
you that the Pherret was there
at the time the cover was de-
cided on, and he says there
isn't any meaning to it at all,-
which was my decision after
some minutes of thought on
the subject.-Great Guys, Pro-
Do you realize that you are tread-
ing pretty hard on the toes of a
lot of people who are loyal to their
University and hate to see its min-

or faults brough up in a scurri-
lous column such as yours?
Dear Indignant:
Yes I do, and if they are all
like you I hope they have corns
and tight shoes on when I do
it,- and that goes for your
whole family tree.
Yours very truly,
Daniel Indignant-right-back-at-
* *' *
IMAGINE THAT! Department
The Associated Press reports that
Wayne County has been adjudged
wet in a recent liquor investigation
report.-And here I have been liv-
ing there for never-you-mind-how-
many years and never suspected
anything of the sort. Why, I per-
sonally know of a gent living there
who is separated from the nearest
blind pig by one of the longest
blocks in the city.
*' * *
A TUT,--a PISH,-and-yes, even
the slightest suggestion of a PIF-
FLE for all your protests! I'm not
going to write another word, and
that's that. This business of pub-
lishing puns for unappreciative
people is getting to be a terrible

The Ann Arbor Art Association is
this week sponsoring two interest-
ing exhibits which are open free of
charge to all students. One is the
Elihu Vedder memorial exhibition
which is being circulated by the
American Federation of Arts. It
includes eighty-one oil paintings
carefully chosen to be representa-
tive of the work of this artist in all
of his major periods. The other
exhibition is of the oils, water-
colors and prints of Helen West
Heller, a young modernist whose
first large exhibition in Chicago last
year created a sensation.
The latter part of this week
Comedy Club is offering probably
its most exacting and ambitious
production since "Granite" in Pro-
fessor John L. Brumm's prize-win-
ning play "The Strait-Jacket."
Prof. Brumm's play concerns it-
self with a professor of economics
who is brought to a tragic fate on
the one hand by the peculiarly in-
sist~ent pressures of the academic
environment and on the other by
the inroads made on his identity
an dspiritual self-subsistence by the
protective type of affection granted
him by his wife.
In an interview, Prof. Brumm has
granted an interesting vindication
of the college scene as dramatic
material (especially relevant here
where the last three years of stu-
dent writing in the drama have
failed to utilize student life). Prof.
Brumm says: "I have long been
convinced that college life offers
1 a rich field for the discovery of
dramatic values. Usually a college
campus is thought of as a place
where life is artificially arranged-
where youth lives superficially, the
way of life being nicely adjusted.
"This conception of a college en-
vironment is based on the notion
that only a competitive economic
order can prescribe the conditions
of dramatic struggle. Fundamen-
tally, however, drama is concerned
with spiritual values, with internal
conflict, with mental hazards. Ex-
ternal elements are vital only as
they reveal the internal tensions.
It would appear, therefore, that
college life affords the widest poss-
ible range of choices in dealing with
the real essence of drama. More-
over, college folk are highly self-
conscious and articulate. They are
competent to explore the motives
that condition life. The resulting
drama may be less crassly physical,
but it will be correspondingly more
intellectual-and more authentic
for that very reason. A baffled soul
must be consciously baffled to be
dramatically convincing."
"The Strait-Jacket" was origin-
ally written for the National Drama
League Playwriting Contest. It won
in the state and the interstate con-
test and placed among the first ten
to be submitted for final judging.
One of the three judges gave it
first award and the other two gave
it second. Professional production
was conditioned on a change of the
tragic denouement, a change which
the author refused to sanction, on
the ground that he did not write
the play to satisfy a sentimental
So Comedy Club with the assist-
ance of Prof. Brumm as director is
giving his play its first performance
in theirmajor production this year.

Taking the three prominent parts
in the cast are Katherine Kratz,
Mildred Todd and Stanley Donner.
Performances will be given Thurs-
day, Friday and Saturday evening
in the Mendelssohn Theatre.
An achievement of Yale's play
production of dramatic criticism is
their recent production of the
"Trachiniae" of Sophocles - the
first performance given anywhere
since the death of Sophocles in
406 B. C.
An interesting effort in the pro-
duction seems to have been the
attempt to approximate the condi-
tions of the Hellenic theatre 2,300
years ago. The set was constructed
of movable blocks on an absolutely
bare stage with a blue cycloramo as
background; and the entire aud-
ience was seated in the balcony to
gain more nearly the perspectives
of the Greek amphitheatre. The
costumes were very closely modelled
after those in Greek statuary and
vase designs.
The program for Palmer Chris-
tian's weekly organ recital to be
given tomorrow afternoon in Hill
l Auditorium includes the following

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