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May 02, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-02

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9uir4iottn Bttitg


Published every morning except Monday dur-
ing the University year by the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial Asso-
Tj heAssociated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for republication of all news dispatches
credited to it or not otherwise creditcd in this
paper and the loral news published herein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michi-
ga, as second class matter. Special rate of
pos ge granted by Third Assistant Postmaster
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices. Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard
Street. Phones. Editorial, 44125; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
ChairmanEditorial Board
FRANK E. COOPER, City Editor
News Editor.............. Gurney Williams
Editorial Director............Walter W. Wids
Assistant City Editor ........ harold 0. Wairren'
Sports Editor.............Joseph A. itusell
Women's Editor.............M:ary L. Jehimyer
Music, Dranka, nook.......... .J. Corniant
Assistant News Edir.i...... rls I.pro
Telegraph Editor ............ (eorge A. Stauter
Copy Editor..................Win Ii. :l per
S. Beach Conger Charles R. Sprowi
Carl S. Forsythe Riehard L.'robi
David M. Nichol Harold 0. Warren
John D. Reinde:
Sports Assistants
Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy
Charles A. Sanford

One of the factors which was
most responsible for the arrange-
ment of the publications office at
Michigan has been, not the actual
printing or editing of the work
which is already well-handled by
trained men and private compan-
ies, but the necessity of providing
some centralized storage and dis-
tribution point from which could
be mailed out all the University's
various publications and bulletins.
Much good can be done by the
proper handling of the University's
printing. Not the least of the pos-
sibilities of the new unit will be the
furthering of distinctive and ar-
tistic printing for the work which
will be done.
Campus Opinion
Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining theinselves to less that. 300
words if possible. An'onymous comn-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.




Thomas M. Cooley
Morton Frank
Frank B. Glbreth
Saul Friedberg
Roland Goodman
Morton Helper
Bryan Jones
Wilbur J. Meyers
Eileen Blunt
Nanette Dembitz
Elsie Feldman
Ruth Gallmeyer
Emily G. Grimes
Jean Levy
Susan Manchester

R obert L. Pierce
RtOihard Racine
Earl seiffert
.Jerry E. Rosenthal
George A. Stauter
Johin W. Thomas
Joh" S. Townsend

i ..,, .

Mary mccall
tJib Mliller
M.1arg aret O'Brien
E NlanorrRairdon
Anne Margaret Tobin
Margaret Thompson
Claire Trussell

Telephone 21214
7 . HOLLISTER MABLEY, Business Manager
KASPER H. IALVERSON, Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising.................Charles T. Kline
Advertising.............. .'homas M. I)avis
Advertising..........William W. Warboys
Service............... ...Norris J. Johnson
Publication...........Robert W. Williamson
Circulation..............Marvin S. Kobacker
Accounts..................Thomas S. Muir
Business Secretary............ Mary J. Kenan

Flarry P. Begler
Vernon Bishop
William Brown
Robert Callahan
William W. Davis
Miles H1oisington
Erie Kightlinger
Ann W. Verner
Marian Atran
Helen Bailey
Josephine Convisser
Maxine Fishgrund
Dorothy LeMire
Dororiy Laylin

Noel D. Turner
Don. W. Lyon
William Morgan
Richard Stratemeler
Keith Tyler
Richard H. Hiller
Byron C. Vedder
Sylvia Milled
Helens Olsen
Mildred Postal
r Marjorie Rough
Mary E. Watts
Johanna Wiese

Ann Arbor, Michigan.
April 30, 1931.
Lawyers' Club,
To the editor:
Your editorial of April 26th, en-
titled "Another Experiment Fails,"
came as a distinct surprise to me,
for though I knew that there was
some opposition to the work of
Glen Frank and Alexander Meikle-
john at Wisconsin, I did not be-
lieve that it was so widespread and
virulent. After reading Professor
Showerman's article, I can see why
the editorial was written. If that
article were the on1y possible
source of information, or if other
sources gave reports to the same
effect, I would agree that you were
justified in writing as you did. But
I find some of my contrary im-
pressions confirmed by other cur-
rent articles on the same subject.
The impression created by your
Seditorialwas that the experiment
was legislated out of existence by
a hostile faculty over the opposi-
tion of its' proponents. On the con-
trary, the sporsors believed that as
a five-year period of experimenta-
tion had been completetd, they
would be justified in discontinuing
it until some report on the results
could be made and studied. With
this in mind, Professor Meiklejohn
petitioned the faculty of the Liber-
al Arts College to suspend the
operation of the college for an in-
definite period of time. The ac-
tion was not regarded as a final
discard of the project.
For the other side of the problem
as regards the attitude of those
concerned in the project, I would
recommend that those interested
consult one or more of the follow-
ing articles:
News reports in:
New Republic-March 11, 1931,
page 85.
Survey-March 15, 1931, page 672.
World Tomorrow-A p r i 1 1931,
page 103.
Article by Mr. Vilas, and one by
Professor Meiklejohn in The Na-
tion (New York) March 25, 1931,
page 322.
For a criticism of Professor Show-

Night Editor-BEACH CONGER, Jr.
-The establishment of a Univer-
sity press, as announced by the
Regents of the University at their
recent meeting, will fill a very defi-
nite need in the administration of
the University. But immediately on
the heels of the announcement
came considerable discussion, most
of it based on the lack of clear un-
derstanding of the proposal.
The University press was made
possible by the purchase by Dexter
M. Ferry, prominent Detroit alum-
nus, of the building which will
house the new unit. This plant
should not be confused with the
Student Publications building, con-
struction of which will begin about

Well, well, children, here we are
and no Dan Baxtter. A pretty
pickle, I assure you, almost a cu-
cumber. But Dan left at ten o'clock
this morning, because he claims
that his high school teachers were
coming out, and he was through
with being patted on the head.
.* * *
Indignation Department.
While we're about being indig-
nant, we want to say right here
and now that we're not in favor
of having conventions in Ann Ar-
bor. In the first place, all those
badges, medals and ribbons fairly
make us reek with jealousy. It's
bad on the morale. Especially when
we looked at the Honors Convoca-.
tion program, and found out that
our names had been left off there
too, by accident, no doubt. (Lou
liar-editor.) A n d for another
thing, it isn't safe to use the side-
walks at all. Our fellow students
are bad enough when we are try-
ing to go the wrong way of the
diagonal at noon. But these high
school lads and lassies-tsk, tsk.
We heard about on engineer, who
thought he was all alone, sloshing
a bucket full of oil around. When he
turned around, he found out that
there was a flock of about forty
people all staring intently at him.
It's enough to unnerve any man,
or engineers for that matter too.
Joke Department.
And maybe we didn't witness a
nifty the other day. The foreman
came up from downstairs with a
story from the women's page which
was too long, and needed a deletion
of about two inches. Walking over
to one of the women's tryouts with
a prof in his hand, he asked her
to cut the story twO inches. "I'm
sorry," she is reported to have
answered, "But I haven't any
And maybe that doesn't consti-
tute grounds for continuing our
anti-coed campaign. Grrrrr.
,* *
Political Department.
We really had a lot of fun at the
election yesterday. We voted at
least three times, and are at pres-
ent waiting in fear, and awe, lest
the Student Council check up on
us. They certainly have a great
faculty for complicatedness. (Pretty
word, nest-ce-pas?) First they
have Daily editors out trying to
put the vote across (and that was
only because one of the editors bet
with one of his friends that the
vote would be 2,000) and then you
sign three or four papers, before
you can cast your vote. And then,
after you've voted, it takes about
fifteen minutes to get the ballot
into the box. As I understand it,
this vote means we will have no
more of that (or this, as the case
may be. Hurray!)
Gargoyle Typographical Error
. Department.
Observed on the front page of
our illustrious rival: "Pleasant.
Room-given to refined employed
or school girl in exchange for serv-
And then in our own scandal
sheet: "George Dusenbury, morning
editor of the 'Ensian."
Below is the Appreciation of the
University Department.


I IN lJ l L e


Play Production gave the first
performance last night of Herman
Heijerman's "The Good Hope," per-
formances of which will be given
tonight and every night next week
until Thursday. The play, a product
of that first-of-the century move-
ment in social drama better known
to us through the dramas of Haupt-
mann and, with a difference, of
John Galsworthy, is a slow-moving
but effective drama of the sea. The
old story of the men who fish and
the women they leave behind them
is deeply felt by the author, yield-
ing him, despite the leisurely pace,
some very rich drama. The produc-
tion is the best student work of
the year; a widely varied group of
characters aer all competently,
some briliantly, handled; and the
director's conception of the play is
consistently rich in the "intangi-
bles," rhythm and tone. The late-
ness of the play prevents longer
William E. Morgenroth molds his
clay with a very definite grace and
certainty of intention. His Brun-
hilde, a reclining nude female
figure although uncertain of divi-
sions in the sensuous surface, holds
charm in its languid grace. Graham
Shinnick stumbles on the problems
of form in his work but manages
to triumph with no small degree of
success by "getting across" the
spiritrof the thing which he wishes
to portray.
John C. Alehouse shows in his
work a sternness of conception, and
his modelling stands out because
of its versatility in planes, i. e., he
builds his figures up with an under-
taningof the valuation of inter-
secting planes. Mr. Hermon A. Mac-
Niel who was invited to act as the
critic for this year's display ex-
pressed a very favorable impression
of the works offered.
A Review by Cile Miller.
To visit the annual exhibition of
sculpture which was sponsored Sun-
day and Monday of this week by
the Division of Fine Arts and closes
today, was like viewing the virile
steel structure of an unfinished
building. Both hold much promise
of what is to come. Undoubtedly the
most satisfactory thing about the
entire show of students' work was
the evident understanding of the
unity of body po ' and spiritual
mood which the works exhibited.
There were the usual failings
which appear in immature work in
sculpture, but very fortunately none
of the works wavered under the
burden of a monopoly of these same
qualities. There were some who
lacked a clear distinction between
different sensuous surfaces; and in
fact on the whole this was the most
obvious deficiency in the exhibition
-the lack of tactile reaction. Oth-
ers fumbled in their manipulation
of form and came out with a slight-
ly flat result. Again there appeared
the common mistake of a slip in
the unity of proportion.
However, by no means do these
uncertainties in the handling of the
sculptor's medium condemn the
show as something merely greenly
amateurish. There is too much clear
conception and power of convic-
tion in all of the work to dismiss
it with a shrug-of-the-shoulder at-
titude on the grounds that it is the
doddling of beginners.
More than this there were few
pieces exhibited which could be
qualified as mere copies of the
model; in each work there appears
something which is individually

that of a young artist's personality.
Undoubtedly Elaine Brockman, a
graduate student, has the greatest
mastery over her medium and
hence the greatest power of real-
izing her original conceptions. Her
Brothers, a composition including
the nude figures of two youths
seated has a simplicity of design
which demandts attention, and the
understanding of the positions of
the body as instruments for the ex-
pression of mental attitudes stands
out in the work. Helen V. Bailey's
Bondage commands one's attention
for the sweeping lyrical quality of
its composition.
Arthur Hackett of the University
School of Music will, fill his fourth
engagement with the New York
Oratorio society when he will sing
the tenor role in the annual per-
formance of Bach's B Minor Mass
under the direction of Albert Stoes-
sel. The Mass will be sung in its
entirety. Professor Hackett has also
been engaged to sing the tenor role.
n Hadyn's Creation at the Spring-
ield Massachusetts May Festival
nd will again sing the Bach B

W 1




A Symbol of
Sugar Bowl
109 SO. MAIN

Cor. S. State and E. Washington Sts.
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, Minister
10:30 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Dr. Fisher

Cor. State and East Huron
12:00 Noon-Mrs. Fisher's class will
meet at Wesley Hall.
6:00 P. M.-Dr. John E. Martin
District Superintendent of the
Methodist Church will speak.

7:30 P. M. - Hill Auditorium.
Sherwood Eddy'
(Auspices-Student Christian
Allison Ray Heaps, Minister
Sunday, May ., 1931
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon topic: "So u r c e s of
5:30 P. M.-Student Fellowship so-
cial half hour.
6:00 P. M.-Fellowship supper.
6:30 P. M.-Prof. Ray K. Immel,
"The Making of Moving Pictures."
Huron and Division Sts.
Merle H. Anderson. Minister
Alfred Lee Klaer, Associate Pastor.
Mrs. Nellie B. Cadwell, Counsellor of
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon: "What is Normal in Re-
ligion?" by Rev. Alfred Lee Klaer.
12:00 Noon-Student Classes.
5:30-7:30 P. M.-Social Hour and
Young People's Meeting at the
Church House, 1432 Washtenaw
Avenue. Speaker: Dr. Howard R.
Chapman of the Baptist Guild on
"A patch of Blue Sky."
Washington St. at Fifth Ave.
E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor
9:00 A. M.-Sunday School.
10:00 A. M.-Service in German
10:30 A. M.-Servic withCsermon
on "The Unity of the Church."

MAY 10

7:00 P. M.-Social Hour.

Among the Best and at
Reasonable Prices
Lunches 40c, Dinners 60c
Sunday Dinner 75c

E. Huron, below State
R. Edward Sayles, Minister
Howard R. Chapman, Minister of
9:30 A. M.-The Church School.
Mr. Wallace Watt, superintendent.
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
"Hunger for Completion," Mr.
12:00 M.-University students at
Guild House.
Guild members will be guests of the
Presbyterian group at the Pres-
byterian Church at 1434 Wash.
tenaw Ave. at 6:00 p. m.
615 East University
Rabbi Bernard Heller
11:15 A. M.-Rabbi Heller will speak
on "Are the Jews a Chosen Peo-
4:30 P. M.-Lecture. Prof. Eustace
Haydon "A Humanist's Philosophy
of Life," Natural Science Audi-

I .



F 1I

Division and Catherine Streets
Reverend Henry Lewis, Rector
Reverend Duncan E. Mann, Assistant
8:00 A. M.-Holy Communion.
9:30 A. M.-Church School (Kin
dergarten at 11 o'clock).

(Evangelical Synod of N. A.)


Fourth Ave. between Packard and
t Williams
Rev. Theodore R. Schmale
9:00 A. M.-Bible School.

the middle of June and which will erman's article, see School and So-
house, when completed, the offices ciety for April 25, 1931, page 566.
of The Daily, the Michiganensian, The letter there by Professor J. K.
and the Gargoyle. l Hart of Vanderbilt University is
At the present time, the Univer- very instructive.
sity does considerable printing of It hardly seems fair that stu-
its own and of organizations closely, dents of a sister university should
allied with the University . This is be so willing to condemn an at-
the kind of work which will be tempt to better the educational
handled by the new unit. As was system of our colleges, that is so
made clear in the announcements woefully inefficient in so many as-
by President Ruthven, no attempt pects. Rather should they be in-
will be made to compete with es- terested in knowing the results of
tablished printing firms for the such an experiment, as officially
new building will be a publications reported, and in seeing that it is
office rather than a printing plant. made possible for more investiga-
University presses on a much tion, and improvement to be made
larger scale are operated by several in educational work.
of the schools throughout the coun- Very truly yours,
try. Among the foremost examples Howard G. Brown, '32L
of this type are Chicago university
and Princeton university. But these To the Editor:
offices are running under inherent Although there is little doubt
difficulties some of which are al- that by the time you get this letter
most insurmountable and which the students will have approved the
alone would make any university new Student Council plan, yet it is
hesitant about attempting too large not too late for me to suggest that
an extension of their plant. the Daily might have given a fair
Foremost of all the objections to amount of space to the negative
a University press on the scale of argument.
some of the offices is the difficulty Personally, as far as my own pol-
encountered in the proper and effi- itical aspirations go it makes no
cient distribution of the material difference one way or the other,
which is run off their presses. and furthermore I happen to know
Much of it consists of highly spe- that the BMOC's are supporting
cialized and scholarly matter, the the change because they consider
market for which is distinctly lim- the new plan as inactive as the old.
ited and hard to reach and which Politically speaking it was a fine
can be properly handled only by move because the average student
specialized companies. Many of likes to think that he is having a
these works require a very distinct share in student control. The whole
type of equipment which is not plan was inaugurated to give the
only costly but is also seldom used. students this feeling at a time when
The efficacy of this objection is it would not interfere with the per-
well borne out by the consistent sonal politics of certain BMOC's
refusal of some of the largest and who have subscribed their support.)


11:00 A. M.-Holy Communion.
Sermon by the Rev. Henry Lewis,
"Certainty in Religion."
6:00 P. M.-Student Supper.


I it

10:00 A. M.-Regular Service. Ser-
mon topic: "A Great Question
About Salvation."
11:00 A. M.-German Service with
7:00 P. M.-Young People's League.
Is music more than delux sounds
waves and can the May Festival be
more than an emotional dissipation?
Can music express a great idea and
serve as a lubrication for social
These questions will be discussed
Sunday morning by Harold P. Mar-
ley at the Unitarian Church at 10.45
under the topic:
Fellowship of Liberal Religion
State and Huron Streets


5:30 P. M.-Club
country home of
A. C. Stein.

meeting at the
Mr. and Mrs.


409 S. Division St.
10:30 A. M.-Regular Morning Serv-
ice. Sermon topic: "Everlasting
11:45 A. M.-Sunday School follow-
ing the morning service.
7.( AnAA m A_2 A.. c.-:-

9 JCJCN N' 6

Declares the universality of the Law
of Causation, maintaining that
"whatsoever a man soweth, that
shall he also reap" in this and in
all other worlds.

Third and West Liberty Sts.
C. A. Brauer, Pastor
Sunday, May 3, 1931
9:00GA. M.-Service with sermon
in German.
10:00 A. M.-Bible School.
11:00 A. M.-Morning Service in



ii ..


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