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May 02, 1931 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-05-02

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Prospective Students-
With Commencement exec-ises'
but a short time away, plans arei
being completed in the office of
Dean Edward H. Kraus for the Uni-
versity's thirty-eight annual Sum-
mer Session which opens June 29
in all schools and colleges of the
More than 700 courses will be
given on the campus as well as
special work at four camps in var-
ious parts of the country. l'ogether
with the academic work, an exten-
sive program of entertainment and
special educational features is be.-
ing planned by the officials. Spe-
cial lectures, p 1 a y s, inspection
tours, and excursions will be in-
cluded in the routine of the stu-
dents who attend the summer
Credit Given Toward Degree.
Courses will be arranged to meet
the needs of undergraduates,as
well as teachers throughout the
state, graduate students, and others
working for the higher degree. The
advanced students will have the
opportunity to attend a symposium
in theoretical physics, daily educa-
tional conferences, t h e public
health institute, special short cour-
ses and extensive research opor-
Excursions to Put-in-Bay, Lake
Erie, and Niagara Falls will be,
taken by students under the direc-
tion of Prof. William H. Hobbs, of
the geology department, who an-
nually conducts these trips of geo-
logical significance.'
Figures compiled in Dean Kraus'
office show that approximately 50,-
000 copies -of the abridged an-
nouncement for the 1931 session
have already been distributed. Fol-
lowing the session last year 414 de-
grees were given to summer stu-
dents. Eighty-eight of these per-
sons were previou's possessors of
Michigan degrees.
Faculty members for the 1931
session have been drawn from all
parts of the world to meet the
needs of advanced students, ac-
cording to Dean Kraus. Among
the eminent men who will tteach,
are Dr. Wolfgang Pauli, professor
of theoretical physics of the Uni-
versity of Zurich in Switzerland,
Dr. Arnold Summerfield, professor
of theoretical physics at the Uni-
versity of Munich, Germany, and
Dr. H. A. Kramers, professor of
physics in the University of Ut-z

Edward H. Kraus,
Dean of t-Ae Summer Session who
has completed the plans for the
University's thirty-eighth summer
term. He is also Professor of crys-
tallography and mineralogy, direc-
tor of the mineralogical laboratory,
and dean of the College of Phar-
Site for Camp Davis Considered
to be Located Amid Ideal
Camp Davis, University station
maintained by the engineering col-
lege to offer students instructionI
in practical surveying, at Jackson's
Hole, is located amid ideal sur-
roundings, according to Prof. Clar-
ence T. Johnson, of the geodesy'
and surveying department, under
whose supervision the camp will
be operated this summer.
Professor Johnson believes that
the country surrounding the camp
is the most beautiful in the United
"I have been to Europe, Alaska,
and South America," he said, "but
never have I seen such a variety
of scenery. The days are unusually
clear and without oppressive heat
and the nights are cool," he said.
Camp Davis is modernly equip-
ped with apparatus for surveying
as well as proper camp facilities.
Fifteen new buildings were erected
last year bringing the total num-
ber to 34. They accommodate 45
men. They include two office build-
ings, a store, a dark room, an in-
strument room, the mess hall, the
keeper's house, and a building for
lumber and supplies. The camp is
equipped with a gravity water sys-
tem, and an electric light plant,
showers, and a modern sanitary
sewage disposal system.
Many of the students to make
the trip from Ann Arbor go by au-

Botanical Gardens Will be Open
to Students in Genetics,
Systematic Botany.
Special facilities will be offered
this summer by the department of1
botany for research work in micro-
biology and plant pathology, and
physiology, as well as various other
courses of particular interest to the
graduate and undergraduate.
Work dealing with pollen analy-
tical methods, applied to the study
of postglacial climate plant migra-
tion and succession as revealed in
peat deposits, will also be under-
taken during the term. The botan-
ical gardens will be available to
advanced students who wish to con-
duct investigations in genetics or
systematic botany.
The courses offered by the de-
partment are designed to meet the
needs of students preparing for
entrance to the University, those
desiring to substitute summer work
for that of the regular years, and
those who are looking to the study
of pharmacy, medicine, forestry, or
dentistry, teachers in high schools
and colleges, and graduate students
working for the higher degrees.
Those competent to enroll for
higher degrees will be afforded an
opportunity to do work in botany
during the summer along the lines
best suited to their needs. Such
work, when satisfactoryily complet-
ed, will be accepted as a fulfillment
of the requirement for such degrees.
In order to secure the master's
degree by summer study, the stu-
dent must devote his time for four
summers to graduate work in bot-
any and related subjects, the dis-
tribution of his time to be arranged
by the department.
The class in mycology during the
1932 session will spend the summer
in field work in the Rocky moun-
tains. The party will be located
at some appropriate headquarters.
Work will be directed by Dr. Lewis
E. Wehmeyer. Those interested in
diversifying their botanical exper-
ience by a summer in the West are
urged by the department to enter
into correspondence with Dr. Weh-
Over 100 Courses in History
and Philosophy of Field
- Will be Given.
More than 100 courses will be of-
fered by the School of Education in
the philosophy and history of edu-
cation, in administration and su-
pervision, in psychology and men-
tal measurement, in vocational ed-
ucation and vocational guidance,
and in physical education during
the summer term.
The literary college and the
Graduate school will offer 300
courses, bringing the total number
of courses which will be given dur-
ing the 1931 Summer Session up
to 400.
The policy of offering a series of
educational conferences during the
summer will be continued this year
by the education school. Certain
phases of present-day problems in
education will be discussed by spe,
cialists in the fields involved, to be
supplemented by informal group
The conferences are for both reg-
ularly enrolled students and for
educators who can afford to spend
only part of their time at the Uni-
versity. There will be no formal
enrollment, and all sessions will be
Subjects which will be considered
by the conferences are vocational

guidance, elementary education,
administration and supervision,
pre-primary education, secondary
Slosson Will Address
International Forum
Prof. Preston W. Slosson will ad-
dress an International forum in the
upper Bible room of Lane hall at
3:30 o'clock Sunday afternoon on
"The Problem of Imperialism."

Speech Department f
Will Present Plays
Students of the Play Production
classes will offer seven weeks of
plays under the direction of the
speech department during the sum-
mer months, for the entertainment
of the students and members of
the faculty who spend the summer
in Ann Arbor.
The activities this year will be
directed by Thomas Wood Stevens,
author, dramatic critic and direc-
.tor, assistted by Valentine B. Windt,
director of the Play Production di-
vision of the University speech de-
Stevens is known nationally as
a leader in dramatic circles. He was
first dean of the school of drama "
at Carnegie Institute of Techno-
logy, which position he held for
10 years. Recently he was direc-
tor of the Goodman Memorial
theatre in Chicago.
The plays will be presented in
the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre
each Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
and Saturday during the first seven
weeks of the term. Season tickets
can be obtained at a small cost.
New Arrangement Will Permit
Wider Opportunities
to Students.
The School of Music will make its
second consecutive appearance this
June as a unit of the University
offering courses during the regular
eight-week summer term. During
the preceding 38 years, the school
offered instruction to students in
a summer session of its own.
The new arrangement makes it
possible for the school to offer
wider opportunities for cultural
contacts, and a more comprehen -
sive list of courses in the various
fields of musical instruction. Stu-
dents enrolled in the School of
Music during the summer may also
elect courses in the other colleges
of the University without paying
an additional fee.
Courses will be offered to meet
the needs of students who wish to
shorten the time necessary to com-
plete courses leading to the degree
in music; students in other schools
and colleges tvho wish to study
music for purely cultural purposes,
and those who wish to apply credit
earned for such study towards the
bachelor of arts or the bachelor
of science degrees.
Professional musicians, supervi-
sors of music in public schools, and
private teachers who wish to
broaden their training in a specific
subject or department will also find
courses especially fitted to their
The individual instruction cour-
ses range from elementary to ad-
vanced grades in piano, voice, or-
gan, and the principal orchestral
instruments. Methods of class in-
struction for beginners in piano are
offered, as well as class work for
adult beginners in string, wood,
and brass instruments.
There are no formal admission
requirements to the Summer Ses-
sion of this school. Courses will
be open to all persons qualified to
pursue them. Students from other
colleges and universities are re-
quired to present a statement from
an administrative offer showing
Sthat they are in good standing in
the institution from which they

new department of labor ruling,
barring industrial students from
colleges and universities of the
country, will not greatly affect this
university, according to registrar's

SUMMER FACULTY1 University to Give__SJLIER
High School Session
Courses will be offered again thisCRSE
year by the University High school
for pupils in the seventh, eighth,
54 Educational Leaders From and ninth grades. Students who Sommerfeld to
Other Universities to i are attending the Summer Session to Consid
will find it highly desirable to place
Offer Courses-jtheir children in the high school
during the summer term, it is
Michigan's 1931 Summer Session pointed out by a bulletin prepared In addition to
will have one of tthe largest facul- by the School of Education. courses, the phy
ties ever to take part in this term The work will include courses in offer a series of
at the University, as well as one English, fine arts, French, indus- throughout the
of the largest group of educators trial arts, Latin, mathematics, sci- under the er
to offer courses at any institution ence, social studies, and typewrit- t '
during the summer months. More ing: Emphasis will not be placed Prof. Arnold S
than 350 regular faculty members on credits, but on the quality of University of M
will offer courses together with 54 the workmanship. recent and impo
educational leaders from other The students will take education- of theoretical ;
universities in this country and al excursions to the museums, the cussed.
abroad. library, laboratories, the F o r d Special cour:
Among the nonresident faculty Museum of transportation at Dean- physics will be
members for the Summer Session born, and to other points of inter- R. Oppenheime
as announced by Dean Edward H. est in the vicinity of Ann Arbor. nia Institute o
Adair, history, McGill university, Class work will begin Wednesday George E. Uhle
Montreal, Que.; Prof. Thomas Ed- morning, July 1, and will continue versity, Prof. W
gar Atkinson, law, University of until Wednesday, Aug. 19. University of 2
Kansas; Prof. George Edmund Kramers, of
Briggs, economics, Brown univer- Utrecht, Prof.
sity; Prof. Herbert Blumer, socio- Otto Laporte, b
logy, University of Chicago. sity, andProfes
Keivin Burns, assistant directorr ses each summ
of the Allegheny observatory, Pitts- the students wh
burgh; Prof. J. Douglas Bush, Eng-~C only during the
lish, University of Minnesota; Prof. ---is conducted chi
Eugene Hugh Byrne, history, Uni- Two Five-Week Periods to be bers of the sta
versity of Wisconsin; Ruth E. Held; Credit Allowed augmented by
Campbell, swimming, New York from other ur
university; Prof. Clarence Leon for Graduation. search laborato
Clarke, education, Lewis institute, The Law scnool will be conducted a diversity of s
Chicago; Dean Wilford Lorn Coffey, by' the University from June 23 to of view may be
of the College of the City of De- Sept. 3, for the thirty-seventh sum-
troit. mer, according to an announce- UNIVERSITY
Vera S. Cooper, library work, En- ment prepared by the school. Class reduction for tI
och Pratt, Free library, Baltimore; work will be divided into two peri- colleges under s
Dr. William W. Cort, hygiene, Johns ods of five weeks each. ing considered
Hopkins university; Prof. Frank A students regularly enrolled in lature here.
Boyd Cotner, botany, Montana the session will be entitled to a
State- College of Agrl ulture; Prof. certificate of attendance.. Students
Charles W. qreaser, zo&.ogy, College who pass examinations may secure
of the City of Detroit; Prof. Alvin certificates showing the work pass-
C. Ewrich, psychology, University ed. Candidates for degrees will be CI(
of Minnesota; Prof. Vernr Clifford given credit towards graduation in
Finch, geography, University of the subjects passed.
Wisconsin. The law course which regularly
Prof. Pierre Joseph Frein, langu- requires three years may be com-
ages, University of Washington. pleted by attending three Summer
Prof. Frank Gates, taxonomy and Sessions and two regular years.
ecology, Kansas State Agricultural During the summer term instruc- U1o f
college; Jane Winifred Gibbons tion is given for the most part by
principal, Elisha Jones school, Ann members of the regular law fac-(NAdm
Arbor; Francis Goodrich, librarian ulty.
College of the City of New York; TYPEWRITER SCHOOL O
Jean Hall, physical education, De- REPAIRING Faculty Conce
troit public schools. All makes of machines. sky, Violinist, I
tomology,H ert i ungerford, en- Our equipment and per. cellist, Joseph
Pro.lgy, University o Knsas; s o n n e 1 are considered ~w Sunday, May
Prof. Albert Jacobs, law, Columbia among the best in the State. The result sohn Theatre.
university; Prof. 'Lydia I. Jones, of twenty yers'carfulauiling
dean of women, English, Ypsilanti;years careful buildg.
Prof. Marion Rice Kirkwood, law, 0. D. MORRILL RAYMOND
dean of the school ofelaw, Stanford 314 South State St. Phone 6615 8:15, Mendes
university; Prof. George Nichols,.
botany, Yale university; Prof. Fil- }STUDENTS'
mer ortrup 9 / I TUDNTra'Cr
niver Nthrup, philosophy, Yale rOR iKETS RESERVATIOS E of Nra Cr
unvrsiy hrday Ma
Prof. Willard Patty, education, Thursay,May
University of Indiana; Prof. Wolf- KUE BLER TRAYEL 8URE~ Music Auditor
gang Pauli, physics, University of ALL.MPOTT L CRS, PALMER CHI
Zurich, Switzerland; Prof. Benja- ASO NERAL INURANE AGNin Organ Re
mn Pittenger, educational admin-iOa RHl
istration, dean of the school at _eday,4:15, Hi l
University of Texas; Prof. Frank__ _ otherwise anno
M. Rarig, speech, chairman of de-
partment at University of Minnes- Your Own Home
ota; Prof. George Russell, phone-
tics, Ohio State university. Built exactly as you want it.
Lot 80x132 on Hermitage Drive,
NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY will build and finance to suit re-
-Former Mayor Thompson's pet liable purchaser.
jackass, Little Artie, has arrived Cooley & Nanry
on the campus here in prepara-
tion for his part in "Many Thanks." 2HFtAudBtorin
a 16

rec, t ioiian. to, according to professor John-
Offer Advanced Courses. _fston who stated that the camp is
It is the policy of a majority or I about 1,800 miles from here, a dis-
the departments offering summer i tance which requires about four
courses to vary the work so that or five days' driving.
all of the courses offered by the "There are hard roads from here
department during the regular to Nebraska," he said, "and an oil-
year will be covered in several suc- covered road to ock Springs,
cessive Summer Sessions. Wyo., which is located near the
camp. A new road is now being!
This is particularly advantage- completed from Rock Springs to
ous, according to Dean Kraus, for CampeDavis.
those who wish to do advanced In the vicinity of Jackson's Hole
work in a subject, since higher de-I are several "dude ranches" where
grees may be earned in whole or the students are able to obtain sad-
in part by attending several sum- die horses. Many of the engineers
mer terms. Three Summer Sessions spend their spare time climingthe
are usually sufficient for the mas- mountains in the vicinity, and
ter's degree for those who have each year a trip is taken to Yel-
their bachelor's degree from Mich- lowstone National park.
igan and four sessions for those _______N__nal __k.
having degrees from other institu-
tions. Similarly, several Summer Language Study Course
Sessions can be used advantage- t be Given in Summer
ously to meet in part the require- -____
ments for the doctor's degree. The work which will be offered
The greater availability of ap- this summer by the classical ar-
paratus makes the Summer Session haeolummertmentlassinat r-
a favorable time to begin research cheologyknowlartmet doGreeknot re-
problems, according to Dean Kraus. quie a knowledge ofr of
The smaller classes, the experienc- Latin, although a knowledge of
ed staff, and a climate generally them is highly desirable.
conductive to study contribute to The large collection of lantern
make the work of the cummercom- slides and photographs owned by
pare favorably with that of the the University makes it possible to
regular session, he said. illustrate all the courses offered by
the department fully.
University Golf Course
Will be Added Feature I Comn)ete Line of


(As illustrated)

F j'gy'uhinr

Golfing on the new University
course will be a an added feature
of attraction to students attending
summer school, as well as the use
of automobiles for recreational pur-
For the privilege of playing on
the course students and faculty
will pay a nominal fee of 50 cents


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