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April 04, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-04-04

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. _-

Published every morning except Monday
uring the University year by the Board in
'ontrol or Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
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Chairman Editorial Board
FRANK E. COoPERx, C ity Eu
gews Editor ...............Gurney Williams
ditorial Director ......Walter WV. Wilds
ports Editor............oseph A. Russell
Vomen's Editor ..........Mary L. Behymer
(usic. Drama, Books.........Win. J. Gorman
Lesistant City Editor.......Harold 0. Warrer'
Assistant News Editor......Charles R. Sprowl
relegraph Editor..........George A. Staute,
Gopy Editor TWr Pypet

S. Beach Conger
Carl S. Forsythe
David M. Nichol

John D. Reindel
Charles R. Sprowl
Richard L. Tobin
Harold U. Warren

Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kenned
Charles A. Sanford

*homas M. Cooler
Morton Frank
Saul' Friedberg
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Roland Goodman
Morton Helper
Bryan Jones
Denton C. Kunze
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Ruth Gallmeyer
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can Levgc
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Wilbur J. M ere
Brainard W. ies
Robert L. Pierce
Richard Racine
erry E. Rosenthal
George A. Stauter
Tohn W.Thomas
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Harry R. Beglei
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William Morgan
Richard Stratemelief
Noel D. uproaer
Byrou C. Veddee

nn W. Verner
arian Atran
elen Bailey
sephine Convissu
[axing Fishgrund
orothy LeMire
orothy Laylin

Sylvia Millet
Helen Olsen
Mildred Postal
Marjorie Rougb
Mary E. Watts
Johanna Wiese

Whatever her policy, she will even
tually find herself completely iso-°
lated commercially unless she comes
to terms soon.
Contributors ae asked to be brief, Henry Cowell, himself one of the A Review.
confining themselhes to less tha. 300
words if possible. Ano'nymous corn- "yugrdcas''pk to a hand- ,Mn n ro
nunications will be disregarded. The young radicals, 'spoke Many Ann Arbor people took ad-
names of communicants will, however, ful of people last night with such vantage of Ossip Gabrilowitsch's
be regarded as confidential, uponl re- ln-tde nepeaino
quest. Letters published should not be logic (his delightful drollery never long-studied mterpretation of a
construed as expressing the editorial wok i hich th raet uia
opinion of The Daily. concealed that) that even the most, r in which thegread mial
_________________________fatuous conservative in that hand- art in music's history paid homage
To the Editor: ful will be less liable to use the to the greatest story in the history
ridiculous term "young radical" of religions. Mr. Gabrilowitsch re-
Usually the letters in the Campus again. With the most pertinent and quested dark clothing. He perhaps
Opinion column are so stupid as to most amusing citations from mu- meant that as a symbolic insistence
be neglected entirely. Especially all sic's amazing history he showed that we think ourselves back into
the noise about the recent campus how stubbornly conservative a an age when the human values of
liquor deal -sometime, perhaps, sense-organ is the ear; and how Christ's life were felt more pro-
we'll all stop talking about it. But stubbornly musical innovators in foundly than they perhaps are felt-
Thursday's "Daily" carried a letter the past have fought that conserv- y even the most sincere today.
th atism to gain the stage of develop-Bach, the humble cantor Thomas
whichseems to be the prize of tem mnthh nKirche by the insurpassable vital-
allaboe te iitils . D w. ment which contemporary conserv-
all, above the initials W. D. W. atives so ignorantly assume con- ity and strength of his musical
If a man commits a murder, and tains nothing that is not normal imagination achieved in the "St.
is found guilty, does he complain and sane and self-evident. In the -Matthew Passion" a sublimation of
that it was none of the business of .particular case of the history of the deepest impulses of the me-
the police? If there is a robbery, harmony, he showed that the only diaeval spirit. The greatest living
and someone is found with the loot intelligent definition of a "concord" Bach scholar, assures us that all
' in his possession, does he believe it is that a "concord" is a sound which of Bach's religious music reveals
smart to "ride" the police, and call sometime in the history of music an intense devotion to the per-
them misguided? Why must a 1li was so persistently written by mu- sonality of Jesus." Is there inany
quo vilatr asue "ottmitun" sial innovators that, through other art a more profound sym-
quor violator assue"Gott mit unstobpathy with Jesus and the life of
when he is hauled out and found sheer familiarity, it camnetob{
ted as pleasant. Jesus than the St. Matthew Pas-
to be in possession of liquor? If the aceptsion? This music is full of sorrow
police institute the raid, it is "none But, I take it from Mr. Cowell's and tenderness and drama because
of their business if Dean Rae, or Bach th st felt Chst th
some other campus, official attempts other writing, he thinks musical e mystic ris e
to get at the seat of the trouble, history has a somewhat more con- Man. It is full of strength and
he is said to be instituting a "spy" sistent development than he made gravity and nobility and a whole
system, and lowering the moral quite clear last night. In his book philosophy of life because Bach the
standing of the campus. How many and several published articles, he Christian believed in Christ the
students would consider themselves conceives the development of Eur- God. That the music of a man,
"squealers"and ses, if they were opean music to be primarily the who thus felt and believed, can
-asked if they saw 6 certain murderdvlpeto hroy amn evoke in s-who may for the
or petty robbery being committed? development of harmony: harmony eoken bs-wo m aafor
, Of course, "that's different." It becoming more and more tomp h- moment be considered pagans-
happens to be another one of the cated while melody has remained I the complete range of emotions and
laws, that's all. If our smart young comparatively isimple and rythm resolve them into the serenity of
e puppies of the modern colleges has been completely atrophied. comprehension is the most eloquent
, think it proper to ride rough-shod That history of harmony has been evidence of Christianity's complete-
a over police 'who attempt enforce- an acceptance (by the process of ness as a religion. A first experience
ment of a law, there seems to be a familiarization which he illustrat-1 of the "Saint Matthew's Passion"
i lot of chance for a bunch of even ied of smaller and smaller inter- had for me as tremendous a mean-
Sworse prosecutors and jurists in- ings that
the courts of the future than there vals. And moreover, the intervalsig as
are at present. The law profession which have been accepted have Of Mr. Gabrilowitsch's interpre-
is the closest to the actual correc- been accepted in the order in which tation there are a few definite
tion of vice, hence the mention of they occur in the overtone scale. things to be said. He .himself stated
it-no insult is intended to any Now the most fundamental inter- -, the problem in a letter to the New
school or group on the campus. vals in the harmony of Schonberg York Times two years ago: "The
Why a student can assume that he mark the intervals between the principal problem for the director
has even the moral right to soak15thand 16th overtones. That in- is how to reconcile the dramatic
upon" aiyoe tty he mayoseterval happens to be the last inter- elements with the lyrical elements;
Boon," im order that he may lose
all motor control, offend others val in the overtone scale which can which to stress at the expense of
with his foul breath, and spew his be played by any Western instru- the other." The principle which
vomit in the gutter or wash-basin, ment. So that with the acceptance has governed his cutting of the
is more than a few of us can under- of Schonberg (which one can pre-I score is the desire to produce a
stand. That remains to be decided, dict will be soon, if it ,has not al- swift, dramatic narrative. His exe-
of course. At present the question ready occurred) Western Music cution of that intention was coher-
r, is one of whether .or not it is the seems to have reached some sort ent and completely valid. To do it,
business of the police to "mcon- of an impasse with reference to its he had to cut a lot of good music
venence" law violators. There hav main line of development (the de- (bmost of the Chorales, several of
- in times past, as there no doubt velopment of harmony Iujp theIthe arias, and parts of the arias
will be in the future. The students overtone-series"). which were included). It should be
n then should "stay mad" at the po- --recognized that the version given
- lice, and let them have no hand in Henry Cowell firmly believes (and Idoes not present the structure Bach
e apprehending the criminal, or re- he and his own work is a fine ex- conceived. The whole structure of
covering the watches and other ample) that the so-called musical the "St. Matthew Passion" as it ap-
goods which the thief takes with modernists, at least the more seri-
Ls him. It is no business oken. iou f them, are devoting much pears in the score is to alternate
Sthat a law has been broken. stus f ht this apr rent a presentation of the crises in
- Too many students, even of thes andhougxtno. thihip en- Christ's life through dramatic nar-
d class of '31, are too young to re- barrier to expansion. They have al- rative with the lyrical presentation
p member the cause of passage of the ready indicated several ways out. of the Christian's reaction to those
- prohibition laws. The saloon is a From the aspect of harmony, there events (through t h e Chorales,
e thing which is read about, only, has been the work with quarter- which were based on old hymns
nowadays, as far as most under- tones (which, of course, necessitates w b on
e and were sung by the congrega-
g graduates are concerned -some- the building of new instruments) tion, and through the arias). Exi-
g thing like the griffin and unicorn, which began with Haba and has gie of tim e e iae Etig
o which we all know really didn't gained the interest of a many other gescies.otime n ssir. ecutting
exist at all. It's just something to And there has been the the score. So that Mr. Gabrilowitsch
dn frighten little children, and nowa- gmajorspart 0f ofrel's onh cuts consistently, giving nearly all
8, days our children grow up young, wajorkprtes cf Mr. Colell oht sof thesnarrative and the necessary
of 'and aren't easily frightened. ton H-cluste scrias a "new type of minimum of lyricism (the magni-
e The misfortune of it all is that n r" n
The~h mifrun fitalistaI fi d usa i_ ficent opening antiphonal chorus',

onl fie ratrntie wee nco- armony, w cn n m zuii,
y only five fraterestingnandcnecessary." Nearly the final threnody, and a few of
- venienced. That has been said be- etestig, an ee the Chorales); and there is no
i- fore, of course, by the same people anyone of the numbers he played quarrel with him.
1 who tried to challenge the legality last night justified that claim, I qr. wihim.
n of the warrants. Only one boot- think, especially the quite marvel- Mr. Gabrilowitsch gave form to
ln egger list was found, and his cus- lous "The Harp of Life." He spoke his interpretation by a dramatic
t tomers were taken into camp. of "tone-clusters" as satisfying the treatment of pace and phrasing and
d Imagine what a stir would have re- urge for more resilient harmonies, nuance. No resource of tone or ac-
e sulted if there had been a whole for fuller chords. As far as I can cent seemed denied to the chorus
- batch of warrants issued on suspi- defiwhich was admirably flexible and
is cion, and all the houses were found dfne it, it seems to be the use of wihwsamrbyfeil n
s onan aboohe? Perhas a tou-d an aggregate of sound (not just a sensitive. Of the solo performances,
-to contain booze. Perhaps a thou- f t btavrdfnt Mr. Crook's exemplary treatment of
sand men could have been charged mess of notes but a very definite M.Cokseepayteteto
is with possession o liquor, at that construction of sound) which when recitative was outstanding. It is
_ same time. But when these same given as a background of sound for probably one of the great tenor
thousand men get away from the a melody gives the notes of that achievements of the day. His Evan-
glamor of the campus, where the melody new richness of tone and gelist was impassioned, tender, pro-
audience isn't quite so large, and overtone-value. The basic idea of poetic; at all times there was the
d where no premium is placed on his innovation seems to be the do- utmost sensitivity to the words;
i- cuteness, they will stop the beer- f sire to make more audible by using and in all moods his voice remained
- swilling, no doubt. the clusters the over-tone values of incomparably pure and "beautiful."
o There remains the cause of alltheue ne The Bass gave the Saviour's utter-
Lthis discussion. Unemployment inl the fundamentals in the melody TeBs aeteSvorsutr
icAnn A isit toyme played simultaneously with them. ances with dignity and gentleness
s tudent of the University- -many It seems a perfectly scientific pro- and without excessive pathos. Mar-
. of them are affected by unemploy- cedure.- Last night's program of garet Matzenaue (either because
- ment at home, and many more will pieces showed the variety of effects she was out of form or the part
f be even more closely connected with of which it was capable-and I often out of her range) was quite
e, it after graduation. That, I be- don't think even the most starling sloppy, her pitch anything but ac-
- lieve, is no business of the campus. effect in that program was either curate and her tone-quality under-
- But law enforcement is the busi- unpleasant or incomprehensible, going irrational transformation
y nes of police, and why they should Ma f them-such as the trans_ every few measures or so.
be condemned if they don't confine an of the such as the trans- e-s
-_ it to parking tags and runnin g position of the effect on the eye of
a through red lights isamore than huge electric-light signs to an effect handicap of conveying different
any logical person can understand. on the ear-very unique and per- emotions in the same metre); and
- Perhaps the same sort of thing is fectly realized. the later experiments (of which one
- found when we have to prosecute Other musical modes of prograss of Mr. Cowell's compositions was an
e a gang of machine gun wielders for which Mr. Cowell indicated were example and which are the basis
- violations of the income-tax laws, the experiments in "d i s s o n a n t for all the music of Varese) in
y, others. Whether it is really "better counterpoint" (being made by Carl "rythmic harmony," that is, of
y t sW ha Roo) in which intervals recon- "harmonizing" different metres. us-


& C o m p a n y , In . V S M N
Orders executed on al ex-
changes. Accounts carried
on conservative margin.
Telephone 23271



Among the Best and at
Reasonable Prices
Lunches 40c, Dinners 60c
Sunday Dinner 75c


Night Editor-BEACH CONGER, J
Every so often European mon
archists revive an anti-Republica
whispering campaign, fill the pap
ers for several weeks with scar
stories about the attempted retur
of one of the overthrown monarch
to his throne, and then the popu
lar governments settle down to an
other long stretch of uninterrupte
republicanism. The latest gossi
which has been heard to some ex
tent on the continent is that th
former Austrian royal family, th
Hapsburgs, have been negotiatin
with France for their return ti
Ever since the former Crow
Prince Otto reached the age of 1:
there have been repeated rumorso
a coup d'etat which would plac
him on his father's throne. The
have, however, amounted to noth
ing more than the usual ant
republican propanganda. At time
extreme members of the Germa
National party have thought tha
the presidency of Hindenburg woul
ultimately result in a return of the
Hohenzollern family. A recent dis
patch from Paris indicated plan
by royalists to overthrow the re
publican administration in 1935
Greece has also had its periodi
spasms of recurrent monarchism
all of these have amounted to nothl
Some of the more far-sighte
diplomats see in the Franco-Austri
an story, however, the latest at
tempt of the French government t
fight the Austro-German economi
union, which it fears will eventual
ly blossom into a political alliance
Should the royal family be return
ed to power, under the auspices o
the French government as it were
it might refuse to continue nego
tiations with. Germany on the sub
ject, in spite of the economic unit
of the two countries.
Whether or not Austria, and per
haps Hungary, needs or wants
return to the monarchist govern
ment, is a moot question. Never
theless, in the whole matter of th
proposed Union, France has main
tained her usual selfish attitud
under the plea of national safety


Cor. S. State and E. Washington Sts.
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, Minister
6:30 A. M.-Sunrise Communion
10:30 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Dr. Fisher
There will be no evening service.
Allison Ray Heaps, Minister
Sunday, April 5, 1931
10:45 A. M.-Easter Service. Special
at the organ. Mr. Heaps will
Easter music with Palmer Christian
speak on the subject "Let Not
Your HearthBe Troubled."
5:30 P. M.-Stude t Fellowship So-
cial Hour with supper.
6:30 P. M.-Illustrated address by
Mr. Heaps on "The King of
Kings." One hundred colored
stereopticon slides from motion-
tion production bearing the same

i - - - - - - - - - - - -- _ I


Cor. State and East Huron
The Wesley Players, under the di-
rection of Miss Blossom Bacon
will present an Easter play, Magda,
by Ethel Gesner Rockwell.
7:00 P. M.-Social Hour.




r 11 1
k a"" j

thec hurches


E. Huron, below State
R. Edward Sayles, Minister
Howard R. Chapman, Minister of
9:45 A. M.-The Church School.
10:45 A. M.-Special Easter Music.
An Easter message by Mr. Sayles.
12:00 M.-University Student Group
meets at Guild House. Mr. Chap-
man in charge.
5:30 P. M.-The Friendship Hour.
6:30 P. M.-Students of College of
Engineering will be in charge of
7:00 P. M.-The Church School
Easter Program will be given
in church auditorium.
615 East University
Rabbi Bernard Heller
11:15 A. M.-Regular Sunday Serv-
ice. Chapel of Women's League
Building. Rabbi Bernard Heller
will speak on "Significance of


I -

Huron and Division Sts.
Merle H. Anderson. Minister
Alfred Lee Klaer, Associate Pastor.
Mrs. Nellie B. Cadwell, Counsellor of
7:00 A. M.-Easter Morning Devo-
tional Service and Brieakfasti at
Church House, 1432 Washtenaw
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Special Easter Musical Program.
Sermon on "A Rendezous With
Life." Public Welcome of new
12:00 Noon-Student Classes.
5:30 P. M.-Social Hour for Young
6:30 P. M.-Young People's Meet-
ing. Leader, Dr. Anderson. Sub-
ject: "And then What?"

Division and Catherine Streets
Reverend Henry Lewis, Rector
Reverend Duncan E. Mann, Assistant
7:00 A. M.-Holy Communion.
9:00 A. M.-Festival Morning
Prayer, Holy Communion. Ser-
mon by the Reverend Duncan E.
11:00 A. M.-Festival Morning
Prayer, Holy Communion. Sermon
by the Reverend Henry Lewis.
4:00 P. M.-Church School Easter
7:45 P. M.-Easter E v e ns o n g.
Preacher the Reverend Henry

(Evangelical Synod of N. A.)
Fourth Ave. between Packard and
Rev. Theodore R. Schmale
9:00 A. M.- Bible School.
10:00 A. M.-Easter Morning Serv-
ice with special music. Sermon
topic: "The Victorious Life Power
of Jesus."
11:00 A. M.-German Service with
6:30 P. M.-Fellowship Supper with
Easter program for the League.



Washington St. at Fifth Ave.
E. C. Stellhorn, Pastor
9:00 A. M.-Sunday School.
9:00 A. M.-Sunday School and
German Service.
10:30 A. M.-Morning Service.
"Easter Sunday. Sermon: "The
Empty Tamb."
5:30 P. M.-Student Fellowship and
6:30 P. M.-Student Forum. Resur-
rection will be discussed.
7:30 P. M.-Easter service of songs
and reading.
409 S. Division St.
10:30 A. M.-Regular Morning Serv-
ice. Sermon topic: "Unreality."
11:45 A. M-Sunday School follow-
:n -t} ..-:- Z.,, .. a mm,


7:30 Sunday


Mr. Wilfred Sellars
"European Youth
Social Order."

will talk on
and the New

10:45 Sunday
Regular Church Service.
We Die Without Hope."
by Rev. H. P. Marley.


Brings hope to the hopeless, show-
ing that no effort is ever wasted,

Fellowship of Liberal Religion
State and Huron Streets
Third and West Liberty Sts.
C. A. Brauer, Pastor
Easter Sunday, April 5, 1931
9:00 A. M.-Service with sermon
in German.
10:00 A. M.-Bible School.

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