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April 04, 1931 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1931-04-04

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T'H 1 10..t4lr.AT--J


A A AA, I A A %. A AA.v \ A.. h 1.L A

Midget Planes in Auto's Price
Class Will be Exhibited
at Annual Event.

Fast Aircraft Similar to That
Owned by Lindbergh Will
Also be on Display.
DETROIT, April 3.-(P)-Ameri-
ea's newest creations for sky travel,
ranging from midget planes to
monster transports, will .make th. ir
debuts at the national aircraft show
April 11-19 in Detroit.
Ninety-five craft, the majority
catering to the private and sport
flier, will be displayed-some mark-
ing refinements over old designs
while others will typify radical de-
-To&Ie Held at Airport.
'The event will be the industry's
sole mhajor exposition for the year.
It will be staged in Detroit city air-
port hangar, where 200,000 square
feet have been provided Jor planes
and more than 100 accessory ex-
hibits, and in a tented annex.
Sponsored by the Aeronautical
Chamber of Commerce ,and the De-
troit board of commerce, the show
will usher in a widespread sales
program after a period of depres-
sion when most manufacturers con-

a glmpseof te caket
------ -- - -- --
- -- -
- socae Pes ht
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Associated Press teehtPhwnhteseeaohcaorira ttinwe h ak t ain h
body of Knute 'Rockne, beloved Notre Dame f66tball coach, arrived fhere en route to South Bend. A crowd
estimated at more than 15,000 jammed -the strets 'ors ,dl sides of the station pushing and struggling for
aglimpse of. the casket.

Debate Which La, s FouT Heurs
Draws Many to House;
Wardell Leads Wets.
LANSING, Apr. 3. - ,) - 1^e
auestion of whether the peOple
shall vote on the prohibtion issue
j in 1932 was mere vividly before the
legislature today than it has acen
in many years.
In a public hearing Thursday
night which packed the floor and
the galleries of the house and drew
wet and dry orators from rany
parts of the state the question was
debated vigorously and at length.
The forum started at 8 o'clock and
lasted until midnight. Representa-
tive Robert D. Wardell of Detroit
headed the wet forces. The dry
program was directed by R. N.
Holsapple, superintendent of the
Michigan Anti-Saloon league.
The wets pleaded that a change
would solve the problem of tax-
ation and bring prosperity and im-
prove the morals and habits of the
people. The drys insisted prohibi-
tion had been a huge success when
compared to the old days of saloon
domination and that if it is dis-
carded prosperity will disappear.
The measure under debate was
a resolution sponsored by Wardell
proposing a constitutional amend-
ment to wipe out the bone dry
clause in the fundamental law by
permitting the possession and con-
sumption of liquor in homescor
places of abode. If adopted by the
legislature, the amendment would
be voted upon in the general elec-
tion in November, 1932.
The change would have no effect
upon Michigan unless the federal
prohibition law or constitution, is




centrated on engineering research.
The fruits of their work, n pro- Seven Years Required to Quarry out of Utah sandstone was a good-
oting speed a creasing stengh UI119L1Skeleton From Utah Rocks; sized quarrying job. Drills were
and t th sam tie lihtenng_ used to separate the rock that en-
structures, and refining commercial Iron Framework Used. csed te bones into fragments that
craft for more efficient perform- Professor Hanko Uses Scientific could be moves Fty thosad
ance in carrying loads, will be WASHINGTON, April 3. --()- coed be moved. Fifty thousand
~ac ncryn odwl eSystem in Foretelling.WSIGO, pi P pounds of rock had to be carted
shown together for the first time. y g "Diplodocus Longus," dumb but dig- to Washington to get the 2,000
An appeal to pleasure fliers will Java Quake. nified giant of the dinosaur family, pounds of bones in the skeleton.
be made with a host of midget and aIis the newest exhibit at the Nation- Men have been working since
light airplanes, introducing partic- PECS, Hungary, April 3. -(-P)-- al museum. 193 chp te rormg the
,Aarly two-passenger open cockpit Professor Martin Hanko, who pre- Reassembling.e a 123, chippmig the rock from the
craft in the class of medium-priced dicted and placed the Java earth- gantic task. It has taken seven It is delicate, tedious work, for the
automobiles. quake, hopes to be able to warn of years to quarry his skeleton out of bones are brittle and the rock hard
Small Planes Featured, quakes in time to save whole popu- the Utah rocks and mount it on An iron framework has been built
Among the newest and smallest ions. the iron framework for its support. to support the skeleton, shaped to
plhes will be the twin-seat Cur- So far, however, he is unable to Diplodocus couldn't help being fit the contours of each bone.
1 iss-Wright Junior with a 35-horse- I predict the time and place with dignified, for his skeie-on measures
power engine, new Aeroncas, the sufficient precision, and until he has 75 fcct from nose to tail, loge
featherweight American Eaglets, perfected his theory is unwilling to than a r:ilroad coach. He is be-
and the Buhl Bull Pup. disclose its princcidles. (ieved to have weighted 15 tons Or
Heavier craft with new refine- The Java earthquako, for exam- more, as much as whole herd c
ments will include the three-pas- ple, came on January 21. Professor elephants, and fred no livi; J
senger low-wing Barling mono- Hanko had predicted a cuake be- I thing.
planes of Nicholas-Bealey, four au- tween the 19th and 21st in the re- !jBU a6 o-k elepha t could ea 1-
to gyros, the two-place Mercury, gion of the western extension of the ly lase , , rted a whole herd of
and a score of others for sport or Pacific, probably Japan or the Lst diplodoe' scientsts sy. The brain Additional Objections to Federal
private use. Indian a:schipelago.of dpoou;\a on h iao n'sVie
Faster and heavier types, some India Achori op.oe a of diiamn' .thenses Voiced by Members
of which will be a fourth larger calculations, earthquakes should .)il.dcus was one of therof Both Parties.
than now in service, will include occur periodically and with an as- memb :s of th e extin t na
the newest Lockheeds, fast planes tonishing exactituAe in the differ- famiy, and v" as truly arepti WA3HIIGTON, Apr. 3.-(U -Ad-
similar to the one owned by Col. ent parts of the world. He has es-k as any n ke, f-e or v'' ao' bice su to a tax increase
Char s A. lmetal low-w northrop tablished a record of foretelling a perts z; V aaie inemaers 0± v in the air today as the treas-
in monoplane with pen cockit for any whin a of only family L.id ,Is domos~r - t:y pareds
Alphaopanaeitalowngcab-torone or two d y-. nJao.Y to raise expense
the pilot; Ford, Stinson, and Fok- mtaoney throu h new securities.
k ts t d hib To test the corectaness of hi:; sys- DiplodocUS r oablycwer,
er ranspors, an many amp -em he worked back to the greatest even a t the coconut-si !The expected $700,000,000 deficit
ions. r kd ound in the Gobi grew more probable with latest
The accessory display will inlude earthquakes of history and oned diras y ro n n deGsury statements showing in-
more, than, a dozen engines, pro- thttehso, at onie 1S~b io hpa n~xs
muers, including a Hamilon con- with the results of his system of says Dr. Charles W. Gilmore, a- conmc tax collections for March
p sleontologist f the musemn . $224,67C00 below those for last
trollable, aerial photography ex- calculation.-. Gmere -r t D msW.Gy .
hibits, and airport and radio equip- Profesesor Hanko is 62, and las l Ja a W. Gidley, year.
n cureor of aAnnt)logy, are super- At the same time House Repub-
ment. been for the be,_,t part of his career' *-Pi.n he>rLeader' o
Heading the show as chairman of professor at the former Naval Acad- _I e skeleton. ican Leader Tilson said he saw no
Lip odocus rlrobblyxh could' swim, necessity for a tax increase by thae
the board is Edward S. Evans. Ray emy of Hungay at Flume, where sbutpno s ofb; i c swhi next cness e addcedas b t
Cooper is manager.President Hoo- he taught physics and mathematics. around ha w-e}nm; bit Jug off mouth- should be the care of the next con-
ver has been invited to attend a -__-- fuls of gt raand Dl ants. His os-gress iaot to make necessary the
pre-view of the exposition. CIRCOLO 'TA! ANO tiils \ cc in iis forehead, a con- levying of new taxes."
TO PRESENT PLAY venience when grazing in mud and Senator Harris of Georgia, rank-
Sandzen to be Guest dcuiRE EtogUaalera ing Democrat on the senate appro-
Pror E. LockelthFalcone Will Present b O roa rough Utah 1 rations committee, likewise joined
of Professor . Lorch Hackettou10 rilo ea ago, when ponents of proposed further de-
Birgen Sandzen, professor of art Muscal Selections, that ectiLn w-s swamp land and rands on taxpayers. He said he
history and director of the art , the foy lountains were unborn, believed his party would co-operate
school at Bethany college, Linds-1 Circolo Italiano, Italian students Says Dr. Chmore. to hold down appropriations at the
borg, Kan., will be the guest pro- society. will present a "scrata mus- Digin the bones of dipiodocus next session.
fessor of painting during the Sum- icale-dramatica" Tuesday night ~ - -After a conference with the pre-
mer Session, Prof. Emil Lorch, headaj the Laboratory theatre. A one-act sident, Tilson agreed withs
of the Architectural college, .an- comedy 'Chi non Prova non Cred" . that no more money would be
nounced yesterday. will be shown, while both Nicholas in Ann Arbor Election needed for operations of the farm
Sandzen, who is known for his D. Falcone, director of the band board, which he said "has failed"
work in oils depicting nature es- Iand Prof. Arthur Hackett, of the (Continued from Page 1) tostailizej riets

so proud ofjny ELECTROCHEF
ttas how jt to everyone

pecially western scenes, has re-
ceived considerable mention from
critics all world over, and is recog-
nized as a modern and independent
artist. He also is noted for his water
colors, lithographs, etchings, and
wood engravings.
Coming to the United States in
1894, Sandzen has been with the
Bethany faculty ever since, except
for several European trips. He has
studied under Erlandson, Zorn, and
Bergh in Sweden, as well as Aman-
Jean in Paris.
Circulo Espanol of Wabash are
making an intense study of the cus-
toms and habits of the Spanish
people. In addition they are study-
ing some of the less serious plays
and skits of some of the better,
known Spanish playwrights.

music school, will render instru-
mental and vocal selections.
The play will be the first to be
presented entirely in the Italian
language in Ann Arbor. The plot
concerns a timid lover, a confident
heroine and the resultant happy
ending. Tebaldi Checchi, is the au-
thor of the play.
Richard Humphreys, '31, will play
"Orazio," Frances H. Joy, '31, will
have the part of Annetta, Dorata
will be acted by Thomas Lo Cicero,
'33L, while Theresa Romani, '33, will
have the part of Rina.
The club itself is composed of a
majority of students who are not
Italian but who are studying the
language. Meetings are held regu-
larly every month at which read-j
ings, musicals and other social
functions are given.1

interest during the past two weeks.j
Both have made political speeches
at various party gatherings.
Another city office which will
hold interest is the presidency of
the city council, a post which Hora-
tio J. Abbott, Democrat, and Albert
L. McDonald, Republican, seek.
Abbott for a number of years has
been actively identified in Demo-
cratic circles. McDonald is seeking
his first public office.
In the race for city clerk, Fred
C. Perry, Republican incumbent, is
opposed by Arch D. Miles, Demo-
crat. Herbert W. Crippen, city asses-
sor for 16 years, is unopposed.
Seeking the office of justice of
the peace are Harry W. Reading,
Republican, and Harold D. Golds,
Democrat. In the primary, Reading
defeated Bert E. Fry, present in-

4 t; AGO(li p llVfl).
The Harris forecast was that ex-
penses can be reduced sufficiently
to forestall a tax increase. He sup-
ported the view of Chairman Jones
of the senate appropriations com-
mittee that bonds should not be
issued to meet the deficit. Repub-
licans .who controlled both the
house and senate last session, he
asserted, should get any blame
there was for extravagance.
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