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February 19, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-02-19

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"TfI ,,RDAV. 'F:RP.TTAP V 10. I n'qt

Published every morning except Monday
durng the Uaiversity year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published


Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage.granted by Third Assistant Post-
ma18ter General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by tmail, $4.50.
Oflices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard
Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Board
FAwx E. COOPER, City Editor
News Editor ...............Gurney Williams
Editorial Director..........Walter W. Wilds
Sports Editor ............. Joseph A. Russell
men's Editor..........Mary L. Behymer
Xusic."Drama, Books........Win. J. Gorman
Assistant City Editor....... Harold 0. Warren
ssistant News Editor...... Charles R. Sprowl
Telegraph Editor ..........George A. Stauter
Copy Editor...................Wm. F. Pypei

S. Beach Conger
r S$. Forsythe
avid. M. Nichol

John D. Reindel
ichard L. Tobin
Harold 0. Warren

Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy
Robert Townsend
.E. Bush Wilbur J. Meyers
omrtis M. Cooley ]3rainard W. Nies
1.ortan Frank Robert L. Pierce
Saul Friedberg Richard Racine
y~ank B. Gilbreth Theodore T. Rose
ack Goldsmith Jerry E. Rosenthal
Moland Goodman Charles A. Sanford
MortnHelper Karl Seiffert
Edgar Hornik Robert F. Shaw
~aes Johnson Edwin M. Smith
ran Jones George A. Stauter
eRtonC. Kunza John W. Thomas
Pawers Moulton john S. Townsend
Eileen Blunt Mary McCall
'lsie Feldman Margaret O'Brien
Ruth Gallmeyer Eleanor Rairdon
Emily G. Grimes Anne Margaret Tobin
je an Levy_ Margaret Thompson
orotuy Magee Claire Trussell
Telephone 21214
T. HOLLISTER MABLEY, Business Manager
KASPER Fk. HALVERSON, Assistant Manager
Advertising .. . Carles T. Kline
Advertising ........... Thomas M. Davis
~dvertising........... William W. Warboys
ervice......Norris J Johnson
Publication...........Robert W. witIianison
Circulation............Marvin S. Kobacker
accounts......T......homas S. Muir
B sinc's Secretary..........Mary J. Kenai
Harry R. Begley Erle Kightlinger
Venon Bishop D~on W. Lyon
W am Brown William Morgan
Robert'Callahan Richard Stratemeier
Willi~m _ avs T0;11 1't

William W.- Davis
Richard H. Hiller
Miles Zoisington
Ann W. Verner
Hee Bailey
jusepbinte Convisc
axine Fishgrund
Dorothy LeM ire
Dorothy Laylin

Jxith T yer
Noel D. Turner
Byron C. Vedder
Sylvia Miller
Hlelen Olsen
Mildred Postal
Marjorie Rough
Mary E. Watts
Johanna Wiese

Night Editor - DAVID M. NICHOL
Explaining his attitude toward'
the 79 students implicated in the
liquor raids of last week, Prosecutor
Albert J. Rapp has made the state-
ment that he wil not prosecute the
students if the University takes
action instead; and thus far he
appears to be waiting for the Uni-
versity's decision. This has the ap-
pearance of being a needless as well
as useless piece of stalling. If the,
prosecutor does not already know
that the University does not punish
individuals until they have been
found guilty of a crime, he has only
to ascertain such information from
high officials of the University.
Further, it is difficult to appre-
ciate why any action of the Uni-
versity one way or the other should
make any difference with the pro-
secutor's office. The prosecutor's
business is to convict persons he
believes guilty of an offense. Most
certainly, there have been strange
and ambiguous changes in legal
procedure during the past several
days if the guilt of an individual
under the statutes of Michigan is
dependent upon the action of the
University. If Mr. Rapp believes
these students are guilty, let him go
aheadhand rosecute; if he does
not, there let him drop the charges
at once.
If subesequent maneuvers of Ann
Arbor's officialdom have disclosed
any pertinent information regard-
ing the raids, it is obvious that the
police department's methods of
securing liquor to aid the prosecu-
tion of an alleged bootlegger were
unreasonable. Quite significantly,
any attempt to ascertain who ac-
tually made the decision to arrestt
the students involves only a fine
game of passing the buck. Quite'
naturally, no one desires to take
credit or responsibility for the
affair. It was either a huge blunder
or else a discrimination against the
fraternities, to the discredit of the
University. No private citizen pur-
chasing liquor from a bootleggerI
would be hauled in under similar 1
circumstances. It would seem thatt
if there was any discrimination, itc
was assuredly not backed by the
high officials of the city, or by the
neonle of Ann Arbor.i

willful discrimination against the
students, and hence against the
Campus Opinion
Conribiutors ae aked to he brief,
confining themsches toless that. 300
words if possible. Anonymous cot.
munications will be disregarded. The
names of conununicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. etters published should, not be
construed a expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.
In the same magazine, November,
1929, an article is headed Football
on the Wane? The author shows
that football was in an undeveloped
state from 1890-1910. During that
period it was still a game, not a
money-making institution. About
1910 intercollegiate football first
began to be recognized as Big Busi-
ness. The building of stadia be-
tween 1910 and 1925 was so large
that one is inclined to call this the
Stadium Period. This was the peri-
od of the mass meeting with its
bands and its frenzied oratory. It
was also the period when the head
of the Athletic Association became
a highly salaried gentleman with
power comparable to that of the
President, and at least a member
of the faculty, called "professor" by
some of his colleagues. The popu-
larity of football is not the game
in itself, rather it is the devotion
of youth to a cause which makes
it so appealing. What has made
football our greatest national pas-
time is the fact that it touches the
sporting idealism of the American
people. Football will begin to wane
when the college youth "begin
vaguely to wonder whether the
team represents them or the town
in which the college is situated." A
change of heart has come to many
a student in the East. "In most of
the big Eastern universities the em-
phasis is now distinctly on the cul-
tural side of college life." This
means that the student's mind has
matured. Many football players
are sick of football. "If you want
to have fun in athletics," said one
player, "don't play football." An-
other said, "football is life war. It
appears to be a necessary evil."
More than one gridiron star called
"practice simply drudgery," to a
large extent the player was ex-
ploited for and by the graduates
and the public. The folks at home
want to know "what kind of a
football team we are going to have
next fall." Do these folks ever ask
what kind of professors the Uni-
versity is going to have next fall?
A real student will have less time
for cheering the football team at
mass meetings.
In The New Republic of May 28,
1930, an article is devoted to the
subject of Sports as a National In-
dustry. Mention is made of the
high cost of the outfit of an Ameri-
can college football star in 1930, the
cost ranging from $500 to $1000.
Also how athletics are being used
for personal advancement.
According tu an article in The
Nation of June 25, 1930, there is
little real sport in the United States
-and equally little sporting ideal-
ism, the great aim of sport being:
victory. The coaches get the praise
of the mob. The football officials
are numerous, rude, and merciless
and the game is a great commer-
cialized spectacle.- S o m e t h i n g
wrong with American sport? Come,
come, don't be sacrilegious!
This is from an editorial in The

New Republic, November 26, 1930:
College athletics are "rapidly devel-
oping into one of our major Ameri-
can rackets." "It would seem that
no college or university can gain
the financial and moral support of
its alumni if it cannot boast of a
crack football team." The Carnegie
Foundation is about to make an-
other investigation of college ath-
letics and it is hoped will not only
disclose the shady methods practi-
cally every college in the country
employs to build up a team, but will
make some suggestion how purity
and good half backs can coalesce.
The investigators will thus save
this sport from the slough of pro-
fessionalism in which it seems to
be floundering.
The same number contains an
article: Football Morals. Every
American will understand the ne-
cessity of the customary mass meet-
ing before embarking on any des-
perate project, to stiffen the sinews,
summon up the blood and arouse
every latent corpuscle of virile spi-
rit by exhortations, songs, boasts
and frenzied yelling. At one of
those meetings the author of the
article, T. S. Matthews, heard it
definitely announced by the coach
h i m s e I f, that the people who
thought football was a game-were
crazy. "Football," said he, "is not
a game, it's a war!" We under-
graduates considered ourselves the .
nferior classes of a proud tribe of

THaEs MICH, iG, .Vbaa Nw s ~ Aa



DAICY mTa T~ff5l ,hAV , rL'Lt~DT A11tV :1,n 1i

No, on second
thought I take it
all back. Two and
a half cheers is a
genteel sufficiency
at a time like
this. The thing
that has made me
thus abandon my
customary con-
BAXTER servative t a c i-
turnity in the matter of cheers is
the recent announcement of the
good Mr. Rapp to the effect that
the state can't meddle in the affairs
of the Ann Arbor Police Depart-
ment. I am certainly glad to hear
of the independence of our police
in matters like this. The picture of
the state legislature just coming
down here at will and checking up
on whether policemen are smoking
in the anteroom of the Justice of
the Peace and why their shoe
polish bills have been mounting up
so since that rich widow moved into
town is nothing short of revolting.
Hmff! The very idea makes me boil!
S* * *
I wonder if it has occurred to
anyone that perhaps the State
doesn't want to meddle in the
affairs of the Ann Arbor Police.
It is a bare possibility that they
have something better to do.
Of course they might do some-
thing on the order of announc-
ing that illegal warrants are
illegal,-indeed the possibilities
of that look very good, but
then, one can't very well call
that meddling in the affairs of
anyone without at least smil-
ing while making the state-
ment. Anyway not where I
come from.
* * *
-Headline in Mich. Daily.
I saw a gent try to do that
once, but by the time you get
that way you're usually in no
condition to perform even the
usual scheme of placing the
latter on the former with any
finesse. - Those Berlin cops
must be a gang of old ruffles.
* * *
Candor is becoming fashionable,
it would seem, among our collegiate
contemporaries. While this is very
nice, I find it a trifle confusing to
glance at the top of the Wildcat
paper and see "The Northwestern
Daily-Published Four Times A
Perhaps, though, they only
have four days in a week over
there. You can't ever tell.
* * *
Spring is coming Spring is
Robins chirp their cheery call
Spring will bring examinations
It's a fine world after all.
Somebody by the name of Helen
Highwater has just written me to
ask if I ever noticed what a foul
place the Newberry Auditorium is.
Dear Helen:
Can a Turkey swim? .D. B.
* * *
Dar Dan:
It is my private and personal
opinion that you are probably the
worst poet in existence. I dare you
to print the following verse and
show yourself up
Johnny Skunk.
The Curfew tolls the knell of part-

ing day
The lowing herd winds slowly o'er
the lea
You've heard this stuff before we
hear you say?
That's nothing my good fellow,
so have we.
. * *
Dear Johnnie:
Thank you very much. You have
at last succeeded in convincing me
that I am not the worst extant poet.
I assure you it is a great load off
my mind. D. B.
* 0 *
I trust you fellows realize
that the Passion Play is com-
ing. I am personally going into
training to be one of the masses
that I hear they want for the
thing. If I see any of you in
the audience during my drama- '
tic debut I'll whistle.
* * * I
I wish to deny the rumor started
by the Michigan Daily that I am!
going to or have given a lecture on,
trees. When I lecture I'll do it from1
terra firma or a good stout platform
and no nonsense about it either.t
.* * * h b
Some indignation has been|


Ann Arbor, Friday and Saturday
of this week, will be the first Amer-
ican college town ever to witness
what is perhaps the most amazing
relic of medieval life now extant.
I refer to the Freiburg Passion play.
The Freiburg play is older by four I
hundred years than the Oberam-
mergau play which is perhaps bet-
ter known at present. It was started
in 1264, a votive offering after a
deadly plague. The Fassnacht fam-
ily, four members of which are
playing the leads have made the
play an hereditary affair, ancestors
of the present players having ap-
peared in the Passion play since
1760. The play will be given in
The towns which gave birth to j
these plays are extremely interest-
ing spectacles. The plays are their
main reason for being. Each in-
habitant is connected directly or
indirectly with it.
Until the present American tour,
the original Passion play has never
been presented outside Germany or
in any other language but German.
For the purpose of the American
tour the lines telling the life of
Jesus have been translated into
English. Hence Ann Arbor will be
able to understand this oldest of
the cycle of plays depicting the
passion of the Savior, which has
been traditional in German hamlets
since the Dark ages. S. S. F.
MOZART: Quintet in G Minor (K
516) played by the Lener String
Quartet and L. D'Oliviera for
the Columbia Masterworks Set
No. 150.
Mozart is undoubtedly the greet
hazard of any theory of musical
criticism that works around a belief
in music's "expressiveness." Histor-
ically, it is possible to say of Mozart
that he was the principal ornament
of a somewhat cloistered civilization
of patrons (themselves amateur
musicians); to say further that his
is a bright, serene, equable social
art. Technically, this historical
half-truth is supposed 'to reveal
itself in the purity of his melodic
and harmonic diction, in his perfect
assimilation of and comfort in the
musical modes of his period, the
charm of his melodic conceptions,
the sustained delicacy of his versi-
fication, and his freedom and re-
siliency within rigid forms.
Yet obviously all this is hardly
able to explain the very evident
timelessness of Mozart and the
high, almost ther highest, position
it seems peculiarly necessary to
give him. So there has been a con-
siderable effort in recent criticism
to demand of, or attribute to,
Mozart some nineteenth century
values (the assumption being that
the nineteenth century musical
consciousness was more profound).
To account for the rank one intui-
tively gives Mozart, it seems to be
necessary to find in his music what
for the most part it lacks: the
power of sustained intensity and
Lending the most substantial
weight to this possible though ques-
tionable, thesis are the last three
symphonies, the six "Haydn" quar-
tets dating from 1782-1786, and fin-
ally this Quintet in G Minor dated
1787, which has just come out in
a splendid performance by the
Lener Quartet with the assistance
of L. D'Oliviera's viola. It seems im-
possible to describe this work (gen-
erally considered his greatest cham-
ber composition) except in nine-

teenth century terms. There is cer-
tainly nothing here of the bright,
cherubic angel effortless in song
or of the gifted purveyor of music
to patrons.
Rather,the death of his father
in the month of composition seems
to have stimulated him to an artis-
tic purging of the many distressing
things in his life. Mozart's letters
reveal a queer emotional blend of
genuine affection for his father and
a resentment for the insensitive
way in which his father had fos-
tered his genius. This music writ7
ten at his father's death seems to
be Mozart in a mood of spiritual
anguish induced by retrospect. The
first movement is a poignant blend
of the plaintive and the agitated;
it is excitable and certainly self-
centered in the best romantic tra-
dition. His minuet Mozart uncon-
ventionally pitches into the minor
and he allows a rough bold synco-
pating emphasis in the theme. The
Andante introduction to the last
movement seems sheer self-torture;
and the subsequent rondo has no
true joyousness but there is rather
a very sophisticated distress in its
complicated efforts to be exultant.,






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