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Incorporated to Establish Center1
of Recreation for
President Angell Recorded Hope
of Organization in Annual
Report of 1907.
The Michigan Union building, above, representing the materializa-,
tion of dreams of alumni, students, and faculty members, furnishes at
center of recreation for men and general campus social activities. Thet
organization of the Union was first conceived more than 30 years agol
by students who were forced to frequent certain Ann Arbor eating and
drinking establishments during their free hours. The organization1
and its plant today represent an investment of more than a million
dollars and thousands of students make daily use of the availablel
K Architects Hope to Establish terms of daylight under aveiage
P kyT P ' iconditions. Such calculations are I
U._LihtBefore rbutid ng particularly useful on factory build- T-____T9L MN
Before .Building. ings, with windows in monitor and
Speech Instructor Announces saw-tooth roofs, and to calculate Governor Will Address Annual
Tentative Selection Taking advantage of daylight, the distribution of light within a Michigan Banquet; Cody,
nature's inexpensive source of illu- room where the problem is compli- Ruthven to Talk.
fDebaters.mination, by cificient use and plan- cated by reflections and shadows.
Six teams of debaters, three af' iing; of windows, is made markedly Archiets may ow predic pro a- Governor Wilber M. Brucker will
ir~etie ad -rc~negLiv, hy esie fo eniners nd rchtecs Ible light strength and distribuition
firmaative and three negative, have easier for engineers and architects before a building is erected by ap- give the principal address at the
been tentatively picked as the re- by the development of a simple plying the protractor to the plans. University of Michigan banquet, to
suit of tryouts held Tuesday after- means of predicting the amount of Accuracy entirely sufficient for be held at 6 o'clock Feb. 23, in the
neon, it was announced yesterday illumination produced by any win- practical engineering purposes is Statler hotel in Detroit. Dr. T. Lu-
by James McBuney, oi the speech dow, according to a bulletin pub- claimed for the new method, andE
department, who is in charge of the lished by the department of engi- its simplicity makes it much more thor Purdom, director of the Uni-
work this semester. neening research. The method is available than any of the older versity bureau of appointments and
The first two affirmative teams heralded as a distinct advance in methods, which because of their occupational information, is chair-
will see action March 2 and 3, the relatively new applied science complicated nature are almost use- man of the banquet arrangements.
against Ohio Wesleyan, and the of daylighting. less except where time and cost More than 500 Michigan alumni
University o West Virginia, respec Measurements by the Michigan are of little importance. The sys-
tively. In pursuance of the policy method, are made with a simple tem was developed by Turner-Szy- are expected to be present at the
recently adopted, the former con- protractor which determines the manowski, under the supervision of banquet, which will be held at the
test will be held in Jackson, under angles at which light enters, and by Prof. H. H. Higbee, who has con- same time that the convention of
the auspices of Jackson Junior col- means of a series of prepared ducted much research in the field the National Education association
l ,ge- curves which translate these into of daylighting. is in session in Detroit.
By Harold O. Warren, Jr. '31.
i?:)I 1 s N 'I.:: This is the lrst of t(O
art cles on the org iza n a mi cti vi a ities of th
More than 30 years ago, as ru-
mor has it, a group of habitues of
those immortal places, Joe Parker's
and the Orient, used to meet, and,
over their nocturnal refreshments
and relaxation from study, solve
great problems confronting the
Franklin Carnins, 31W i l b u r
University. That was in 1901, but g
even then students had problems. five or six feet; the floor was made recent addition to the Tap Room
Today the campus has the material to slope; a stage was equipped-the now brings its seating capacity toE
realization of an idea that was con- result, the Mimes theatre, until 220.L
ceived by those very students who lately known as the home of the f Student Representation.
had the welfare of future students Union Operas.* The governing body of the Un-y
in the University at heart. Although the new building was ion organization, the Board of Di-
Represents Large investment. only partially completed, troops in rectors, is representatives of stu-
The Union as it serves the Uni- training for the World war were dents, faculty, administration, and
versity today is the result of one # housed in the structure in 1917 and alumni. Of the 17 members on the
of the most arduous campaigns ever? 1918. Board, eight are students, the re-v
waged in the history of the Univer- Completed in 1920. maining nine being faculty orp
sity. Alumni, students, ad faculty In 1920, the Union was completed alumni members. The present mem-
combined efforts which culminated in its essential details; only the bership is coniposed of the follow-
in the completion of the present swimming pool and the library re- ing persons: Albert F. Donohue,t
Union building in 1920-represent- maining unfinished. Later, how- '31, president; Harold O. Warren,'
ing an investment of more than ever, through additional contribu- Jr., '31, recording-secretary; six
$1,200,000. tions, the pool was put into shape. vice-presidents representing th e
In 1904 the University of Michi- I A bronze tablet in the natatorium various schools and colleges in the
gan Union was incorporated under bears the names of the following University: Frank E. Cooper, '31,
the laws of the state of Michigan fraternities as outstanding in se- literary; Lyman A. Bullard, '31E;
"to establish a University social and curing funds: Beta Theta Pi, Alpha John D. MacPherson, '31M; Theo-
recreational center; to provide a Delta Phi, Phi Delta Theta, Sigma dore C. Baer, '31L; Thomas W.
meeting place for faculty, alumni, Phi,,and Chi Psi. Chamberlain, '31D; and Edward H.
former students of the University; The library, named in honor of Goodman, '31Ad., representing thes
to furnish a home for alumni when Edward Waldo Pendleton, '72, was combined schools. Regent James O.
in Ann Arbor, and a place for the gift of Mrs. Pendleton in mem- Murfin, Detroit, named to the post
wholesome relazation for students, ory of her husband. This roomhas by the Board of Regents, representsk
so that their leisure time, their been used beyond the expectations that body. Prof. Evans Holbrook,c
amusements and student interests, of the men who planned the build-; of the Law school, is financial sec-1
through. the medium of the Unv ing, several hundred students daily retary, being elected to this posi-i
sity atmosphere of the Union, taking advantage of the opportun- tion by the University Senate. The
might become a component part of ities offered for recreational read- three faculty representatives choseni
their education." by the Senate are Dean G. Carl
With this purpose as a working ing. b h eaeaeDa .Cr
basi.,thehosepurosteateJrkig Among the other facilities offer- Huber of the Graduate school, Prof.
basis, the home of the late Judge ed as service departments in the H. C. Anderson of the engineering]
Cooley, then situated on the pres- Union are the pool and billiard college, and Prof. Joseph R. Hay-
ent site of the Union, was pur- room with 24 tables, four ping- den of the political science depart-
chased. President James Burrill An- pong tables; six bowling alleys; a ment. Two alumni members are
gell, in his annual message for the nine-chair barber shop; two gen- chosen by the Board of Directors
year 1907 wrote: eral lounges; full restaurant serv- of the Alumni association, the pres-c
Angell Predicts Importance. ice in the main dining room with ent members being Sidney R. Small,
"The organization of the students pae o 5 esn;tebl Detroit, and Daniel L.- Zimmerman, i
known as the Michigan Union will places for 250 persons; the ball Dtot n ailLZmemn
pove to be neven of uch im- room; eight private dining rooms. of Ann Arbor.i
prtovenbce in hevent of tmuch ier- One-Tap Room Pdpular. The two ex-officio members o'
p Itsane m themisetebUihr- Oneof the most popular features the Board are J. A. Bursley, dean
sity .... Its aim is to establish a of the building is the Tap Room of students, and T. Hawley Tap-
sort of headquarters or home, to where men may eat, safe in the ping, general secretary of thec
which the students may resort c knowledge that no woman will Alumni association.
vate aqat s wi th e c- come in and smoke an ill-smelling Merit System Used.
athacqua n now with o each Qth~ Turkish cigarette at the next table. The president and recording-sec-
er. They have now no common The walls bear table tops carved retary, formerly elected in the all-
meeting place where they may meet with the initials of former students, campus elections each spring, are
S fdly social ntercourse. Mem- and historic football season sched- now chosen by an electoral com-
bers of fraternties may indeed ules and scores. Many of these mittee elected from the member-
ut mem their respective houses. nwere brought to the Union Tap ship of the Board of Directors. In
But :members of different fraterni-Room from the original Orient. accordance with an amendment to
ties have no gathering place, where Late in the second semester of each the constitution passed in January,
they may form social ties with each year, the Union extends an invita- 1930, the electoral committee re-
tion to graduating seniors to add ceives written applications for ap-
dents are not members of frater- their mark to the Union's collec- pointments to the two senior posi-
unties. tion of names in public places. A tions about the time of spring va-
"For the last three or four years ________- - --
Hindman, Jr., '33, and Leonard
Kimball, '33, will meet Ohio Wes-
eyan, and John Lederle, '33, Ed-
ward Kuhn, '32, and Kimball make
the team that will debate West Vir-
The three negative teams include
Edwin A. Scrirader, '31, Stanley T.
Donner, '32, and Albert Donahue,
31; Julius C. Bernstein, '32, Alan
V. Lowenstein, '34, and Victor Ra-
binowitz, '31; and Maurice Moyer,
'32, Edgar Eckert, '33, and John
Huss, '33.
The third affirmative team, which
will not debate until later, com-
Prof. Thomas H. Reed Slated to
Appear at S.A.R. Annual
Dinner Meeting.
Prof. Thomas H. Reed, of the
political science department, direc-
pg[ITI~g . . .
Detroit Police Picket
Notorious Blind Pigs1
. M& ww ®(w. w soL no(% te e'. I)
(yAssialr ress)
DETROIT, Feb. 18.-Police Com-
missioner James K. Watkins claims
"fairly good" results from his poli-
cy of placing police officers in front
of more notorious blind pigs, to ask
the names and addresses of all who
Dwindling patronage has forced
a number of the picketed resorts to
close, the commissioner said, while
threats that pickets were to be
posted have been sufficient to close
prises Howard Runion, '31, C. Town- tor of the bureau of government,
send Clark, '31, and Irwin Hirsch, will be the principal speaker at the
n32. thelannual dinner meeting of the
In addition to these men,g for thelVashtenaw chapter, Sons of the
University of Porto Rico contest American Revolution, which will be
will probably do some Varsity de- held at 6:30 o'clock next Monday
bating later in the season. night in the League.
National and state officers will
Health Service Shows be guests of the county chapter, it
Increase in Patients was said yesterday. Among those
Continuing growth in various who have accepted the mvitation
services is reported for January by to come here are Dr. Frank Ward
the University division of hygiene Holt, of Detroit, vice president gen-
and public health in its monthly eral of the society; Norman B. Con-
bulletin. "Under conditions of ade~o- ger, of the United States weather
quate medical service people will be Det a tin trte
less and less concerned with major bureaueroit, a nationalrustee;
illness," the report states. Milton E. Osborn, of Lansing, pres-
Health service statistics show an ident of the state society; A. J.
"Michigan graduates, back for
the first time in many years, will
be present," Dr. Purdom rmarked
The entire University faculty is
invited to be present. Plans call
for a Michigan faculty member to
be at the head of each of the 55
tables in the dining room.
Frank Cody, superintendent of
Detroit schools, will welcome the
delegates to his home city, and
President Alexander G. Ruthven
will bring greetings from the Uni-
versity. Other parts of the program
will include group singing to be
led by Wray Congdon, assistant
University high school inspector,
and vocal selections by the boys
colored quartet from Northwestern
High school of Detroit. The quar-
tet composed of boys, all of whom
are 14 years old, will be a feature
also of the National Education as-
sociation meetings.
University faculty men who wish
to attend the banquet may secure
reservations from Dr. Purdom.
Firemen, Police Give
for Relief of Needy
A check for $323.37 from Ann
Arbor police and firemen was turn-
ed over yesterday to George L. Mc-
Collum, city poor commissioner, to
aid in relief of the unemployment
The amount represents contribu-
tions made by 60 members of the
two departments-31 in the police
department and 29 firemen. The
amount contributed by each was
one day's wages.
McCollum will have charge of
Discusses Student
Members of the Michigan Parent-
Teacher association heard Dr. T.
Luther Purdom, director of the
University bureau of appointments
and occupational information, dis-
cuss "Differences Between Success-
ful and Unsuccessful Students" at
the state meeting held Tuesday, in
Dr. Purdom addressed also a
group of Toledo business men, rep-
resenting the industries of the Ohio
city, at a noon luncheon Monday
on the subject of a guidance pro-
gram for young people, ,and the
assistance a city can give educa-
tion through its schools.
increase in the use of every service
offered by the organization. A
marked rise over January 1930 and
1931 was shown in treatment of
respiratory infections,
cation. Announcement of appoint-
ments is made on the Saturday pre-
ceding the all-campus elections.
The six vice-presidents are chosen
in the campus election, applications
for nomination being received by
the Union nominating committee.
Student activities in the Union
are administered by the Executive
council, composed of the 10 chair-
men and assistant chairmen of the
five committees and the President
and Recording-Secretary.
The committee chairmen a r e:
House, Hugh R. Conklin, '32E, and
Edward Kuhn, '32, assistant; Pub-
licity, Robert Culver, '32; Dance,
George Nichols, '32, and Charles
Cory, '31, assistant; Reception, Du-
ane Baldwin, '32, and Louis Buten-
schoen, '31, assistant; and Under-
class, Alfred J. Palmer, '32, and
I Leonard Kamins, '32, and John W.
Lederle, '33, assistants.
Rousseau, of Ann Arbor, regent of
Sarah Caswell Angell chapter 'of
Daughters of the American Revolu-
tion; Raymond Van Sycle, of De-
troit, secretary of the state group
and of the Detroit chapter, and
Gail Morford, of Ann Arbor, Amer-
ican Revolution fellow.
- --,
a large number of our students and
some of the members of the Facul-
ties have been carefully consider-
ing the problem of finding a meth-
.od of facilitating the intercourse
of our young men with each other.
"Their effort has finally resulted
in the purchase of the residence of
the late Judge Cooley as the home
of the Union ... .The associations of
the house, so long the abode of one
of the most distinguished and be-
loved of our Professors, lend great
interest to it."
Frame Addition Built.
This house served as the home
for the Union until 1916. In the
meantime, however, a frame addi-
tion had been made at the rear of
the building. This served as a
dance hall; scarcely as adequate
as the ballroom of today which will
seat 800 persons for a banquet or
1,700 for an assembly.
In 1916, ground was broken for
the erection of the present Union
building, the Cooley house having
been torn down. The frame addi
tion was moved to the rear of the
grounds and served asrtempoary'
lheadquartersfor theorganization.
Later the supports at one end of
the dance floor were shortened by
University of Michigan
Presents under its Auspices
The Greatest and Most Immortal Drama of All Time!
The Original Freiburg
With the 32 Principals direct from Freiburg, Germany, including Gte
Fassnacht, Sr., as Judas, and Georg Fassnacht, Jr., as Christus.
Supporting this famous organization will be more than 150 of the lwe ;1I
acting talent in the University and in Ann Arbor.
Friday and Saturday, February 20 aid 21
for You4Dayad agn/
s tII/a tl
or Yuw A y-a - -Ng