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March 14, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-14

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Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper -and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann 'Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of Postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
maste; General.

Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by miail, $4.50.

Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard
Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Chairman Editorial Board
FitANx E. Coopm, City Editor
News Editor ..............Gurney Williams
Editorial Director ..........Walter W. Wilds
Sports Ediotor............Joseph A. Russell
Women's Editor........Mary L. Behymer
Music, Drama, Books.......Wi. J. Gorman
Assistant City Editor......Harold 0. Warren
Assistant News Editor ...Charles R. Sprowl
Telegraph. Editor ..........George A. Stauter
Copy EditorI................GWH.. Pypet

two of the prominent campus fra-
ternities, at the moment when com-
petition was the keenest, took it
into their heads to withdraw from
the Council, the others would be,
forced to do the same in self-de-
fense, and the organization would
be in the same situation in which
it now finds itself.
These events on the Columbia
campus augur none too-well for the
success of the new rushing system
which will be installed next year.
But, due to the action of some of
the more active members of the
Council, a remedy has already been
proposed. The approval by the
Senate Committee of the revised
constitution, which entrusts the
largest measure of jurisdiction over
fraternities to the Council through
its judiciary committee, if accom-
panied by compulsory jurisdiction
over all general fraternities, may
straighten out the present difficul-
ties. But only several years under
the new experiment can reveal its
'faults and good points to the cam-
pus, as it did at Columbia.
-- --o
Travel is very broadening to a
tube of tooth paste laid under a
pair of heavy shoes in a grip.
Detroit News.

TODAY.. ..

Beach Conger
art S. Forsythe
avid M. Nichol

John D. Reindel
Charles R. Sprowl
Richard L. Tobin
Harold O. Warres

Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy
Charles A. Sanford
Thomas M. Cooley Wilbur J. Meyers
Morton Frank Brainard W. Nies
Saul Friedberg Robert L. Pierce
Frank B. Gilbreth Richard Racine
Lack Goldsmith Jerry E. Rosenthal
oland Goodmasn Karl Seiffert
Morton JHelper George A. Stauter
Bryan Jones Tohn W. Thomas
Denton C. Kun ers ohn .. Townsend
Powers Moulton
Eileen Blunt Mary McCall
Nanette Dembitx Cile Miller
Elsie Feldman Margaret O'Brien
Ruth Gallmeyer Eleanor Rairdon
Emily G. Grime Anne :Margaret Tobin
jean Levy Margaret Thompson
Dorothv Magee Claire Trussell
Susan Manchester
Telephone 2r2K4
T. HOLLISTER MABLEY, Business Managet
KesSEIs L1. HALVERSON, Assistant Manager
Advertisin~g............. .Charles T. Kline
Advertising.....Thomas M. Davis
Advertising...........William W. Warboys
Service .............Norris J. Johnson
Publication ............Robert W. Wi liamson
Circulation.............Marvin S. Kobacker
Accounts..................Thomas S. Muir
Business Secretary..........Mary J. Kenan
Harry R. leglev Erle Kightlinger
Vernon Bishop Dona W. Lyon



Some of us can remember, in the
days prior to Amos and Andy, when
the children's bedtime was figured
by the clock. Detroit News.
Campus Opinion
Contributors aresasked to be brief,
confining themsehes to less that. 300
words if possible. Anony mou~s com-
munications will be disregarded. The
names of communicants. will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.
In these times of stress when a
great economic war is being raged,
the student in universities and col-
leges like the laborer in the cities
has his economic problems to face.
And as in the cities, when the
worker is being disregarded by the
capitalist, so in the University is
the student left to struggle through
this economic chaos as best he can.
An example which the writer be-
lieves to be typical in principle
came to his attention recently. I

It seems that a certain amount
of invidious comment was aroused
by the fact that I made bold to
state in my last issue that today is
Thursday, I suppose that the
trouble all arose becausepeople
kept putting ofI the evil time of
having to read the Daily until the
last possible moment and thus
made a liar out of your perspica-
cious Uncle Dan. However, here is
my apology and I certainly hope
you fellows will be good enough to
forget all about it.
k * *
There was a rather nice headline
in yesterday's Daily which I think
will bear repeating. It goes like
............Which, not unnatur-
ally, brings up the question of what
they are going to do with their
hard-earned Mendelbaums n o w
they have the lovely things.
* ...
It has been some time since
we have had a good old expose
of the conditions prevalent a-
round Newberry Hall. They are
practically the same as at the
last report except that about
three week's worth of dust has
seized the golden opportunity of
collecting on my seat which
has, unaccountably e n o u g h,
been unoccupied of late.
* *
This fact, however, to the best of
anyone's judgment has had no ef-
fect on the quantity of dust still
left in the atmosphere. Neither is
there any sign that ay has be-
come displaced from its roosting
spots around the ceiling.
And furthermore I say that.
something has got to be done
about it! I don't care if the leg-
islature is jealous of the fact
that at last after untold effort
on the part of many many able
men the University is becoming
capable of turning out more or
less educated people who make
the aforesaid legislators look
silly. Let them go ahead and
cut their nasty old Mill Tax!
Let them do away with Mills
altogether-whoever he is-but
let them only remember this-
and you too Mr. Administrator-
that the Mills of God grind slow
and if you aren't slow nobody
ever was.
If you thing you can get away
with browbeating the members of
this enlightened and educated gen-
eration, you are'barking up the
wrong shin, that's all! I have
It isn't the Heat, it's the up-
* * *
And while we are slightly off the
subject of Newberry Auditorium it
might be opportune (mind you,
I'm not saying that it is-just an
idea, that's all) to bring up the sub-
ject of what in the world do they
think they are doing with that
steam-shovel out in Betsy Barbour's
side yard? Suggestions as to its
probable uses will be welcomed with
our very best waste-basket. Send
them along in, fellows, I love it!
This is infinitely superior to the
Pherrets's idea that it is for the
Betsy Barbour Bearded Ladies to

throw their- old razor blades into.
This, I think, is obviously fallaci-
ous.-Isn't it?
k :Y-

The Theatre Guild's production
of Eugene O'Neill's strange drama
comes to the Whitney Monday night
for a one-night stand. There are
difficulties in the production of
these nine acts which will almost
fatally mitigate against any sort of
successful amateur performance. So
that this may be the last time in
some years that "Strange Inter-
lude" will be available for local au-
A good deal of the hullabaloo
about the form and technique of
the play-that is, all the ponderous
critical maneuvering about the de-
sirability of the soul - revealing
asides"- has been thrashed over.
And then, too, the possibility of
really judging the play is no longer
smothered by the passionate yearn-
ing for a great American play, which
caused it to be seized upon so eager-
ly four years ago. So it may really
be possible Monday night to get a
good perspective on O'Neill's at-
Whatever one thinks about it, the
story of a trinity of male units of-
fering up all their life-food to pro-
vide an emotional banquet for the
viciously hungry Nina is tremen-
dous; and O'Neill's telling of it is
characterised by that impressive
honesty which has made him Amer-
ica's best dramatist. It is a drama
one must not only have read but
seen. The performance at the Whit-
ney Monday night begins at 5:30
sharp with a dinner intermission
between 7:40 and 9; then the play
[continues from 9 to 11.
The Detroit String Quartet, which
has been g a i n i n g considerable
prominence for its attention to
modern chamber music, will present
1the last of the series of programs
sponsored by the Chamber Music
Society of Ann Arbor. Their pro-
gram, originally s c h e d u1e d for
March 30 has been changed to
March 25 and will be given in the
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Half of the program will be de-
voted to a first Ann Arbor perform-
ance of Schonberg's Sextet for two
cellos, two violas, and two violins.
The Quartet will be assisted in this
composition by two other members
of the Detroit Symphony Orches-
tra. The other numbers on the pro-
gram have not yet been announced.

Company, Inc.
Orders executed on alt ex.
changes. Accounts carried
on conservative margin.
Telephone 23271

Cor. S. State and E. Washington Sts.
Dr. Frederick B. Fisher, Minister

10:30 A. M.-Morning
Dr. Fisher


7:30 P. M.-Wesleyan Guild Lec-
Dr. R. B. Von Kleinsmid, President,
University of Southern California.


William Brown
Robert Callaban
William W. Davis
Richard I.H.iller
Miles Hoisington

William Morgan
Richard Stratemelto
Keith 1Yfer
Byrou C. Vedder

Ann W. Verner
Marian Atran
Helen Bailey

Sylvia Miller
Helen Olsen
Mildred Postal

a n Fishgrund Mary E. Watts In response to an announcement
Dorothy Lire johanna Wie for summer work in which $470.
was guaranteed, it was learned that
a car was necessary and that the
SATURDAY, MARCH 14, 1931 student must have $100 with which
to finance himself. Now why a con-
Night Editor -HAROLD WARREN Cern should expect a student of this
campus 'to have cars will forever
THE COLUMBIA FIASCO ;remain beyond the writer's compre-
A chapter in the history of Inter hension, but the further fact that
fraternity councils is, at the pre- the student be required to furnish
sent time, being written at the his own capital is evidence of the
Columbia University, where 15 utter disregard of the concern for
houses recently seceded from the the poor. Students who have $100
local council, and formed a new one at the close of the school year are
to enforce their own rushing rules. not so badly off, I believe. It is the
Two more, irate at having been ex- fellow without a surplus, whose ex-
cluded from the new pact, also istance and continuance at school
withdrew and wil continue as inde- are dependent on work, who needs
pendents, while the remainder, the job, but the capitalist seems
eleven in all, remain in the old unable to grasp this significance for
council. it is to him that he does not give
The minority houses, in the Col- work. With neither an attempt to!
umbia Spectator, were termed as disparage the ability of the exe-
the "smaller and weaker houses," cutives of this concern nor to ap-
whereas the seceding majority have pear facetious, the writer believes
named themselves the "stronger that he can present a plan vthereby
and older" houses. And the vital the really needy student could be
point, around which all the moves given the job at no additional cost
have been centered, is rushing. By to the concern either in money or
the new organization, it is hoped quality of employment thereby
practically to "outlaw" the smaller showing by example how the capi-
houses from rushing at all, by re- talist might concern himself with
quiring the freshman to indicate the worker in a more substantial
'which fraternities he is consider- manner.
ing before rushing starts, and lim- It is not my intention to present'
iting pledging to those houses. this plan here. My point, however,
The. situation is even more com- is this. When the great concerns of
plicated by the fact that the Dean, our time deliberately disregard the
Herbert E. Hawkes, is chairman of cries of the really needy but bes-
both organizations. But while he tow commercial plums on those
refuses to comment on the situa- whose economic status is somewhat
tion, presidents of the "stronger" superior, the writer concludes there
houses have asserted that 28 fra- is a fundamental flaw in our econo-
ternities are alto ether f mn mic structure.


Mr. Gabrilowitsch conducted the
Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra
in a long program in Carnegie Hall,
New York, Tuesday of this week.
The critics who last year treated
Mr. Gabrilowitsch with some hos-
tility seem to have agreed that this
week he was in a brilliant mood.
The only dissenter was Pitts San-
born who thought the performance
of Strauss' "Don Juan" was "par-
ticularly explosive, disjointed, ill-
Olin Downes' remarks had con-
siderable interest because they seem
to contain a good definition of cer-
tain of the more characteristic
things of Mr. Gabrilowitsch's baton.
Mr. Downes owned to "a sneaking
pleasure" in "hearing an interpre-
tation of a well-known classic work
depart from the established tradi-
tion." Mr. Gabrilowitsch, it seems,
"worked his will with the Haydn
London Symphony No. 2 in D major
and if this was treason, the classi-
cists must make the most of it." . .
Mr. Gabrilowitsch was sometimes a
little heavy-handed and opaque in
orchestral tone when reading this
symphony, but he did not fail to
give it vitality, freshness, a pleasing
waywardness,nandaemotignal sig-
nificance. One can question his
tendency at times to sentimental-
ize: by and large we found this
a stimulating and entertaining per-
formance of a delicious symphony."
"His reading of Straus' Don Juan
was only one of the instances where
this conductor, interpreting famil-
iar music, did so with the fresh
approach of one revealing a score
for the first time with heart and
soul in the business . . . the patches
in the piece disappeared; the fierce
devouring fire of a tumultuous and
intrepid spirit was in the perform-
Mr. Gabrilowitsch performed in
addition the symphonic poem "Vivi-
ane" of Ernest Chausson, the pre-
lude to Moussorgsky's "Khovant-
china" and Dukas' "Sorcerer's Ap-
prentice." Of the last Mr. Downes
said: "Mr. Gabrilowitsch was com-
pletely in his element, master of
his score and his men, exulting in
the extravagant abandon, yet sure-
ness, of the prancing, glittering or-
chestra. And the audience applaud-

Allison Ray Heaps, Minister
Sunday, March 15, 1931
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Secon4 of a, series of Lentir ser-9
mons. Subject: "OnF the Moun-
5:30 P. M.-Student Fellowship.
Ira M. Smith, LL.D., Registrar of
the University speaking on "Michi-
man's Crime Problem."
Huron and Division Sts.
Merle H. Anderson, Minister
Alfred Lee Klaer, University Pastor
Mrs. Nellie B. Cadwell, Counsellor of
10:45 A. M.-Morning Worship.
Sermon: "Living Christ."
12:00 Noon-Student Classes.
5:30 P. M.-Social Hour for Young
6:30 P. M.-Young People's Meet-
ing. Leader: Fenelon W. Boesche
on "The University Michigan and
the S. C. A."
Washington St. at Fifth Ave.
E. C. Stellhorn,-Pastor
9:00 A. M.-Sunday School.
10:30 A. M.-Morning Service.
Sermon topic: "On the Supreme
5:30 P. M.-Student Fellowship and
6:30 P. M.-Student Forum. A Len-
ten Address.
7:30 P. M.-Lenten Service. Ser-
mon topic: "Jesus Before Herod."
409 S. Division St.
10:30 A. M.-Regular Morning Serv-
ice. Sermon topic: "Substance."
11:45 A. M.-Sunday School follow-

for a college which only admits 500
freshmen each year, and that
eventually the weaker houses will
have to surrender their charters in
dying a natural death, so instead
of carrying along the weaker ones,
they could be abolished by limiting
the choice of the entering fresh-

To the Editor:
A singer who cannot sing, an ac-
companist who cannot play, a psy-
chologist who knows no princi-
ples of aesthetics, and a program
of ordinary sentimental songs, plus
a few saccharine verses which, for-
tunately, the public does not know!

Here another day is passing
Over old Newberry Hall
Rotting, daily it grows feebler
.Aw, you finish it!
just haven't the heart.
* * *
"How lovely to go to the JUN-
But think how much lovelier
staying away!
* * *


This new step, however, involves Are we as students supposed to pro-
the abandonment of the former de- fit by such harrowing combinations
ferred rushing system, adopted in as that perpetuated yesterday after-
1925. Which brings the situation noon at Mosher-Jordan under the
closer home. At the time the de- guise of "Psychology of Sound?" Is
ferred rushing rules were being con- the psychology department really
sidered by the Interfraternity meet- sponsoring such bad programs of

Go ahead.........write two
letters. Michigan is threatened. Will
you stand calmly by like the pansy
that you are and see her very life
blood spent, before your eyes. Sure-
ly you (Picture of pointing finger)
can spare a two-cent stamp for
a worthy cause.
* * *

ing, several of the more fore-sight-
ed members of some of the houses
discussed the prospect of what
would happen if their houses should
happen to secede from the Inter-
'.. r tarnivii4 - mm ijVi11 ad n1 l a r n

light entertainment? Personally, as
a student in that department and
in the school of Music, I cannot1
reconcile such shallow and naive
performances with the aloof criti-I
cisms of Professonr PilL~huwr + hl



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