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March 11, 1931 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-11

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Dorothy Felske, '32Ed, Mildred
Todd, '32, Are to be Cast
in Leading Roles.
First Performance Will Honor
Seniors After Traditional
Supper Monday.
When the curtain rises Monday
night on "Came the Dawn!", the
twenty-seventh Junior Girls' Play,
six women will appear in the lead-
ing roles. The story centers around
Professor Holcomb, newly arrived
on the Michigan campus, whose
part will be played by Catherine
Robinson, '32Ed. The part of Ernie,
the leading man, will be taken by
Frothy Felske, '32Ed. M i 1 d r e d
toc '32, plays 'Tinia,' the leading
-The comedy parts are being car-
vied by Helen Dooley, '32, as Mamie,
and Esther La Rowe, '32Ed., as Ce-
c1l1 Sappe, co-assistant, with 'Tinia,
the Professor. The part of
Yronne, Mamie's sophisticated old-
er' sister, is being taken by Mary
Rich, '32.
Synopsis of the Plot.
Soon after his arrival on cam-
pus, Professor Holcomb starts work-
ing on a mysterious project, which
,is kept from Ernie, and the news-
paper reporters only through - the
heroic efforts of Cecil. As the storys
progresses, 'Tinia becomes more and
more, involved in the professor's
work, and Ernie tries to get his in-
formation through her. The final
revelation of the professor's secret,
and the reason for it constitute the
remainder of the story.s
The play, which was written by
Jeannie Roberts and Donna Jones, .
not only preu ts a picture of cam-
pus life, but also of the collegiatet
type of student as compared with
the non-collegian. A few familiar
sociological principles are also prov-c
en.by the actions of the charactersr
u."Came the Dawn.,,"
There are two acts in the play,r
with three scenes in each. Every
scene takes place in a different
place and at least four of them arec
situated in familiar localities.mN
The Monday night performancex
of the play is traditionally in honor
of the seniors, for whom the firsti
Junior Girls' Play was presented.I
Senior women must have theirx
tickets by 7 o'clock tomorrow. In
order to get their tickets, the sen-
iors should present their Senior
Supper tickets at the box office of
the Lydia Mendelssohn theater.
Mosher Hall Will Give
Social Function Today
Unusual as a social function is
the affair planned at Mosher hall
today. At 4:45 o'clock this after-
noon the students and directors of
Mosher-Jordan halls will receive
Mr. Paul Brainerd of the psycho-
logy department. Accompanied by
Mrs. Brainerd at the piano Mr.
Brainerd will sing songs to illus-
trate the effect of music on the list-l
Through h is illustrations andt
through his discussion he will at-1
tempt ,to interpret the psychologyt
of sound. Mr. Brainerd's work in
this field is unique..
Both Mr. and Mrs. Brainerd will1
be entertained later at dinner inc
Mosher hall. -
Massachusetts had 795 fatal auto-
nobile' accidents last year, an in-
crease 'of 2.3 per cent over 1929,
but child fatalities decreased tor
160 from 197 for 1929.r

-Photo by Spedding.
Donna Jones, Jeannie Roberts,
Junior women, who are co-authors of "Came the Dawn," Junior
Girl,' Play to be presented all next week at the Lydia Mendelssohn
theatre. Their play deals with an entirely different aspect of campus
life. than ever before played by junior women.
ORCHESS TO HOLD Wvern Is to Have
Editorship of W.A.A.
CLASS INDANC I NG and LeagueM'Book
All Women Desiring Instruction Next year's "M" book will have
the distinction of being the first
Should Come to Barbour one ever edited by Wyvern. Always
Gym Tonight. before the material for the book
All women interested in dancing has been collected by W. A. A. and
are invited to the meeting of the the Women's League and just any-
open-hour dancing group at 7:30 one who happened around was giv-
o'clock tonight in Barbour gymnas- en the work of editing it.
ium. Miss Emily White, of the Wyvern is taking over this work
physical education faculty, will beayaerntcivisadrx
in charge of the class. as a permanent activity and ex-
The o -hpects to do it each year. Agnes
group resulting from the reorgani- Graham, '32, has been appointedf
zation of Orchesis. It is based on to take charge of it this year and
interest and theaappreciation of each member will do one section.
natural dancing as an art rather W. A. A. and the Women's League
than excellency, with the object in will still collect all the copy for the
view of the formation of a definite
group later. At present, any stu- book however.
dent interested may attend the
meetings, either to dance or, to DEAN LLOYD DISCUS
watch those dancing, so that she
may see the type of work being WEEK AMONG C
The schedule for the remainder HellJNeek Is Carry-Over From
of the year provides an interesting High School Initiations',
variety of work, with abundant op-
portunity for originality andin- Says, Miss Lloyd.
dividuality in interpreting, accord-
ing to an announcement by Miss "Probation week, except when it
White, and it is believed that this is done in a dignified and really
plan will be highly successful. sensible way, is but a childish car-

Pageant Committee Chairmen
to be Elected by First
Year Women.
Elections for the general chair-
man and central committee of the1
annual Freshman Pageant will be1
held at 4 o'clock this afternoon in
the Lydia Mendelssohn theater.
Nominations may be made from the
floor, and every woman of the class
is expected to attend.
Members of the Judiciary council
will maintain order atathe meeting,
and Emma Mann, '34, as .vice-presi-
dent of the freshman class will pre-
side. Miss Ethel McCormick, social
director, will also be present.
Caucusing or use of combined
"slates" in any form is prohibited,
and any who are found violating
this rule will be declared ineligible
for office, and will be subject to
further disciplining by the Judici-
ary council, according to Eleanore
Cooke, '31, president of the League.
Any woman may present nomina-
tions, but while the entire class may
vote, the candidates themselves
must meet eligibility requirements.
These include the successful com-
pletion of at least fifteen hous of
work with one grade of A or B, and
no mark below a C.
The Pageant is the only all-
freshman event of the year, and is
given early in May in conjunction
with the traditional Lantern Night,
in which all women of the Univer-
sity participate. It includes a vari-
ety of activities, in which all eligi-
ble women can take part.
Before the election takes place, a
brief description of the history and
main objects and features of the
pageant will be given by the vice-
president of the class for the bene-
fit of the first-year women.
At the time of the meeting, wo-
men present will be requested to
designatein writing their prefer-
ences as to the type of activity in
which they desire to participate, al-
ternatives being committee work
and parts in the dances.

Five Houses Compete in
Swimming Meet Held
Union Pool.

Preliminary heats in four events
were run off in the intramural
swimming meet last night in the
Union pool. Representatives of five
organizations, Alpha Xi Delta, Pi
Beta Phi, Alpha Omicron Pi, Gam-
ma Phi Beta, and Betsy Barbourl
House, competed for places in the
Jean Botsford, '33, swimming for
Alpha Xi Delta, stroked her way
to an easy victory in the crawl
event, covering the distance in 14.1
seconds. Katherine McMurray, '31,
of the same sorority placed second
in the same race.
Miss McMurray annexed a first
in the side stroke race in 18.9 de-
cisively outswimming Florence Eby,
'34, of BetsyBarbour, who finished
second in 21 seconds.
In the backstroke, Miss Botsford
won another triumph negotiating
the course in an even 17 seconds.
Margaret Smith, '33, of Gamma Phi
Beta, took second in 20.2.
First place in the breast stroke
was captured by Miss Eby, the
Betsy Barbour star, while Jean
Bentley, '33, finished in second
position. The winner's time was
19.5 seconds.
Skiing and Toboggoning Party
Planned for Saturday.
Continuing the series of outdoor'
parties which was inaugurated last
semester by the Women's Athletic
Association, the organization will
hold a skiing and tobaggoning party
at 2 o'clock this Saturday.
This series of outdoor parties is
being given for all women students
interested in outdoor sports, as well
as W.A.A. members.
The group will meet at 2 o'clock
at the Women's Athletic building,
and from there will go to the Ar-
boretum. Those who own skiis or
tobaggons are asked to bring them
but they will be furnished by W.A.A.
to those who do not own - them. In-
struction in skiing and tobaggoning
will be given to women who wish it.
The group will return to the Ath-
letic building later in the afternoon
for refreshments.



This week brings forth more ini- Supper Tickets and Junior Play
tiation ceremonies, banquets and SettobDirbud
the alumnae reunions which these Seats to be Distributed
affairs occasion. at Same Time.
This Saturday Alpha Delta Pi are
holding their formal spring initia- Sale of the senior caps and gowns
tion. The ceremony will be followed will take place from 1 to 5 o'clock
by a banquet at which more than today and tomorrow in the ball-
fifty alumnae are to be present.
The initiates are Dorothy Laylin, room of the League. At the same
'33, Cleveland Heights, O.; Helen time, tickets for the annual Senior
Olson, '33, Ishpeming; Irma Bobertz, supper, Monday, March 16, where
'33, Detroit; Martha Kandelin, Mt. the gowns will be worn for the first
Clemens; and Laura Biddle, '33,
Marjorie Field, and Elizabeth Field, time, may be obtained. Upon pre-
all of Ann Arbor. sentation of the Supper tickets at
On Saturday Zeta Tau Alpha is the box office of the Lydia Mendel-
giving a luncheon in honor of the ssohn theatre, seats for the spe-
board of directors of the house- vial performance of the Junior
holding corporation of the sorority.
.he guests are to be Mrs. C. Hewett, Girls' Play will also be available.
Mrs. H. D. Hoyt, Miss Eleanor Jack- Both the caps and gowns will be
son, and Miss Viola Brekke, all of on hand in all sizes, and are priced
Detroit, and Mrs. E. C. Prophet of at two dollars and fifty cents and
Lansing, Mich. Saturday evening a five dollars respectively. A deposit
formal banquet will be given for of two dollars is required, which
the new initiates. The Ann Arbor, will be refunded if the gowns are
Lansing, and Detroit alumnae of returned in June.
Zeta Tau Alpha will also be guests It will be possible to secure tas-
at the banquet. sels for the caps in the colors of
Kappa Kappa Gamma wish to the different schools of the Uni-
announce the pledging of Ada versity. The Literature school color
Blackman,'34, of St. Louis, Missouri. is black; the school of education,
Kappa Delta announces t h e pale blue; the school of music,
pledging of Irene Codding, '34, Con- pink; b u s i n e s s administration,
stantine, and Martha McIntosh, '34, drab; pharmacy, - olive green; li-
Kokomo, Ind. brary science, lemon yellow; medi-
Sigma Kappa had as a week-end cine, green; law, purple; and ar-
guest Mrs. Leon Butler, of Grand chitecture, red.
Rapids, the sorority's District Coun-
cillor. A tea in honor of Mrs. Butler Pe
was given on Sunday afternoon.
Sigma Kappa held their initiation at Meeting Tomorrow
last Saturday, the ceremonies being
followed by a. banquet at the League. Pegasus riding club will meet at
Those initiated were Madeleine 7:15 o'clock tomorrow night in the
Cline, '34, Jackson, Dorothy Shap- League building. All members are
land, '34, Detroit, Hazel Saul, '33, asked to be present as plans will
Chicago, Harriet Hicks, '32 Ed., be made for the organization of a
Omaha, Neb., Agnes Robinson, Ann drill squad.
Arbor, and Esther Loucks, '32, Pitts- A meeting of officers was held
burg, Pa. Monday afternoon, and methods of
enlarging the organization were
About 200,000 horses are used in discussed. Tentative plans were al
this country for recreational pur- so made for a moonlight ride and
poses and the number of saddle,, a treasure hunt to be held within

Schedule of Games Today.
4 o'clock-Cardinals vs. Onions.
Cagers vs. Bluejays.
7 o'clock-Couzens Hall vs. Med-
Results of Tuesday's Game.
Basketeers 43, Lemons 4.
The Sophomore Basketeers com-
pletely outplayed the Freshman
Lemons taking an easy victory by
the score of 43 to 4. Well organized
plays and a strong attack marked
the sophomore team.
The Optimists, the faculty team,
have issued a challenge to the
class team winning the interclass
tournament to play a game at 4
o'clock on Thursday.
Ineligible players on the inter-
class teams will not receive points
nor awards at the close of the tour-

ry-over from high school clubs and
initiations," stated Miss Alice Lloyd,
Dean of Women, yesterday when
she was asked to give her opinion
,on sorority pre-initiation periods.
"I believe that it is better now
than it has been in former years on
this campus. Many of the sorori-
ties seem to be dropping the prac-
tice altogether, and most of the
others are realizing that it is more
a time to create good feeling and
friendliness, as well as giving con-
structive training than a week of
making the p 1 e d g e s miserable,"
Miss Lloyd continued.
"When pro-week goes so far as to
impose mental or physical strain on
freshman or upperclass pledges,. it
defeats its own purpose," she stat-
ed. "The purpose of the period, as

I see it, is to prepare the pledge
for her initiation by getting her
into the spirit of the house, instruc-
ting her in house and chapter tra-
ditions, and helping her to know
her sisters and those in her pledge
class better. When pro-week goes
as far as to injure the girl's health,
interfere with her studies, or hurt
her feelings, it should be immedi-
ately improved."
"I am not holding it in disfavor
as long as it does not border on the
undignified or unhelpful. Often
during pro-week, an older sister,
sponser, or mother, can tell the girl
kindly where she fails in living up
to certain standards, an'd where
she can improve herself. This is so
much better than the sort of a pro-
week where the pledge is publicly
belittled, or hurt.
"I do not disap-prove of pro-
weeks, but I think this, that a dig-
nified helpful week, should how-
ever replace all forms of hazing,
meanness, or other hard work for
the pledges." Miss Lloyd said in


College Shop
"Big" Store
All the New Coats, Suits and Dresses that
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"Lifelong Income
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You expect your life insurance policies to
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" The consolidation of your policies into a
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Under a Trust Agreement not only do you
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you have the power to direct its distribution
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suring a life-long income.

It's springlike! It's feminine! It's adorable! The
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flowers, or a becoming bow! Small brims that ma
halo for eager faces or large brims that swoop down
vocatively, half-hiding the profile! The crowns
just enough to make an excuse for a brim! Try
on, tomorrow! Transform yourself into the roma
creature that Spring 1931 means you to be!
Other Watteau Hats priced to $15.00
New Materials
{ r ~Sisol1!
Baukok Toyos
Snake Hair
Rough Straws
Baku Braids
and Novelties
Watteaus in all
\ the Bright New





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