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March 11, 1931 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-11

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- CampusBxingIina s

a' ~p 9

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rYFk ' 1

Toni',%- h

Large Crowd Expected to Storm
Intramural Building for
Fight Program.
Tonight the Michigan boxers will
put on one of the best shows in the
history of the sport on this campusi
when they battle out the final C
matches of the all-campus tourna-
ment. The boys that will start in
the eight bouts that are on the
card are survivors of the semi-
final rounds that were held last
Friday night, and judging from the
decisive wins that they turned in
the fights tonight will be the best
scraps that the tourney has ever
Four technical knockouts were
recorded in the bouts Friday and
indications point to a possibility of
some K. 0's. this time that will not
be of any technical origin, but
rather from the dynamite that the
leaders carry in each of their mits.
Let Philbin has produced a clever
crew of leather pushers this season
and while good boxing is evident
they also have an ability to land
punishing blows.
Advance ticket sales have dis-
played the fact that a larger crowd
will be present tonight than any
other boxing show has ever drawn,
and new arrangements have been
made to accommodate the large
crowd in the bleacher seats erected
on the ,main floor of the Intramural
building. With the new system
every seat in the house will have
the advantages of the ringside.
IHirata ,o Face Ando.
Hirata and Ando will take the lid
off the show when they go three
rounds for, the flyweight title. Both
boys have shown much improve-
ment in the last few weeks of
training and they will supply most
of the speed of the evening, as
they tip the scales at about 112
pounds and throw a lot of gloves
per minute.
Jack Yuen and Pete Morgan in
the bantam division are carded for
the second bout of the evening.
Yuen has held the title for two
consecutive years, but this time he
will have the toughest battle of his
career when he meets Morgan.
For the third bout on the card
Dave Gallup will defend his fea-
therweight crown against Pat Mc-
Bride in what appears to be one of
th feature matches of the evening.
Pat came through the semi-finalsF
by handing out a good beating tol


Daniels Is Only Regular Player
Not Yet to Report; M'Kay
Shows Good Curve.
With everybody out now except
Norm Daniels, who has just fin-
ished playing with thn Michigan
cagers, the Varsity b 1 andi-
dates continued practic: Aer thef
supervision of Coach Ray Fisher
yesterday afternoon. The 1 a r g e
turnout of diamond tryouts was al-
most too much for the coach to
keep hi.s eye on while they worked
out in the rest icted space at the
end of the Field House. The bas-
ketball floor will be completely out
of the way tomorrow.
The smack of the baseball bat'
against the horsehide continued
throughout the session as the men
either took their turns at batting
in the cages or took part in the
pe pper" practice outside. The
pitching staff worked in pairs for
half hour stretches delivering the
spheres to the batters as they took

a ass sn Named
Maw ager Gf T eam
Harve y 1.as ' c 1 .' hans
been apointed to th manager-
ship o , the ' Miia Var-
sit haM a1 eam, it was an-
art I. mit, ' i .tiin na-
agc::. rasnussen served as an
a :istadi du'i th' I epaign
tha endcei at ~orili night.
Tue new ranagers aseistant
next year wi be Fred .iones, D.
Ke~lky9 Eio rd 1 ed, and Art
Berg er. fasmussei, a ;m aior on
the campus, is a studenit in the
Literary college of the Univer-
Michigan Representative in 155
Pound Weight Remains
to be Decided.

Six Teams Go Do n to Defeat;rT
in First Ro d.UL
In the nter-lraternity asket overine Captain-Elect Placed
oali playoffs last night six team at Center Position on
were eliminated in the lst ound Coaches' Five.
ganes. This starts the eries for
the championship of class GA" (nI, Asocia Nr-m
teams. CHICAGO, M a r c h 10.-Wesley
Delta Tau Deita won fron De'la Fesier, Ohio State's all-American
Sigma Pi by a score of 27 to L4.end, has been named as a guard oiL
R. Barta, forward on the w i mcn The 6ssoelated Press al-Western
scored 17 points t easily iead Lhe conference basketball team, select-
scoring. Phi Kappa Sigma nosed ed by a vote of Big Ten .court
out Phi Gamma Delta, 13-9. The coaches.
scoring honors of this fray went co The other four selections are
Darner, center on Phi Gammi from as many different schools,
,Delta, as he made 7 of his team's with Joh n n y Wooden, Purdue
9 points. guard, as the only repeater from
Tau Delta Phi lost to Trigon by last season.
a last half rally 15-18. W. Dougall, Joe Reiff, sophomore forward on
jumping center led last year's run- Northwestern's first championship
ner-up to victory, by scoring 0 hardwoood team, was the most con-
points. Pete Cornwall s t a r r e d sistent vote-getter, being selected
against Lambda Chi Alpha as his by every coach for a first team
Phi Sigma Kappa's won 20 to 16. berth either at forward or center.
Cornwall scored 9 points as his His running mate at forward is
team piled up a comfortable lead in Captain Harvey Schoening of Min-
the third period. nst esota.
In the last two games of the 1 The center position wrent to Nor-


First baseman of the St. LouisP
having a hard struggle this season t
to a hard hitting rookie from Roches
siderable attention in the Bradentov
was one of the best hitters in the I
was purchased when "Sunny Jim" fa
St. Louis Cardinals Face
NationalLeague C
Several Strong Senior Circuit+
Clubs Threaten Redbirds
in Coming Campaign.
By Sheldon C. Fullerton
(Editor',s Note: This is the elev-
enth of a series of articles dealing j
with the chances of the major
league clubs in 1931.)

tnelt r atefli~LL Li~ ~IL. Coach Cliff Keen announced yes- evening Xi Psi Phi defeated Alpha
To Cut Squad. I terday that with one exception he Phi Alpha 16 to 11 and Theta ChiI
Coach Fisher will make a cut in had definitely decided on the make- won a hard fought game from Sig-
the squad before the week is over up of the squad which he will take mw Nu 17 to 13. Both of these games
to get the group down to a more to Evanston Friday for the Western were close all the way.
workable size. The possibilities of Conference wrestling meet. Delta Tau Delta and Phi Sigma
h te men are already making them- Parker and Wilson are still fight- Kappa were the two best teams on
t selves evident and this week's prac- ing it out for the 155-pound-assign- the floor. Both presented stubborn
tices will go a lot further along ment, Coach Keen finding it im- defenses and fast high-scoring of-
Itslint. possible to decide which of the two fenses. The former was stronger in
Solly Hudson is the only other should make the trip. However, at team play and ought to go farther
. x tG v.basketball man who is out for the the present timne Parker appears to in the elimination series.
diamnond team and he has been have a slight edge and will prob- inTau elta Phi bst rospect s
working several night now since he ably be selected, a guard, Harold Weinstein.. He is
did not take the last trip with the The competition in the meet this sure of All-Star consideration. On
Varsity cage team. Hank Weiss may year is expected to be unusually Phi Sigma Kappa there were two
Asst shoto come out later but he has just fin- severe, with only one of last year's men of outstanding ability. Pete
National League champions, who is I ished basketball right now. champs on hand, and it is doubt- Cornwall jumped center, teaming
o keep his first base job from going The men are loosening up quite ful if he will be able to make the with Bell, a forward, to make up
ter, Collins, who has attracted con- well, with several of the. hurlers required weight for the division in this combination. Bell seemed dead
wn training camp to date. Collins showing deliveries that promise to which lie was victorious. from the side court as he sank three
nternational League last year, and solve the coach's main problem In the 118-pound class, three .:'hots from unnatural position along
ltered in the 1930 World Series. this season, and the heavy artillery men appear to have the edge over the cit-of-bounds line.
------ --of the squad is connecting regularly the rest of the field, but the final .-
with the various offerings at the outcome between them is very- - -
Hard Battle to Keep plate.Lok o much in doubt. Sigwart of Michi-
.hampionship in 1931 Lefty McKay Lattrctedksome at- gan, Aldrich of Indiana, and Puerta
teniti on to himself yesterday by of Illinois are expected to furnish
opponents, not to mention such tossing some pretty curves over the (Continued on Page 7)
other strong clubs as Pittsburgh plate that had the batters guessing,
and the New York Giants, are go- but he also showed that his control
ing to help make this year's title is far from perfect. With the care-
chase another stirring battle for : ful coaching of Ray Fisher, this V
wlich the National League has be- hurler promises to develop into 1tU r
come famous, and the Cardinals first class material for the Wolver-
cannot be conceded the inside ine box assignments, for he has
chance for the title. plenty of speed to go along with his
Street still has the same club that (Continued on Page 7) OK

man Daniels of Michigan, with
Fesler and Wooden as the guards.
The forwards and
center were nam-
ed by a clear cut
margin, but the
guard jobs were
keenly contested.
Fesler's selection
followed his being
placed on the all-
conference foot-
ball squad for the
past t h r e e sea-

T h e forwards, DANIELS
Reiff and Schoening, are the only
six footers on the team. Reiff, who
started at center, was moved to
forward where his shooting ability
gave him the individual scoring
championship with 122 points. He
(Continued on Page 7)



* U won the title for him last year,
Joe Woodard will again defend woIn the American League the gen- wthe eetohat yr
his lightweight title when he meets eral concensus of opinion has it with a few exceptions that may
Dave Golden. Woodard's left took that the circuit champions, the i the team added strength. With
him through the early matches and Philadelphia Athletics, are almost Chick Haey and Taylor Douthit
he has not as yet extended himself. sure bets to repeat in 1931. In the in the regular outfield will probably
but after Golden's exhibition of National circuit, however, the de- e a youngster, Watkins, who show-
slugging it is evident that this bout fending titleholders 0 e u P y 1o ld some good form with the Cards
will be one of the best on the card. fedn.ilhlesoeeupyn last season. Then too, the Redbirds
Harold Knapp and Andy Kalonic such position of security, and Man- will have Martin, Moore, and Hunt #
will stage one of the best fights of CGabbyStreet otheSt. ou along to help .take care of the gar-
the evening when they meet for the worryden, so reet should not have to
title of the welterweight division.again worry whether or n ot his clt i worry over the type of flychasing
title of the again ~get a chance to show in t r% ewl gttruhuttecmn
Knapp is a finished boxer and uses World Serieshe will get througut the coming
a left that may keep him out of eampaign.
the in fighting, but Kalonic has St. Louis has a good ball club, a When Frankie Frisch gets around
adapted a rushing attack that powerful team that should hold its to signing his contract and turn-
carries him through for the close own with the Chicago Cubs and the lig out for drills the regular in-
work. Brooklyn Dodgers in the race for field will also be intact. Jim Bot
Trometer Favored. the pennant. But these two worthy ,(Continues on Page 7)
Gus Trometer and Ralph Sha- -- --- ----
heen should put up one of the best-
exhibitions of boxing ever seen on RYTEX MY-NAME STATIONERY
the Intramural canvas. Both are'
old hands at the game and can use 200 Single Sheets, 100 Envelopes
either left or right hands with equal or
effectiveness. Trometer has been. 100 Double Sheets, 100 Envelopes
given the edge on the fight.
The feature bout of the card .00
should be the fight between Jack MONTH OF MARCH ONLY PLACE ORDERS NOW
Starwas, light-heavy title holder of
Michigan A. A. U. circles, and
Harvey Bauss. Both of these boys
are hard hitters and have had a
world of experience in the amateur
ring. They work better than most
of the prelim fighters in the big . :
time and will give the Michigan
fight fans a real show. 1111 SOUTH UNIVERSITY AVENUE
The heavyweight bout is the last-
one scheduled on the card and Bill I!!1!!flfflf!!1li f!Ififi!!fliifjlQINIni mifImml11;
Hewitt will meet Bob Morgan for
the title in this division. Judging
from the battle that these boys put = --
up last year and considering the
training that they have had this
year this fight promises to hold all .
of the thrills of the professional=
title bouts.EItidetr
Tickets are on sale at both Wahr's s our endeavor to carry personal
and Slater's stores as well as from = service in banking to the utmost de-
the student representatives on the -
campus. They wi.l also be on sale 2 gree._
at the gate. The show will start at
8:00 o'clock sharp, but the gym will a
be open at 7:00 o'clock to take care
of the crowd that desires the best large or small, feel that he is a friend =
as well as a client.-
EN AVANT ever forward How well we have succeeded is per-
haps best evidenced by our constant
A = growth.



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