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March 11, 1931 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1931-03-11

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Published every morning except Monday
ring the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Member o Western Conference Editorial
heAssociated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
ptches credited to it or not otherwise credited
ithis paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of posta e granted by Third Assistant Post-
a3tOe_, eneral. '
Subscription by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, Maynard
Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4923
Chairman Editorial Boar4
FRANK E. CoOPEr, City Editor
News Editor ...............Gurney Williams
E'ditorial Director ..........Walter W. Wilds
Sports~ Editor .. ,........Joseph A. Russell
Women's Editor:........ .Mary L. Behymer
Music, Drama, Books.......Win. J. Gorman
Assistant City Editor....... Harold U. Warren
Assistant News Editor......harles R. Sprowl
Telegraph Editor ........George A. Stauter
Copy Editor.................Wm. F. Pypet
S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel
Carl S. Forsythe Charles R. Sprowl
David M. Nichol Richard L. Tobin
Harold 0. Warren
Sheldon C. Fullerton J. Cullen Kennedy
Charles A. Sanford

the spade-work seems ghoulish, its
necessity outweighs its unpleasant-
While the hard-working, intelli-
gent senators and representatives
are relieved from the burdens and
worries of a congressional session,
it appeared last week that the so-
called progressive Republicans were
not content with the many bom-
bastic statements they had given
to the press during the session, and
they called a conference to con-
sider a program of "enlightened
legislation under enlightened lead-1
ership." Senator LaFollette (Rep., I
Wis.) is to be credited with this
new move in the political maneuv-
ering for positions in the next Con-
The new project is nothing morec
than an attempt to air the mouth-
ings of the various Liberal repub-
licans in a program which is sup-
posed to attract as much favorable
publicity to their cause as possible.
It is, also, Senator Norris's answer
to the regular Republicans for
wanting to exile him from the
party. It is undoubtedly intended
to bring to the standard of this
Republican off-shoot the more
agricultural states, through the
"discussion" of the debenture ex-
port plan, and eventually the spon-
sors may hope for a complete con-
version of the old die-hards to
their new policies, for a rebirth of
the Republican party.
Considering that the motives be-
hind the movement are rather self-
ish, and purely for party purposes,
one can, at first, hardly refrain
from condemning the project from
the start. It is an earlier beginning
of the usual political ballyhoo which
preceeds a nominating convention
and, once the candidate has been
chosen, the froth at the mouth
usually disappears, and the normal
party lines are resumed. On that
reason it might be excused as an
extremely novel method of rallying
'round the forces for some progres-.
sive Presidential candidate, but
rather hopeless.
As for the enlightened legislation
program, the senators involved in
the conference have contributed
their brilliant debates, penetrating
arguments and piercing logic to
every issue which has come up be-

Reviewed by Frank E. Cooper.
The grand old American institu-
tion of the Sunday School concert
has not perished. Adequate proof
that this form of entertainment
still persists and that it maintains
a degree of popularity with a large
portion of our citizenry was fur-
nished last night in Hill auditor-
ium, when faculty members and
students of the University united
with professional talent from De-
troit in presenting this year's edi-
tion of the Cosmopolitan club's
annual International Night pro-
It was all very much like the
presentation of a Christmas pa-
geant at a country church house,
with a Christmas tree in one cor-
ner of the stage and an effigy of
Santa Claus perched atop a chim-
ney in the other corner, and an
assembly of proud parents gathered
to watch their progeny perform,
and to gossip comfortably before,
during, and after the performance.
The students who packed Hill
auditorium last night went there
in the same frame of mind as did
the people who went to Sunday
School concerts in the gay nine-
ties. They were uncritical. They
lznew from past experience that
they would find some amusement
in the program; they expected some
good dancing and some poor danc-
ing; some rotten music, some that
was good, and some jazz. They
heard and saw quite what they ex-
pected, and were pleased. They did
not object to an occasional dull
'spot on the program.
Yes, "The Cruise of the S. S. Cos-
mos" was very like a Sunday School
concert. But it was also a great
deal more than that. In fact, it
was the best international night
program that the campus has seen
during the past five years, at least.
For the first time, the program
had a beginning, middle, and end.
Once the performance started,
there was no break (save for an
unscheduled intermission of a few
moments when one of the troupes
was not ready to appear on time,

About Books'
AMINED: by Edmund Blunden:
Harper and Bros: 1931.
Until very recently, certain ex-
trinsic things-his more or less de-
plorable influence on Keats, his
shady money-dealings with Shelley,
Byron's expressed contempt f o r
him, and Carlyle's peevish remarks
about him-were allowed to deter-
mine popular judgment of Leigh
But Edmund Blunden, w h o s e
sympathies as a poet and a scholar
have always been in that period,
has recently taken Leigh Hunt in
hand. His biography "Leigh Hunt
and His Circle," published last year,
quite effectively cancelled the pic-
ture of Hunt as a shallow, fantas-
tic creature of facile ardours and
grandiose gestures. The book show-
ed Hunt entirely admirable in many
aspects that were hitherto unrec-
Now Mr. Blunden follows up his
biography with a charming and
rather novel book that defends
Hunt from another angle. The "Ex-
aminer" (L e i g h Hunt's brilliant
paper published from 1808 to 1825)
is the hero of this book. Blunden
recreates the conditions w h i c h
brought this journal into being, de-
scribes its content4 analyses its
spirit a n d purpose, traces and
judges its influence. And all with
keen insight and a well-sustained



.. / '.



Thomas M. Cooler
Morton Frank
S aul :Friedberg
Frank B. Gilbrethl
Jack Goldsmith
Oland Goodmas
Morton Helper
Jamnes jubunsml
Bryan Jones
Denton C. Kunse
Eileen Blunt
Nanette Dembits
Elsie lFeldman
Rut~h Gallmeyft
EmilyG. Grimes
an Lev
Susan Manchester

Powers Moulton
Wilbur J. Meyers
B~rainard W. Nies
Robert L. Pierce
Richard Racine
Jerry E. Rosenthal
Karl Seiffert
George A. Stauter
Tohn W. Thomas
Sohn S. Townsend
Mary McCall
Cile Miller
Margaret O'Brien
Eleanor Rairdon
Anne Margaret Tobin
Margaret Thompson
Claire Trussell

Telephone 2121.4
T. HOLLISTER MABLEY, Business Msnagf,
KASPZ 1T. HALVERSON, Assistant Manager
Advertsi .............Charles T. Kline
Advertising........... .Thomas M. Davis
Advertising .. ......William W.. Warboys
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Accounts ......... . homas S. Muir
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Murry R. Begley
Vernon Bishop
William Brown
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Richard H. Hiller
miles Jigisington

ErIe Kightlinger
Don W. Lyon
William Morgan
Richard Stratemelt
> .Keith T.er
Byrou C. Veddet

Ann W. Vernet
Marian Atran
Helen Bailey
Josephine Convisse*
Maxine Fishgrund
Dorothy LeMire
Dorothy Laylin

Sylvia Miller
Helen Olsen
Mildred Postal
Maronie Rough
Mary E. Watts
Johanna Wiese

Night Editor - JOHN D. REINDEL
In its ideal light, student self-
government purposes to act of, for
and by the students themselves.
The chief corollary of this aim is
that, also ideally, the student rep-
resentative agency should be at
least an intermediary between the
student body and the administra-
tion; it should intercede in behalf
of student interests, present the
student view on pertinent issues,
and if it is worth its salt, it should
even go to the mat for the preser-
vation of normal, individual free-
dom, which in all but pathological
cases is considered a right, not a
gracious amenity handed down
from the throne-room of some
'benovolent' autocrat who happens
to Abe smiling at the time.
All this is ideal; the practical
picture is strikingly different. Petty
squabbles over minor malfactions,1
an intolerant paternalistic attitude


Iore Congress this sesion. Whenas is often the case in amateur
their ideas have been reasonable, theatricals) until the grand finale
the other groups have infrequently was reached.' For the first time
acceded to the amendments. Yet in history the Internaional Night
the Senators have promised that program of last night boasted'a
nothing of a political nature will be stage setting which at least hid the
discussed. One can, therefore, pre- ugly pipes of the Hill auditorium
sume, that these intellectual genii
willappy th thoris ofKeyer-organ.
will apply the theories of Keyser- For the first time, in a word, the
ling, Marx, and others to the var- performance was staged by a pro-
ous problems which confront the essional showman - Ruth Ann
nation. Their altruistic motives are bakes-and to her must go a great
to be admired, although their dc- deal of credit for the success of the
sire for uniformity in legislation performance. She had the courage
may obtain for them the desired tout the acts of the least talented
embarrassment to President Hoover. terformers to reasonable limits,
To make the representation of nderoies to re be limits-
patriotic gentlemen complete, they d to insist that there be no pen-
need add only the name of Sen- Ios of silence between the end of
ator Nye. one act and the beginning of the
For years, this column has specu-
lated on the possibilities that lay in
Editorial Comment the International Night idea, if
Sonly a competent director were se-

.....++J +..+Nan.v yr + vim. a wu vvica,.v uts nv


The most illuminating thing the
book does is to give us a clearer
picture of the state of opinion a-
bout poetry contemporary with the
'Examiner" than do the rather
better-known vilifications of the
'Quarterly" (with which the "Ex-
aminer" waged a most delightfully
bitter war.) The "Examiner" was
quite as unequivocal in its opposed
policy as w a s the "Quarterly."
Through Leigh Hunt, it expressed
only contempt for Southey.
Through Leigh Hunt, it expressed
only contempt for Southey. Through
Hazlitt, it poured damnation on the
other Lake Poets (the famous re-
view of "Christabel," the remarks
about "Kubla Khan," the brilliant
attack on the "Excursion" means to
overwhelm Wordsworth's poetic
nostrum of the simple cottager).
Meanwhile, Leigh Hunt was writ-
ing the papers (which Mr. Blunden
happily reprints in their entirety)
in which he showed a surprising
sensitivity to genius unrealized and
an intelligent zest in defence of it.
The "Examiner" through these ten
or fifteen years was almost the only
friend of Keats, Shelley, and Byron.
And despite some excessive adula-
tion (which was a reaction against
the Quarterly's railing) it was an
intelligent friend (as the acuteness
of Hunt's textual criticism proves).
This whole critical struggle is
probably very necessary to the stu-
dent of the period; and this book
gives it completely, intelligently,
and pleasantly.


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(From Daily Princetonian)
Through the columns of the New
York Times, Mr. Louis A. Cuvillier
of the New York Legislature has;
voiced his disapproval of the dole- -
gation of American students who
called on President Hoover and
members of Congress with a pro-
posal to "outlaw the compulsory
f~n-.7n of f ililai r i rn frn

o the university egged on by ieaIures o mi ary training rom
squeamish parents and alumni, and American colleges and universi-
a perhaps unduly youthful urge of ties." Their petition, signed by 10,-
students to retain small privileges, 000 undergraduates in 55 institu-
all have ruptured the main sources tions, is based on the contentionI
of friendly trust and cooperation, that the study of military scienceI
even mutual respect of students and "idealizes war and inculates a
administration. This swerve is more spirit of unquestioned military obe-
than a tendency; it has well nigh dience which is an emotional arm-
become an established fact through ament of war."
disparagement over such fruits of In his criticism of their action,
the University's beneficent wisdom Mr. Cuvillier reveals a discouraging
as. are bound to come from an as- lack of faith in humanity: "the
sumed father and son, or the later world will escape the blight of war
host and guest relationships. The when man has ceased to be hu-
university's intentions and the stu- man." He appeals also to that illog-
dents' intrests are at opposite ical promulgation of the militarist:
poles. "To insure peace, you must prepare
A more emasculated form of the for war." His concluding statement
original ideal for student govern- is, "It is better for the nation and
ment was then thought up, that the student that military scienceI
of permitting the student council be studied in the colleges and uni-
to exist for routine small jobs with versities than to have our nation
occasional resolutions on the side. perish from the earth." We would
This marked the nadir of the stu- be in hearty accord with the lastI
lent government farce at Michi- declaration, could we be at all per-
gan. Since this campus entered isuaded that the abolition of un-.
upon a regime of mock-representa-' dergraduate R. O. T. C. courses
tion by -uninterested and unim- would precipitate the perishing of{
pressive political eunochs, the gen- our nation from this earth.
eral run of students have found Only education can hasten theI
recourse for their liberties and time when the boundaries of com-
sensibilities in a growing spirt of munal interest will extend beyond

caired to whip the material into
show form. Last night, Mrs. Oakes
<gave a very acceptable demonstra-
tion of what could be done.
Of course, incongruities and im-
perfections were in abundance. But
at least there was an encouraging
attempt to make a show out of the
iniscellaneous array of singers and
dancers eager to exhibit their
t alent.
It is not so important to note
ghat lop-sided battle ships and
Mexican patios and Spanish bal-
conies and Chinese blinds do not
1 make an acceptable setting as it is
Io praise the determination of di-
rector William Jacobs, Grad. E, that
there be a real setting.
The fact that Roumanian danc-
ers stood unreasonably at attention
during the presentation of German
folk songs; and that Dutch sailors
unaccountably appeared on the
stage to interrupt a Japanese home-
life pantomime, is regrettable, per-
h, us. But it was encouraging to
xee that at last an attempt to keep
the unwieldy stage of Hill audi-
torium properly filled with actors
during the presentation of the pro-
I gram was made.
The Russian Balalaika orchestra
of Detroit, which has earned an
enviable reputation with its radio
concerts and Detroit Symphony
appearances, justified Mrs. Oake's
decision to give it the grand finale
position on the bill.
Professor J. A. C. Hildner's group
of German singers gave a pleasing
ierformance, as usual, although its
Iketch presented the difficulty
I characteristic of many other of the

Among the other fine things that'
Blunden's examination turns up are
a very bad review of Blake's draw-
ings, some jolly defence of Lord
Byron's improprieties, Hazlitt's dra-
matic criticism (particularly his
remarks on Kean's Iago), an hith-
erto unpublished satire by Charles
Lamb on Sub-Pulpit Oratory, and
the famous paper, which landed
Hunt in prison, because it suggest-
ed that the Prince Regent, whom
the Morning Post had just called
"an Adonis in loveliness," was "a
corpulent gentleman of fifty."
It is an exciting book, and as
Blunden probably intended, Leigh
Hunt emerges from it as a brilliant
wit, an acute critic, and a great
Essays by Fellows of the Royal
Society of Literature: edited by
Walter de la Mare: Macmillan.
These are the lectures by which
one Royal Fellow entertained all
the other Royal Fellows. And, as
might be expected, there is a good
deal of that rather strained gaiety
which table and the glass of water
inevitably stimulates.
But the book's distinction I can
perhaps establish by suggesting
that T. S. Eliot writes on "The
Place of Pater" (suggesting that
Pater belongs logically rather with
Arnold and Carlyle than with the
youngsters of the nineties which
were somehow influenced by him, a
thesis which he makes seem more
than a paradox); that Harley
Granville-Barker writes on "Thef

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