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By Helen Carrm, '31.
Anticipating the exodus from pot-luck picnic supper at the chap-
Ann Arbor before Commencement, ter house.
sororities have lent their interest to The senior members of Kappa
t the entertaining of senior members Alpha Theta were entertained at
. during their last weeks as students dinner on Wednesday night by Mrs.
s in the University. S. D. Neal, a patroness of the soror-
Laurie Campbell to Make
Awards for Year's
Proceeds From Bridge Will
Forwarded to A.A.U.W.
Fellowship Fund.
be Repertory players have lives tha
are both fearful and wonderful
Witness:-Margaret Anglin directs
r r
_______ rehearsals for "Lady Windemere's LiIoega senirs were enter-ity
TICKETS ON SALE NOW LOCAL MERCHANTS HELP Fan" in the morning and afternoon, tained with a Decoration Day Collegiate S o ro s i s entertained
J___and in the evening performs in breakfast by the other members of Miss Claire St. Claire, a member of
Tickets forthe Speedball banquet On Saturday, June 7 from 2-5 'Antigone." the sorority Friday morning.
h This rehearsal of Oscar Wilde's Mr. Edwin D. Dickinson, a pa- the cast for the current Dramatic
Which is being held Tuesday, June ' o'clock, . the newly formed Junior~pa so obeitrs om e rns fZt a lhetr Festival, and Mrs. St. Claire at din-
3, at Palmer field house, are 'being gru o heAeicnAsoiainplay is of double interest to me be- troness of Zeta Ta Alpha, enter- Fetvln r.S.Car tdn
ggroup of the American Association1cause of play Production's grand tained the seniors of the sorority ner Wednesday night.
sold by the managers of the class of University Women, will partici- gesture. In the not so long ago,- at her summer home, Whitwood Alpha Xi Delta had eighteen
teams, and should be bought im- vpatein theirfirst public function by April, to be exact-Play Production Cabin, last Wednesday night at al
ediately by those women who are benefit bridge at the home cast began rehearsals of "Lady picnic supper. d
planoning to attend. The banquet f Mrs. L. W. Oliphant in Barton Windermere's Fan" and was elated Members of the sorority held Sunday noon. Tuesday night guests
aHills. over the idea of doing it. Then came their annual spring formal; Thurs of honor at dinner were Registrar
Will be informal this year, accord-wl The proceeds from the bridge advertisementsto the effect that day night at the chapter house Mr. Ira Smith and Mrs. Smith, Miss
ng to the change made by the ex- will be forwarded to the A. A. U. W. TThe Dramatic Festival was includ- and Mrs. E. J. Lloyd, of Pontiac, Mr.
ecutive board of the Women's Ath- headquarters in Washington as part ing it in its group of plays. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Prophet, and Mrs. Brauninger.
letic association. of the Ann Arbor quota the na Harry Allen, assistant director of Mary E. Tuller were chaperones for Zeta Tau Alpha announces the
tional drive for a Million Dollar Iplay Production, thought that it the occasion
The speakers for the affair will Grace Richards, fFellowshiip Fund which is being wld Pr itha gd gestur t th Mrs. d pledging of Alice Evans, '32, Hunt-
beMs rc ihrs die f Adviser of women, who will speak FelwhpFn, hc big) would be rather a grand gesture to Mrs. Edward Hann, province ington Woods, Doris Litzenberger,i
be Miss Grace Richards, adviser of e launched by college women in ev- cease any further work on that deputy of Delta Delta Delta, of '32, D ois ish er,
women,, Miss Elizabeth Halsey, of;t the W. A. A. Speedball banquet ery state in the Union play. And-so that the good deeds Evanston, Illinois, has been guest2,etroiJsehin Fishe
the Physical Education department, This fund is a project to finan-of men go not unrewarded, or at at the chapter house here during eroit, and Helen Mikan, '32,Du-E
Dorothy Touff, '30, retiring presi- Acicaastt roug ellows isleast not unobserved, I make men- the past week.Ad Theta Phi Alpha gave a rushing
dent of W. A. A., and Helen Domine, FINAL FUNCTIONS ' American women engaged in or' tion of it here. Mrs. Thomas Anderson and Mrs.'dinner on Wednesday night. Dcr
'1 n omi.A .ng preden. DMis , IELD THIS WEEK anxious to engage in research of But to return. Amy Loomis (our Helen McCallum chaperoned a for- ations were carried out with yellow
any description, whose past en- Amy, if you please) is playing the mal dance at the Delta Delta Delta
Laurie Campbell, speedball coach, AT DORMITORIES deavors shall have been approved of role of Lady Windemere. Margaret house Thursday night. Wednesday pers and spring flowers
Will present the awards. by a national committee. Interest Anglin we see as Mrs. Erlynne, the night dinner guests were Mr. and
Besides the awards for speedball, The proximity of exams has on the fund is to be divided an- morally immoral mother. Margaret Mrs. Charles Graham, Mr. and Mrs.
point awards will also be made. slackened the pace of social activity nually into fellowships of $1,000 and Anglin, incidentally, spends half of: George Burke, and Mr. and Mrs.
Women who have earned 300, 600, during this last week at the three $2,000. her time in the front row directing, Chester Merrick. Our A
Women0wh dormitories, but a few farewell' The committee in charge of the
or 1,200 points, will receive M's or and the other four fifths on the The Ann Arbor Alliance of Delta
orders for pins. The 1,000 award }parties and honorary dinners have local benefifit bridge party consists stage. I didn't know that any one Delta Delta entertained the activet
will be presented to any women 'marked the social calendar. I of Mrs. George G. Adler, general person was capable of so much con- I chapter Monday evening with a
who have been considered worthy Helen Newberry gave an informal I chairman, the Misses Katherine centrated energy. Jafl
of it by the committee which se- dinner on Wednesday night for Kyer, Miriam Schlotterbeck, Mar- This is the ballroom scene and
lects the winner of such an award. Miss Mary L. Jarvis, assistant di- guerite Evans, Inez Stevenson, Lillian Bronson, as the Duchess ofS
The intramural. cup will be pre- rector of the dormitory, who will Louise Boynton, and Mrs. Russell Berwick, has just mentioned to
sented to the organized house which not return next year. Malcolm, and Mrs. Richard Greg- 'Mr. Hopper' that "dear Agatha and
has earned the greatest number of Martha Cook entertained at a ory. I are so much interested in Aus- d CONTINUES'A
points throughout the school year, formal dinner on Wednesday night Refreshments will be served and tralia. It must be so pretty with all
While the intramural baseball cup in honor of tthe members of its prizes, donated by local merchants, the dear little kangaroos flying
will be presented to the winner of Annual Staff, Decorations were car- will. be awarded. Tickets for the oc- about. . ." Delightful high comedy i
the finals which are -eing played ried out in green and yellow, and i casion, at $2 a table, may be re- of this sort changes suddenly to anI
tomorrow by Kappa Itappa Gamma corsages were presented to each of served by calling Mrs. Fred Engle- unmistakable seriousness in the p ri
and Zeta Tau Alpha. Ithe editors. i bach at 6804. Transportation reser- scene between Lord Darlington
t Raymon E. vations may be secured by calling (Robert Henderson) and Lady
price of which is one dollar, may Spokes gave a dinner at the Farm Miss Isabel Nichols at 4072. Windermere. The transition is man- Divided into four a
buy one from Marion Geib, '30, Lily Cupboard for Martha Cook's senior -- aged skillfully by the director.
Schmidt; '30Ed., Dorothy Birdzell, members of Zeta Phi Eta, profes- Chairman Announces Lord Augustus in the person of Extraordnary valu
'32, or Jane Fecheimer, '33. Reser- sional speech arts sorority. The MtAinsworth Arnold, is priceless as - - -- -
vations may be made now, and paid guests were Helen Barc, '30, JuliasC the adoring, gullible and yet dis- Crepes, Georgettes,
for at the door, if it is impossible to McKinley, '30, Hildegarde Schueren, As creet dissipator. You like him im- AFTER
reach one of these women.mediatelT '30, and Mary Kent-Miller, '27. o are ntersfhe class of 19stmediateiy.tYou laugh at him for his UNIYLatest Sprin Mod
Betsy Barbour gave a surprise book for next year's Junior Girls' credlity but love him at the same
Committee Proposes party on Tuesday night for Miss play are requested by Emily Bates, time for that very quality. WHAT?
Neva Hirleman, assistant mgr general chairman, to attend the ,I ' $7.85 .
Changes in Women's of the dormitory, who is leaving in meeting which is beingaheld at4 Of the 587 students in the regular A practical secretarial or accounting
June and will not return next year. ' tomorrow in Lounge 1 on session of the Law School of the course will prepare you for definite
The Board of Governors of Adelia the third floor of the League build- University of Michigan last year, employment. Regularly+
Several changes proposed by the Cheever House entertained the sen- ing. 348 were graduates of the Literary Begin at once or with the summer
constitution committee were made iors of the house this morning with i Directions for the writing of the t.College of the University, while 239 classes in June.
in the constitution of the Women's a breakfast at the home of Mrs. E. play will be given at this meeting,' came with degrees from other in- Fre vlacement service.
Teague recently. This committee, R. Sunderland on Cambridge Road. d ug n 1stitutios.
directors, reviews the constitution C. F. Morgan, president of the most desirable, and the technicaliTh-
to see what alterations and amend- Board of Directors of the House, ties which must be observed. The BUSINESS
ments are necessary each year in at luncheon on Wednesday. They winning play will be chosen from 118 Ma
view of the different needs that also honored Professor Charles F. those which are submitted in the COLLEGEShop
may arise during that time. Remer and Mrs. Remer with a din- fall. State and William Sts.
The following are the alterations ner on Wednesday night. As the basis of selection is com-
in the constitution passed by the j petitive, there will be certain re-__
board of directors and the board of WASHINGTON (AP)-Recovery, J strictions attached to writing of the-
of Gowns
ig Gowns
ttractive assortments
es feature this sale
Chiffons, and Prints
els. Sizes 14 to 50
to $32.50
SMills Co.
in Street
if Safis faction"
representatives: The office of cor-
responding secretary will be drop-
ped after this year, as it has been
found to be superfluous.
The board of -directors has been
changed to include the president of
the Michigan Pan-Hellenic associa-
tion, the business secretary of the
League, and the three student mem-
bers of the board of governors in
vx-officio positions. The board of
directors will now consist, in toto,
of. the elective officers of the
League, the heads of all standing
committees appointed by the presi-{
dent ,and the six class representa-!
tives. Ex-officio members in addi-
tion to the above are the judiciary
council, the chairman of the Jun-
ior Girls' play, president of the
Women's Athletic association, and
Women's editor of the Daily.
The procedure of the board of
directors in regard to vetoeing'
measures was simplified. Finally,
conference committees were pro-
vided for, to be composed of two
members from. each board and a:
chairman who is not on either
treatment, and use of waste min- jmanuscripts which will also be an-
erals has become a billion dollar nounced at the meeting tomorrow.
industry. At least half a billion This will be the only meeting held
dollars worth of scrap from the: for this purpose, and Miss Bates
steel is reclaimed annually, accord- j hopes that in order to avoid any
ing to the United States bureau of mistakes, all who intend to write
mines. plays will attend the meeting.
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Lovely creations designed for the social activities
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