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May 23, 1930 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-05-23

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- '"TA'Y, MAY 23, 1936



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Scholarship, Attitude Are Basesc
in Selection; Character Is K
Also Important.
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elen Carrm, '31.

r !

Construction Work Approaches
Completion; to be Finished1
by August 1.
Notices of approval of prelim..
inary applications for residence in
Mosher-Jordan Halls are being sent
out this week by the directors
office. A membership committee
composed of Margaret Bush, '30,
outgoing president of the Women's
League, Elizabeth DeVol, '30, retir-
ing chairmanb of the house organ-
ization committee of the League
Eleanor Cooke, '31, Albertina Mas-
len, '31, who will fulfill these re-
spective positions next year, Miss
Inez V. Bozorth, and Mrs. Mary E.
Buffington, the two directors of the
dormitory now on campus, has been
workfing for the past two weeks on
the application file numbering ap-
proximately 350.
Scholarship is Important.
Applicants are being judged first
on scholarship, women who are on
probation or near the boderliine,
excet thosecases which merit spe-
cial consideration, are not being ac-
cepted. Character and attitude are
also given careful consideration, in
an. effort to build up a strong or-
Oahnation 'of wotien who can and
will adjust themselves to the re-
tunirements of the opportunities of
dormitory life.
The'final application cards call-
ing for a choice of rooms and room-
mates, are being sent out with the
approval notices this week. In the
early part of the summer notices
will be sent to the women who are
to live inthe .dormitory as to the
room7s which they will occupy in the
4 plications from graduate wom-
ed hv ey exceqded the quota which
was firs established And arrange.
mentsare being made to take care
of some' of these women in the un-
dergraduate sections. Requests from
juniors and seniors are rapidly ap-
proachiing the quota set for upper-
class residents.
Applications Are Received.
Accomodations have been re-
served for 250 freshmen and enter-
ing uppercass transfer students.
Many applications have already
been received for these spaces.
Work on the dormitory is pro-
gressing at, a rapid rate according
to Mr. A. 0; Pehrson, consulting en-
gineer for the construction firm of
Pehrson Brothers, Minneapolis,
Mginn. Plasterers are working on the
interior of the building and expect
to be ready to start on the wood-
working in the near future. The
construction company expects to
turn the building over to the au-
thorities by the first of August.
During the month of August the
finishing touches are to be added'
preparatory to the arrival of the
furniture which will be delivered
the first of September. Kitchen
equipment will be installed during
August and the building will be
ready for student occupation dur-
ing Oriente-on week.

This is almost the last rehearsal
of "Antigone" and I am told that
I may watch if I sit quietly in onej
of the back rows. Robert Hender-
son, the director, sits in back of me
with a pencil and paper in his hand.
There's a clever little searchlight
attached to the paper.
"We're having the dress rehear-
sal tonight," he explains to me. I
watch the curtains draw apart to
present only a spiral staircase sil-
houetted against a blue sky. A cho-
rus of moving figures almost glide
in. Then Antigone, raising her head
defiantly, faces the king. Margar-}
et Anglin as "Antigone" makes me
forget her street clothes and see
her instead in the robes that Soph-
ocles would have had her wear. Her
voice is very beautiful and very
Antigone is condemned to death
and there is suddenly a rhythmic
movement of fear among the
strangely pathetic figures around
her. I watch a black-haired youth
lead her away. "There, do you see
that?" Mr. Henderson asks me.
"Every one of the members of the
chorus of peasants is a talented
dancer. Each one must move so as
to be in rhythm and to give mean-
ing to the interpretation." I nod
but say nothing. I am too engross-
ed in the play.
The entrance of the blind proph-
et marks a new atmosphere. He
brings understanding and beauty to
the minds- of those who before had
none. The depressed spirit of the
chorus changes now to bacchanal-
ian lightness. Yet I am somewhat
perplexed. The change is a bit-
"Watch this, now," the director cuts
in, "The greatest moment of joy in
plays of this type always precedes
the moment of most horror."
I sit back tensely and wait. The
blue sky slowly burns into one of
blood-red. Then it becomes dark-
er, more threatening, and the pea-
sant joy is stifled beneath the
weight of sorrow as Creon is -seen
bearing his dead son in his arms.
He lays him wearily and sorrowful-
ly on the winding steps.
Rehearsal is over and the cur-
tain has closed. Robert Henderson

gement to John H. Doeg of Santa
.Mr. Doeg is third ranking tennis
mber of this year's Davis Cup team.I
Journalistic Society
Holds Initiation and
Election of Oficers
Bemet toJohnH. oeg f Sat.
Kappa Tau Alpha, honorary jour-
nalistic scholastic society, held its
first initiation of new members 4t

\n||(0p|"|y NGLISH DOCTOR
E ECTS__OFFICERS Dr.Dorothea Singer, Lecirer
by University.
eommittee Chairman Selected i
at Luncheon in League "My first fortnight in this con-
N try has been most delightful, and
for Next Year. wonderful kindness has been shown
me by your people," was Dr. Doro-
CLUB ORGANIZER SPEAKS thea Singer's enthusiastic reply to
my question of , her first impres-
Election of officers for the com- sion of America. "What strikes me
ing year and the reports of com- most in America is 'your great
mittee and section chairmen took spaces. I was chiefly impressed by
place at 1 o'clock yesterday after-'the amount of space in the Univer-
p sity for buildings; it is a splendid I
noon at a meeting of the Faculty I opportunity for students, among
Women's Club held in the Myra whom, by the way, I find so much
Beach Jordan room of the League enthusiasm."
building. Short talks were given by Mrs. Singer is an English doctor
Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven, and by and alchemist who with her hus-
Mrs. Leroy Burton, who organized band is traveling in the ttnited
the club 9 years ago. States. She and Mr. Singer have
The new officers are Mrs. John both ectured under the auspilces of
Sundwall, president; Mrs. G. Carl the University this week. Mrs. Sing-'
Huber, vice-president; Mrs. Peter er is an ex-member of the Inter-
Field, secretary; and Mrs. J. H. national Committee of the History
Hodges, treasurer. of Science. At the request of the
Among the chairman of standing Union Internationale Academique
committees elected are Mrs. Walter she has been writing a catalog of
B. Pillsbury,programs; Mrs. PaulIalchemic manuscript of which thea
A. Leidy, hospitality; Mrs. Samuel third volume has recently appeared.
T. Dana, refreshments; Mrs. Edgar "M« pca iedi eia
H. Gault, house committee; Mrs. s y s. Sier cnied,
Edgar G. Johnston, new-comers "is alchemy, folk-lore, and medieval
section; Mrs. 'Hugh E. Keeler, Mrs. ideas of the universe." She has
RoetB. Hall and Mrs. Louis W. maea'xasie td fa-
Keeler, drama section; Mrs. Her- made an exhaustive, study Of
bert F. Taggart, nursery section, botmy and writtten several books,
and Miss Nina K. Preston, garden h on this subject, and on other
section. The art section has not studies she has made in medicine.
yet named its chairmen. Dr. Singer expressed her hearty
' approval of women entering
Faculty Will Attend sciences and the profession, for,
t she said, "I believe in the sexes
Pageant as Patrons cooperating in all activities. I kno'
I have had assistance from the
Following the custom of other work of both men and women."
years, the freshman women and
the Women's Athletic Association A fully-loaded pistol, believed
have invited 30 members of the made in the 1850's or 60's, recently
faculty to be patrons and patrones- was dug up by A. L. Dill of Ster-
ses of the Freshman Pageant. One ling, Has.
committee from each of the organi- - -- -
zations has invited fifteen of the ~
patrons and patronesses. Various NATURAL COLOR
sorority houses will entertain the
guests, and members of the com-
mittee will be at the field to meet

1 Dorothea
Of Rumson, N. J., whose engag
Monica, Calif., has been announced
player in the United States and a me
Marjorie Whiteman
j Returns From Hague
to Resume Position
Miss Marjorie M. Whiteman has
just returned from abroad to re-
sume her position as Assistant So-]
licitor of the State Department,
l after giving aid and advice on "Re-
sponsibility of States" to the Amer-
ican delegation at the Hague Con-
ference for the Codification of In-
ternational Law. She was the
youngest member hf the American
party, and also the only woman
expert on the subject among them'
Miss Whiteman received the de-
nina of lntnr of tha i o f

shouts a "If you'll wait just a mo- gree"of ""' "'i of Lle ;LjlAo
ment, please, I have a few notes Jurisprudence from Yale universi-
here that I'd like to get rid'of." ty, and specialized in this field as
Meanwhile I sit quietly by myself, international lawyer with the re-
I'm astonished to find that I en- search committee on Latin Ameri-
joyed "Antigone." I liked it. In ca, of the University of Columbia,
fact, I know of no other place I the position she held prior to her
would rather have been from 11 a. present one.
m. to 1 p. m. than right here at Although the nationality section
this rehearsal. Hmmm-I should of the code received the major part
scoff at Greek plays! of publicity from The Hague, the
There are whole rafts of charm- two other subjects treated, "Terri-
ing people in this play. You like torial Waters" and "Responsibility,
them for themselves, somehow, even of States" are of no less importance
though you don't know them. There fin the eyes of international lawyers:
is Claire St. Claire, for example,
whom you've heard of before. And
Lewis McMichael who played the
role of Jimmie Dugan in "The Trial Mae-Up
of Mary Dugan." And I must re-j
member Edward Powell who played Used Intelligently
in "The Rivals." Or didn't you see
that? BringsOut
In the name of the theatre, shoot
me if I've forgotten Creon. He is .Unsuspected
played by Ainsworth Arnold', who
gives us a perfectly knockout king. Charm
Boxed Luncheons May T F

7:30 last night in the League, build- The freshman women in charge
ing. A short business meeting fol- of patrons are Betty Clark, Leona
lowed at which officers were elect-Crawford, Paula Fales, Edna Frost
ed. and Lucille Georg.
The women who were initated are Following are names of the pa-
Mary Louise Behymer, '31, Marjorie trons and patronesses: President
I. Rehfus, 3, and Elisabeth M Alexander G. Ruthven and Mrs.
PHofeeJor L. IBrummProf.Dona Ruthven, Dean Henry M. Bates and
Mrs. Bates, Dean Mortimer E. Coo-
H. Haines, and Wesley B.. Maurer, ley and Mrs. Cooley, Dean James B.
honorary members, were present at Edmonson and Mrs. Edmonson,
the iitaion. ___Dean Allen S. Whitney and Mrs.
Whitney, Mr. and Mrs. Ira M.
Ann Arbor Camp Fire Smith, Prof. Wilbur R. Humphreys
*OCand Mrs. Humphreys, Prof. William
Girls to Open Camp G. Smeaton and Mrs. Smeaton,
Prof. Waldo M. Abbot and Mrs. Ab-'
Camp Katona, the Ann 'Arbor bot, Dr. John Sundwall and P "s.
Camp Fire Girls' camp, opens its Sundwall, Prof. William C. Tit-
season June 22, this year. The pro- comb and Mrs. Titcomb, Mr. and
gram is arranged as a co-operative Mrs. Ross Bittinger, Miss Grace
adventure in which each camper Richards, Miss Alice C. Lloyd and
contributes her share to the re- Mrs. Byrl Bacher.
sponsibility and work of the or-
ganization. Silas Clay of Lena, Ill., owns a
Cathelia Polloct, '32, has been Lutheran Bible, published in 1x30,
engaged as counsellor of nature that formerly stood in the public'
study. [square at Baden Baden, Germany.




h EMODELING Martha A. Nilsen



Opposite Hill Auditorium



be Ordered This Week---------------------
H O L D SBANQUET Independent groups and sorority AVENUE SHOP
women may place orders for boxed (Specializing in the Cosmetic
lunches for Lantern night by call-
Theta Sigma Phi, at Northwest- iEnsemble)
ing Jannet Michael, '31, who is the Fenbe
ern University, issued invitations to chairman of lunches, at 7891 before Nickels Arcade
the prominent upper class women the end of the week.j
for the annual Matrix banquet. At -_
this dinner, a well known poet, I IMI)IIIII-IIIuuIIIIII1n11 a iuu1u Einiuu r111 n1urr u1111 un-Inrut 11 nu; 1
short story writer, and newspaper =
woman spoke. --
An 'inter-sorority si'ng was held
for all social organizations. Each
entrant sang two songs of their
own selection, and to the winner
was awarded a loving cup.
GIRL That Outdor
GARMENTSIf'i is \vsely chosen r'
in ~within the shric't limnts-I
Girdle Brassieres Iw of: the Seater cosuei
Step-n Girdles I-the Knitted Coat and
Circle Sashes = I'the Sports Frock just as =I
Garter Belts

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