FRIDAY, MAY23, 1930 -
a ai w i n
Published every morning exeept Monday t
during the' Tj7njversjty year by tha Board iI E
Control of Student Publications.
Member of. Western Conference Editorial'
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled'
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
4, this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffce at Aan Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
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Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May
card Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Chairman.......... George C. Tilley
City Editor...............Pierce .Rosenberg
News Editor...............Donald J. Kline
Sports Editor.......Edwar M I. Warer, Jr.
Womnen's Editor....... .....Marjorie Follmner
Telegraph Editor.......'..Cassam A. Willson
Music and Drama.......William J..Gorman
Literary E'ditor..........Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant City Editor. ..Robert J Feldman
Night Editors--Editorial Board Members
Frank E. Cooper Henry J. Merry
William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss
Charles R. KIa ffnan Walter W. Wild s
Gurney Williams
Reporters '
Morris Alexander. Bruce J. Manley
Bertram Askwith Lester May
Helen Barc Margaret Mix
Maxwell Bauer David M. Nickol
Mary L. Bthymer William Page
Allan H . erkman Howard H. Peckham
Arthur J. Bernstein ighrPierce
S. Beach Conger John, D. Reiindel
Thomas M. Cooley eannie Roberts
Heen Domine Joseph A. Russell
Margaret Eckel Joseph Ruwitch
Catherine Perrin Ralph R. Sachs
Carl F. Forsythe Cecelia Shriver
Sheldon C. Fullerton Charles R. ;'$prowl
Ruth Gallm'eyer r Adsit Stewart
Ruth G~eddes S. Cad well Swan"o
Ginevr6 Ginn Jane Thayer
Jack Goldsmith Margaret Thompson
~mily Grimes Richard L. Tobin
Morris Gco verinsa Robert Townsend
Mar garet Harris Elizabeth Valentine
. ulkfn Kennedy Harold O. Warren, Jr.l
Jean Levy G. Lionel Wtiillena
Russel E..McCracken Barbara Wright
Dorothy Magee Vivian Ziia
terest in religious matters in the
up-to-date college. In some insti-
tutions, the idea of a Campus Chap-
el has been completely abandoned
as untenable. This is because the
undergraduate is a prey to laziness,
and avoids the religious service
from the subconscious motive that
it would be for him just like an
extra class; or because he feels thatI
science and humanism have sup-,
planted Christianity and left it
without permanent realnvalue. In!
most cases, the student's ideas are(
the undigested thoughts of profes-
sors or modern theorists, and rare-
ly have they been affected by any
deep personal experience. For the,
indifferent, for the doubtful, and
for the convinced, there could be
no better common meeting-ground
than the Northfield Conference.
Not so long ago, there was no-
thing unusual. in a delegation of
over a hundred Yale men to this
conference; now the number has
dwindled to 40, although Yale is
still a main supporter of this
scheme for stimulating intercol-
legiate religious thought.
The delegates who now attend
are perhaps more deeply sincere-
than they used to be, and the
smaller group has the advantage
of being more intensified. But this,
does not mitigate the fact that
fewer men seem interested, and
the conference fails to be all-in-
clusive. There can be little advan-
age in any assemblage where
only one opinion is expressed, so
that not only the devout, but also
the skeptical should be repre-
OASTED OLL Music and Drama EPh. Res. 22266 Ph. Office 21495
i I liIo ^ Sout. Main and Keech
SUGGESTED Riding Lessons by Appointment
CAReviUw.- ,-
I'- - -
Philip Culkin, baritonej Flor- ...
M. T. has written in again to sug- LPGpCAnFrUe FC-
gest that a lovely set of permanent ence Boycheff, mezzo-contralto, L. G. BALFOUR CO.
.1121 South Unversity
ash-trays be erected on the steps t and now Miss McClung, soprano, FRATERNITY JEWELERS
of Angell hall. She also mentioned seem to me to be three important Badges-Favors-Programs
that it might be nice to have stop talents that have developed recent- Corkey Stanard, Mgr.
lights on the four corners of the __ _______
campus. I take ths opportunity ly under the guidance of Theodore - --
to mention that I seriously doubt Harrison. And Miss McClung's by
Solomon Once Said:
"It is wise to
That first suggestion, however,
has some merit in that it moved
the Rolls Artist to get out his
hatchet and engrave us a picture
which he vainly hopes will keep
him on the Rolls payroll until the
next ideal girl is needed. His firstl
effort appears below and repre-I
sents Angell hall as it is in its stark
ugliness unadorned by graceful
' stream-lined, eight-in-line,
speed-in'-reverse ash trays.
Telephone 212141
& A. .. JORDAN, JR.
,Assistant Manager
Department Managers
Advertising..... .....r. iolister Mabley¢
iAdvertising ,........... Kasper Ii. Halversonl
Service.. ......x.George A. Spaer
Circulation. . . . Vernor Davis
Accounts.......... ...John R. Rose
Publications ... .George R. Hamilton
-Business Secretry-Mary Chase
Jawes E. Cartwright Thomas'Muir'
Robert Crawford George R. Patterson
Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford
!Norman Eliezer' Lee Slayon
rris Johnson Joseph Van Riper
chrles Kine Robert Williamson
Marvin Kobacker William R. Worboy
Women Assistants on the Business
Marian. Atran Miay Jane ~enan
Drothy Bloonigarden \Viinia MeCowb
Lai ry Codlig Alice -eculy
thel Contas :' lvi Millj-
Josephine Convisser Ann Verner-
jiernice Glaser Dorotea Waterman
Anna : oldbrger - Joan Wiese
Lortense' Gooding
FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1930
Night Editor: HAROLD O. WARREN
It is indeed regretable that our
worthy cntemporary, the Stan-
ford Daily, recently printed a
statement by Dean Theodore'
Hoover, brother of the President
and dean of the Stanford engin-
eering school, over his protest. The |
paper has violat.ed one of the un- 1
written rules of academic freedom,
the inviolability of the professor
for statements made in classroom.
To be sure, a statement from the
brother of the chief executive to
the effect that "pacifists are in er-
ror in assuming that peace is de-
sirable" at a time when the Presi-
dent is attempting to obtain the
ratification of a treaty calculated
to promote world peace, has decid-
ed news possibilities, in fact, might
be said to be the proverbial "scoop."
But the editor of the paper should
have sacrificed his ambition to
beat the metropolitan papers and
left the story unwritten.
Students who take courses from
the more noted professors do so in'
order to procure a broader outlook
on some of the problems of this
age. Through the contact with
some of the greater minds they
hope to gain new ideas, or assist in
formulating 'some of their own.
They elect the courses not to ob-
tain a series of mere facts but for
the contact with a man, or woman,.
who is an authority .in the field
he or she may represent. An'd in
order to permit the lecturer to
transmit his opinions, he must not
be restrained or checked by the
thought that every word he says
will be carefully scrutinized by a
mass of people who do not know
the reasons behind his statements
as do those who are authorities.
Dean Hoover was right when he
said that giving publicity to class-1
room views was a violation of a
long-standing unwritten rule of
journalism ethics, And it is to be
The conference is not an attempt'
to convert the radical or sway the
weak-minded. A conviction is of
little value if it is not sincere and
individual. The purpose of the con-
ference is to bring a representative
cross-section of the college campus
into contact with the leaders in
religious fields; on the ground that
an exchange of ideas between such
men will raise new questions, stab-
ilize thought, and settle what mat-
ters of 'doubt are capable of solu-
(From Minnesota Daily)
Much twaddle has submerged
the genuine issues of the contro-
versy that has waged over prohi-
bition. Magazines have seized up-
on the debate to swell their cir-
culation with polls and contests.
Preachers have made front pages,
giving spectacular utterances about
the' Volstead law. Congenial cal-
umniators have lashed the law and
its enforcement. Amid the uproar
only .a few have remained calm
and objective in their analysis of
the situation.
Most of the verbitage has been
about non-essential considerations,
but still, people will ballot, argue,
denounce, and carp without realiz-
ing just what the seat of the whole
difficulty is. The really important
concern may be best expressed in-
.terrogatively: "Shall the philoso-
phy of individualism or 'corpora-
tenes' (John Dewey's. term) be
Modern society has become so
closely integrated that the individ-
ual is irretrievably losing his iden-
tity in the whole; he must willy-nil-
ly subject himself to the mandate
of the majority's good. In this
light prohibition becomes a social,
not a personal; consideration. The
consumption of alcoholic liquors
is obviously a matter for physiol-
ogists and psychologists and it is i
from them that much of the ans-
Iwer to the question must come.
Like all other human phenomena
1 prohibition comes under the scope
of science and the scientific analy-
pis of the problem deserves a most
careful hearing. -
. . Medical men have almost unan-
imously declared that alcohol has
a deleterious effect upon the nerv-
ous and digestive system. Dr. F.
G. Benedict, 'averred not long ago
that "vital bodily functions are re-
tarded from 20 to 90 per cent by
amounts of alcohol contained in
beverages which advocates of mod-
ification are trying to bring back."
He did not advance this idly but
buttressed this statement with
tangible proof' which consisted of
information derived from tests.
From an eye wink experiment he
learned that vision was percep-
tibly impaired 'and from this he
stated: "An individual manifesting
not the slightest degree of intoxi-
cation, and who has taken only a
few glasses of light wines, is in no
condition to be trusted on the high-
Angell Hall.1
I see that the front page yester-
day had a beautiful picture of a
snowstorm as the forecast for to-
day. No little comment has been1
pouring in on the subject and the
general sentiment is that some-
thing should be done. '
My personal opinion is that when
the forecast' comes as close as that,
it is to celebrate and not cavil
at minor errors.
The old familiar sign about
"Clothing OneThirdrOff" has again
put in its appearance in the win-
dows of our shops along State
Another boost for He Men's
"Coatless Shirt" campaign.
The front page announces that
the members of the faculty "Wlil"
attended a meeting.
When it comes to the point where,
we can mention such a thing as a
Wlil right out in print, I for one,
broad minded as I am, think it is,
high time something was done.
The Passing of "Doc" Lovell.
"Hello my friend," was old Doc's
To all the State Street passers by.
"Good morning Doc, how's things
with you,
I see the Press has nothing new."
Old Doc was loved by all in town,
Truly a man of great renown; a
He sold his papers all day long,
His lecture hours he filled with
One day he left, we searched in
'Twas said he's left for Laurentian
His health was bad, he could not
no means is the least promising of a
the three. I iiiverd
The scope of her program last
night, as well as her very compe- V
tent performance of it, left no
doubt about Miss McClung's prom-
ise. A soprano possesses genuine ---
versatility who can successfully in- MAKE
sinuate her voice into the variety
of mood represented by the Mozart
Alleluja, Monroe's My Lovely Celia,
a fine selection from Schumann ,an
aria from Carmen, and a final light
It is quite possible that there i-1"
wasn't always success in the sense -
of authenticity in the interpreta- TYPEW
tions of Miss McClung, (the over- RIBB
insistent, over-emphatic Mozart SUPP
probably being a case in point). for all m
Someone who knows the songs Typew
better than I do would have to de- Rapid tU
cide that. But all the interpreta- best qua
tions did possess, in the experi-
ence, the somewhat more impor- O.
tant quality of conviction-which 314 Sout
is saying a great deal.
Miss MClung's technical cer-
tainty contribut6d in no small de- I
gree to this sense of conviction she
invariably aroused. There was no
timidity about the quality of her
voice in any register or any color; A
no timidity about her tonal release.
Her approach to rythms was bold S
and slmrp; her dynamics similarly
bold and interesting. This confi-
dent agility, combined with a
charming stage manner, makes for
successful Projection and speaks a'
maturity., not often found in first
recitals. vaguely it might be de-
fined as a force of will. At anyS
rate it is a necessary attribute of
the concert singer that often takes1
years to acquire.
Miss McClung knows her voice
and is; thus able to plan her songs
-a quite unromantic processbut
probably the process of every great
singer. She employs vocal variety
very effectively for grace and hu-
mor (in the Schumann Volkslied-
chen, Arne's, The, Lass With the
Delicate Air, and Weaver's Moon
Marketing.) But she is equally
aware of the intensity of a sus-
tained unity (even monotony) of
vocalizat'iR, most markedly no-
ticedi4n the Schumann Mondnacht,
which was perhaps her best lyric.
This ;evidence of the happy fusion
of intelligence and voice-the one
using the other as an expressive
medium-indicated Artistry. And
Artistry. is one level above that of
average student recital, which
might be described as experimen-
tal showmanship. One would like
to make predictions.
W. J. G.
Several talents of considerable RC
experience and fame' have been eon:
assembled for the productian of sic-
Antigone next week. Of Miss An- Orti
glin's little need be said. Her careerj Ne
has been definitely a matter of
headlines for years, starting with
her first success as Roxane in
Richard Mansfield's production of
"Cyrano de Bergerac." A long string
of featured leads followed until she
became eventually absorbed in the
production, practically the intro-
duction to America, of Greek
Ainsworth Arnold, who is playing
Creon, one of the longest parts in
dramatic"'literature, is a distin-
guished actor. He has been princi-
pal support on several occasions to
Blanche Ri'ng, Ethel Barrymore,
Jane,-Cowl and Mackaye Morris.
The activities of Lewis McMichael,
who is doing Creon's son Haemon,
have largely been with Walter IF
Hampden; and the Neighborhood
Playhouse in New York. Claire St. 1. We
Claire, ingenue of the - Festival ter
Company, hao appeared in 'New t -The
York productions of The Ivory Door . Al
and The Grey Fox. Edward Powell" a I
recently appeared i'n Ann Arbor as
Fag with Mrs. Fiske's production YoE
of The Rivals; he has also been her gree
stage-manager for the past two1 cal
years. Victor Adams, a Greek ac- spe
tor who has been in the Greek
Tragedies at Athens, is to play the U
Sentinel and speak the prologue M
and epilogue in Greek. LillianI
Bronson who will appear as Eury- f
rover, fresh stock, Insures
lity at a moderate price.
6 State St. Ho Phone 6615
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be thrifty." An we see how far his
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Dial 2-1414
n-azi ng
records are pouring in.73
s credit for every old Viotor
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- e.
, r
Within the
town he long held sway.I
And now I learn that he is dead,
That man with more degrees than
He'll ply no more his paper trade,
Beneath the earth, he has been
Requiescat in
Dear Dan: Here's hoping tha
you are able to get many mo
pomes as good as this one.
Yours for better Rolls,
Harvey Slater.
Well, Harve old man, I had
dared to hope that I might get
a poem or two better than that,
but I may have been a trifle
The Poet's Coroner is a busy fel-
low these days. Contributions are
pouring in so fast I scarcely know
where to put it. If things keep go-
ing on at this rate, I'll have to hire
an assistant. There's about as
much nothing doing around here
as I can handle alone already. Well,
here it is-
A young fellow hunted for hours
And hours and hours and hours--
In fact ad infinitum
Through the whole Arboretum
But he found no one looking for
* * *
e records must be
records returned must be defaced bl
arge X scratch.d across the label,
u can't afford to neglect this
at chance to bring your musi
library up-to-date without
nding a cent
Devoted to Music
11- iou u u 11111 m -' 4 I , 1 'M . 1111i --