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May 08, 1930 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1930-05-08

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SH PlO ST U TIN7!7< T-~he AnnualI May Festvals of the UIakig ~ beui~~k1.o
Up ossibritse a c h e v em e n t o n a ?
°r!brought renown and distinction to In the early nineties a well de-
Red Fd the U tA A r d fined series of concerts were given
TO go- INTO EFFECT I a / r f Wr 1lRe Cross SuppliesFood, Shel nivesity, Ann Abo and its nd finally as a climax to the sea-
{ter to Families in Flame Swept environs. Next week the Thirty- son of 1893, a three day program
New" A seventh Annual one will be a real- was made for the middle of May.
Prominent Shipping Men Ex- ew> Jersey reas. ity. Response to the whole idea was so
SHOE_________ h enthusastic that boldly and opti-
pect U. S. Yards to Begin Ka SHOWERS AID F EMEN The first festival developed in a sistic the prbgrdm ad om
Work Soon most logical manner and repre- blazoned on its front, First Annual
(fl vv Associated Press) sented an awakening of ,musical May Festival.
M'ALLISTER OPTIMISTIC . / NEW YORK, May 7--Despite the interests in the University and city Old University Hall, with its ob-
-- - Y I three-day battle waged by thous- which had been gradually devel-j solete accoutrements, provided theI
Greatest Peace Time Activity ands, forest and brush fires still oping for some time. In 1879. a 'etting for the First Festival The
Will Improve Merchant ;V; were burning today on many fronts group of interesed lovers of music ov letrbi acmFesivaldwnpour
Marine's Position., *.*.* throughout the drough-parched had united their cultural endeav- concert performances; and crowds
eastern states. ors in the formation of a Univer- of people unable to get in wander-
(By Associated Press) In New Jersey, where all but two sity Musical Society, receiving sanc- ed nonchalantly about the side-
NEW YORK, May 7-- American of the worst fires were out or under tion from the state of Michigan as iwalkscompletely drenched. This
shipyards soon will resound with anicroae'bdzihn n physical testimony of the people's
the g st peaetiesactivit control, state authorities and Red cultural enthusiasm gave Dr. Stan-
the greatest peacetime activity in Cross agencies turned their atten- tention of financial gain. For the iley absolute confidence in the prac-
their history, if the expectations of tion to supplying food and shelter first fifteen years concerts, some- ticability of his idea. And there
prominent shipping men are real- for families in the fire-swept areas. what diffusely organized, were of- has followed year after, with in-
ized No official checkup of the num- fered teresting additions to the makeup
ized. feed. An extensive program of con- I <}s ber left destitute by the flames has. of the program, the second, third to
Arcn surpased pro by the wbeen made and estimates vary from It was with the coming of Dr. the thirty-seventh.
struction surpassed only by the war 5,000 persons to 100 families. Albert A. Stanley as director that Dr. Albert Stanley, whose vision
time activity when 10,000,000 tons Gov. Morgan F. Larson directed important direction of the talent was responsible for the idea and
of shipping was launched. in four - Adj. Gen. Frederick Gilkyson to available began. Added impetus whose executive talent made it
years, is foreseen. turn over to the fire warden's de- was given to musical activities. completely practicable, is planning
Will Aid Merchant Marine. partment tents, cots and other With his enthusiasm he stimulated attendance at this year's Festival.
That the new era of building will equipment from National Guard a larger and more vigorous appre-
give the United States the speed stores that can be utilized in car- tion of the aims of the society
supremacy of the seas and raisel ... ing for refugees.----I Gold Star Mothers
the merchant marine to an unpre- Gilkyson said arrangements had Huron to be Widened
cedented position in world com- Special medals have been cast to honor members of the crew been made to furnish temporary mbar for rance
merce is the dream of maritime in- which piloted the NC-4 (top) in its record-breaking flight across the quarters for the homeless in the and Repaved by State . .t
terests. Atlantic in 1919. Commander John H. Towers (right), who was inNational Guard barracks at Sea- to Visit Cemeteries
Not since the days of the famous command of the flight but failed to reach the goal, will be decorated girt. Gov. Larson also ordered that Promise of the State Highway
clipper ships with their great sails with the six men who flew the successful plane. two unfinished dormitories at the department has been given to the (y Associated Press)
has the United States been able I -- '-- ----New Lisbon home for the feeble city of Ann Arbor for the resurfac- NEW YORK, May 7-Embarking
to boast of its speed on the seas, New12f *erI Eltd minded be made available. ing this spring of Huron street at Hoboken, N. J. the port from
and vessels flying foreign flags car- New Of£icers A few scattered showers aided from Fifth street to Twelfth street i
ry the largest portion of the freight U T U UiUi fOr Pi Lambda Theta firemen in Ocean county, but there at the state's expense, it was an- which many of their sons started
and passenger business of the coun- uwas no rain Tuesday in Monmouth nounced yesterday by City Engi- for the war, 300 Gold Star mothers
try. Next year's officers for Pi Lambda county, where a serious fire threat- neer George Sandenburgh. I sailed at noon today aboard the
"The outlook for shipbuilding in , N j't ls I[I LikiITheta, honorary education sorority,j ened Tuckerton. Prior to applying the asphalt liner America to visit the graves of
this country is esy,' psaideCapt. were elected at a meeting held yes-; paving, the street will be widened their sons in France.
the American Bureau of Shipping, Gold Medals Will ePresented;terday afternoon. Regent's Mother Dies ,to 53 feet from Fifth to Division They were conveyed to the pier
"as far ahead as one can see. to Transatlantic Air se Ganiard, 31Ed., was elect- Afejcness r Sandbu said liams. The band of the 16th
Government Adds Support. TiBed president, and Marguerite Hall, - infantry was stationed at the pier
"A requickened interest in ship- rai azers. . Grad., vice-president. Carolyn Illness and subsequent death on as well as the Hoboken Police band
building is noticeable and is due, in Wheeler, '31Ed., was made corre- April 8 of Mrs. Augustus Marsh, the A THLETES PRAISE As the America steamed down
a large measure, to the awarding APPROVED BY CONGRESS Imother of Mrs. Esther Marsh Cram, the bay an escort of five army
of mail contracts and extension of i sponding secretary; Georgiana Regent of the University from Flint, C. M . T. CAMP LIFE planes faew in formation above the
loans to finance new ships being (By Associawted Press) Densmore, .31Ed., recording secre- has kept Mrs. Cram from all ac- Only--ship and the city tug Macom and
made by the government under the WASHINGTON, May 7- Naval j tary; and Elizabeth Whitney, '31Ed., tivities in Ann Arbor during the Only a few weeks more remain a fleet of fire boats accompanied
Jones-White merchant marine act. fliers who blazed the first air trail treasurer. Helen Dobson, Spec. Ed., past month. iwhich enrollments may be made her. Capt. George Fried, comman-
Capt; McAllister said that the across the Atlantic in the NC-4 will was chosen keeper of the records. Mrs. Cram has been ill the last for the 1930 C. M. T. Camps, ac- der of the America, has promised
United States now ranks second be honored with special medals. I-three weeks and has been confined cording to an announcement madeoderko the Aeya, as prosed
I Cthrin GgBr-tOLeN CshiE-p-buHrildhmeinnlit.nyaotnianoncmenomdeto mae the voyage as pleasant for
amog the ship-building nations of Designed by Catherine G. Bar- ROLLINS COLLEGE-Gorra Her- to her home in Flint . by Phelps Newberry, Civilian Aide the mothers as possible.
the world whereas it was seventh ton, Englewood, N. J., the awards ris, American novelist, is giving a to the Secretary of War. 1 The mothers leaving today are
a feW months ago. Its merchant will be struck from gold in the ( course in "Evil" this spring at Rol- AMHERST-Amherst College has Babe Ruth, himself a great ath- from a number of states, mostly in
marine is a poor second to Great United States mint and presented lins College. She holds that "evil" is startled the athletic world by lete, says, "The C. M. T. C., with the middle west, and the first of
Britain. Athogh the United States' by President Hoover in the name I a dignified subject and should be adopting d single standardized let- their supervised athletic exercises J 5,000 who will make the trip. The
foreign trade last year constituted of congress. taught by "good" people. She is the ter award for all major and minor in the open air, are real health second contingent will depart on
nearly one-third of the worJd, only Commander John H. Towers, world's first Professor of Evil., I sports. builders." May 13.
31 per cent of it was carried on who conceived and commanded the --_
Twele cmbitio ve ssel wit hi toric voyage in May, 1919, bu
't'welve 'ombnation vessels with failed to reach the goal in his flag-
an aggregate tonnage of 153,800 and ship, the NC-3, and the six intrepid
14 tankrs whose gross tonnage to- men who gained Europe success-
tals 126,8O anow are under con- Ifully, will receive the medals.
struction, in. American shipyarda.
according to the National Council The honored pesonne of the
of American Shipbuilders. INC-4 is made up of,. Commander
Tooe nage Increases, Albert G. Read, the seaplane's com-
The total tonnage now under mander; Lieut. Comm. Elmer F.
construction, amounting to 30,000 Stone and Lieut. Walter Hinton, pi-
tons, surpasses that quilt in any lots; Lieut. H. C. Rodd, radio op-
year since 1922 when the war build- erator; and Lieut. J. L. Breese and I
ing boom closed. Chief Aviation Pilot Eugene S.
Under the Jones-White act, the Rhodes, engineers..
govrnmnt mayloa $2O,00,00 i.Three flying boats, the NC-l,
to private interests to help finance NC-3, and NC-4, took off from New-
the constructon of 44 ships during J foundland on May 16 for the Azor-
the next nine years. Twelve al- es, following a line of destroyers
ready definitely planned, according tossing in rough sea. The NC-4
to the National Council, will cost I arrived at Horta the next day but
$43,178,000. The cost of the 44 is 't r.panion ships, landing in the I
etim1ated at $223,151,000. te4 srsa
- --- Tle NC-1, found by the steam-
Dentistry Professors . e ioni2 and taken in tow, sank r i
Attending Convention ii the heavy sea while the NC-3,
baieted by waves for 52 hours, tax-
e tal o ae n irbr but was unable to HAS ATTRACTED HUNDRES OF E AGER SHOE
- .dna sho r i eri The NC-4 cated on to Lisbon,

ee rng AILIN
attending the annual convention of1 Portugal alo:o and landed in Pl-[IYR - lw g '
Michigan dentists which is being moPtyUEnglan, on May 3I wih j + ww, SA V
Hotel Stte.A-muh nlno Ma u31 wih BUYERV WHY NUT CIAME IN AND SAVE
held today at the Hoe ttlI l the t ,,tic ocean conquered for
though normally the convention is th^ iist time by aircraft.
called in the spring vacation Today the hull of the seaplane
period in order to insure complete rests in Smithsonian Institution . Ki
attendance of the local faculty, and its personnel scattered. t oSsyea
this year's change in precedent has Towers is assistant chief of the
resulted in a spasmodic trek from bureau of aeronautics, Read is ex-
Ann Arbor to Detroit among the ecutive officer of the aircraft car-Ui
members of the University faculty, rier Saratoga, Stone commands the OUR $16,000.00 STOCK MUST BE REDUCED 2 IN 30 DAYS
with no definite representation at coast guard destroyer Cummings, -
the convention. Hinton and Breese have left the
Among those attending from service, Rodd is on duty with theS Sh es Street Shoes es Shoes
Michigan are Dean Marcus L. Ward, radio division of the navy bureau 1.
chairman of the committees on In- of engineering, and Rhodes is sta- You will find a great as-
spection and Code of Ethics, and tioned at Pensacola, Fla. For Street and Golf. In all the new Styles s o r t m e n t of the newest
amendments to the constitution, SOrimeniO h e et
and U. G. Rickert, chairman of the UNIVERSITY OF NEBRASKA- Cut to $4.90, $5.90, $6.90 styles of dress shoes for
dental science committee and a Faculty members of the University ag $7 Shades and leathers have
member of the executive council. Iof Nebraska read more light fiction In -Men and W~nn l e
__[_____than do the student body accord- ValuesnuptAll1Re-
FULLERTON COLLEGE-In the ing to the records of one of the Values up to $10.00. been cut deep for this Sale. duced.
f n t rsnal rain of Fuller- local book dealers.



Is Here !

A {
. } ' .
/ 7



The wool knickers are
smartly styled in plus
fours, with wide waist-
bands, and buckles at
the knee. The range
of patterns, weaves,
and colors, is unusually
wide. The linens come
in plain white, black
bats on white, and
gray tweed effects.
Coats ad
C asSweaters
These are made espe-
cially for the Golfer.
The coats, and some
of the sweaters have
handy pockets. There
is a wide range of
colors and styles to
choose from.
Polo, Shirts
In both the rayon and
wool, are indeed cor-
fortable. Coming in
tar, blue, and green,
they add a pleasing
note of color.
Golf Hose
In colors to match the
sweaters and Polo
shirts, or, to harmonize
with the suit. They
co e in wool, lisle,
and silk andwool.
Lewis Golf


This one piece, porous
knit garment is made
to give the maximum
comfort and freedom
of movement. It is
something entirely new
and different.
Golf Hats


I U aUI e gt0 .J . JIJt(A.Lv r
ton students will be pvailable, its
was announced recently by the
registrar. Personal rating blanks on
each student will be filled out by
four instructors and the informa-
tion will be on file for prospective
employers or for other colleges.

1121 South University
orkey Stanard, Mgr.

Remember Mother- '
See these betautiful packages. A wonderful assortment of
Ir- -. .XT £


of white canvas pro-
tect the eyes and head
from the rays and heat
of the sun. They all
have the ventilation
screens, and g r e e n
AHA ~r




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