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May 08, 1930 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-05-08

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FA * T







Magyar to Attemrpt !ff~lT URfh~i
kTrans-,Atlantic Hop IIIIIANflHE IINVIIU


S3ecretary of State Asserts Hea
Will Runi 'If There Is
A Demand.


"e egates to !3xplaint
Pact to Com-nitice

Authoritative Figures Released
as Disrupted Communication
I. Restored.3

on Foreign Affairs.

°kGRAND RAPIDS, May 7- The "..~ WASH
RITvOL W TE O Grand Rapids Herald says that a ate For
John S. Haggerty of Derit, see-! ; today do
R4n goon Residents Say Quake re ary of state, will be a candidate j ings on
Vas Puinishmenxt for ;for governor, adding that the for-; ment, b
Ganhis Aret. a announcemient of his candi- I Sce
Gandhi's Arrest.(acy will be made later in the dayI aI
by M r. H-aggerty. The paper as-(y A~ ocald P es r parley,
ReteIANGOONT, Burma, India, May 7 Iete Gov. Fred W. Green would f.. exli
supotMra1lggrt.the Un
-CsultesinModa'seath Continuing, the ewspaper de- IandJa
gole oa to t400 killed in I cres: a
Peuadsmtigover 200 killed ;R R ; x"Mr. Ifagerty is not given to Thws ea
or injuared in Rangoon, according. volubility and has little to say of sionwasre
.- "; .. ,«s s .1his candidacy. ie will run, how- ntAeaeridgyrpsnt
to authioritative figures. _______1_IeverLieut._Alexander_ __________present.
___ _ _ _ _ _ _ee, on his personal record as a Whascifpltoagruof;Sne
Various reports had been circu- ;.WJ-v. vn business man who has made a great Woa he io fagopo ea
ae nsne success ,nlie on his record as a Hungarian airmen is making pre- Pennsyl
,fteregarding the total. oda's John Ienwy Mears, New York flyer, will make a attempt thissme to lowr the world flight record inslin C.
figures were based upon counts now St it"19P, ' til tzds Gerif t dirigible the Gaf /epp un. T'fie German caft which waspii otei by -itpbiofcalanheaseda'artnsf arpsdtasA-inn(
1tfgrtvah Illr xeI ellit the globie in 21 days, geat many of them in Wayne iantic, non-stop flight frorn Detroit,! of the
going on as obtained through con- Mea pn .p eht i ty 6k' N&i York, is in C~os An geles at present eing groomed for the flight. A Stan-+ county as well as. being secretary Michigan, to Budapest, Hungary.; plained
munication systems which TuesdayI stop f1i ht td'RNe toV61ivk11 ii$dued as a test for the plane,,which wil hos f from there on its world flight, of state for two terms, and on the,-I No ye
hadd Utei didiuprupted.__-__ __---_-- -- --. fct-thatlie know publicbusinessI -.-fX-_~_1 '-"=,.-ww.fact that he'v-knows public- business~wr WARr-wENwHOOVERu teeHOOga
'Estimates on the number of dead h hs xerene ssereay RR ST r U:Scrhet
ranged from between 400 to 10, I'ofI sta ~IH t P ~~throunh hiseernc e srtaryA RETeIS E
persons, which had been considered LIIe l j-jJ L r.V j f 1 administrative board. and Ad
certain, to between 5400 and 7,000,flRTAT.Lr 1. (Flt AsgeS Mr. Hggert willliavethe !be cafe
th~figresof heRanooncore- hATL Ph~f ,~i~ __ _____ prttoo ofGo. GeenandofSANTA CRUZ, Calif., May 7- Reed
E IRATE, - Green forces in general through-! You cant arrest me," declaced the ;would k
Indian residents 'of the city, I'111LILfL TRENCH MOU TH SPRADS AT of freshman work and three years ! out th state. More. than all else, young fisherman "my fatier is a; tmere
thic lhad something in excess of PURDUE. of sophomore work as has often! he will have his great personal fo-saeentr"ttti,
Iit~l population, regarded the i Dwight Morrow Must Declare PURDUE UNIVERSITY-Due to! been done previously. Maturity lowing in Wayne county and the saeentr" satem
earthuakehsipuishoet torthet credit, given only for junior and,. great folowing he has built up cnhtedptygm ern
arnrst of Mahatma Gahdh'i leader frPoiiintoGt 'h rvlnc!ftec ot senior courses, will be necessary. ;through Michigan since he became warden is quoted as having said.f h
of the Indian civil disobedience G.O.P. Nomination. among Purdue students, President ___ secretary of state. j!'Well, my brother is President of Chair
°movien: Thre ere iot inE: C. Ellitt issued a bulletin warn- OfII)O STUDENTS CONSERVATIVE "John S. Haggerty is one of theI the United States.' itbeen a
Raxi 9oon after the tremor, during FINAL ACTION DEFERREDigaht osbecntat if OI TT NIEST mst.ulF e h e rgtaten loAnvur nog h asborten asn
whichndas stipe origIndians pssbe otrcto ostripped NIESIY rnet.Nw foreigne ta iAd ue nog hasfrthasn
mae lthfrmpasrsy n ( A *i )the epidemic and organizations are, Recent tests by the sociology de- convention in Detroit when he was I deputy game warden was Prof. plans.
burnedlt -fPoice adsodersby fn-,(i AscitdPe
alrld itroughite ad diesfions- EAKN a .-h to be instructed in the prevention partmrent indicated that Ohio stu- nominated for the first time. The Theodore Hoover, dean of the;
of the disease.' dents were conservative. A list of nomination was made by acelama- school of engineering at Stanford HER
unde cotro, bt te diturancs, ntiSalon eage o Ne Jeseysixty words was presented to one tion, but it was a sort of acclam-! University, who gets a dollar a year UNIV
her angoonmed eay werenplace haotiervdwhti i fec, ENCYCLOPEDIAS STOLEN hundred students, and they wrote ation that perhaps was never before1 for his deputy job.ICors
aTh 50,wnhg24onuedweFewblcd-;ntieo Dwight W. Morrow that i PUR~ftT°9 UIVERSITY - A 37 their reaction to each word, Bol- seen n a political cntention. H e was walking through his es- " seted
at escaped20 inudaagewhe b riulseelrsJo pohbto vlm eto 'ycoeis audshevik. dictator, Ku Klux Klan, !"The roll of districts for nomin- tate in the Santa Cruz Mountains each y
deo-to n euweehadyin i campaign against Joseph S. at $200 was stolen from the Purdue atheist, and socialist were the most ations was being called. Somebody, when he saw Roy Felom, Jr., 9 !banque
demliio i Pgu wer hrdy~ kreinhise for the R'ept' ilican '. bay'1t -e.Ofiias.oe ounpopular in order named Doc- from the first district just yelledI years old, whose father is a state will pre
had the quakes ceased whey ,a tidal searl mnhuysedrnsoi- iar at.ek O cashp for a teonly word nve'ar-Haggerty:' The second district was senator. and two other boys fishing I Derby'
wave, rushing up the Itang'Oon sntia ,iato r acl recover the books by watching fortrwathnermrk called and a dozen or more dele- fogtou.lessorc
rr oerhn'dhoewohddate will be named. attempe sae.IIppeedd ed as distasteful. Religinand fgatesoy.elledr'Ioverwertyd!'hThewhthird'
After ametn of the heacquar- ; ted hiefIf a n n Damn wereapoedbyaiongreat'di tsrictdandeorty! hetran Hoover "tagged" the boys and nual ba
escap e4 the tremior itself., Fire thmeetinilgfcegrand larceny dsrc n h orhdsi fn approvedaredby
brokte out and destroyed the mar- h ers committee of the League, at- charges. majority. al( hsreeaesaogwihtoete perdi justice court here!
al hs eeae ln ihtoetdyo hre fcthn oeketr place- and other buildings. tended by F. Scott McBride, na- 1 -I who had previqusly yelled, againtoaoncrgsfcthigme
Great numnbers of natives' were tional superintendent of the organ- MINNESOTA BEAUTIFIES s EXPLAIN STUDENT FAILURES. y~e H gry'A itrI fe than the legal limit of fish. Hoover
biuried i a moton picture theatre iztotefloig statement was! CAMPUS. EMORY UNIVERSITY -'Why district was called the volume of 1md lafrlnec n h
whbich' collapsed while the show was issued by the Rev. Dr. James K. MINNESOTA-Several thousands Students Flunk" was the subject of !'Haggerty' increased until soon the ;case was taken under adttiseentI
gon n.ISildsae ueitedn: of dollars have been expended by a questionnaire given the faculty ' entire delegate body, without regard uni u.1.~ntrFlo p-j
Tht' Shwe-Maw-Dawa pagoda, "'Thed senise of this meeting by1 the university in beautifying telby the registrar. Laziness and fail-Ito district called, was yelling one peaed as attorney for the three.i
eeImr oyt'1te hw-unanimous action is as follows: The cmuanbilngsro diurnie to do written work led the list! word."
Dagon pagoda, at Rangoon, was drys of. New Jersey expect to have A shipment of 1000 evergreens has of responses. In very few cases was -
paty rcey The goldegn weath-' a candidate for senator for whomI also arrived and are to be planted..i lack of ability given as the cause. TLANSING, May 7-John S. Hag- i o h rIay-seh
~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~st er va hevalued at $1;200f,000j fell; they can vote with good consire __I~gry ertr f sae a odohr
from the top of the Shlwe-Dagon 1 But final action on this matter is ; COLUMBIA TO HAVE NEW Pulshr friends hew e anddt odp a;dfre ni l candidates ' Tfor"illse5 oA ae
paoa!dfre utlal add tessall 1SSTM.toAw rd the Republican nomination for!
3_______ have been. given reasonable time in UNIV~RSIT'I OF COL UMIA- 1' Prize fohest Novel lvr'vernr "if there is a demand" D a
E t AN cE sA maturity credit system will be Thyhveasre i lteei
I .} Mr. Morrow has not yet an- "utilized here for 'the first time tiMdr niomn utfrisc an budaern
JNI5A B YCOTT nounced his position on prohibition. any college or university. It isba- nsh the setting for the 1930 Col-i has so 'ar made no formal tate- r e i g
Formr Seatorrelighued o h upston tha lege H um or - Doubleday - Dysc a soran ment as to whether he will run. ne
(The s'~ocitc~lPrc~)declaed hiself wet.and senior study should~ be planned1 Campus $3,000 Prize Novel contest, ______________f
BOMBAY, India, May 7-Threat acording to the rules issued by the ! Detroit ThItr
-according to what has been done in j t!LEalllof ewdesgn
of a widespread Indian boycott of I Harvard Botanist WV~il, the student's freshman and sopho- i publication authorities in charge. 4 Welhonwdsis
British fir"ms today loomed as the _ and the sort of senti-
oustndn fatreo MhamaGve Illustrated Talk more years. This will make it im- Undergraduates enrolled in Ameni- IASTH A E
Guandisn-voet cmainofe__posof a canddatefor! can or Canadian universities, or C S H A E meats that just seem to
civil resistance tcapig o Under the auspices of the de- bachelor'soea degree to takecniae oneo a year Igraduates of not more than one' "THE NEW MOON' " hit the spot" stand out
The authorities viewed as anI partment of landscape dein___________________ya, may submit entries which ,The Seasons Greatest , ast with Ipoietyi u e
ugly feature" the contemplated,! errest H. Wilson, ,M.A., V.M.H., 1 rha Jffr IsimuClsin tmihOt b f7,0 ords mi i.10GldnViea r ra y of Mte a
move by certain Indian commercial 1 keej er of the Arnold arboretum at !vasa OIeisssCoin tmdihOtbrff CHARLOTTE LANUSING
organizations. Har rdatteenth, 1930, the contest will be GEORGE HUISTON AILS reeitings.
Hrv dUniversity, will lecture a ,H at o nD ne judged by the editors of Doubleday,; ROSCOEiAL
Indian business men heretofore, 8 o'clock tonight in West Gallery, i oa n oleeHmr i
iwas panedout, tidnot' allowed IAlumni Memorial Hall on "Plant ; Ry sso "d Press)'Ithernaner willebe annoncedwhe'aWd ee htcnb b
thi'oiia iest nlec Hunting." I PARIS, May 7-Marshal Joffe
their business relations with the-f of 'eMan'!first of January, 1931. SHBR IAET n e htcnh b
Arts n twsfae o- fter leaving college, Wilson de- 'hero of, th an, about whose Rihs1oseilzeonpbih n SH1RLF1ET
Brts ni a erdaby Ibo ihsfrea eilz sumted tamed in the way of a Gib-.
cot woldlea to biter eelngsparted for China where he sought health his friends have shown con- bo on n o ls~ mte nT U S O o ad fr y u ohr
intefedoocmec iu osin the Orient studying various fea- ;feeling quite all right. The 78 itecnetwl e eevdfrt ''hFmu aiinIYou will be lai1su. I
ble retaliatory steps by victims turoldfibotancalnlif. Forbtsse-cx-publishers, while motion pictureThFaosMgcnly
tue fbtncllf:Frteee-year-old sliratne obs-And His DaughterJapisdwhtenw ra 1
Bombay was quiet today. Exie lots he is well known as "Chines nesst hesprorwrconi and dramatic rights will remains Singing, Dancing Compedenn.prsdwtth ne aea
ment had subsided suifficiently to Wilson.~s th e'wris morning sas usul and al issued with the author..-- ios
permit the wit hdrawal of military Wilso'_1_aenialofreprtsohispcketsromteIndinquaters:__Wilsois___________asaleadng_'_
Cotton mills generally were work- j authority on Asiatic plans. He is MarshalaJoifrehs been some- R I THE )MJA., ER. Bi
ing wth fll foces.also the author of many books of av what frailshw of late and xey his friends RIXAXE, r1 1r "9 i tI
The necessity for extraordinarily ichheestkno__i_"Pant______SDA
Norman ItFoster-Susan 8K0heener L
severe measures here had not made Hunting." S II IlR Cn
Itself'fl.Poesin n ee-ITelcur}ilb el luta-Ramon NovarrYIo at Easti
inlg s generally had been carried out 1 edT and ist open to llalllll those who ilsr areI Lansing to Study Voice1 "LOVE AT IST SG T" Stationers, Printers, Binders r
in an orderly manner with moham- interested. J__Csto__o
rredans and parsees in most /inSOOfficePOutfitters
i-I(B13-, ner res AND PAUL PEGHT And His World Famous Orchestra
stances abstain'ing from participa- AttendAttasoViefHlyoo12
tion. Reeves Will Atn EAST LANSING, Mich., May 7--hm cae AddAtrcin
__________Michigan'State College co-eds have G News Casting PAlsoWhiceeanfandltenoother2 S. Main Phone 4515
N roCua an Cu DensIn grtonanew idol on the campus. Ramon i Comring Sunday' PalWiea nIe te
Negr 1 o--av.cPrf.aess S.heaboftheNovarro, motion picture actor, ar-- "Shanons of Broadway" famous stars.
.:.,1, Pof ese .Reeves, edo h rived here Tuesday from his home{I---

(B Asscite /,-,a! r s)
INGTON, May 7.-The Sen-
'eign Relations Committee
ecided to hold public har-
the London naval agree-
ieginning Monday
Lary Henry L. Stimson, chief
American delegation to the
will be the first witness to
the agreement reached by
ited States, Great ~ritain
ecision to hold hearings
ched after a 45-minute ses-
th virtually all members
:ors David A. Reed (Rep.),
l ania, and Joseph T. Rob-.
(Dem.), Arkansas, members
delegation to London, ex-
points of the negotiations.
ate was cast in the commit-
Linst the proposal for pub-
ary' Charles Francis Adams
lmiral William V. Pratt will
d after Stimson.
and Robinson said that it
be difficult- to estimate the
quired for the hearings.
,on already has prepared at
nt for the committee, co-
,oint by point the provisions
'man Frederick H. Hale, of
al committee, who also has
anxious to begin hearings,
At ready to announce his
onding to the oil can pre-
to a Michigan faculty man
ear at the annual Gridiron
t, Illinois Sigma Delta Chis
esent the traditional Bown
to the most "regulAr" pro-
on the campus at their an-
nquet to be held soon.
and Thing
Like That...
'here's no bettr,
place than
?urr Patterson 's
And Now
urr Paterson
Fraternitly Jewelers
603 Church Street

to r!oiu r orui i ougr political science department, has in Hollyw~ood. Hle will study voice!
been selected as representative of for at least a month under Louis
"The Negro and the Southern the University at the inauguration# Graveure, head of the college vocal
Labor Problem" will be the subject of Dr. William C. Dennis as pres-; department. Novarro expressed a
d<iscussed at a meeting of the Ne- j ident of Earlham college, Rich- desire for "rest and freedom from
g;ro-Cau~caslan club at 8 o'clock to-; mond, Ind. Professor Reeves has ; outside contacts."
night in the Upper Room of Lane! but recently returned from The ! -- .-- ---
Hall. All members and others who j Hague where he acted as technical PORTABLE
are interested are invited to join in advisor to the Committee on the TYPEWRITERS
the discussion. Codification of International Law. IW aealmks
We1 a eal iks:' emington. Royals.
EMORY UNIVERSITY - Finding CHICAGO-Gan Wood has ern- Corona, Uiidevwoods
matters dull about the campus a ployed several mechanics in an en-!Clrdd I iihs.Pie$0
group of sophomores attacked a1 deavor to find somne one to take the Cooeiu~fnse.Pie$0
i'reshman dormitory with a water position of working over the motors 0. D. MORRIILL i
hose late Monday night. Fresh- [ of "Miss America VIII. 314 South State St. Phone 6615
mnen in all stages of dress repulsed --______ -.----- ------ - --_ --
them. Upperclassmen in bathing
suits attempted to stop the water. M" w"1 '
After participants and spectators LTI.ES:00--9:30
were soaked proctors intervened TMS70-90
and finally managed to quell the, TDA
enthusiastic battle. c.., xN t"-1. xt C"1-ul

., . ; ., ,.



The picture for which yoi' vc


A Genius Comes to You
as the glamourous swordsman, poet, lover.. Sing-
ink Frimi's glorious love lyrics. And the stirring
"'Song of the Vagabonds." Ziegfeld's idol as he
has never been' seen 'or heard before.


I1 i4t#,PaI


frrt A L Lj,,A'LKI G
Y, ovietarne frra









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