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April 23, 1930 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-04-23

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WED"SDAY'l- APRIL 23, 1920


PA6R r,=,

American Woman Praised by French Legion NADT Professors Conflict in Regard to Amount
of Honor for Work in interior DecorationNaeg,. - ' of Current Events Women Students Know
FOR 9NCE TI NTH SIASTIEH Conlictisapareninthe pinacal science department narrows theAS
N RTons of members of the journalismHOtermRto include current events of aF
NG and political science departments political or governmental nature
in regard to the amount of geneal onl.I
nformation women students pos- In speaking of an intelligence=
Delegates to Two Conferences Outstanding Speakers Address sess. Professor Donal Hamiltontest on general information given Miss l
Will be Guests of Honor Representatives Daily on Haines,ofsthe sjournalismt depa to one of his beginning classes in of
at Orchesis Fete. Vital Subjects. generally as well informed as men; journalism, Professor Haines said.
--__he recognizes, however, that each "There was no vast difference in
TICKETS ON SALE TODAY 1931 CONVENTION HERE may have particular flds in which the readiness with which men and LOU
he knows more than another Pro-
Sphere of Personnel Broadened Discussion Groups Consider fessor James K. Polock, of the or in the realm of sports women Wom
toIcueAlToeWo Ipolitical science department, says o nteramo prswmnWr
to Include All Those Who Problems of Importance tt "wvoienstudents are surpris- are usually hopelessly lost, but in to
matters of current information II
Are Interested. in College Life. ingly uninformed on current events find little difference.
Work on the dance recital which and particularly on political - DifferentNeel
The district convention of the velopments." srule women do not read Nell
is being presented by Orchesis, I"sarl oe ontra
-msmbe rs enfte dn byncessdINational Student Federation of Journalism is Broader Field. the newspapers as assiduously as ligious
members of the dancing classes and America held at State college, The two departments naturally do the men, but this may be due to lege,
{tudents in the physical education Pennsylvania April 9 to 12, enabled regard this question from different the fact that many of the men in lected
department, has been going rapidlythedelegatestodetermin tangles. The journalism department this department are doing news-
epar nthsbeey the delegates to determnejustincludes in the category of general paper work and are requiredto Athlet
toward its completion. The recwhat problems weritaltto the information sports, drama, art and know what is going on. Most of the olleg
is being presented d 8:15 o'clock women of the various universities literature, as well as current politi-i women in this department have the Le
Friday, April 25, in the Lydia Men- cal developments, while the politi- had different preparation than the
delssohn theatre. Tickets are fifty candcolleges of the United States,Lloyd ad m adirn aboutrifernt ea iss
cents, and go on sale today at the according to Miss Alice Lloyd, ad- year i
box office. viser of women, who attended the Ytakig this into conside-by th
Delegates to the Michigan School- conference, accompanied by Mar-i PERSONNEnL WORK formed." . lege P
mastes club convention and to garet Bush, '30, Eleanor Cooke, '31, FER NE L WO REK Igg oe~g rvmn proble
gaet us, 3, leno Coke 3,1OFFERED WOMENI Pollock Notes Lack of Improvement. MissI
the Athletic Conference of Ameri Professor Pollock not only said
can College Women, both of which and Helen Jones, 31. tht ond o
will be in Ann Arbor at that time, Miss Lloyd was enthusiastic in Retail stores at the present time infawomen students are not w ence,
will be the guests of Orchesis at ; describing the work accomplished are offering opportunities for pco- inforned on rent ents,b morro
the program. by the convention. "It's outstand- pie trained to do personnel work, pay isap- Leagu
Mildred Cassidy is Chairman. # Assocatrc i'ress Photo ing value," she said, "was the ex- and the Research Bueai for Re- pointing to me that I have not be on
:.Mildred Cassidy, '30Ed., is gen- Nancy McCleland change of friendships which it per- "iTrnig t then t f mentinathis respectinmrecentjAfter
eral chairman of the dance recital, Of New York has been decorated with the Chevalier medal of the mtted, with members of other in- sburg trains students f si- years. One would suppose that wit ich
with a group of sub-chairmen and French Legion of Honor in recognition of her work in interior decoration. stitutions, and the discovery of the tios i h ore arlsi high e adn wfold osinfluence "Th
their committees working with her. j ------- - *- - . - -- - -- differences of approach to the schools which offer retail selling the expanding field o est
The inan committeer it ader.p sameroblms in arous intitu- courses. This bureau limits the size and activity now ope'n to women
The finance committee is made up same problems in various institu- of its training group, but grants a there would be a corresponding in_ er the
of Arlienne Heilman, '30Ed,. chair- LIUIIIitionls.hgn s crease in their interestsin tesses
man, Marion Geib, '30Ed., Beth LISpeakers Address Groups Daily. scholarship coverinptui fee to crese nei ie es Louise
McIaig, '30Ed., and Lily Schmidt, Most of the delegates were lead- tue "I have constant evidence o the ferenc
s-of he sudenmgovrnmet as course. "Ihvcosateineo heerc
'30Ed. Music is in the charge of ers of the student government as- Qualifications Are Indicated, lack of interest and information of invite
Herm 4Grabowsky, '30Ed., whileIU sociations in their respective col- Students need not be familiar women in current events. In an opena
Doris Renkenberger, '30Ed., is 91 leges. Each day speakers of note with stoe conditions, but nmst be honor group in political science as the
_twelvehoftthe fiftytmembersuareust be
chairman of costumes. --addressed the whole group on sub-i interested in dealing with people, lve of the fifty members are Any
The publicity eommittee is com- First Number to be Presented Both Men and Women Students jects in which all were interested.i and thoroughly capable. Qualifica- wol . This shows that as far as in the
posed of Ana Cohen, '30, chair- b Prof. 0. J. Campbell of to Participate Friday in Two of the most outstanding tions for admission includes either ability goes they rank nearly with partic
1man, Paula Fales, 33A, Ivalita Gla- speakers were Dr. Carroll-D. Chain- eove _the men, but it is a perfectly vol letics,
cock, '32Ed., Lucille Koeningsberg, English Department. Entertainment. plin of the department of psych- 1e 'se who have received a bait-nConfe
____ elor's degree or mature people with1 untary aff air and in actual pa- Cne
'Ed., Jean Levy, '32, and Ruth--- ology at Pennsylvania State col- experience. The training course tice only about one of the 12 women I chanc
Van Tuyl, '31Ed. Katherine Butler, TO START THIS WEEK PUBLIC MAY ATTEND lege, and Dr. Mary W. McConi lasts nine month from September ever attends," Professor Pollock poble
30, is chairman of the program --oughy. to June. About two-thirds of this concluded. the c
comittee, while Ruth Lininger, Interesting entertainment for Both men and women students Dr. Champlin spoke on "Char- time is devoted to prescribed classes --------- - --.--- Ae
32, is working with her. Sunday afternoons is promised with itake part in the all-campus acter Adjustments Through Cam- in department store organization C.Abot
Women Have Charge of Stage. ithe announcement made b A usical entertainment which will pus Recreations," pointing out the and management; personnel ad- NOTICE.eted
Myrtle Kutchinski, '3OEd., is in be given by the Presbyterian circle necessity for adjustment in college ministration, methods of research e - met a
charge of staging and lighting. bertina Maslen, '31, League librar- of the King's Daughters from 2:30 life, and the great aid which cam- and analyisn administration and Exe e bag of the ing i
Roberta Reed, '31, is assisting her. ian, of a series of readings to be Ito 5:30 Friday, April 25, in the Pres- l pus recreations offer in such ad- methods of training, methods of Association of University Women this
the call committee consists of given by members of the faculty byterian church parlors. justment. teaching merchandise information, ati hs Uin ths o
Helen Moore, '31Ed., chairman, starting this Sunday in the Grand Groups of foreign and American Scientific Basis for Talk. technique of selling, and the prin- buildings. Ay members are re- elmg
'Eleanor -Bodewig '33Ed., Grace -imembers will be presented, among The topic of Dr. McConoughy's i ofatiise.e r delega
Cano Bode, R 3MEs, '32, Rapids room of the Legue build- them Chinese, Hawaiian, and Phil- speech was "The Interrelation of Sinpgo ain erchaniere quested to be present. rities,
, Annon, '3O1Ed., Ruth Mathews, '32,1 ing. speechmwasc"ThecIntarrelation of' Sellin erience IRequired. ___________________Ibuildi
Margaret Seeley, '31Ed., and Grace Thf ippine ,andBody."Shestressed the{The remaining third is spent in --Tuhwildite sl mnr
Wolf, '33SM. Ters fthe number will be tal solos, and readings. Accompany- necessity for greater respect for1 full-time work in the cooperating 4-mmam=
The make-up committee 'is con- presented by Prof. O. J., Campbell, ing these vared presentations will the laws of health in order to in- stores. Students are given every op--
posed of Mary Louise Brown, '30, followed by another on May 4 by be greetings from the countries rep- sure correct and normal mental unity to participate in the -i
chairman, Elizabeth Barra '30, Mr. Earl F-resentedi agrowth. After giving the scientific search activities of the Bureau and Hats
SEFischman, and conclud- In addition to this entertain- basis for her talk, she skillfullyandui to a e ine-
Flora-Pearse, '30, and Hadie Supe,; ing 6 ith a third by Prof. J. Ralei eitoeo h easfo h assfrhrtl, se kilflyanI are required to make major inves-
'e2. E, ,-y t om 'ftrelads rom thetactfully showed how the subject tigations of specific personnel With "Suit Sense
'32. Elsa 'Lange, '3lEd., is respon-I Nelson onl May 11. The subject ofI recent women's production will pre- should and could be applied to problems. Thereof sacprerequste l Wih cJ11 EI8
sible for the ushers, who are Marie { their readings will appear in a later sent "Echoes From the Junior Girls' ever d lifed to ongxms. There is a prerequisite ofaAI
Bachmann, '31Ed., Wilma Craw- Isse uevervrmaeil rmPly"y day lie two months seling experence in a Also
Bhan,'ldWlaCa-issue, but will cover material from Play."I In addition to these large meet-: large store so that the whole course'
ford, SpecD, Dorothy Feske, '32Ed., leading poems, plays, and short 1 Posters, which have been submit- ings, informal discussion groupsIcoversprticlso ewe.Turse
y stories. The program has been ar- ted by members of the University, I met each da for the consideration! Offer LarceOportunities.The New Lace
shey, '32Ed., Elizabeth Maner, '31, ranged primarily for students, an will serve as decorations for the af- ofy for the polhcrsderin llL Opportunities.in p
Dorothy Stonehouse, '31, Anna Ter- invitation being extented by the fair. These will be judged and a! the problems which arise in all Opportunities in ersonnel posi- Straws forDressy
hardt, '32, and Dorothea Water- 'League to every student to attend. prize will be awarded to winner. schools, such as the question of tlows in retail stores are notee - Wear
man, '32. . Tea will be served by members of I Miss Estelle Scholey is chairman ;rmerits of the point system. tractive and well worth the atten-
Instructors Are Directors. the House committee of the League of the group which is arranging the I Miss Lloyd Was a Listener. tion of prospective job-seekers. MissttA
.Miss Sylvia Adams and Miss building on the Sundays on which Ientertainment. As the participants Miss Lloyd was thol dsen at i Gac E. Rrdsv habsrecend- MissDN
Edith Barthel are the directors of the readings will be given. Any stu- will be representatives from the tMiss Lloeren who came as a ed several women for this workmmnd
the recital. Both are instructors dent, whether attending the pro- student body, an invitation has been listener rather than a speaker. and speaks highly of their successR
in the physical education depart- gram or not, is invited to have tea issued to all students to attendStheONiStnewishethanamoeakorl and spgakstoighly witheanyswhoss
lient. This year the dance recital in the Concourse at that time. gathering heBut I wish than many more could She is glad to talk with any who 7 NICKELS ARCADE
s slightly different in personnel have been there in just that ca- might be interested in this rela
than it has been in previous years. pacity," she remarked. "Nothing tivvely new field.__
Instead of confiinn ptheo arstii- DEAN L EmMER hITUS JOR DAN RECALLS 'has ever been so helpful to me in - - - - --
I n t e d o f c o ftntin g h e a rt c i- ' it,'o fq1 t b d

Holt Will Speak on Theme
Conference in League
Ballroom Tomorrow.
en Students Are Invited
All Open Meetings of
Athletic Conference.
ie Lee Holt, director of re-
education at Stephens col-
Columbia, Mo., has been se-
as the main speaker of the
ic Conference of American
e Women which is opening
row, with headquarters a-t
ague building.
Holt has recently spent a
n Europe where she was sent
e president of Stephens col-
o study the world fellowship
m and the youthamovement.
Holt will speak at the sec-
pen meeting of the Confer-
which is to be at 3 o'clock to-
w in the ballroom at the
e building. Her speech will
the theme of the Conference,
ligan Women Are Hostesses.
e women students of the Uni-
y of Michigan should consid-
mselves in the light of hos-
to the Conference," says
Cody, chairman of the Con-
e, "and in this capacity are
d to attend as many of the
meetings of the Conference
y wish."
one who is at all interested
problems of women students,
ularly in the line of kath-
will find the program of the
rence offers them many
es to hear and discuss these
ms with women from all over
gistration to be Thursday.
ut half the delegates are ex-
t6 arrive today, and will be
t the station by women liv-
Ann Arbor who have re-
permission to drive cars for
purpose. Registration is to
w morning at 9 o'clock. The
tes are being housed in soro-
dormitories, the League
ng, and in league houses.

'pantsto urness members, the FIRST 1WOMEN'S BASEBALL GAME s on t chich1 Dewe v Smitrh's ar ber Sh o
sphere of the recital has been De e mih sBa brbraeed'nili ncue- deans are so constantly faced."B p
broadee tl it ncleprac- Dean Emeritus Myra BeechaJor 7:0 o'clock in the morning, for ob-" "Another reason for my attend- Special Scalp Treatment for Dandruff
are interested in any kind of game played by University women vious reasons, namely, that the ng the convention," added Miss and Unhealthy Hair
ar neetdi n ido aepae yUiest oe Lloyd, "was to learn just how to 0 AEMASGSSOTW TR0HMO
dancing. in the years when she was an un- populace would not rush to witness lo t aFACE MASSAGES SOFT WATER SHAMPO
Many Novel Features Added. dergraduate, said, "I shall never the game." which is to beheld at Ann Arbor Courteous Service to Ladies and Children
Over a hundred women are tak- forget the shudder of horror occas-; The first tennis game, according next year. I 111 SOUTH UNIVERSITY
ing part in the recital, which is di- ioned by the first women's baseball t Mfrs Jodna aed cring a x year. 111 SO UTH U EI
vided into two main parts. A two game played in Ann Arbor. That to Mrs. Jordan, was played in K o'ooo-_ -o<-o--_o -o_-- -
piano number is being played by college women, in order to play corner of the site where the League L. G. BALFOUR CO. -- - - - -
Virginia Goddard and Helen Tur- well, were to appear in the open building now stands. Even though 1121 South University-Iinte enl er ardboard 10ver"
nr. These women will also ac- air attired in gym bloomers was a the court was directly across from "herFRATERNITY JEWELERS
vulgarityo te ymaiuth gm wsplay-
,ompany the clog dances which vulgarity unheard of. The firs the gymnasium, the game was Badges-Favors-Programs
are included in the program spring baseball game was played at ed in long skirts rather than in Corkey Stanard, Mgr.
-regulation costume
1t1A ltttllttiltt11tlit111t ill lllll i111fil l IIII I IlIlI 1111 IIII- - - - - ---
BEAUTY SHOP Fountain Drinks
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With Six Months' Service
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For breakfast
Hark To His Master's Voice! Saying
GOTo UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE try our coffee and
For Everything Musical toasted rolls.
Radio- V T -iI


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