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April 23, 1930 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-04-23

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. 6 i WEi7NrSDAY, APRIL 213,,1930'. t

TTAF MT nnCT-IT.. n :Cr . . . ..,. .."-.. . .. ... _.AN fl1. - Y.

. -,







By Sheldon C. Fullertion. !Go rh ei fronten Bea uchine,atK y on Sck- Continingli his policy of .strlu- ot, ad b ~pkiiip'las tod-i
n' 1regular third baseman, was sent to us fundamnetal drill thrb'Uh the 1id hits Yaffe ' 4'act into smaller
Ohio State's group of diamond, shortstop. Ascher will handle the . patc eso fyetra f-otly hels h ek ur
aspiant rug u th fist ictry tirdbas asignent Th'eehar ernoon, Coach Harry Kipke added who Wblrihs Fettr at tackle las
of the Big Ten baseball season last' hitting outfielders; Gordon, 'Cherp, a~otsrmaet h eua ali h oi A.ai ~~esud
week when they outclassed thel and Lagenberg, will be the regu- rotieh.hbehs>oloedfo uth1i esecd o6e , i
PUrdufe Boilermakers,4 to 3, after ______ thle ast two week of outside work. dfeh
rallying to overcome a Purdue lead. itchzers are lackinin he Duinstssxstheheoaol etifle ew ay. a en ou ortam
Kermxode and Wrigley worked on 1canna of Nrthwestern's Wild- mno hitdhs lyr cn a h rlI e ektaig W'e Offhgeamr
the mound for the winners, while jcats, Fyfe and 'Stearn~s, 'sanes ~ imthr appear; . wigho l intetofftakiM-ig loenba heu-
1eithertry out ome of the inewvplays vlhlmtddv'Ip ~-&go sh
Wesley Fester, fam'ous Buckeyeo hmhs almc I he- has deised for use next fal. i'tunstoehae roa ik
lenice, being the only hurlers . ith01 l f the panst r~~~ ih to takte'c
gridiron star, was instrumental in ! ih f exception alI , ve
that show any rois. Cap- men who are expected to report for !over lhe pilot d tl'six.rated by1l
gaining the victory for the Bucks. tm Sot oavtrn.,.. .'nana spring dills Are iioff Al b'oVar.i
I catcher, will have heis hands r__;----Sho8-iuld Aur ?deeo ito a capa-
'lnos fresh frlA a sue~- full for the first few gani'es at 1 lec ntr t~ iCh1nco
c~sftil Sd themn trip,' has re-(Cnnudo ae7fI T Iu1IM tiN of developing a ii~thihI'n tbam netrolmti
tured ometo et n cndi In~fnui II I~i UU1IIVIUUUiIfall will b soed. The center trio
oi.fo:h oein ae bl l '>''<~h's proiedto b thie weak sot
tii frte pnnggmeo , 3,,.in:',, ;p t e ~ d ie 190ma-.
strongr, I M .N[IM[N; <;:..i U1't,:. ijfi: WI:lII:>iifl:chine, btitshorla.thre . fat center;
. ie j~ f lf ity __________ __p'spect comae throgh, 'and with.
yip, leds by ~ajptoin Jifnhy f :II r -~ichardcon 'r ro11-;the form which
N 1 w I ih o in~~d~sUL U m CalioriaOficas far6-iaini he has d abeyd dirintthe spring1
as leA~ff man. A newcomer, ,.i Varsity baseball leader who. after taif 1 fr SspetedFak prcte o te middle of the
BrusapastposstHe tgh 'Wind ITrouzbles Tennis1twoears of service at an outfield flotitith evaliirr. ma'poetob'nefthI
two oi, aparst pses h 1 31 t get po~ti r's of the team
mhkings of a successful pitch- Team; Brace Wins Over position, will take up the Maize and} 'Sevral fne backfild jprospects!
er. IRolin Clark. iBlue tomorrow afternoon aganst' ()By 2 cu.'lso 'a Prss) I haive Ccah~gt the -cdah' notice lin
i____Ohio s State on Ferry field a second 5jV FRANCISCO April 22.-By a the pr- a ol rlls ' b Pa, but te
I'ndiana hads coflcludedl its pre- , Despite the combination of high 1ias. _ ______drastic ruling of the alifoima i unmer of bcksot rar exceeds
season exhibition 'games and is in Iwinds and cold weather wxhich has aiT ccT mi~if, rimoC .rtheln . aryNwmn
fairlyr good shape to swiiig into hindered Wolverine teinnis perform ... EL N N A~ OLLE T T giantic Italian bxer. today stood tfre''ha, thts enpasn ad
actioh against Conference pn ance inpunarsand seems bredt fromerunstiofatoredingth
eiits. In the games the H iespromise continuedS difficulties this iLEADS INVASION rsl oohfustsfcoy nigBpa e-kckn 'ieman, nerreini
have played 'to date they Have year Varsity court aspirants are' __ of his recent bout with Leon 'hev- cent ofBnyfidaadi
committed their " uodta of errorsj daily practicing on the Feriy Field American Women Gofes Sail for alier, San Francisco Negro. j looked upon as one of te best po-
and mis lays which will have tobeca in preparation for the Confer- France and England; Ready Tecmiso lorvkdteo ae7
'e~oia eoeteteam can hlope ence season. In ysterdays matchesl for Team Play. boiglcns f'aertgte
to~ a gainst so~b of th'e bet-( the highlight proved the adva'nce in NW (l;lsia'Jr&s) with that of his manager, Leon See,I G Ei T TOt OFFERED,
ter Big Ten teams. the rankings of Fred Brace to the (yAsct rs) of France.
third position by winning over Roll NE YORK, April 22-Their ees!i Pursesf Camnera andChale MOVIE C N R C
G Minnesota, in i'biiding into i Clark 10-8, 6-2.I fixed on a few of Europe's prize I ere ordered returned to the fight-
Ishake for its Conference open- The flashy sophomore had plenty trophies, nearly a score of Ameri-es, however, the commxission hold-
Irthsvekaastidaa fdifclywtthhih'in cawoeatltssiabodteing that they we blameless for 1Cach Mike Ge'to of te Jay-
r has re ie t s k egai s t d a t theofircutwt t h d cpe hg id xith a o e thee alab o dt e the bout being stopped in the hawker' football line has been re-
hasreisd is hfelt s tatI tefrtse nBopldwt erenxgaria tonight for England. I sixth round, when one of Cheva- IGnl offered a contract by Uni-
n a o htaltgefronteiai ofthwl e v i 1 Clark'srstubborn play was forced On - ensl turstllyayati
ablet hl h atc i te~nt xr ganmes but in the secon~d O board will be the world's iems seconds tossed a towel intoveslPcustopaaprtia
1166siser letn4'N'ailiLoose has set found little difficulty in winningj women's tennis champion, Mrs the ring. ;ctalins w hich fom ea prtall-Ae-
I been shifted, krom firt to see- over his oppbnrent. in th'e other Heleii Wills Moody; the national; Four other men involved in the thcans wiel pay ltdieadngfparts.e-
di on while kigg, a sub atcher, ranking atc fth{ ~ " ~ ,affair were given indefinite sus- thcduthgh ob!wmn' oftil-odeGenaJll, he ae ha nodeciedadefnite
will take his place at flee initial Clarke defended his fifth posi o me ofttehleGen pensions. They were Frank Churc- {lymoe ifstatd hatfoola l-fa
~~ack. by Winning over Reindel Collett, and 15 other women golfers, hill, of Los Angeles, nationally-moeipratndhwula-
sak ywinn ve en-6-3, 63. ! members of the team Miss Collett knwaae f oesadCr low nothing ,to iterfere with his
The usual early season difficulty I has selected for team matches in Inon arofndera's Cai fornia represenztat ive;i coaching duties.
Another change was made in the has been encountered in rratic 'England and France., Tim McGrath, San ranici sco, manx-
_______________________playing due to the wind. This pre-; Mrs. Moody will defend her sin - J agr of Chevaie, -and the Negro's
sents one of the most serious prob-; gles tennis crown in the French i two seconds, Bb Laga, 'San Fran-
SWIMMERS NOTE lams and Coach Courts ight is hard cout championship- at Pa~ris csco, n oetPer fPly-,ma
A~ arsty hd resman wokin todevlopstedyplay be-1 starting May i9, jeai the United, wood.
swimmers are .requested to ie-! fore the opening of t.e Conferencej States Wightman Cup forcer; Perry threw the towel to Atdp the 1
'port at the swimming spool in the Season,. against England at Wimbledon on figtChvlesadPryhet-
Inrmrlbidn t5 o'clock Wtestern State's' tennis squad has J.une 13 and 14, and defend her "g Iy down"!
xThursday, afternoon for an im- several men who are consider'ed I lritish title at Wimbledon startng ened himd if he didi not ~l
portant meeting. I(Cntnued onPg ?une 23 to Camera, but. Perry denied this
Coach Matt Mann -____-0--C n g-7---_______- __________- saying he intended to save the Ne-
I __ -gr o from further punishmrenit. Stae tree-
LI IA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _


tiinond Sg~lA ind
Light Workout fdr C
Game With Buckf
:rTWIRLE RS show




As the mercury dropped and
small snow flurries blew across the
diamond Codach Ray Fisher led his
crew of ball players through a light
practice last night in preparation
for the opening with the Buckeyes
today. Drue to the intense cold the
session was called to a close early
in the day after the entire squad
had limberedk up and. before any
arms could "suffer a chill.'
infielders were given a short and
'snappy drill on all of the bases anid
~pick up work preceded -and follow-
ed by 'games of pepper ball. Work-
ing 'in there new positions th6 re-
vamped team showed a pep and
drive that was more than could be
expected under the adverse'- play-
ing conditions. Fast 'grouniders and
i hort choppy hits were hiandled
well. Picking up slow teasing bunts
proved a hoodoo, but smd~th play-
Wing marked the p~ractice as a
iAgain the pitching staff was
delegated to the indoor courts
where, they tossed them for th~e en-
tire period with short layoffs for
batting practice. Since the enid of
the training trip the twirlers have
shown better form and should give
'a good account o~f themselves in
the opener. Mnt'eague. will per-
haps be the mni n the b~ox #fora
start and Truskowski will hold
I thenm up for him. This combination
worked together anda took it easy
with the exception of a short time
when they wr~orked on' the signals
and tried out the Whole bag of

fo-e ". c
-:Over Calkins




T31uy )'our few spring suits
ai sn".ippy new "Cain" hat
for $1:00-regular st'ock to
choose from\. The best sellers
in suits are in l~it rays
aind tans. Fo~llowing 'are
tweeds,. wo6rsteds, and tun-
finished worsted's. The twov
and three button icoas are
p'referred by the wel dress'ed
college mien.
'3 toTwo Trousers

'',, -,


The Hood Vantage is a special, high-grade tennis shoe, designed
by shoemakers specializing in athletic 'footwear. It has many
features suggeste~d by'tennis professionals and is worn by leading
players in all parts of the country.
Thick, shock-absorbing, sponge cushion heels, special toe rein-
forcement that insures longer wear, fast, springy Smokrepe soles,
uppers of new style mercerized white duck-these make the Hood
Vantage the accepted tennis shoe among the best players.
Made in all sizes for men and women. On sale at leading university
and college sporting goods~stores.
Watertown, Mass.

The topcoats
50 Inch'es loi
acid itanis.

,a r

48 'to
t 4 cds

__ 1* '~::

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