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April 23, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-04-23

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Published every morning except Monday
$tu ra e Taniversity year by the Board in'
Cotstl of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
In this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post
Master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.0; by stall,
3frice sAnn Arbor Press Building, May-
Maed Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
. Telephone 4925
Editorial Chairman........(.rore C. Tille
City Editor.............Pierce Rosenberg
News Editor................Donald J. Kline
Sports Editor......Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Women's Editor..........Marjorie Follmer
Telegraph Editor ......Cassam A. Wilson
Music and Drama......illiam J. Goran
Literary Editor.........Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant City Editor.... Robert J. Feldman
Ight Editors- Editorial Board Members
Frank I. Cooper Henry J. Merry
William C. Gentry Robert L. dloss
Charles I. Kauffman Walter W. Wild
Gurney Williams
Morris Alexander. BrucesJ. Manley
Bertram Askwith Lester May
Eslen Barc M rgaret Mix
R1axwelI Bauer David M. Nichol
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atherine Ferrin alph R. Sachs
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Sck Goldsmith Margaret Thompso
fmily Grimes Richard L. Tobin
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ean Levy G. Lionel Willens
ssell E. McCracken Barbara Wright
oroth Magee Vivian Zimit
Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers
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Women Assistants on the Business
Marian Atran Mary Jane Kenan
Dorothy Bloomgarden Virginia( McComb
Lara Codling Alice Xle(,uly
)thel Constas Sylvia Miller
Josephine .Convisser Ann Verner
Bernie Caser Doothea Waterman
Anna Goldberger Joan Wiese
Hortense Gooding
Night Editor-WM. C. GENTRY
Hard upon the heels of the re-
port that Wisconsin's Exeprimental
College is to be junked in June has
come the announcement by the
Madison faculty of several sweep-
ing innovations in the curriculum
structure of its literary college. In
brief, the revisions allow for great-
er selectivity and easier adjust-
ment of freshmen, a wide use of
comprehensive examinations, grad-
cation of all qualified students at
the end of two years with certi-
ficates of Graduate in Liberal Stu-
dies, and more pregnant opportun-
ities for the upperclassmen to spe-

cialize in either honors courses or
majors. The provisions also de-
clare that at the end of the first
two years, 15 per cent of the stu-
dents will be dropped and 20 per
cent permitted' to remain advised-
While at no time since its in-
ception three years ago has Dr.I
Meiklejohn's experimental unita
been considered as more than an
extreme and rather anarchial edu-
cational spectacle, the application
of certain of its tenents to the lib-
eral arts college manifests its chief
value to the academic world. An
avowedly radical educational or-I
ganization was equipped with the
ultra in pedagogical theories, both
substantive and adjective, and then
set operating to prove or invalidate
their worth. The net result of
these mechinations has been the
incorporation of such innovations
as seemed profitable and efficaci-
ous into the fabric of the entire
liberal arts college.
The essence of Wisconsin's revis-
ions in curriculum, admissions and
examinations is directly germaine to
the University College proposal atS
Michigan, which aimed to embody
in principle the same changes as
are announced for Wisconsin.,

jected for the University College.
Whatever other objections yet
remained to be voiced against the
University College, that staid ar-
gument based upon timidity and
hide-bound circumspection which!
objects to untried projects is
knocked off its pins, so to speak,
and has far to seek for further
substantiation. It naturally follows

(A short but brief review by
Joe Tinker).

Music And Drama



Because the date for the produc-
tion of the prize-winning play by
Plo bCrrininVn nntyho

f34N47WLLYLWVLLL. .V. WWI.WL ...LL, ... k ay roduction nas recenty peen 1
by inference that a policy of "nat- If you get pains in the neck read-
ural mutation" or "evolutionary ing reviews and seek vainly for shifted forward some few weeks,
progress" may not be utterly aban- some concrete statements regard- the judges in the contest today an-
doned, in the light of working evi- ing the play under discussion, this nounced that the final limit for
dence at Wisconsin of the Univer- review is your meat. Because- manuscripts will be Friday noon, I
sity College's practical worth, or 1. "Her Cardboard Lover," as April 25th. The manuscripts can
permitted to receive the full in- produced by Bob Henderson, is en-'
heritance of a progressive and re- tertaining. be left in either the Rhetoric,
sponsible example. The University' 2. It is as well done as you Speech, or English offrices.
College has never wanted leader- might expect from a cast made up The previous date for the closing
ship; but on the basis of a tried of a characteristically heterogen- of the contest was today. The new
Di ~~~~~~ ~ Iarragmn ae osbefrh
scheme it may now overcome the eous list of seven actors and act-arangement makes possible furth-
lack of confidence which it has resses in all stages of experience. er revisions in plays already finish-
met heretofore almost fatally. 3. The sets are not so hot. ed and last acts for the plays that
4. But the final result is worth would have failed to make theI
0-f a dollar. Ilimit today.
PARKER REJECTION. Having seen the original show
}several years ago, and having
The recent unfavorable report of never before seen Robert Hender- A GUEST DIRECTOR AT PLAY
the Senate Judiciary committee on son in action, I went to the Lydia PRODUCTION.
the confirmation of Judge John J. Mendelssohn with the feeling that, Excitement-a valuable and not
well, after all, what the heck. I
Parker for the Supreme court left with the feeling that the too selfish sort of excitement-is
bench is certain to reflect unto- present company had made a pret-- pleasantly stirring the dramatical-
wardly on the character of the na- ty good job of the lover who was ly-minded people of this campus.
tional government. To protect the not too cardboard. Values of various sorts accruing to
Amy Loomis makes an attractive themselves are being anticipated.
privileges, of the Negroes and the AaFor Lenox Robinsoninterna-
and eager Simone; Henderson is
laboring class is an honorable un- good as the conscientious card- tionally known in his several roles
dertaking but the members of the board lover; Lewis McMichael is as playwright, producer, director,
committee were more influenced convincing as the very busy rouee; manager and personality, has the
by the potential political reactions and Minna Miller is effective as the results of a lifetime's experience at
than by any 'gratefulness for the maid-but there is a certain some- one of the most important theatres
welfare of these two divisions of thing that keeps the individual in the world to offer humble stu-
society. members of the cast from mould- dent aspirants. His three-weeks'
The committee report is some- i ing into a complete cast; something visit here under the auspices of
what an imitation of the attack on that gives the impression of de- the Division of English is quite the
Hughes but the latter must beI tached attention, as though the most important thing to happen
Hughes lbutl thealattertumustnbe
classed as far more dignified. members had =rehearsed by mail to the local dramatic situation in
Hughes was opposed by a group and fitted the show together at the some years. Besides his daily con-
of Progressives who sincerely be- last minute. Perhaps the action tact with the students in rehearsal
lieved that a more liberal attitude (which is very slow in spots-es- at Play Production, Mr. Robinsonr
should be taken on social and eco- pecially in the first act) is respon- is to give several lectures. He
nomic legislation that the conser- sible for this. Whatever it is, it visit is to culminate with the pro-
vative jurists of the Hughes type bothered me. duction in the Mendelssohn the-
would be likely to adopt. Another thing that bothered me atre of his own popular comedy,
"The White Headed Boy" May 8
Judge Parker on the other hand was the carelessness regarding
was unfavorably reported to the such small details as impractical91 23
Senate because the committee window curtains which obviously Mr. Robinson's brilliant career
members feared that the, opposi- remained in place in spite of the has been very intimately connect-
tion by labor and Negro leaders fluttering hands of the maid, and ed with the brilliant career of the
would lose them many votes in cigarettes that emitted no fumes Abbey Theatre wDubln since a
forthcoming elections. Whether or! because of faulty ignition. day in his youth when he was in-
not such disadvantages would re- Allan Handley did what he could Butler Yeats, the father of the
sult is much disputed by observers for the sets but they are awfully
but it is certain that the motives artificial and do not add to the Irish National Theatre. A letter
behind the judiciary committee's illusion. The saloon bar is pretty signed by Yeats and Lady Gregory
i vote were purely political. sloppy-and no pun is intended. tuals in Ireland in 1904 turned'
Judge Parker's opinions on labor After all, however, the value of tobe a genuin mne4 The
unions and Negroes has been much the entertainment does not lie in out to be a genune manifesto. The
misrepresented. The recognition the inanimate phases of the pro- iste ate mons aftsex-
of "yellow dog" contracts depends duction-the play itself is just as istence a few months afterwards,
largely on the exigences under gay as advertised and the lines has fulfilled all the conditions
which they arise. His statement (which are in themselves neat) therein enthusiastically postulated
on the status of the Negroes was are neatly handled. as ideals.
. . .In the twenty-six years of its
made in a political campaign in The two colored gentlemen inactity, ty Teatrefhas
North Carolina where the race the orchestra pit are an innova- activity, the Abbey Theatre has
question -is far more delicate than tion; on the whole it is apparent probably been more responsible
in the northern and western states'that Bob Henderson worked hard than any other theatre in the
detcte world for restoring vitality andi
which several of the antagonistic to put the show over. I detected ignity tot roducti y ama
Senators represented. In both in- no bored expressions among the
stances his opponents failed to customers and I venture to say you and for bringing drama back into
consider the circumstances. There won't be bored. the field of' literature. In 1928 it
are perhaps few men of long public' had produced 216 plays by 86 auth-
experience who have been faced And here is that in-between edi- ors, nearly all of them Irish. Yeats
with these questions that would tion of our famous literary maga- and Lady Gregory have been pro-
be entirely immune to the charges zine' of which I spoke yesterday. lific and successful dramatists.
j This issue is not for sale. It is just iJohn Millington Synge has probab-
another Rolls gift, unmarred by ly been the most important drama-
isThe utter lack of sincerity in advertising and all extraneous matist. Still a young man, Robinson
e uiterialsxis one of the most noteworthy of
I their report discredits completely the coterie influenced b nge to
any claims of liberality that the
cm m mberighthetTHE OUTLANDISH turn their literary talents to the i
c.make. They were concerned only (Published five times a year, per- dramatic presentation of contem-
with their own ocerned Il haps, by the students of the Uni- I porary Irish life. Some of his most
is exceedingly unfortunate that versity of Michigan.) striking successes have been come-
the Senators composing what they PEGASUS FEATHERS, A Poem-_ dies of peasant life like "The
thlee Setorseoemposinfwhash Lips vainly seeking White Headed Boy,"
allege to be the most dignified as-
sembly in the country, can not be Arms raised to the gold-flecked One of the most difficult things
sky, the Abbey Theatre have done is
more high minded in deciding the
more high minded i bdciding the: The purple twilight blinds me, the disruption of the stage-tradi-
calibre of so lofty a body as the ItikIlIto htmd l rsmnrl
United States Supreme Court. I think I'll go over to the Union tion that made all Irishmen rob-
I______and get a malted ... . lickingly absurd and jovial people
I Hohum! fairly choaking with saccharine
What is this sentiment. The Nationalist aims
CapusinnThat chokes us, strangles is, of the Abbey Theatre, with accu-

Contributors are asked to be brief, throttles us? racy of representation as one of
confining themselves to less tian 300 Merry Christmas to you, its ideals, has delivered the stage
w ations will i e isregl.Annm us ce And a Happy New Year too. from that butchery of Irish life,
names of communicants' w.ill, however, 0-'the Peg-O-My-Heart part stan-
be regarded as confidential, upon re-
quest. Letters published should not be GARBAGE OF THE GODS, dardized by Dion Boucicault.
construed as expressing the editorial A Story- The Abbey Theatre has been
Iopinion of Trhe Dtily. r Itr- h bbyTetehsbe
Bernice would 'always be that I quite as famous for the quality of
UNWARRANTED PROCTORING. t way to him-he knew it-Or then its acting as for the dramatic
again, maybe not. . . . Maybe she writing it has made possible. C. E.
To the Editor: jwould be this way. . . . Yes, dis- Montague's criticism of their act-
Since entering the University I tinctly - instinctively - Or would ing has become a classic of dra-
have been continually struck by she?-he wondered. . . . That was matic criticism. He says of them:
the idea that the student body the problem of existence. . . . Ber- "The Abbey actors have found
here lacks a scholastic esprit de nice. . . . Roses, beds of roses in means to continually gain the ef-
corps which prohibits it from at- rich brown earth . . . The moon ... feet of spiritual austerity. More
taming a sincerity in its academic Stars . . . Soft breezes . . . A body than others, they have undone the
pursuits. There appears to be lit- displaces its own weight in the things that ought not to be done.
tle opportunity for the student to liquid in which it floats . . . to hell None of them rants or flares, trum-
realize the actual value of con- with Einstein . . . Einstein is wrong pets or booms, or frisks about
I scientous study and there is too and Bernice is right . . . Washing- when he had better be quiet, or I
much that drives him to consider ton is situated on the Potomac puts on intense looks for nothing.'
classes, as something to be tolerat- river, two hundred miles from - - - . They contrive to reach back
ed in order that he may obtain a New York . . . To hell with New past most of the futilities, the in-
perfunctory degree as a credential York. expressive apparatus of expression,
for entrance into the business o (that over-grow and clog the stage;
world. BOOK SECTION- they take a fresh clear hold cf

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and Doctors, Mid-years and finals, all dedi-
cated to the cause of making life a burden.


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