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April 01, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-04-01

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Publishd every morning except Monday
during te Unhiversity year by th Board in
Conttil of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for republication of all news dis-
patches credited to it or not otherwise credited
in this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
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Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 492S; Business, arar4.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Chairman .........George C. Tilley
City Editor..............Pierce Rosenberg
News Editor.............Donald J. Kline
Sports Liditor...... Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Women's Editor. .........Marjori Folmer.
Telegraph Editor.......Cassam A. Wilson
Music and Drama........William J. Gorman
Literary Editor.........Lawrence R. Klein
Assistant City Ed tor.. . Robert J Feldman
Night Editors--Editorial Board Member
Frank E. Cooper Henry J. Merry
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.rhBeacCnerst, Victor Rabinowitz
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lack Goldsmith Margaret Thompson
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Biusiness Secretary-Mary Chase
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Marvin Kobacker
Tomas Muir'
Dorothy Bloomgardner Alice McCully
Laura Codling Sylvia Miller
Agnes Davis Eleanor Walkinshaw
Bernice Glaser Dorothea Watermani
Hortense Gooding
Night Editor- WALTER WILDS
'Representative Grant M. Hud-
son, prohibitionist extraordinary
from Mich gan's sixth dirtrict, '
does not like the Literary Digest's
straw vote. That is to be expected
from a prohibitionist, but the rea-
sons he assigns leave us in two
minds whether to be angry or
The Digest poll, according to this
dry act, is "not representative";
the attitude of the people is "cor-
rectly reflected in the number of
dry members of Congress." The
militant ladies of the Christian
Temperance Union upon whom he
perpetrated this characteristic bit

of dry logic without doubt clapped
vigorously, conscious of the strengthI
their cause derives from Con-
gress's voting aridity. But we can
seriously doubt either, the intel-
ligence or sincerity tof any one who
believes that the House of Repre-
sentatives reflects the nation's at-
titude toward prohibition more ac-
curately than the Digest poll.
The house is notorious for the
Inaccuracy of its representation.
In the first place its membership
has not been reapportioned since
1910-a direct violation of the con-
stitution for which popular demand
has tardily won recognition. Rep-
resentative Hudson will unques-
tionably have to recount his dry
associates when Congress convenes
after the reapportionment recently
voted over dry opposition.
In the second place, prohibition,
has never been made a clear-cut is-
sue in Congressional campaigns;
until the memorable Hoover-Smith
battle it had no nation-wide poli-
tical significance and mor; often
than not took an unimportant
place in the office-seekers' plat-;
forms. This year prohibition has1
been in the public eye and ear as1
never before; it cannot be subierg-
ed in the approaching Congres-t
sional elections. RepresentativeI
Hudson himself will have to fight
it out with an aggressive and pro-c
nounced wet in the person of Statet
Senator Seymour Person.
And in the third place, it is com-
mn n nwia~a mo't hf - a-lo 3,

the 1928 Congressional primary as
against 28,000 cast by the horti-
cultural eleventh. The same condi-
tion obtains in almost every stateI
which concentrates its population
in the cities, and yet some brazen
souls still claim that the House is1
Against this sort of misrepresen- I
tation we have the 95 per cent ac-
curacy scored by the Literary Di-f
gest in predicting the 1928 pres-
idential canvass. The' Digest Poll
indicated that Texas would go for
Hoover by a small margin; Demo-
crats scoffed, Republicans doubt-
ed, but Texas went for Hoover.
The same story was told in Vir-
ginia, North Carolina, and Florida.!
Representative Hudson can con-
tinue to count dry noses in Con-
gress; we would rather read the at-
titude of the nation in the straw
vote horoscope.
The Interfraternity council has
made news by at last ectually do-
ing something. Along with the
usual quota of resolutions propos-
ed only to be accepted and forgot-'
ten, a decision was reached at the
last meeting which may lead to the
reincarnation of the council as a
representative mouthpiece of fra-
ternity sentiment.
The decision was a proposed con-
stitutional amendment, whereby
each fraternity belonging to the
council must be represented dually,
by a senior and a junior who to-
gether would act as a house dele-
gation. Each member of the va-
rious delegations, it is proposed,1
must be present at the meetings
of the house is to have power to
answer roll call and vote.
The junior representatives of
next year, if the amendment is
passed, will become senior . repre-
sentatives of the succeeding school
In their senior position, these
men will bring to the interfrater-
nity council both an experience
with the working methods and a
knowledge of what may be accom-
plished by that body which should I
prove valuable to the achievement
of real results.
At present, seniors who come to
the fall council meeting often have
never attended a meeting before.
They don't know what the inter-
,fraternity council is all about un- I
til after the early winter meeting,
and before they can accomplish
any important legislation the
council has experiknced its two
spring meetings and breathed its
last for the current year.
If the proposed amendment
achieves its first aim of securing a
senior group of representatives
who can direct the council mach-
inery intelligently, it is entirely
possible that the council will cease
to be one of the most laughable of
undergraduate organizations and
become an important means of,
formulating and giving expression
to fraternity group opinion.
Doubtless the amendment will be
thoughtlessly passed in the pusil-
lanimously passive attitude which
is at present characteristic of the
council, but if some are found to
enforce the representative scheme
provided, the interfraternity coun-
cil may well become what it should
be-one of the most important of
University organizations.
SCmu O
.Campus Opnio

Contributors are asked to be brief,
confining themselves to less than 300
worAs of possible. Anonymous com-
mueations will be disregarded. The
naines of communicants will, however,
be regarded as confidential, upon re- i
quest. Letters published should not he
construed as expressing the editorial
opinion of The Daily.
To the editor:
Unlike my fair sister, I wish to
extend three cheers to the men
who have made our life at the Uni-
versity complete. (I voice the opin-
ions of many, besides myself.) A'
great many of our good times
would not have been were it not.
for the men. As to the "statistics",
the old saying of three degrees
holds good here-lies, damn lies,
and statistics. The women do notl
take part in so many extra-curri- I
cular activities as the men, and'
perhaps they apply themselves to
their studies more, thus accounting1
for the difference in grades. But!
those people must be quite unusual#
who do not know by their senior
year that it is ridiculous to tatk
about either sex being "brighter"
than the other. I h ve found thatI
the most uninteresting classes
(lack of discussion, etc.) were
those in which there were prac-
tically no men.
As for the "charming sophisti-
cation"-it should be left for others
to decide whether or not we possess
it, and if so, how desirable it really
is. And why shou'dn't the men

.L Music And Drama
ALLEGED I E head of the organ department
JOKE. ISp the School of Music. will nres,



Hark To His Master's Voicel Saying
For Everything McaI

: ,


V X ,1
Henry Whipple in a graduation re-
cital in Hill Auditorium beginning
Iat 4:15.
4 in F Major, Op. 36: by Willem
Mengelberg a n d Concertgebouw
Orchestra of Amsterdam: Colum-
bia Masterworks Set No. 133.
"It is in reality a reflection of
Beethoven's Fifth Symphony; I
have copied his central poetic
idea." News of this statement from
a letter of Tschaikowsky's has had
the curious results of giving the
Fourth Symphony a quite unde-
served popularity. The joy of an-
nouncing to one's neighbors: that's
"untiring Fate" in that passage;
has hardly been proportionate tot
the value of the music.t
It is actually bad program music.
The burden of the communication
is left to the listener. One cane
grasp the ideology or the mood-t
ology from recognition of certaint
stock Tschaikowskean habits of
composition (self-flagellation: 2
phrase insisted on and tortured
usually in canon by all the choirss
in the orchestra; despair: the or-s
iginal theme given to the oboes in!
the minor with the original tempo
cut; joy: theatrical sweeping of9
strings all over the hall; pathos: a
folk tune quaintly scored and va-
ried.) Thus aware of the process,
,one can dismiss the symphony as
feeble sentiment quite unmusically
expressed or let one's fancy vividly
picture a bitter Tchaikowsky-Fate:
struggle. The one way is more
critical and aristocratic; the other
more sensible and more popular.
The one judges and scorns; the
other may judge too, but is deter-
mined to have an experience, how-
ever impure. The second class will
want this recording of the Fourthi
Symphony, and will not have to
apologize for it.
Mengelberg gives the symphony
a vigorous, intelligent reading, cor-
rect in detail and forceful as inter-
pretation. He rather boldly ex-
ploits instrumental color through-
out, generally with the happy ef-+
fect (for Tchaikowsky could score),;
but frequently revealing strange
contrasts, incoherence and , strain
imn the writing. His reading of the
string pizzicato section in the third
movement is unconventional: very
delicate and playful rather than,
as usual, robust and high-spirited.
There are technical flaws in re-
production, confusion and blur-
ring, at a few of the more bom-
bastic moments in the first move-
ment and Finale, but in general it
is good orchestral recording.
Dr. Serge Koussevitsky, who has
the rather interesting habit of be-
coming periodically discouraged
with a two-a-week concert routine
for his symphony orchestra, last
week planned and executed a six
day Brahms Festival. There was
no sentimental, centennial motive
except the quite respectable fact
that Koussevitsky respects Brahms.
With the help of Arthur Schnabel,
Margaret Matzenauer, the series
managed to include the four sym-
phonies, the two piano concertos,
the German Requiem, the Song of
Destiny, some of the Liebeslieder
Waltzes, the Academic Festival
Overtures, the Piano Quintet, some
songs and the piano pieces of op. i

In commenting on the series, L.
A. Sloper, Boston critic, had some
interesting things to say: "In retro-
spect of these six days Brahms
seems more a romanticist than a
classicist. Further, we are impres-
sed less by his material than his
handling of it, and we .find even in
the handling more cerebration
than inspiration. It seems to us
too that there is wisdom in those
who say that the Brahms of the
songs, the piano pieces, and the
chamber ensembles is greater than
he of the symphonies and the big-
ger choral compositons."
This seems to approximate the
contemporary judgment of Brahms,'
reflected in such a book as Cecil
Gray's History of Music. If it is
the correct one, it means the re-
legation of Brahms to the class of
minor artists, reaching perfection
only in the minor forms.
It certainly must be enjoyable ko
get the opportunity of an extend-
ed survey of Brahms. Koussevit-
sky has had three of these festivals
now for Beethoven, Brahms and
Schubert. After such tributes of
i respect, there is nothing of dlisloy-

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