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April 01, 1930 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-04-01

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USED IN ELECTIONS, ...~.-..'.< Speed balWill be

4 O'clock ?

All makes of ma-d
chines. Our equip-
ment and person-
nel are considered
among the best in the Stae.
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314 Soith State St. Phone


to Women at 4

Candidates for Whom Caucusing
Is Done Will be Declared
Ineligible for Office.
Nominees for Presidency Rank
High in Scholarship
and Activities.
Expression of an opinion on the
present method employed by the
Women's League in making nom-
inations for the Board of Directors
and the Judiciary Council, will be
requested in a questionnaire given
out to women voting in the League
elections on Wednesday. The elec-
tion booth will be open from 8
until 5 o'clock in University hall.
The questionnaire includes an ex-
planation of the system of nom-
inations in use at the present time,
with leading questions as to the in-
dividual's opinion on them, and the
announcement that any construc-
tive criticism will be accepted for
Three women have been selected
to run for the office of president of
the League. They are Jane Yearnd,
Hermine Soukup, and Eleanor
Cooke. The candidates for vice-
president are Helen Jones and Al-
bertina Maslen. Under the rules of
the League, caucusing previous tof
elections will automatically de-!
clare ineligible the candidates for
whom it is being done.I
Hermine Soukup is Prominent.
All of the candidates have been
prominent in campus activities as
well as high in scholarship. Miss
Soukup was chairman of the Cos-
tume committee of the Freshman
Pageant, and was a Lantern Night
aide during her first year. As ai
sophomore, she took part in the!
Sophomore Circus, and was a mem-
ber of the Bazaar committee, and
of the Undergraduate Campaign
Fund committee of the Women's
League. This year she is a member
of the Board of Directors of the
League, and is treasurer of that
body. She was on the central com-
mittee of the Bazaar. She was
chairman of the Make-up commit-
tee of the Junior Girls' Play, and
had a part in the Play. She is a
member of Wyvern.
As a freshman, Miss Cooke took
part in the Freshman Pageant,
and was a member of the Fresh-
man Pageant Dance committee.


IlHermine Soukup. Eleanor Cooke. Jane Yeaynd y8td
She was general chairman of the Bazaar committee, and was Bus- Junior Girls' Play committee.
Freshman Spread during .er iness manager of the Junior Girls' - Jones Was Pageant Chairman.
sophomore year,, and was on the Play. She is a member of Alpha Miss Jones was chairman of the
W. A. A. Board as outdoor m:- Freshman Pageant, a Lantern
ager. She was a member 'of' the Kappa Delta, and of Wyvern. Nghtlae ndad uighe
age. Se ws meberof he Named for Vice-presidency. Night leader and aide during her
Board of Governors of the League ae ee freshman year. The next year, she
building, and was on the Poin i Miss Maslen was a member of smnya.Tenx er h
uysdteg, committe o the Womn the Freshman Pageant committee was class representative to the
System committee of the Womens d League Board. She was a member
League. She took part in the Soph- was manager of the class golf and of the Pan-Hellenic ball committee.
omore Circus and was on a W. A. A. a Langer ofithe cdssIgohf and was on the central committee for
committee. She also was a Lanteon a Lantern Night aid e. In her sec- the Circus, and took part in the
Night aide, and was a member of bunyear, shewason the loweI Circus. She was a Lantern Night
Alpha Lambda Delta. sian, was a member of the itra- aide. This year, she has been gen-
Delegate to N. S. F. A. .eral chairman for the Junior Girls,
This year, Miss cooke is a class longed to the University Girls' Glee Play, and a member of the Board
representative on the Board of Di-- c.ed to on the Frlsh Geof Directors of the League as itsC
rectors of the Women's League, club. She was on the d eshman. recording secretary. She is a mem
and is a member of the House coi- of the Sophomore Circus commit- ber of the Invitations committee of
mittee of the building, She is a otee This year she has been on the the junior literary class, and also is
mittee of the League, and was on Board of Directors of the League a member of Wyvern.
a Junior Gis' Play committee. as chairman of the League library
She was the League delegate to the committee, and on the Intramural Women on tine campus of the
National Student Federation of Board of W. A. A. She is a member University of Illinois are organizing
America, and is again a member of of Wyvern, of the World Fellowship a band. Officers are to be elected
the Board of Governors of the and Bazaar committees of the J soon, and plans will be made for
Leaue buiding. Sherns a mee League. She belongs to the Univer- definite organization and direction.
of Wyvern. sity Girls' Glee club, was a member About 25 women have attended
Miss Yearnd was a member of of the Central committee of the previous meetings and shown a
ithe Freshmand Girls' Glee cb, a Penny Carnival and served on austrong interest in the band.
member of the Freshman Pageant

This Afternoon.
Spring sports will begin today
with the first speedball practice at
4 o'clock at Palmer Field house.
While it is not certain yet whether
the candidates for the class teams
will go on the field it is advised I
that women bring their playing
clothes with them.
Speedball, which very few wom-
en on campus have ever played,
and which has never been played
on this campus by women before, is
a game which combines the char-
acteristics of several other sports.
It is an active running game and
combines the two features or drib-
bling the ball on the ground and
passing it in the air.
As Mrs. W. D. Henderson goes
out of office as director of the
League it seems only fitting that
the undergraduate women
should express to her their ap-
preciation of the many fine and
splendid things she has done
for them during the year since
the building was opened. She has
worked unceasingly to provide
every facility and convenience
for them, and has given much of
her time and energy toward car-
ing for their interests. She has
worked without recompense end
her selfless spirit has more than
earned for her the gratitude of
the undergraduates. May we,
then, acknowledge with untold
thanks the work to which Mrs.
Henderson has so unselfishly de-
voted herself-the smoothly run-
ning organization and the home-
like atmosphere of the Michi-
gan League building. She has
accomplished and more than
fulfilled the dreams of thousands
of Michigan women.
-The Undergraduate Women.
Furs and Fur Coats
Makeup, Repaired, Re-
modelled and Relined
Prices Reasonable
E. L. Greenbaum
448 Spring Street
Phone 9625




1 Music committee, and took part in
the Pageant her' first year. As a
sophomore, she was on the loweU
staff of The Michigan Daily. She
was a member of the Freshman
Spread committee, and was on the!
Central committee of the Soph-
omore Circus. She was a member
of the Life Membership committee
of the Women's League, and was a
Lantern Night Aide. This year she
has been on the Board of Directors
of the League as chairman of the
Social committee. She was on a

! i j




You Should Have
This Classic Opera Pump
In Several Colors
To Complement
Your Entire Spring Wardrobe

A Fashion Revue of foundation garments
modeled by Chicago representatives
at 2:30, today
The worst of it is
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One of life's litte tragedies is being "waist-less" in
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it suggests a Gossard Princess foundationI The
exquisite combination pictured is of peach batiste
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back-another new feature! Model 3615-$5-OO




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The wonderfully graceful lines
have endeared the opera pump to
all discriminating women. Here at
Goodyear's you will find the correct
version for each of your dresses,
suits and coats.
This opera pump is in the colors
of the current mode . . . Green
and Blonde Kidskin, Black Moire
and Black Mat Kid.
Mezzanine Shoe Shop

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11 t u


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