-V'rCA V AbbfT ~I C tNOA'
r a . a a : ... a. r s . r, + a A. r.v..i a '1'UL°' rS.' L'71l 1, .+'9 ? 1J
.L , l;i:il1
~ .~,'. ..'.... _____a fellowship in International Law
W . -*.***********P to Lawren ice Preuss of the political
111 '' :_' . " ' ::"/ roeso Crawford to Talk on v\SiJ}ql..Ct: ,. {F science department. was made Sat- Cercle
s., ... New Opportunitysin Arab urday by the Carnegie Endowm ent;
Inter-continental Service to be ; :.,-..,v .,..... .. . ...AfrInenaina eae
WIL B GN:ON. *1 *.. .. ;w. :i n-, orl' oniht award provides for a year!
Inaugurated at Noon,; . "~HA A G T2 YAS t tdyi uoe adi rne
A p ril T h ir d .!j...0 S~ _ _ _ _t e a c h e r o f p e n a ti o rn l L tO
S.~,. rofG .and related subjects. The purpose;
RADIO CHANNEL IS LINK WnS rwod oe ~a of the fellowship is to develop the' Ger
;f y bian ~educator, will speak on the techique of teaching International yfFa
... or al peaint subject, "New Opportunity fin the. Lawe and also to introduce into thatI Jean B
be Aouvaill e;Ratntforo ' . $rs F;. ° kfArab Word"~ at a lecture sponsored ! ldacopaaivlpinnf ge,
.. ~~~~~ ~by the International committee ofgandtruhhesdyiE-:aga e. : M Q.r rope. There are approximately Six lecture
salsAW-o >d e :" the Student Christian association! of these teachers' awardsgrne gamt
;. i..,: .3:..,..r , s :" :., :... ..,r,... :::.t; & o'clock tonight in Natural Sci-..;van u lyb th Ca egeF nd
Regular telephone service :be-nnualy by henCanegi
tween North America and South Thuhboni Aai weefo uidn
: '.,hog brninArba heeo Mr. Preuss will spend the aca- bidn
Aterc<:wll:b:opnedor:pblic". .:' . .a.ta"k. 15 years he was superintendent ofj demic year, 1930-1931 in Europe. Besid
use- oh Thursday, April 3, at 1;he Aeia iso schoolso His present plans are to leave thelteF
nonbast"ei , ., .. standard timet,, a...c- .,,yyMp :,,,oo} ::K . the Arabian desert, Professor raw- United States in the early part of iscs
coringto n anoucemnt ade1~....,. -. ~ ordis n Al-~ricn. or hepas July and go directly to the Hague.
toa.yE.. ;ylclma-... .,~27 yeash asbeh poesrMr. Preuss intends ;to observe th se a..t;
ag r fo he M cig n Bel Tee ~...o~~f ethisa d rliinatth m r orkin gs of the World Court there a man
S.., f ican University.nBirt yra and also study the League of Na- trit.
poecompany. ::.;; . ,,.. . a, whichz position he left to make a, tions meeting at Geneva. In the Dr.(
Othe establishment of this new "GAscata.d Press Phoo .lecture tour of the United States.; fall, he will travel to Paris where' "e wa
se'rvice will conn'Ct all the tele- When a group of 500 prisoners at the Missouri penitentiary, Jefferson City, mutiniced in a movement' Because of his wide experience; he will take up his International!! ng ff'
phnso h retn eulcfor "more food,"guards used their clubs freely in putting down the riot. Left, convict being taken to the in Arabia coupled with his intimate. Law studies at the University of n eertc
a~lnhectes of S AntiagoepChie, hospital after clash with guards. Right, dining room where riot started.............- knowledge of the Arabian race, his Ipais and at L'Ecole Libre des SCi- vrth
and the -cities of-s ee h iSex ectdnotcear up, to encsiPlitqu s.heFr nc
Alxtd adUau with the ~TTTC some extent, the current rumors! Mr. Preuss will return to AnnIFrna
twenN IXty million telephc'les in the abot conditions in h FrEat Arbor to resume his teaching dt- lecture
United sae as well as those in CONviewOof theVinterestTshownIates for the academic year of 191-;tes
Cua-datt " r ' ''pit. F E L NUN ___-_____ previous International Forums on 1932 lecture~
inla Mexico ad at h nia BsiesssetimntisEetelLcObeaueHoYpicedelins.similar subjects insofar as Arabia, __________present
This~ link between the twocon- Traditional Emblem to Featur e %Bsns enieti ete, c bcueo ridcie. Palestine and the Orient are con-~ Menckten on ColegeBred' door.
shor, wae 'ra'io ecortionsor Dnce. cording to the business reports ®tf The statistical perfo'mance of cernedtheletre is expected totPICO NIEST n
tiliswl~e h istNtoa ak fBso.fbe well attende.PICO NIEST n
tnlfts. iol e aciroruave adioroximoratloy forDnce.cteaFistNaionalBnnk of oston. most industries since the first ofI Weekly forums have been spon- terviewed recently by the "Daily 1 Re
39q ;miles ;long connecting the oy- After a search of several weeks,,srogudelin atos nu-the year compares unfavorably sored by the committee in an effort' Prinetonian," H. L. Menkei, edi-' NOR
ersas adi sttios, f te Aer-the mamlmoth slide-rule, enmbleif tral activity after moving u pwardi with the corresponding period of, to bring about a closer feeling and:troth "Aeia Mruy"..Cu,
lcai~ Telephone and Teleraph com- better understanding among the; stated: ".Probably the most val-1 the co.
p~nyin he Uite Staes ith he andprie oftheengieerng~col-; in January was barely sustained in 1928. But on the other handaI
pante nationaleTelephone itandhTele- priege owhich di inappearedbfrothnitseFebruary, whileh'n slackeningwhtookdyearpagod businesstwasepiling wuplmanysstudents tfrom differentenablerthingfethetaverageae yoongg ooffered
grah. cpoati lon' ttine nth uoaypaceerte niee- xyiearsaockuinsas wa rsuplngofcouties enrolled in the Univer-American gets out of a college edu-' time in
placesat. tteclatterapartsofttoe over- st.Dsuso fsoeitra ainlies in the general feeling session.
ven' f unoAie.yrsmonth. It now appears that the de- Ithatiit.makesuhimosomehowosuper-eunty i
vcnt Arch severalyer ago preced- cline has been ,hckdan, slow! production, while at present pro- tional question or p roblemn follow-;ta t. nkshi oeowspr ut i;
Anl eight hour daily service will" ing a Crease dance, has been found'i recovery' may be under way. a duction schedules are being ad- I ing an introductory presentation of ! !or. This feeling opens doors to! hereto
~e in operation on. this new line in a dark and remote corner of 'a The most encouraing' factor in jsted to actulrqient.LsIthsbjcbyommmerfteIhm.M evresuallyrequireminents. Last ,thea.subject by some member ofg i t himseve, he.s tusumady haresinlet
time.The continent of South University building, by members of ! the :situation has been the sharp year at this time business was fat-ifcultyon theeub etn ailiarestpedth at
Ameilca has been, divided into three the commtittee in charge of ar- deln1hc a ae place in, ing a huge speculative structiueteconrsudrcnieain
toe ~d atsfrcls aebe ageet o heEgier'interest rates, which are now con- adteotokwsItecutisudrcnieain -L' Illllllllllllilll1111lil t 1110 llllllli[II hIIIIIlll
z~is n rt~ o cls ae e~nrng~ensfo heEgiers sderably below a year ago. The an;h ulo wsms ne by the foeign students makes up
Axs-ed accordinig to tim~e and di§-. lide-Rule formal party which Will l owering of money rates in prc tan, now the perspective is more the weekly program.=1
tk4ce. A three miute cal from be held from 9 until 2 o'clock Fri- ;ialyalg ianilpet rafthecer-________YL UIEST-Tews b d ~ I
in te proin ce g of anyosAieTheebemo h clee isb-c16nc allfndsrasal etesofte lKr
ay otinMciatoaypitday night, in the Union ball room. i, world will inspire business conic- YL NVRIY h i
fix, ie prvinceostabilizAreng ie eblemufdthecHalee is e--Fe cl. nof olly was the text of a -sei -
whteiCancolites thll e $0.Forsothninghtcartefullycguarenutill efthe J eon prices. Many indices re- j1(mon given in Battell Chapel by Pro- ,
call oeri cnd newill b- e'3.ra ngtrofinthe doawhnsit wilefecting favorable trends since PURDUE UNIVERSITY-Razzing Ifessor Phelps of Yale. He said that = r HARYGET
call o th secod zoe, whch i-. fature in he deoratons. Marh 1 nclud an ncreaehin.C"th iChrstiasstanardsofsliefarlife iRRYe,[=
and Montevideo, an extra charge of1 21 years ago at the request of Donal iak debits, car loadings and build-:;n adraznAalmihRhvYel pBsthRihetidasNhc
$1.20 Is made, and for a third zone Hamilton 'Haines, of the journal- ing contracets awarded. Further- been the motto of the Sigma Delta man has today." _-AND
message, to Santiago, Chile, a sm department, who suggested that more, the influen-ce of buyin g for ; Chi, national journalistic fraterni-. NEIL
cre of $3 is added to the base it be used as .part of the settingo the Easter season will be felt; ty, at their traditional gridiron De otTh ars I-AML N
xate. for the Union Opera, "Culture," throughout the country, and any banquet. The "Leather Medal" __De ____t____________HAMILTO_
As the service is now established 'which he had written. The abnor- firmness in price structure would "Gold Derby," and "Oil Can," were . - twxe 9 SSESTe 1ro~o
there will be a single talking cir- mal rule was made for the con- release a considerable amount of' all awarded to prominent members CASS THEATERUUPFOSPEUNC i
cuit composed of two radio char- venience of the engineering profes- demand that has been held back of the administration. The SSaTH EATR fthe
oafs, one for northward and one for sor in the story, Prof. Bowes, for- I-- -- --. -Victor Herbert Festival
souTwar transmission, operating lier lecturer of the discontinued) k.EL EANOR PAINTER - T - BI I
Sthfree different pairs of wave- course, in strength and resistance.itefacnWARNan eldiu taP1 1
lengths, each pair being used for Bowes had three able assistants, 1 L5 Comic Opera aLLf t-tLauglan
a different time, of day. This new1 Stress, Strain, and Resistance who ^ ftPreiene -"THE FORTUNE TELLER" OB H W A DS C
crcut encounters more favorable assisted him in his work with the ; tT riL -
averalge teatl~er conditions than lightning calculator. .vU e r L EDWARD8t9he orAn ovly f
the of the transatlantic service VEVeoranRETTi S
V&chose of a comparat'ively short -ri-shDiscrd eat
tiihprldand also because it rHORTONsc a dDeat,+ -"-LLOYD
runs at a, slight angle to the me- Penaty for Cowardice STATIGOTRTAYONHMITO
rig.(B Associat d Pess) W -... 5:30 to 7:00 ' n. I) . OMD
All, message transmissions to COD YOMEVLDYW
South America will be sent fromi LONDON, March 3.-Elinina-, TO A , EA"IEGRASS
Lawrenceville, N. J., the American ( tion of the death penalty fr co-; ___ h PATSY i ROAST BEEF I~StIRS"
Telephone and Telegraph corn- wardise is among modifications W +ITH
pun's overseas tranismission cen- and regulations regarding the! SHOWS RUTHI MASHED POTATOES PATII
er halelincomig messaes deahthpenatyof the British army; 2.00-3.30MILERAND - HEcviWoiesNEWS
wilehnldtruhteNt whichte government will lay be- 1 700-9 00 MIsLERTC VEETABLE SALA
35 t'EERTA piScng, N. J:' st ati,, which also~ re- fore Parliamnent ' Here's, a slice of small tovi 1111IIIIIII35C tll1111~iilli11111lig
ces short Wave transmissions The death penalty will be abol-; life bubbling with small townI ___ _____
from. E?'urope. The receiving and ished in the army, also in punish-
.rnr~tn tain o ot ment for leaving a guard or picket 4 indwhich yo
Aeiaaelctd eaBunspatrol or post without orders, in- vaace
AiresR at Platanos and Hurlingham I tentionally causing false alarms in' '.-,--.''
respeotively, tetrewv action or elsewhere, and leavin-g 1,tc ± T<
lo engthof e e nthe wSouthIsentinel posts before being re gu-( UNV ER G SiTY O
larnytrelieved. These modification
"'I !
Amterican srwerv cev hereisaepate I with suitable textual? alterations 'AC
Francais Will Hear Talk
h Late Clemnenceau 's
Life History.
Res Clemen :eau, the "Tiger
nce," will be discussed by
. Cloppet, of the romance
Res department, in the fifth
of the Circle Francais pro-
to be given at 4:15 tomorrow
m 103 Romance Languages
Ie relating the history of the
enchman, Dr. Cloppet will
Clemenceau as a politician,
atesman, as a man of letters,
of wit, and lastly, as a pa-
"loppet said of Clemenceau
is a great man for the untir-.
ort 'and matchless energy in
ing he did."
season tickets for the Circle
is Series will admit to the
Patrons may purchase
tickets for the rest of the
s, and the annual dramatic
ation of the Circle at the
cord. Summer Session
ses in every. department of
lege of liberal arts will be
lnext summer for the first
a the history of the summer
More of the regular fac-
ill be retained than has ben
fore possible. With these
yes it is expected that there
a considerable increase in
tendance this year.
1 4.
g hit!-
thze year!
ire suspended from seven 180 foot CiTheiI ~de±Ut
to~ers, and consist of networks of Th detpnaywilbr-
one wires in the. form, of coarse I tamed for such acts as shameful
mresh "curtains," This line of tow- , b n o met o elvrn p o
erq is Set bxrdodside to the direction an!lc rgrio, saeu
of transxiission, and due to the ar- casting away of arms in the ene- ..f>tebn n ne'oxeto flm' rsne"teceyo nw
these wires, the signalis emitted' ingly imperilling in active service
haye a marked directional effect, the success of the King's forcesI
Load your Kodaksma,~with._depend n._INTERNATod a kNALra
+ 'N .
54 abeflsad frdpnalefn .. IS U PT
m e
3 :50
35c, 10c
50c, 25c
.~The glamour of
m*~odern day, with
. boats; the L a st
( /kaleido s c ope of
' women at their
best and worst.
ish ingbr igthem
to the home of
Als / U *t'. n trra
Member: National Aicademy of Design; Amrerican
Academy of Arts. and Letters; American
Institute. of Architects; and National Com-
mission of Fine Arts.
Hill Auditoiumn
Thuraday N'4it, S:I5 p m.
.. .