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April 01, 1930 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-04-01

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Stock Sales at Gridiron Banquet
Will Decide Oil Can's
1930 Recipient.
Publicity Seeking Congressmen
First to be Presented
with Lubricator.
Paraphernalia of a stock ex-
change will transform the ball
room of the Union into a trading
mart when, on the night of Sigma
Delta Chi's gridiron banquet, April
9, stock will be bought and sold in
several newly organized corpora-
tions. Each corporation will repre-
sent a faction that is touting a can-
didate for the post of loquacious
lubricator, and the corporation
which sells most stock to the ban-
cueters will see its candidate
awarded. the oil can, which since
1923 has been given annually to the
faculty member who in the judg-
ment of the gridiron banqueters
most deserves recognition as a pub-
licity seeker and hot air artist.
The stock market was selected as
the theme of this razz fest, chair-
man Edward L. Warren, Jr., '30,,
said yesterday, because the recent
crash is stfll of unusual interest in
Ann Arbor, since it affected things
as far removed from business, in
the cloistered quiet pf college, as
students' allowances. Every walk
of life will be represented at the
banquet, and in the fortunes of the
stock market will be found a topic
of interest to all the classes of peo-
ple who will be represented.
.University students, professors, -
editors, politicians, statesmen, bus-
tress men, and publishers will all
rub elbows at the banquet, and
each will be given an opportunity
to get off his chest grievances of!
12 months standing. The gridiron
banquet is a razz fest, at which all
the banqueters are given an op-
fortux1ity to see themselves as oth-
Gridiron banquets originated in
Washington, P. C., where they were
first held by members of the na-;
tionail press club who after having,
reported Congressional speeches for
almost a year, relieved themselves
of their resentment at the loquac-
iousness of some Congressmen by
inviting them all to a banquet and
then razzing them all, and present-
ing an oil can to the most loquac-
ious. The congressmen had to like
it, since they all needed publicity.
Later, the banquets became so well'
known that they were copied by
other press clubs, and have now
come to be an accepted tradition of
the national professional journalis -
tic fraternity, Sigma Delta Chi.
After the razzing at this year's
banquet has reached its conclusion,
the runners who have been in
charge of posting on the black-!
boards the latest quotations on the
stocks of the various quotations,
will determine which stock is lead-
ing, and the corporation which has'
been most successful in its concen-
trated panning of some individual'
will be able to announce the man1
who is to hold the Ann Arbor oil 1
can for the next year.
.Fielding H. Yost, director of the
University's athletic plant, was
awarded the oil can last year on
the strength of his clean speech'
campaign. He refused to make any
predictions yesterday as to who de-
serves the oil can this spring.

Damage in Toledo Fire
Estimated at $280,000
(By Associated Press)
TOLEDO, March 31.-More than
$280,000 damage was done by a
spectacular fire which swept the
loading docks of the Willys-Over-1
land company this arternoon and
burned more than 100 new cars, 311
boxkcars, and a 700 foot loading
The majority of the cars burned
were Willys Knights which had
been loaded in the cars for ship-
ment or were waiting loading at
thendock. The 31 freight cars were
valued at an average of $5,000 of a
total of $155,000.
Britain Refuses Plea
for Island's Freedom
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, March 31-The
Island of Cyprus, a crown colony,
of Great Britain, has recently ask-

Combining well known outside now poetry editor of Midland, and!
talent with that found here in the has appeared both in the Ameri-
University, the April issue of the can Mercury and Poetry and
Inlander, which will be on sale to- Palms. Her verse is unusually good.
uy at variouts readers ontmerous Other features of this month's
features of unusual and varied in- Inlander include two articles on dif-a
terest. ferent phases of humanism: "Sur-
A frontispiece by Rockwell K vey of American Humanism," by
entitled "Two Lovers" is partic-LarneRKli ad "Wtr
ularly attractive, having been made Lawrence R. Klein and "Walter
from a wood engraving in the Lippmann: a Humanist," by Wil-
Wevhe Galleries. Two woodblocks liam J. Gorman. "Mrs. Trent's

PARITY RATI NITF(Iy Associated Press)
TUCSON, Arizona, March 31 -
!Gusty winds held Capt. Frank
T H ~R E E P D IN E R P L A s ate pi g o s-t - o s
Hawks, transcontinental flyer, who
is attempting a coast-to-coast gli-
Announcement of Formal Reply der tour, in Tucson tonight.
to British-American Plan The flyer enroute from San Die-
Expected Friday. go, California to New York, was
forced to ride currents back to Tuc-
PLENARY SESSION SOON1 son this morning when the cable
broke and parted his cabin glider
Hope Still Held for Five Power from its tow plane 10 miles east of
t Pact That Has Deadlocked here. He anounced that weather
PacsThat-CasDealced conditions were too hazardous for
Present 'Conference. a hop with an emergency tow line
B k Kto Lordsberg, New Mexico, tonight.
By Frank H. King, His schedule had called for an over-
A. P. Staff Writer.
LONDON, March 31. - Advices night stop at El Paso, after refuel-
. ing at Lordsburg.
received in London today from' TomorrowgCapt.Hawks ilat-
Tokio regarding the Japanese ans- tmoo apt.bhawkspwia
wer o te Aerian-ritsh ro-tempt to take off behind his power
wer to the American-British pro- plane piloted by J. D. Jernigan, Jr.,
posal has convinced Americans, ' San Diego aviator, on the hop tot




jVanquished b]EI*
Swimmers, 41 to 2
(Special to The Daily)
NP;W iHAVEN, CONN., March 31.-Michigan's heretofore lun-
beaten swimming team suffered a decisive 41-21 defeat at the hands of
Yale's Eastern Intercollegiate champions in the final appearance of the
season for both teams.
Undefeated in si Xconsecutive seasons of intercollegiate swimluming
Yale won five fist places tonight to outscore the Western Conference
swimmers. Captain Ault of the W olverines won the 440 yard swim
J while his teammate, Clarence Boldt,

by Jean Paul Slusser of the College
of Engineering and Architecture
yae been included as the second
reproduction of a series of his
Ruth Lechlitner, '23, has contri-
buted a poem, "Naked as Adam",
which is one of the features of this
issue. Miss Lechlitn~er, who grad-
uated from Michigan is 1923, is
Political Science Head Writes
That International Parley
Has Begun Task.
Dean John R. Effinger of the lit-
erary college yesterday received a
letter from Prof. Jesse S. Reeves, of
the political science department,
who is representing the United
States in an international confer-
ence on the codification of interna-
tional law, now being held at the
Professor Reeves said that all the
opening ceremonies have been for-
gotten, and that the conference has
been divided into three sub-com-
mittees for the actual accomplish-
ment of the task before the dele-
gates. The work is very confining,
he says, but because of its technical
nature receives little publicity.
The American delegation is ob-
serving a 30-day period of mourn-
ing for the death of former Chief
JusticerWilliam I'U. Taft, and is ac-
cepting no formal invitations.
French is the most generally used
language at the conference, Pro-
fessor Reeves said. Besides those
to whom it is native, English has
been spoken by delegates of only
one other nation, the Danish.
State Wins Advance in Time of
Hearing on License.
(By Associated Press)
LANSING, March 31.-The state
won what was claimed as a partialj
victory in its controversy with the
Federal Radio commission today
when word was received that the.
date for a hearing on Michiga'kI
application for a wave channel has
been advanced to April 22. The
original schedule was May 15th.
Governor Green revealed that i
the, commission refuses to allot a
wave channel for the proposal State
police radio station, the fight will
be carried into Congress. He inti-
mated that members of the Mich-.
igan delegation in Congress had
expressed a willingness to seek leg-
islation to permit the installation
of the State police station.
The Governor has insisted in
several statements that the May
date for a hearing was too late to
be of benefit because if it resulted
in denial of the State's application,
there would be no time to press the
matter in Congress.
Daily Illini Prohibition
Poll Shows Wet Vote
Drinking among men students at
the University of Illinois is more
prevalent than abstemiousness, ac-
cording to the results of a three
day poll taken on the Urbana cam-
pus by the Daily Illini, student
newspaper. A majority of the wo-
men voted that they did not drink..
A total of 3,992 votes were polled
on the question, a vote considered

fairly representative of the 10,000!
students enrolled in the 'university.
A total of 1,372 fraternity men de-
clared that they drink, while 744 as-
serted that they did not. Among
sorority girls 267 declared that they
drink while 531 do not. Of inde-
pendent men, 430 drink compared
with 408 who do not; 36 indepen-
dent women drink while 114 do not.
The totals of all students show that
a total of 2.10 5 tnrnts drink.

Husband" was contributed by Eliz-
ab eth W. Smith, Spec., who had
two plays considered in the One
Act Play contest and one of them
selected to be presented in final
competition in the spring.
Outside talent has been recruit-
ed in addition to the local writers
who have written for this number.'
E. Merrill Root, John Becker, and
Guy B. Johnson have contributed
stories, poems, and features.
Twelve of the latest books have
been reviewed by students on the
compus to complete the edition.
The Inlander will be sold today{
for 25 cents, and may be obtained
after today at the Inlander offices'
in the Press building.
'Her Cardboard Lover' to Run
at Mendelssohn Theatre
Week of April 21.
Announcement was made yester-
day of the production of Jacquesi
Duval's "Her Cardboard Lover," to
be presented the week of April 21
in Lydia Mendelssohn theatre. The
comedy is adapted from the French
and was recently played at the
Belmont theatre In New York, and
on tour by Jeanne Eagels and Les-
lie Howard.
The present cast of "Her Card-
$oard Lover" will include Miss
Amy Loomis in the leading role
of Simone LaGorce, played orig-
inally by Miss Eagels. Lewis Mc-
Michael is being brought on from
New York for the part of her hus-,
band. Robert Henderson will have
Leslie Howard's part of the gigolo.,
Other players will include Minna
Miller as Simone's maid, and John1
Connolly who has just closed in the
New York production of "House
Large blocks of seats have al-
ready been taken for the produc-]
tion of "Her Cardboard Lover" by
the several organizations that are
meeting in Ann Arbor during the
week of April 21. Six performan-
.es are scheduled for the week. The
play will run every night with the
exception of Friday, April 25, when
the Lydia Mendelssohn theatre
will present the Orchesis program.
. matinee is planned for Saturday.!
April 26.
Prices for the evening perform-
ances are placed at $1.00 on the
main floor and 75 cents in the bal-
cony. Seats for the Saturday mat-
inee are priced at 75 cents for the.

British and Japanese conference L-- s-- g.Theg-d-rp--t---d-e
circles that a three power naval tLordsburg. The glider pilot said he
agreement will save the London expected to benable to make up the
negoiatonsfrom thefaiurelost time between here and New
negotiatiathons from the failure York. He is due in New York City
which stilll threatens the European next Sunday.
aspect of the parley. nextSunday.
But five power agreement re-
mained still the goal of the dele-
I gates, even through hours of ad-
versity. Prime Minister MacDon- N IN
ald assured the House of Commons
of this today, while Secretary Stim-
on and the American delegation vN
continued presistent efforts toward O
that end. 'Romeo and Juliet' to be Given
Japan's reply has been drafted R a u t n o
and should arrive for formal an- I by lay Production for
nouncement on Friday. Four Nights.
Advices from Tokio today said
Japan would make a reservation CLASS BUILDS SCENERY
regarding her demand for 70 per
^ent of American strength in large Tomorrow night will mark the
cruisers, yielding on this point opening of the first production o'I
when the purpose of a five year Shakespearean drama by a campus
working agreement on construction dramatic group for several tsea-
program, rather than surrender sons. Play Production will present
the ratio which her naval experts "Romeo and Juliet" for a four
are convinced is necessary to se- nightrun at the Lydia Men-
cure naval parity. delssohn theater.
While the conference in general Seats for therperformances are
prepared for Friday's plenary ses- all priced at 75 cents. They are on
sion, which is expected to mark the! sale at the box office of the Lydia
trend either toward speedy ad- Mendelssohn theatre. The box of-
iournment, or along the present fice will be open today from 11
painstaking sttdy 'of the European o'clock to 5 o'clock, and from to-
political problems, Foreign Minister morrow through Saturday will
Briand and Foreign Secretary H-en- stay open until 9 o'clock.
son of Great Britain continued ' ull d reeaka
their discussions of' France's se- -A lull dress rehearsal with
therdicsions omake-up was held last night at the
curity problem. theatre and another one is sched-
The British official spokesman uled for tonight.
while unable to announce any pro- Scener for the . .s
gram in the diplomatic game of y production is
hunting a formula which will sat- nearing completion. The set for the
isfy Great Britain, France and other scenery will be placed in
Italy on the security issue indicated front of this set to facilitate quick
that the foreign ministers and their changes. Charles Holden, grad.,
experts would stick to their tasks. has had charge of the construction
The heads of delegations met in of scenery.
St. James Palace for 15 minutes this
morning. The meeting did not de- JONES IN LEAD
velop into an important session as
had been expected in some quar- AT OPEN MEET
ters, but another meeting was call-
ed for Wednesday.
- fChampion Is Four Up on Field
After First Rounds.



Silver Bullet
186 Miles

Attains Speed
per Hour After


Six Attempts.




(By Associated Press)
31 - Motor trouble and a rough
beach combined today to thwart
the attempt of Kaye Don, veteran
British race car driver, to shatter
the world's automobile speed rec-
of 231 miles per hour over the
speedway here.
Despite advice from officials that
..i e course was not in condition for
a record-breaking attempt, Don
sent his giant 24 cylinder Silver
Bullet racer across the beach six
times, but the highest speed he was
able to attain was 186 miles per
After his first three runs, made.
at a fairly rapid clip, carburetor
trouble developed. The fastest
speed he was able to attain after
the trouble developed was 149.
Upon completing his trials, Don
towed the maching direct to the
garage and set a crew at work ad-
justing the difficulty. He said he
would renew his attempt tomorrow
if the beach is in good condition.
Low tide occurs at about 3:14 p. m.
but he would be able to make his
trials about an hour before that
Don sent his machine bouncing
along the course at a speed of 178
miles per hour on his first trial to-
day and then came back at 180 to
return a short time later at 186,
Despite the rough beach, Don ap-
parently had little trouble in keep-
ing the giant car under control.
Don admitted after his first
three runs that the beach was in
no condition for a record breaking
attempt, but said he wanted to
make additional trials in an effort
to learn just what adjustments
were necessary.

captured first honors in the 150
yard backstroke event.
Michigan's. flashy relay quartet
of Walaitis, Hosmer, Smith and
Walker, recently crowned national
champions and holder of the ex-
isting mark at the 200 yard dis-
tance fell a victim by a yard in a
I distinct upset to Yale's free style
|combine of Fobes, Butler, Bessimer
and Howland, to the time of one
minute and 36 seconds.
The Michigan natators netted
only six places, the two firsts, three
seconds and one third. Walker,
Wolverine dash ace, placed second
to Messimer of Yale in the 50 yard
freestyle, and got a third in the
dash, giving way to Howland and
Messimer of Yale, in that order.
Goldsmith missed out to Miller
in the breaststroke by a short gap,
the latter finishing the 220 yard
course in two minutes 40 and two-
fifths seconds.
50 yard dash, freestyle-won by
Messimer, Yale; Walker, Michigan,
second; Howland, Yale, third. Time
25 1-5 seconds.
440 yard swim-won by Ault,
Michigan; Osborne, Yale, second;
Leedy, Yale, third. Time 5:6 3-5.
Fancy diving-Won~~ y;haO9ggg
Yale; aike, Michigan, second;
Manuel, Yale, third. Winner's
points-73 5-10.
150 yard backstroke-Won by
Boldt, Michigan; Casill, Yale, sec-
ond, Valentine, Yale, third. Time,
1:46 4-5.
200 yard breaststroke-Won by
Miller, Yale; Goldsmith,' Michigan,
second; Mercer, Yale, third. Time,
2:40 2-5.
100 yard dash-Won by Howland,
Yale; Messimer, Yale, second; Wal-
ker, Michigan, third. Time 53-3-5
200 yard relay-Won by Yale:
Fobes, Butler, 'Messimer, Howland,
Time, 1:36. Michigan's team-Wal-
ker, Walaitis, Smith and Hosmer.
Ryerson Announces
Military Ball Plans
Preliminary plans for the annual
Military Ball to be held Friday,
May 2, at the Union under the
auspices of Scabbard and Blade
and the military department of the
University were announced yes-
terday by George Ryerson, '31,
chairman of the committee in
The identity of the orchestra has
not yet been revealed, but accord-
ing to Ryerson it will be a famous
Victor recording band heard at 11
o'clock every night on the radio
from a prominent night club. The
favors, to be of an entirely new na-
ture, have not been decided upon
by the committee, but the Military
Ball will see the inauguration of a
unique method of distribution and
one that has not yet been seen up-
on the campus.
Ticket sale for the ball is now go-
ing on at the R.O.T.C. office in the
military department building on the
Diagonal. There will be a prefer-
ential sale until after the spring
vacation, but reservations for tick-
ets may be filed now at the office.
General sale of tickets will begin
immediately after the recess. Tick-
ets are priced at five dollars.
OurWather Man


The Board in Control of Stu-
dent Publications will hold its
meeting for the appointment of
the Managing Editor and Bus-
iness Manager of The Michigan
Daily, the Michiganensian, and
the Gargoyle on May 3, 1930.

(By Associated Press)
AUGUSTA, Ga., March 31-Show-
ing perfect figures for the first two
rounds of the $5,000 Southeastern
open golf tournament here. Bobby
Jones lead the field of nearly 100
golfers with his 144 and showed a


G~r ~ l U /14 1.t04U #t/ lEach liV1cant ( L?"+""' 's"°ti "' """
ain floor and 50 cents for the .c r aIfour stroke lead over his rival, (yu' A uutdtu Pres)
}cony. sreuested t le sev copie of Horton Smith. KETTLE ISLAND, Ky., March 31
- his letter of application at the It was the second meeting of the -Mine relief squads, no longer
C_ Board office inthe Press building year for Jones and Smith. A gal- rescuers, but searcherj for the deadf,
lery of two thousand followed them went into the depts of the Pioneer
Sale tineS Today useoftheopies, egilfte through two rounds over the dif- coal mine here today and brought
---c s lb ficult par 72 hole course at the out the bodies of six of the sixteen
Following today's exclusive sale willbe satisfactoy Eas letter Country club. Smith beat the At- men believed killed in an explo-
eninerng students alone, should state the facts as to the
engineering f t e a e lide applicant's experience upon the lanta golfing barrister by one sion Saturday.
ikets for the revival of the Slide apulicat's eeeeupo thr'stroke in their battle at Savannah With the discovery of the bodies,
le dance, which will be held from publication or elsewhere, beao far I'
tl d2n, Friy eing in he Urm- as they may have any bearing last February. Had Calamity the experts directing the work ab-
until 2 Friday evening in the Un-upon his qualifications for the Jane" been functioning smoothly, andoned any hope that any of the
ballroom, will be placed on gen- position sought, and any other Jones would have had even a victims might have saved them-
al sale to the general public, an facts which the applicant may greater lead over the field. With selves.
nouncemeft by the committee Idfew exceptions his drives were long Tonight squads continued their
charge stated last night. The d E. R. SUNDERLAND, and straight, and approaches were efforts and expected to bring out
)ck of tickets is limited to 250, of si' -ss Manager, Board in Con true, but he missed about a dozen the last of the bodies by Wednesday
ich a majority have already] ro ! sp tunt Bation. outts. On one hole he used three noon. Furthered by the intense
en sold; bids are placed at $3. trol of Student Publications. utt_ before he could find the cup. heat which followed the explosion,,
- ------ -- --_-decomposition of the bodies had al-
T T T eady set in. The squad man said
'ARGOYLE'S TWENTY-FIRST ANNIVERSARY OBSERVED no evidence of fire had been found
1btthe force of the explosion ex-
IN APRIL NUMBER TO BE SOLD ON CAMPUS TOMORROW pelled the air amd stopped ventila-
tion, causing the normally high
temperatures to increase

I .


After 21 years of loyal service goyle right on time and decided to will find difficult to recognize, but
to Michigan and its public scatter- ,
ed throughout the nation, Gar- go after the Saturday Evening Post not as the West Physics Lab), an- German Biologist Will
goyle comes of age with its April with renewed vigor so that Gar- other of the Central residence for Lecture on Bees Todayi
number, which will be put on gen- goyle's founders will not be disap- nurses, and two remarkable futur-
eral sale Wednesday. The first is- pointed in their fond hope of put- istic photographs of Angell hall, Prof. Karl von Frisch of the Uni-
sue of the magazine appeared in, ting the Post out of commission.i one taken from the ground look- versity of Munich, 'Germany, will
1909 with the avowed purpose of! And the strange part of the ing up, and the other taken from speak at 4:15 today in Natural
outselling the Saturday Evening affair is, Gargoyle really has cele- the fourth floor. For the now cus- Science auditorium on "The Sense
Post, outwriting it, and finally out- brated with particularly good art tomary photograph of a theatric!and Language of the Bees." His lec-
lawing it to prove that Michigan work, several feature stories (illus- celebrity, Roy Hoyer, known to the Iture will be illustrated and though
culture conquers all. Itrated) which follow the policy theater as a juvenile of ability and of a scientific nature, will not be
Now that Gargoyle is 21, having initiated in the last number. some to Michigan as director of Opera handled in a technical manner.


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