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March 19, 1930 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-19

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Published every morning except Monday
during the TUniversity year by the Board in
Coutrol of Student Publications.
Member of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled
to the use for reptlblication of all news dis-
patches credited to t or not otherwise credited
tn this paper and the local news published
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $4.0s; by snail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business, 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editorial Chairman..........George C. Tilley
City Editor................Pierce Rosenberg
News Editor......... ....Donald J. Kline!
Sports Editor......Edward L. Warner, Jr.
Women's Editor........,...Marjorie. ollmer
Telegraph Editor.......Cassam A. Wilsonj
Music and Drama......William J. Gorman
Literary Editor.........Lawrence R. Klin
Assistant City Editor. ... Robert J. Feldman'
Night Editors-Editorial Board Members
Frank E. Cooper Henry J. Merry
William C. Gentry Robert L. Sloss
Charles R. Kauffman Walter W. Wilds
Gurney Williams
Morris Alcxandcr. Bruce J. Manley
Bertram Askwith Lester May
Helen Barc Margaret Mix
Maxwell Bauer David M. Nichol
Mary L. Behymer William Page
Allan H. Berkman Howard H. Peckham
Arthur J. Bernstein 1-ugh Pierce
r ur . erntein Victor Rabinowiti
S. Beach Conger John D. Reindel
Thomas 'M. Cooley Jeannie Roberts;
Helen Domme Joseph A. Russell
iveMargaret Eckels Joseph Ru witch
Catherine Ferri Ralpl R .Sachs
Carl F. Forsythe Cecelia Shriver
Sheldon C. Fullerton Charles R. Sprowl
Ruth Gallmeyer Adsit Stewart
Ruth Geddes S. Cadwell Swansom
Ginevra Ginn Jane Thayer
Jack Goldsmith Margaret Thompsost
rmily Grimes Richard L. Tobin
Morris trove-mate Robert Townsend
Margaret Har is Elizabeth Valentine
..Cullen Kennedy Harold O. Warren, Jr
Tean Levy G. Lionel Willens
ussell E. McCracken Barbara Wright
Dorothy Magee Vivian ZimiD


Telephone 21214
Assistant Manager
Department Managers

Advertising............T. 1Hollister Mabley
Advertising...........Kasper i. Halverson
Advertising... ........ , ,Sher wood A. Upto
Service....................George A. Spater
Circulation..........J..... Vernor Davis
--ut-.. -.. ore--John R. Rose
Pubicaion..., . ...Geoge . Hamilto
Business Secretary-Mary Chase
Byrne M. Badenoch Marvin Kobacker
James E. Cartwright Lawrence Lucey
obert Crawford horas Muir
Harry B. Culver George R. Patterso
Thomas M. Davis Charles Sanford
Norman Eliezer Lee Slayton
James Hoffer Joseph Van Riper
orris Johnson Robert Williamson
Charles Kline Wiliam R. Worboy
Dorothy Bloomgardner Alice MCully
Laura Codling Sylvia iler
Agnes Davis Hek n E. Musselwhite
Bernice Glaser Eleanor Walkinshaw
Hortense Gooding Dorothea Waterman
Student government at the Uni-
versity being far below its poten-
tialities both in point of power
granted it and in the perform-
ance of duties within its reach,
proposals for the increase of its
authority and influence are be-
coming the order of the day.
There is a factor of the Univer-
sity, students as well as faculty
members, who do not care for ad-
d4jional student government. A
none-too-lofty conception of un-
dergraduate governing bodies, held
by that particular group, is re-
sponsible for this pessimism. The
low repute of student governing
boards can be traced back to the
nature of the several organizations
on the campus. Self-interest, and
petty and personal politics have
been their dominating motives.
But this year, a few groups, as the
Student council and the, Union
have been struck by a new and
more sincere attitude toward their
tasks. With the standards of these
organizations raising themselves,
their general regard should become
more favorable, and the increase
of their power more acceptable.
In the development of any or-
ganization, its worth must be
proved, before it can expand, es-
pecially when its authority is de-
rivative from a higher source.
Similarly, with the Student council,
it must exhibit a consistent and
effective performance of activities
now within its reach, beforet can
acquire a freer exercise of power.
Stepsharmonious with this man-
ner of procedure have been inau-
gurated by the council. The inter-
mediate aim is to obtain a group of
representatives more experienced
in its several functions, which in
the end will produce a more ef-
fective and smoother performing
Under the present system, a pre-
ponderence of the council members
are seniors, most of whom are un-
acquainted with the detailed duties
and accustomed practices for ac-
complishing these, and possess
more or less passive attitude inas-

the work of the younger council- ,;,;;s ;
men. OA T ROLL Music And D ra
The council is acting wisely, in I AE LL
its move for additional power byl ! 0,,a -
first attempting t increase the SPRINGI"STATE STREET."
calibre of the or anization itself. HASj
If by the influx of vigor and exper- ARRIVED. A Review by Frank E. Cooper. I
a ence, this body can demonstrate ..
itc tis bo excutemnsmtd Spring has at last put in its ap- A white-haired lady carried
tits ability to execute its limited crne Ystda th bis
power in a more satisfactory man- pearance. Yesterday the birds roses into Lydia Mendelssohn the-
ner, the possibilities of its achiev- sang in deep meadows, children atre last night. The roses were to
romped at play, and the whole ,
ing a greater sphere of influence ro d wat a abe thrown at some (it didn't mat-
will be considerably raised. wold was akin. ter which) members of the ensem-
Yeah;--in California. ble; the lady was determined to-
enjoy herself. And she did.
Campus Opinion IIn fact, almost the whole audi-
ence same with the purpose of en-
confining themselves to less than 3oo joying themselves in watching a
wors of possible. Anonymous con- large group of college girls enjoy
m us c, co tu es
munications will be disregarded. T he
names of communicants will, however, themselves on the stage. The very
Ie regarded as confidential, upon re- frsneo n
quest. Letters published should ot be presence of music, costumes, and
construed as expressing the editorial scenery was almost all that would
o r opinion of The Daily. . * * *
Hee in Ann Arbor the birds sank have been required to have made
Hh the evening successful from the
GOOD SAMARIA. in deep snows, children griped at standpoint of the non-critical au-
To the Editor: play, and the whole world was dience. Even the flushed excited-
Prime Minister Mackenzie King achin'. ness of the formally gowned junior
has introduced into the Canadian
parliament a bill designed to pre- ,girl ushers lent a degree of plea-
vent the exportation of liquor fromseasoCA surable spontaneity to the even-
Canada to the United States. As a Aing's entertainment beforethe cur-
government measure, this bill will' tain had been rung up.
doubtless become law in due The sympathetic friendliness of
theuaudiencebheped thoseiindth
course: the opposition party will the audience helped those inthe
probably not venture to oppose it: cast to perform without too-evi-
--b yntvnue oops tdn taefih n ihre-
it has the support of the "dry" ele- dent stage-fright and with
ment in Canada, which may play markable vivacity the songs and
no inconsiderable part in the elec- The only sure way to experience dances they had conscientiously
tion now almost due; even more warm weather here is to go to sum- reahearsed. Only in the final
influential support cones fror mer school. scene did the audience-bred en-
who believe that it is not thusiasm of the actresses carry
them beyond the limits of effective
becoming for a citizen of one coun Two robins came forth yesterday presentation into that elaborate
tytoderive pecuniary benefit from ysedypeetto nota lbrt
a tradevthe existence of which de- morning to herald the arrival of type of over-acted farce which
r I dethepon sthe violation of the spring. Both of them went to bed often characterizes amateur pro-
lpends uponihborigan fie last night '-with chilblains and ductions. Throughout the earlier
laws of a neighborng and friendly double pneumonia. scenes, the girls carried their roles
state. The proposed legislation is,
in short, a amicablegue in-** with an objective faithfulness to
n hran amcbegesture in *Ithe book that was worthy of a~
dicative of Canada's desire to as- I've been trying to figure out carefully trained professional cast.
sist the United States in enforc- what a Technic slide-rule dance is. But after all, "State Street" was
ing it prohibition laws. They're going to have one here distinctly a college show. The ef-
Some potent arguments have April 4. The only thing I can fig- forts of a group that seemed on
been used against the proposal: ure out is that the floor committeeftstag oubeahatymot
the distilling of liquor is of course has made a rule that the dancers
a perfectly legitimate activity in must keep moving, an acceptable eye-and-ear enter-
Canada ,and one from which the * * * tainment which would carry on a
government derives a large reve- AT- 6-e -t rah i o nd wary h a
nue. Most Canadian liquor sold in Ad in classified column: LOST- 26-year-old tradition, were happily
s Leather notebook containing bi- successful.
n treasury at least nine dollars a ology notes, medium size. , The book, cleverly designed to
gallon in excise taxes or forefeited **M meet the needs of a production
bonds. The loss of this revenue, to- You're better off without it, ;that must accommodate a gigan-
gether with the vanishing of the brother. Medium size notes tic cast, had the single flaw of be-
profits from the manufacture of aren't very satisfactory. minalylos. t as of
liquor for exportation, costs the * * * musical numbers. It was written,
Canadian people tens of millions From all reports the JGP seems h
( of dollars a year. Furthermore to be a pretty good show. You books should be, in such a manner
the enforcement of the ban on li' never can tell, though, by what that each unit of it stood very well
quor clearances will entail the these cagey reviewers say, Take by itself. The author, Marian L.
maintenance of an expensive and Frank over there at your right. Reading, deserves credit for an eas-
very annoying type of border pa- They gave him a ticket for last ily moving, well adapted plot. The
veryannoing ypeof brderpa-large. number of clever gag lnes
trol. Why, it is asked, should Ca- night's show and he reciprocates
nadians be asked to contribute in with a nice favorable review. He introduced in, all the comedy'
thiswayto he ost f eforingcan't do anything else or the Jun-' scenes boast the double merit of
Tthis way to the cost of enforcing .elhmradbih i
American laws, especially as the ior Girls would be up here with a real humor and bright wit.
Americans themselves seem to en- bale of tar and a bucket of feath- Most of the songs were good
tera. numbers, and they were well sung.
tertain doubts as to the desirab-es "Sweet and Low-brow," "What Am
ility of having those laws enforced? ' I Waiting Fr?" and "Girl in Pink"
Doubt is also cast upon the prob- Now Rolls, unhampered by party '
able efficacy of the measure: the politics, personal influence, or com- were three of the best.
Canadian finance minister has mercial pressures, is free to tell all. The costumes were all very pret-
reckoned that not more than twoi Watch, therefore, for the Rolls re- ty andd becoming, as they were in-
I per cent of liquor sold in this coun- view of the JGP. Mere mention of tended, no doubt, to be. The show
I try is of Canadian manufacture; it almost brings a mutiny amongst! costumer isplayed a lavishness
eve if Cas i ablete; the cast and chorun and the entire which most professional producers
regulation cuts off all this supply company lives from day to day in cannot afford, and although some
theonly results will be a suply dread of the inevitable exposee. of the costumes were not well de-
h y sughy *signedthey all served to enhance
higher price for the American con- he wouldn't have to wait the charms of the wearers. A more
creation ofnewcriminal s hin so long if I could only find that gayly constumed show has not
creationof new criminal class nbeen seen on the Ann Arbor boards
Canada, a financial loss to Cana- pass. ; ; inmanya.mon.
dian industry, and increased ex- The mass scenes, with the ex-
tpense to the Canadian 'govern- Since the B. & G. boys insist up-I Th asseewt h x
mendt.' on making the campus look like ception of the county fair sequence,
ms gee. that Broadway by erecting lights every were poorly drilled and messy. But
Thugestfor co-operation from the few yards 1 should like to suggest all the dialogue was staged with a
r et o c t few ore im ovements for mod- commendable facility and art.
government of the United States a i The asiness with which the ac-
Thmaieswt hc h c

deserves the most serious attention th
at Otawa he citic ofmhe ea- ion moved from the scenes proper
at Ottawa, the critics of the ina- to the curtain-front interludes
sure maintain that the results to 1 Narrow gauge carline to runr
be expected from the new legisla walks. Fare across campus bring especial credit to the shoul-
bc~;de 'ithtranferdens of Director Amy Loomis.
tion constitute too high a price to would be five cents with transfer Jane Robinson easily took di-
pay for a "friendly gesture," the opiivines. vidual comedy honors with her in-
more so as it is not certain how 2 A dozen orange drink stands, terpretation of the bond-salesman
many Americans may interpret the 3. A penny arcade where stu- d
reform in that light. dents with some free time could;ingeand e toextracuro
X.mn X.X. see two rounds of the Dempsey- sing and was able to extract from
- - -- Caee to r ugh ofby turning a the audience all the laughs which
__ o___Icrank, o print their names on a y hidden in her gags and comedy
strip of aluminum for one cent, business.
Editorial Comment 4. Shoeshine parlor. The State-street waitresses, Jos-
5'd1 .Threseumsasklngor. dime selyn McLean and Ruth Bishop, as
,Three bums asking for d ele aetwnsied acd
for cup of coffee. Must be out ofHelen Kane twins, smiled, danced,
A FIVE-HORSEPOWER and boo-poobed their entertaining
work and haven't eaten for three
UMBRELLA. way through delightful comedy!
days, mister, number. They could sing, ci-
Christian Science Monitor. 6. A large red neon sign adver- dentally, and easily earned a large
How long will it be before one tising coming attractions in the number of enthusiastic encores.
may strap a five-horsepower mo- line of lectures, shows, etc. Helen Carrn, as a Gypsy fortune
tor on. his back, open a reinforce- 7 Four of five traffic lights -z teller, presented a specialty which
ed umbrellabover his head and pro- all green-for atmosphere only. scored the biggest hit of the eve-
ceed to his office via the air route? 8. Blind pig. ning among the solo offerings. The
I Recent airplane developments ap- 9. Padlock for same. audience insisted on a long encore
pear to forecast something of this 10. Another blind pig. to her "What am I Waiting For?"
character. Only, lately a parasol * h upotn emeso ih
type all-metal monoplaneThepropprtingmembers of the ?
tye al-metas monoply-ane-opel- - cast all performed ably. Perhaps
led by a Wasp forty-five-horse-1seilmnin hudg oBr
power engine flew from Seattle to ba Stratton, as the ultra-sophis-
Omaha at an average speed of 157 1 IJticated college woman. Her room-
miles an hour. .. -h' mate, played by Jean Boswell, was
The driver of a one-hosshayportrayed cleverly as the scheming
had his visions of a vehicle that! Lousy. pseudo-busy woman of importance
sped swiftly through the streets **in campus and sorority affairs.
with no visible means of propul- Tiny Tim writes in to say he saw Vivien Bulloch smoked cigarettes I
sion, but his wildest dreams could a student cut a worm in two on ferociously and otherwise did a I
never have pictured the beautiful campus the other day because it good job of portraying a gypsy
and silent automobiles that now looked lonesome villain as such a character is con-
glide over the highways of the civ- * * ; ceived by co-eds.

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