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March 19, 1930 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1930-03-19

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KTAVAM U MffA'vA WE G;xm &I mm


..: Q

|iind a Philosopher PROMINENT FACULTY MEN DISCUSS P|11( Opportunity Is Givenf
Arat A.A.U.W. Luncheon*for Swimming Meet
Students and Graduates Believe 1versity education." 'The honors i EA STED11YUS I11L npreparationot ea T
The International R e 1 a t i o n s That System Should Not Be | course in the English departmentInn for the interclass
group of the A. A. U. W. will have Adopted Immediately. here 'represents only a minute di- swimming meet which will take
PANS FOR PAGEA NT'as speaker at luncheon Thursday, vision of the system as practiced Program of Music and Dramatic place April 8 in the Union pool, Last St
Pandit J. C. Chatterji, noted Hindu The English honors, or tutorial, in England and some of our East- Sketches Is Sponsored b women of the various classes will W
philosopher. The topic which he system of study as practiced in ern colleges.Wm sC b have an opportunty to practice
Advisors Arrange Dance Groups will discuss will be "Modern Life the English department has not Professor Lowell J. Carr. of the Wsunder the supervision of their clas,3
and Set Schedules for and Problems in India." Reserva- been an unadulterated success, tt sociology department, heartily en- GLEE CLUBS FEATURED managers. The pool is regularly BOB C
Practices. 1 tions for the luncheon, which will is generally conceded by faculty dorses the honor system in theory, open to women on these days from
be held at 12:15 in the main din- men and students at Michigan. All but does not believe it would be Dramatic sketches and solo and 7 to 9 o'clock. i Japan
WILL NAME COMMITTEES ing room of the League building, agree that theoretically the systeni practical in operation in so large instrumental music comprised the Managers in charge of the class of the
______ ~can be made by calling Mrs. W. K. has definite advantages over the an institution as Michigan. How- 3wimming teams are Jean Botsforcd,th wo
Miss Adams Urges Entrants Not I-Wilson, 2-1010. lecture system, but it has not as yte ever, he says, "It is especially de-- Easter Musicale of the Woman's freshman; Emily Bates, sopho- the wor
rgPandit Chatterji, a graduate of been worked out satisfactorily, and sirable in courses where the aim is Club of Ann Arbor which was given more: Elizabeth Whitney, junior, League
to Limit Themselves to the Sanskrit college in Calcutta, its adoption in other departnints, to create originality and individual yesterday afternoon in the ball- and Frances Sackett, senior. These ship is s
One Number. India, and Trinity college, Cam- as it stands, would not be practical. work. The graduate is conducted room of the Michigan League build- managers will be present during 4 until
bridge, is at present the director of "It is a distinct advantage for somewhat on these lines. A need is , .the scheduled hours to answer any
h the International School of Vedic one who wants honors in some par- pparent for freshmen and sopho- img. Following is the program, questions concerning the events cording
and Allied Research in New York u mores to feel that some interest is which was prepared by Mr. R. H. which have been planned, and to Haydee
Wihena gr ing ofresh- n A llied Renearh hNe Yk three years instead of one," Pro- taken in thei wk, and to e Kempf, chairman of the division organize the various teams which arrangei
numbers at a general meeting for Ar bor in conjunction with the In-fesormWrnerG.Rce, fsteakEng-coe otcswt h aut,"( fEueEmsc
the Freshman Pageant h ternational committee of the Stu a Graduates Censor Coursem will compete in the meet. A Jap
twhichwas dent Christian association and the h department, said nm speaking In the Opinion of Michigan gad-Etude E Ma or ......Chopin vade th
held at 4 o'clock yesterday after- University isinasci nof the honors system. "This at'- uateshop stdiedf undrchen g- Scherzo B flt minor.....Chopin ,.URVY IS iMADE. dancing
noon in Sarah Caswell Angell hall Anyone interested in hearing rangementa sr n - swhorstue nehs. .d. .
at Barbour gymnasium, active pre- Pandit Chatterji's discussion of tration. Here some of the students lisp honors course, oner whoh as Rayndu M rOtra.The
of eec heEgIs previously studied under the le-Choral numbers interest
parations for the annual affair modern India is invited to attend who elect the English honors ture system is not prepared to Boys' and Girls' Glee Clubs. In a recent survey made of a be serv
were put under way.l e instruction are poorly prepared change abruptly to the tutorial iBalcony scene from Romeo and comparison of the students of terialize
Miss Sylvia Adams, advisor, be- i and thus severely handicapped. system. Also, graduates say that! Juliet.............Shakespeare eastern universities and westernI on Inter
MiON Sylveig Adys aisor, be-n1 None have the same background few in their groups received from Court scene from Merchant of universities, an editorial in the ese stud
detail the meetingby explaining ineilland can not be expected to receive the course what they should have i Venice. .......Shakespeare California Bruin of the University will be
e the program thageanl like benefits from the course because it covered too much Mrs. Allison Ray Heaps. of California says: "Two facts are makem
She urged that entrants should Prof. Rice Favors Tradition. ground, and too .much work was Aria--Paca Paca Miodio, aria from particularly significant: first, that about t
not limit themselves to one groupi MEVILL "The idea of the English system prescribed, leaving little scope for La Forza del Destino.....Verdi to a greater extent western stu-au
but should participate in as many I of instruction is spreading in Am- the student's own initiative. Ah, Love but a Day......Beach dents are contributing to their own
adopt- Students who have this year The Wonderful Birch . . . . . . . . . . . . educational expenses by working;
160 omsienctelirible wedNo Limit to Number of Girls ed at Amherst and Dartmouth, and I elected the English honors course , ................. Gretchinnuoff second, western students take long- Annc
10 women eligible. Helen DeWitt'd say that it is in theory superior to Take Joy Home ...........Bassett er to finish their college careers that t
general chairman, explained how E However, I am not in favor of the the lecture system, but offers t ne Miss Thelma Lewis, with than eastern students." schedu
groups would be divided and nter an Event. colleges here giving way to tradi- individual student little opportun- Mrs. John Worley, accompanist. The writer goes on to show how day w
how the eligibility cards were to tion and adoptirg this system. In- ity to read according to his own in- Nocturin .... " ............Respighi these facts show the fundamental Chi O
A a recentmeeting of the tra- stead, it is my hope, as it is of clination. All who are taking the Serenade to the Doll .....Debussy tendencies of the different sec- instea
Prmacticin fothenurc r tathesn intrsan- many in this department, that we course have had different nrepar-I Scherzo...............Brahms tions of the country-that the east- G. T.
Practicing for the dances will be- oun ed that meet will be held j have smaller classes and a more ation, and all have a different pur- Mr. Morin. ern university has passed its ma- viously
gin right away. Any woman w Thursday, March 27. The compe- compact curriculum. The student pose in mind, while each nember Joy of the Morning Harriet Ware ture stage and may be headed for! Butler
was not able to attend the meeting titive events will be golf riflery should be allowed to choose his de- of the course is required to fulfill Alleiuja... . . . . . . .Humphries a decaying scholasticism, while the talk,"
should either come when her group archery, fencing, and bowling. ' partment, but with the courses in the same prescribed reading re- Miss Nora Crane Hunt with cello western university has just passed the M
meets or arrange a time with Miss No limit has been set to the I that department specified and laid qmrements. obligato by Francis Keasy and its infant stage of development. sing.
Adams. Following is the time number of events that a girl may out for him." accomptnied by Miss Retta -
schedule for the practices. Eng- enter, or to the number of girls Professor Peter M. Jack, of the iMusic for the Junior Prom at the MNight. "Priscilla's Pantry," a tea room
lish country dance group-4 o'clock from a house that may enter an rhetoric department, said on this University of Cincinnati March 15 Mr. Morin is a student in the of the Puritan period, was opened Statist
Thursday; scarf dance group--4 event, with the exception of bowl- subject, "In my opinion the best will be furnished by the "Indiana University School of Music, and for one afternoon as the project of Labor sh
o'clock Tuesday; highland fling ing. The contestants will sign up thing that could happen eto(Queens," an orchestra entirely of has studied previously in the New the women students taking a home man in 2
and tumbler dances groups-4 when they go to the Women's Ath- American universities would be girls. The committee in charge of England conservatory in Boston,I economics course at the Univer- side the
o'clock Wednesday; Irish dance letic building on the day of the I the adoption of complete honors the music desired to offer a variety with Charles Naegle and at the sity of Illinois. 11 was s
group-4 o'clock Monday; bow and meet. Points will be given to a courses in five or six major sub-'in the way of orchestras, and they Julliard school in New York City.
arrow dance group-5 o'clock Wed- house for entering girls, regardless jects. This would separate stu- feel that they are offering the ul- I Members of the glee clubs were
nesday; gypsies, Hungarian and of where they place in the meet: dents who want merely to get by timate in novelty by presenting from the Ann Arbor High school
Italian dances groups-5 o'clock Individual cups will be given to the from serious students interested in this band which is in demand and were under the direction of
Tuesday. Miss Adams will arrange I high scorers. mastering a subject. The advan- throughout the Big Ten. Miss Juva Higbee
the time of any dance groups not Plans were also discussed for a -a-stesubect.leia tt achlI:1i^
mentioned. pending tennis tournament. Each ages to the tudent li i' Letu
Ameigfrtecmiterepresentative was requested toas ing him definitely throughout his e
A t i n o rc lt hk cgmsit the a sg t u d n t l f e t o o n e d e p a t m e n t a n d I p _iu n c I
chairmen of the Pageant will be her house whether the girls prefer stdet if o nedeatmntan\
a ige oraen oadulsto one tutor in that department. - vi. , i nn
held'at 4 o'clock Thursday at Bar- tourname n hterteyanube "The independent reading course = / N N,.W EIr
bour "gymnasium. At this time both. They'were asked to find out in the senior year allowed by the BEAUTY SHOP
other members of the committees whether their girls would support English department is an excellent -'Shampoo with Henna Rinsc $1.25 -e
will be named. ping-pong and deck tennis, if they idea and foreshadows the coming I Shampoo with Marcel . $1.25p-
were installed at Barbour gymna- of English honors courses. This=_ THROUGH MARCH
Kansas Women Vote ) sium. The baseball tournament is honors system is practiced withI Frde s' PetWav $8c
to begin April 23. great success in the University of Witreher6cs. ermanent averi8.50
to Eliminate Queen I Toronto. I is not a new idea; it i 6 Months' Service
From Junior Party DORMITORIES GIVE has long been the chief cause of 1110 S. "U". 25% Dscount Monday and Tuesday part
whatever success English umversi- Phone 7561
At a mass meeting of the women EXCHANGE DINNER ties have achieved." _''___'_____'_
of the University of Kansas it was -~-- Contrast With English System.
voted that the Junior Prom shall Sophomores and freshmen of Professor Jack contrasted the or-
be without a queen. The innova- Betsy Barbour house and Heleng ganization of the honors courses Hark To His Masters Voice! Saying
tion of a prom queen was not in- dinners on Monday evening, March as they are conducted in England
tened o b a olticl mnouer117 The freshmen of Helen New- wihtaofhecusgvnhr.
nor to foster an undemocratic berry were entertained at Betsy h"Tie system of specialization in G O To UNIVERSITY MUSIC HOUSE T H E B E T S
spirit on the campus, but was Barbour and the sophomores of one subject or, at most, two, and For Eey Musicl
started in an attempt to follow Betsy Barbour were dinner guests i of studying it over a period of veryting
similar plans of larger universities. at Helen Newberry. three or four years in order to!
The women voted against it be- This tradition is carried out every graduate with honors in that sub- Radios:-
cause they considered ' it a mea- year on the premiere night of the ject is the backbone of English uni- Majestic, Victor, Croakey
sure that would cheapen the wom- Junior Girls' Play when the upper- Lowest Prices: Pianos:- .... 13-15 Nickels Arc
en of the campus and lower the classmen are absent from the dor- E ETERMS Id, hC b
tone of the University. mitories. - YPEWIVnTERSTonSuitadiohri n
v T T~l1UCf~iv Y74: , _- .:. ...v. ..P .

op-off of Leaguetania'
ill Be Friday in the
League Ballroom.
will be the last stop-off
Leaguetania" on its round
ld tour sponsored by the
Social committee. The good
cheduled to be in port from
6 on Friday afternoon, ac-
to advance reports from
Soupe, '31, chairman of
anese atmosphere will per-
e League ballroom where
may be enjoyed to music
by Bob Carson's orches-
ere will be bridge for those
d, and refreshments will
d. If present plans ma-
one of the dances given
national Night by Japan-
ents in native costume,
repeated. Miss Soupe will
ore definite announcements
is party later in the week.
ouncement has been made
he meeting of the D.A.R.
led for 3 o'clock Thurs-
ill be held at the Alpha
omega house, 1004 Olivia,
i of at the home of Mrs.
Awlmendinger as pre-
planned. Hachley W.
will give an illustrated
Around the World," and
idnight Sun quartet will
ics of the Department of
ow that one married wo-
0 was working for pay out-
hqme in 1890 while one in
imilarly emiployed in 1920.
s furnish the
h, wafers or
c iao sa nd -
zes for your


£14=aw h e Orchestral Instruments i.
SUPPLIES You Pay. Victor, Columbia, Brunswick
for all makes of -Records
best qualityiata moderate'price. ASK THOMAS HINSHAW, Mgr.




In Jars ... $1.00 V
Tub s 0
.1b. Jars $2.50 ..



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